Land reform
Recent papers in Land reform
La sfârșitul Primului Război Mondial, unirea condiționată votată la Alba Iulia a rezervat Transilvaniei un statut ambiguu în cadrul României Mari, acela al unei provincii semiautonome. Conform Rezoluției Adunării Naționale de la Alba... more
Land reform is one way in which the 'new' South Africa set out to redress the injustices of apartheid and, by redistributing land to black South Africans, to transform the structural basis of racial inequality. During the first decade of... more
This 2011 submission was prepared to provide commentary on the Green paper
The paper puts forward a workable rural development strategy. It shows on which principles, which historical realities and which statistical facts such a strategy should be based. It looks at what the government is doing to promote rural... more
Some rights reserved 1 2 3 4 17 16 15 14 This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The... more
We conducted a systematic review on the effects of land tenure recognition interventions on agricultural productivity, income, investment and other relevant outcomes. We synthesise findings from 20 quantitative studies and nine... more
This paper examines the role of household characteristics and government policy in shaping land use and forest fallow management in a peasant community (ejido) in the southern Yucat! an Peninsula, Mexico. Data gathered through in-depth... more
Recenzió Szakál Imre: Telepesek és telepes falvak a csehszlovák Kárpátalján. MTA TK Kisebbségkutató Intézet – Kalligram, Budapest, 2017. kötetéről.
This conference paper from 2010 examines how land reform and rural development are routinely presented as key components of the poverty reduction strategy driven by the State. The restitution programme occupies a particular place in the... more
This article examines critically the Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Village with the perspective of access and exclusion dymanics. Focused on the natural resource questions, this paper demonstrates that Village Law has normatively... more
Land Reform and Expropriation from Female Owners (1962-1972); Western Iran Case Study Goal: the general aim of the present paper is to outline the evolution of female landlords during Land reform revisions. We want to show why and how... more
The Philippines’ longstanding campaign for agrarian reform has largely been led mainly by peasant organizations with deep links to the democracy movement. Following the transition from martial law to electoral politics in 1986, a broad... more
It is a well-known fact that millions of people all over the world do not have access to food on a daily basis or face hunger, malnutrition and starvation, despite the fact that their governments have ratified international treaties in... more
Paper selected by the World Bank for the Land and Poverty Conference 2018: Land Governance in an Interconnected World March 19-23, 2018, Washington, DC This paper presents the challenges and possible opportunities to resolve an... more
Sol – Ressource – Non fongibilité – Immobilier – Financiarisation – Opacité – Observation – Patrimoine – Appropriation – Segmentation du marché – Usus, fructus, abusus – Bouquet de droits – Cadastre – Tragédie des communs – Propriété... more
The current Ethiopian government originated in a Marxist revolutionary movement, which early in its struggle against the Derg regime recognized the widespread discrimination against women in Ethiopian society and placed gender... more
Final report of the four-month Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services Field Support Activity in the Republic of Tajikistan. Implemented by the University of Illinois to support the US Government Feed the Future activity. Annexes to... more
Drawing on an ethnographic analysis of communities living in the vicinity of industrial tuna fishing and processing facilities in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea (PNG), this chapter explores and critiques some of the claims which are... more
My research focuses on rural women's violence and violence against women during the Communistled Land Reform in North China from 1946 to 1948. Using "worn-out shoes" (poxie, women accused of transgressing sexual norms) as a lens, the goal... more
With the dawn of democracy in South Africa in 1994, the struggle of indigenous Griqua for land has gained new momentum. Having lost most of their ancestral land in the 19th century due to colonialism, Griqua people are now using new legal... more
Catatan lapangan dari kunjungan delegasi Indonesia ke Filipina untuk belajar tentang pelaksanaan Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) di Filipina. CARP merupakan kebijakan reforma agraria yang telah berjalan selama puluhan tahun... more
The debate on the feasibility and appropriateness of land expropriation without compensation in South Africa revolves around the construction of S25 of the Constitution. The manner in which the racially skewed land ownership patterns in... more
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The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) is an autonomous agency engaging in multidisciplinary research on the social dimensions of contemporary problems affecting development. Its work is guided by the... more
Przedmiotem niniejszej analizy jest wielopłaszczyznowa, wielopoziomowa i kompleksowa analiza zagadnień związanych z działalnością zbrojnego ruchu oporu, który miał miejsce w Polsce od 1944 r., kiedy, wraz z ofensywą Armii Czerwonej na... more
The paper examines the production and marketing of wheat in Zimbabwe during and in the post economic structural adjustment program in Zimbabwe. It demonstrates that wheat has been and remains a problem for Zimbabwe. It traces wheat... more
This paper situates literature on food sovereignty and land reforms in relation to academic and popular writings about land issues in Canada. We argue that settler Canadian food sovereignty scholarship and activism has yet to sufficiently... more
This paper examines the relationship between the current state of land ownership rights and agricultural efficiency in the Chinese countryside, and assesses the prospects for further achievements to output and scale through two specific... more
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The acquisition of agricultural land by the government for the establishment of industries is often viewed as an unavoidable necessity for development. The various adverse consequences of land acquisition without proper rehabilitation of... more
Cite as follows: Hetherington, Kregg. 2016. "Surveying the Future Perfect: Anthropology, Development and the Promise of Infrastructure." In Infrastructures and Social Complexity: A Companion. P. Harvey, C.B. Jensen, and A. Morita, eds.... more
Using empirical evidence from the Philippine land reform , this paper examines land reform theory and practice, and argues that convention has a priori excluded a significant portion of actually existing land-based production and... more
Kerala's widely acclaimed land reform failed to yield social equality. This article analyzes Kerala's land question from the perspective of social equity and shows that even after the much touted land reform, land inequality in the state... more
The article discusses a number of current assumptions about the history of Indonesian rights to land
The Danish land consolidation tradition has its roots in the land reform launched in the 1780s. The first “modern” land consolidation law was adopted in 1924. The land consolidation procedure is today basically the same as the system... more
ENGLISH SUMMARY OF PH.D. THESIS The countries in Central and Eastern Europe began a remarkable transition from centrally planned economies towards market economies in 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell. Land reforms were high on the... more
Rev. Robert Anderson, BA, TCD, (1843-1890), Protestant Home Ruler, Land Leaguer, Preaching in Drinagh on the Sin of Land Grabbing. Career: Graduate of TCD, BA, 1864 Served Curate Kilbrogan, Bandon 1870-1874 Tracton Abbey 1874-1875... more
A 2014 think piece commissioned to help frame a Transformative Scenario Planning exercise by Reos and Vumelana
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of spontaneous fermentation on proximate composition, physicochemical and microbial characteristics of sprouted millet-acha blends with the aim of producing fermented flour blends... more