Contemporary animism
Recent papers in Contemporary animism
4; 395 Anthropological Theory Rane Willerslev spiritual knowledge and dreaming
Exploring the intra-actions of new animist and new materialist movements within the environmental (post)humanities, this paper argues for transductive methods in-between the disciplines of the sciences and humanities and Western, Eastern,... more
Call me wolfing. I was murdered in Lancashire (now a part of Cumbria) in 1390CE, by some pre-enlightened gentlemen. It was just before the perceptual turning point from Theos to Mechanos; from a transcendent God to little ghosts in your... more
New animism, as derived from Ojibwe philosophy and articulated by anthropologists of religion, begins in a relational worldview and implies ways of knowing that challenge Cartesian dualism. Opening with a story of my relationship with a... more
Focusing on the Western intellectual lineage, this essay traces the human archetypal metaphor for the universe as it shifts three times, from that of a great mind, to a great machine, to the modern-day transition toward an organismic view... more
Do it Yourself (DiY) is a participatory culture which exemplifies a particular ethos in its approach to technology and materials. Rather than engage with 'complete' technologies, such as a technology supplied as ready-to-go item, the DiY... more
Psychedelic shamanism might be thought of primarily as a communication with Nature, for instance by asking the plants directly which ones can heal a particular illness, or by asking the plant spirit to teach them, or by using the plant in... more
Ensayo-crónica de la serie "Amazoneando" (Cosmografías literarias II). Literaturas amazónicas.
How do we take indigenous animism seriously in the sense proposed by Viveiros de Castro? In this article, I pose this challenge to all the major theories of animism, stretching from Tylor and Durkheim, over Lévi-Strauss to Ingold. I then... more
This chapter explores the Timorese notion of Lulik, a term that is often glossed in English as sacred, holy or forbidden. Common uses of the term include Uma Lulik (sacred house), Rai Lulik (sacred land), Bee Lulik (sacred water), foho... more
It seems that profound 'End of Life Experiences' quite commonly involve the appearance of a personally significant animal, bird, or butterfly. A brief autobiographical account of appearances by birds, in dreams and in the flesh, around... more
Although embodied knowing is fundamental to our experience, no previous study has detailed its role in a specific spiritual group. This thesis offers a new model of embodied situated cognition, and develops an embodied hermeneutics which... more
The question which runs throughout this talk can be stated in stark form: is it a mistake to take our interest in an ethnographic phenomenon in the direction of empirical investigation when what is really needed with respect to its... more
This chapter introduces the notion of 'oneirogenesis' or the origin of daytime beliefs in dream experiences. Dreams with an exceptionally vivid sensation of reality ('reality dreams')--of which there are many types (e.g., nightmares,... more
Of the many books I have read this past year, only this one would I call beautiful. It is not just a read but an encounter with a deeply inspiring being who seems to become an actual presence herself—someone to guide us back toward... more
Contemporary understandings of ethics consistently situate them as the result of a focussed rational and intellectual process within a narrow range of academic and religious areas. I challenge this approach, and theorise an embodied... more
The concept of animism has undergone multiple iterations. Lately, it has found a resurgence in contemporary theorists that straddle the evolving disciplines of anthropology and philosophy. The concept of animism in anthropological history... more
Thinking is not only a natural experience for the human being. It's also a cultural experience of nature and of the world. So it neeeds some categories to distinguish the Natural and the Cultural areas, but these categories are not the... more
Might we understand these seemingly different ideas--so called primitive animist belief in a living, relational world versus more recent concepts like deep ecology, environmental ethics and nonhuman politics--as linked at a deeper... more
Si bien la teoría literaria y la antropología son disciplinas que formulan una aproximación “objetiva” del fenómeno lingüístico en la sociedad, ambas evidencian problemas de traducción e interpretación al momento de fijar un objeto de... more
This article reflects the relationship between Qom indigenous and their dogs based on ethnographic information. The aim is to understand the position of these animals in a sociocosmology where the border between wildlife and humans is... more
Indigenous Australian writer Alexis Wright’s The Swan Book (2013) is a work of fiction set in a dystopic future that has been altered irreversibly by climate change. The text, in terms of how it functions as a narrative and represents its... more
Environmental Values Environmental Values is an international peer-reviewed journal that brings together contributions from philosophy, economics, politics, sociology, geography, anthropology, ecology and other disciplines, which relate... more
Healing and transformation with the Wild Earth Animal Essences
By reflecting on new and emerging perspectives and trends in the contemporary humanities and social sciences, including the critique of anthropocentrism, Eurocentrism and secularism, the questioning of human epistemic authority over... more
The present work addresses the potential heterogeneity of César Calvo’s novel Las tres mitades de Ino Moxo based on the comments of Antonio Cornejo Polar. By including the details of the controversy between Cortázar and Arguedas that took... more
Main aim of this paper is to present the ethnographic contex on which French anthropologist Philippe Descola builds his reconceptualisation of animism. This researcher distances himself from the classic concept formulated by the British... more
But, self-consciousness transcended (as opposed to self-dissolution, so the remembering self remains itself remembered) could have metaphysical implications: Those who have cultivated the transcending of self-consciousness in life,... more
Following upon Bruno Latour's famous injunction that 'we have never been modern', Graham Harvey has recently added that perhaps 'we have always been animists.' With the massive ecosystem destruction that is underway in the Anthropocene,... more
"The aim of this paper is to explore the construction of animals, humans, the forest and demons in relation to and in opposition with each other as seen through Japanese animated cartoons, also known as anime. In particular, this paper... more
Penser le Corps-Objet-Image à travers le prisme de l’animation et cartographier ce mystérieux phénomène qui dote les êtres d’un supplément d’âme, leur attribue une intentionnalité, ou les met en mouvement, suppose de croiser les... more
Avoiding epistemological extractivism, this essay tries to imagine a context that does not exoticize magical thinking or contemplate it exclusively within an ethnographic niche, seeking a Western animistic tradition. We propose so-called... more
Гваттари стремится к децентрированию субъективности, одновременно отделяя её и от субъекта, личности, и от человека. Его задача состоит в том, чтобы уклониться от оппозиций субъекта/объекта и природы/культуры, которые превращают человека... more
Jeremy Hayward : Maybe we could begin by talking a little bit about animism. It seems to me that the main thing you are trying to communicate in The Spell of the Sensuous is a sense that the world is not made of dead matter-that there's... more
ne of the things we scholars of mysticism lack are good, healthy autobiographical descriptions of mystical phenomena. We find ourselves often trying to tease our phenomenological description from a source's very complex interpretations,... more