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Outdoor environmental education has long postulated a link between experiences outdoors in ‘natural’ environments and environmental concern. This paper suggests a straightforward relationship is problematic due to its implicit assumption... more
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      Environmental EducationGilles DeleuzeOutdoor EducationAnimism
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies
The purpose of this paper is to explore what thinking with a philosophy of ‘becoming’ might produce in terms of conceptualising Learning for Sustainability (LfS), a recent development in Scottish educational policy. The paper posits that... more
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      Environmental EducationTeacher EducationContemporary animismEnvironmental Humanities
My argument is that while the dual categories of immanence and transcendence are often used in historical scholarship today as if they were universally valid, their actual use in this form cannot be traced back further than Kant. As a... more
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      KantBaruch SpinozaTranscendenceImmanence
Among scientific impulses in Peter Greenaway’s film is his interest in biochemistry and evolution. Setting aside the TV biopic Darwin (1993), I draw special attention to his two early films displaying experimental imaginations of men... more
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      Film TheoryDigitizationGilles DeleuzeImmanuel Kant
La tesi presenta inizialmente il pensiero di Jacques Derrida sull'animalità. Il tema affrontato è la sovranità dell'uomo sul resto dei viventi, in particolare nei riguardi della discriminazione dell'animalità. Nei capitoli a seguire si... more
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      PhilosophyOntologyPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemology
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      Feminist SpiritualityTranscendenceImmanenceWomen and Religion
review to G. Solla, Il debito assoluto, l’economia della vita (ETS, Pisa 2018), with the title “Istruzioni per riscrivere la storia del debito. O la borsa o la vita”, for the journal “Doppiozero”.
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      Political PhilosophyTheoretical PhilosophyImmanenceDiritto romano
The present thesis seeks to address, in a reading of the text Le bain de Diane by Pierre Klossowski, the specific modalities through which literature aims to understand the complex ties between concepts of 'immanence' and 'transcendence'.... more
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      LiteraturePierre KlossowskiText And ImageTranscendence
This paper aims to understand meditation as a spiritual practice in the eastern religious traditions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, which is based on an important concept that a higher spiritual level in the inner world could be developed... more
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      PsychoanalysisGilles DeleuzeMeditationImmanence
In his book, Capitalised Education: An Immanent Materialist Account of Kate Middleton, David R. Cole thoughtfully and thoroughly engages in an analysis that extends beyond the modern era to take into account a multiplicity of events and... more
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      SemioticsTeaching and LearningEducationMarxism
In the article I argue that Hegel and Deleuze/Guattari construct two distinct political paths toward immanence. Both of these paths have as their starting point Rousseau's bourgeois. I show that both thinkers follow Rousseau in his... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPolitical Science
In his elegy “In Memory of W.B. Yeats,” W.H. Auden writes, “the words of a dead man / are modified in the guts of the living.”
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      H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)Second World WarModernismTranscendence
This paper consider the experience of intoxication as one of immersion in immanence, rather than transcendent escape from reality. It critically traces the attempt to achieve experiential immanence in Deleuze and Guattari, Nick Land, and... more
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English Language Original Draft of “Имманентность и Жизнь” published in Логос: Философско-Литературный Журнал (“Immanence and Life: A Review Essay on Roberto Esposito’s Living Thought: The Origins and Actuality of Italian Philosophy” in... more
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      Continental PhilosophyContinental Philosophy of Religion (Philosophy)Speculative RealismContemporary Italian Philosophy
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      HegelGilles DeleuzeDeleuzeTranscendence
Alex Dubilet’s essay “The Catastrophic Joy of Abandoning Salvation: Thinking the Postsecular with Georges Bataille” explores the way Bataille belies the established divisions between theological... more
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      ReligionPhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionTheology
"The short stories of Raymond Carver have been associated, since their publication, with a particular kind of American landscape, which became popularly known as ‘Carver Country’. This supposedly ‘dead-end’ suburban space resonated with... more
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      Space and PlaceRiversContemporary American PoetryImmanence
Prononcées par Husserl à l'Université de Goettinge en 1907, les cinq leçons qui forment le texte de L'idée de la phénoménologie ont pour but l'exposition d'un itinéraire philosophique qui n'est rien de moins que, comme son titre... more
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlImmanenceTranscendance
Call me wolfing. I was murdered in Lancashire (now a part of Cumbria) in 1390CE, by some pre-enlightened gentlemen. It was just before the perceptual turning point from Theos to Mechanos; from a transcendent God to little ghosts in your... more
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      PoetryGilles DeleuzeDark EcologyVictorian poetry
Michel Foucault, in his foreword to the first volume of Capitalism and Sclyizopbreniu (and revealingly, with apologies to its authors), wrote that Muti-Oedipus is a book of ethics, the first book of ethics to be written in France in quite... more
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      EthicsGilles DeleuzeMichel FoucaultMorality
In order to do that, I will analyze how the transcendence/immanence distinction has been charged with masculinism and I will show how Changfoot's and Bergoffen's models avoid these charges. Inspired by their responses and by Young's use... more
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      PhenomenologySimone de BeauvoirPhenomenology of the bodyIris Marion Young
Tous les horaires indiqués sont HNE (i.e. New York). Rejoignez-nous pour les pauses Zoom et pour les heures de socialisation! Tous les panels auront lieu sur Zoom. Les ID de réunion et mots de passe se trouvent dans ce programme. Chaque... more
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      Jean WahlTranscendenceExistentialismImmanence
Hem Spinoza hem de Nietzsche yalnızca içkin düşüncenin içine gizlenmiş aşkınlık tortularını temizlemekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda aşkınlığın arkasında yatan tipolojiyi de ortaya çıkarırlar. Bu, içkinlik düşüncesinin aslen pratik bir disiplin... more
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      EthicsGilles DeleuzeFriedrich NietzscheJacques Derrida
"De Bergson à Heidegger : rythme et lieu (esthétique immanente et logique immanente)", article publié en japonais dans Annual review of the Philosophical Association of Western Japan, no. 25 (Oct. 2017), p. 117-139.... more
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      AestheticsLogicHenri BergsonMartin Heidegger
The most original and shocking interpretation of Lucretius in the last 40 years. Thomas Nail argues convincingly and systematically that Lucretius was not an atomist, but a thinker of kinetic flux. In doing so, he completely overthrows... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Religion
This chapter examines the rhetoric of Máirtín Ó Cadhain (1906–70), an Irish-language writer and activist. Ó Cadhain developed a few key tropes in Irish-language expression—‘dead’, ‘live’ and ‘clay’—to reveal a series of analogies which he... more
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      SemioticsIrish StudiesFolkloreRhetoric
Both performance and pedagogy operate on a two–way communication between the agent and the recipient: the actor and the audience, the teacher and the student. Both performance and pedagogy have the potential to transform as well as to... more
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    • Immanence
As God is omnipresent (Terrien 1978, 249), “All of life is lived in his presence. ” Many have sought his presence through philosophy and nature (Kreider 2014, 20, 25). Martin Luther believed that “God is present everywhere, but he is... more
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      TheologyOld Testament ProphecyOld Testament TheologyOld Testament
Alain Badiou embarks on a close reading of Hegel’s Aesthetics to consider how his own recently-developed concept of the “index”—designating the crucial point of mediation between finite works and the absolute (or the means by which “works... more
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      PhilosophyArt HistoryContinental PhilosophyHegel
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      PhenomenologySimone de BeauvoirJean Paul SartreBad Faith
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      Media StudiesGilles DeleuzeProcess PhilosophyGilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsEthicsChinese Philosophy
This chapter is from my book "Kulturelle Komplexität: Gilles Deleuze und die Kulturtheorie der American Studies" (transcript, 2015). Its aim is to delineate and discuss Deleuze's temporal understanding of the constitution of subjectivity,... more
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      Philosophy of AgencyFilm TheoryGilles DeleuzeFriedrich Nietzsche
Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks are today acknowledged as a classic of the human and social sciences in the twentieth century. The influence of his thought in numerous fields of scholarship is only exceeded by the diverse... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologyPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
All goes onward and outward.
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      PoststructuralismLiterary CriticismCapitalismDialectical Materialism
This paper deals with Cervantes’s Don Quijote and Kathy Acker’s punk, postmodern Don Quixote as two “aesthetic objects” that connect with each other across time and textual space in rhizomatic, non-linear fashion, in enriching and... more
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      Ortega y GassetTheory of Metaphor and RhetoricsGilles DeleuzePostmodern Fiction
Questo studio analizza il romanzo "Lolita" di Vladimir Nabokov utilizzando un approccio lacaniano. Evidenzia come l'opera possa essere considerata un capolavoro della letteratura contemporanea in quanto mostra in primo luogo le dinamiche... more
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      MetaphysicsEnglish LiteratureExistential PsychologyJacques Lacan
Quelle que soit la dimension rationnelle et argumentative de toute sa philosophie, Spinoza ne peut en aucune façon être considéré comme un théoricien de la « justification » de l’action politique par référence à des « valeurs » que... more
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      SpinozaSciences PolitiquesImmanenceDémocratie
Speculative philosophers who seek to revive the classical opposition between empiricism and rationalism maintain a tormented relation to Gilles Deleuze. On the one hand, they are themselves the bastard children of a Deleuze reception... more
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      OntologyPragmatismContinental PhilosophyAntonin Artaud
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      ReligionComparative ReligionIntellectual HistoryPsychology
Lucretius was the first philosopher of immanence. It is he and not Democritus or Epicurus who holds this title. If we want to understand the historical emergence of the concept of immanence, we should start by distinguishing its... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionNew Religious Movements
This thesis contributes to contemporary debates on the nature of immanence and transcendence in political philosophy by developing the political and micropolitical implications of a philosophical position committed fully to immanence. For... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPoststructuralismContinental Philosophy
This is a critical study of music for electric guitars by composer-performer Rhys Chatham (b. 1952), work that distils and synthesises elements from various genres, primarily, minimalism and rock. I investigate the development,... more
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      MusicMusicologyPopular MusicParticipation
This review essay attempts to present a coherent and reasonably unitary picture of the contemporary ‘Speculative Turn’ as charted in the reviewed volume. Avoiding a more objective yet more anodyne chapter by chapter summary, I paint an... more
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      Analytic PhilosophyCritical RealismContinental PhilosophyRealism (Philosophy)
Kabir, we may think, needs no introduction. After all we believe he was born a Hindu (miraculously of a Brahmin virgin widow according to Kabir-panthis), found in a lake and reared by Muslim foster parents; used a stratagem to become guru... more
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Speculative realists claim that almost all post-Kantian philosophy suffers from what they call correlationism: that we never know ourselves or objects in-themselves. Correlationism, they claim, originated with Kant's response to Hume.... more
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      OntologyGilles DeleuzeSpeculative RealismImmanuel Kant
This chapter is an exercise in engaging with the concepts and functions populating Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s (schizo)analysis of fascism. Immanence will constitute the conceptual pivot of the chapter. I contend that one must... more
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      Critical TheoryFascismPopulismGilles Deleuze
Cet essai porte sur le problème philosophique de la communication, à partir de la question, classique en métaphysique, de l’un et du multiple. Le but est de proposer une philosophie immanentiste de la communication, capable de penser la... more
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