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      Cultural HistoryGerman StudiesGerman LiteratureAesthetics
A few years before the beginning of the Second World War, the rapprochement between socialism and western esotericism would be outlined in France. This effort, produced around the Collège de Sociologie as a reaction to Fascism,... more
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      PoststructuralismWalter BenjaminPierre KlossowskiMichel Foucault
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      Pierre KlossowskiPostmodernismMetafictionSade
Jean Lacroix here summarizes the basic propositions of Klossowskis reading of de Sade.
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      AtheismViolenceRevolutionsFrench Revolution
The present thesis seeks to address, in a reading of the text Le bain de Diane by Pierre Klossowski, the specific modalities through which literature aims to understand the complex ties between concepts of 'immanence' and 'transcendence'.... more
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      LiteraturePierre KlossowskiText And ImageTranscendence
Istilah klorofil berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu Chloros artinya hijau dan phyllos artinya daun. Ini diperkenalkan tahun 1818, dimana pigmen tersebut diekstrak dari tumbuhan dengan menggunakan pelarut organik. Hans Fischer peneliti... more
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    • Pierre Klossowski
Roberte, anima e corpo. L'opera di Pierre Klossowski dalla scrittura sensuale alla pittura sensoriale di FABRIZIO IMPELLIZZERI «Ne Le Leggi dell'ospitalità e nella maggior parte dei disegni di Klossowski, Roberte è di conseguenza questa... more
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      French LiteratureSexualityPierre KlossowskiDesire
Le propos de cette recherche se place dans la perspective d’une archéologie historique en même temps que d’une théorie constructiviste et critique. La thèse a pour objectif de mettre en débat le recours au sujet et d’en pointer certaines... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhenomenologySubject of ExperienceGilles Deleuze
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      PhilosophyViolenceLiteratureTheodor Adorno
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      Memory (Cognitive Psychology)Philosophy of FilmFriedrich NietzschePierre Klossowski
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      Pierre KlossowskiAestehtics
L’œuvre de Blanchot permet de remettre en cause les barrières théoriques entre herméneutique et déconstruction érigées depuis les années 1960. Cela se manifeste par un chiasme inédit : en lisant Blanchot, l’herméneute tend à devenir... more
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      DeconstructionHermeneuticsLiterary TheoryÉmmanuel Lévinas
Résumé: Cette étude reprend la discussion tenue par Philippe Sabot en Foucault, Sade et les lumières quand on a traité des utilisations de l'œuvre du marquis de Sade par Michel Foucault depuis l’Histoire de la folie jusqu’à la volonté de... more
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      Pierre KlossowskiMichel FoucaultImmanuel KantMarquis De Sade
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      Contemporary ArtPerformance ArtPierre KlossowskiWork and Labour
en "Homenaje a Juan García Ponce: La noche e Imagen primera cincuenta años después" (ed. Magda Díaz y Morales), Xalapa, Universidad Veracruzana, 2014
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      Mexican StudiesLiteraturePierre KlossowskiArt Criticism
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      EmotionQueer StudiesPhilosophyEthics
This essay discusses utopian interpretations of Sade and Fourier in German Critical Theory (Benjamin, Adorno, Marcuse) and French Theory (Bataille, Blanchot, Klossowski).
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      Herbert MarcuseTheodor AdornoUtopian StudiesMarcuse
The essay moves from the conceptual place where the philosophical plane faces the chaos (Deleuze-Guattari/1991). From a deep distance trapped in the past and the discretion of the dawn, a different thought and a different culture... more
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      Political EconomyPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Theory
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      PhilosophyPlatoJurgen HabermasContinental Philosophy
French philosopher Gilles Deleuze wrote two 'logic' books: Francis Bacon: The Logic of Sensation and The Logic of Sense. However, in neither of these books nor in any other works does Deleuze articulate in a formal way the features of the... more
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      LogicFuzzy LogicGilles DeleuzeHenri Bergson
The dissertation explores the aesthetic anthropology of Georges Bataille and his collaborators in the Collège de Sociologie, a distinguished group of intellectuals including Roger Caillois, Michel Leiris, Pierre Klossowski, and Walter... more
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      Visual StudiesSurrealismPierre KlossowskiEroticism
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      Antonin ArtaudGilbert SimondonGilles DeleuzeFriedrich Nietzsche
Il libro “Moneta, rivoluzione e filosofia dell’avvenire. Nietzsche e la politica accelerazionista in Deleuze, Foucault, Guattari, Klossowski” prende le mosse da un oscuro frammento di Nietzsche - I forti dell’avvenire - incastonato nel... more
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      Political EconomyPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyMarxism
RESUMEN Se publican por primera vez en español los cuatro números de la legendaria revista "Acéphale" —"Acéfalo"— fundada en 1936 por Georges Bataille, Pierre Klossowski y otros pensadores, donde luego participan André Masson, Michel... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesSocial Theory
" (...) As widely known the reference to Nietzsche in the famous «accelerationist passage» in Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus is decisive and closes the paragraph entitled "The Civilized Capitalist Machine" (Chapter III, Par. 9, pp.... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyGilles DeleuzeFriedrich Nietzsche
La influencia intelectual y artística de Pierre Klossowski puede rastrearse en la obra de pensadores franceses (Gilles Deleuze, Michael Foucault, Maurice Blanchot o Jean-Francois Lyotard), escritores (Mario Vargas Llosa o Juan García... more
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      PhilosophyLiteraturePierre Klossowski
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      IconographyGeorges Didi-HubermanWalter BenjaminPierre Klossowski
The present writing was drafted and read by Obsolete Capitalism on the occasion of the ninth International Conference of Deleuze Studies in Rome last July 2016 at the department of Philosophy, Communication and Visual Arts of Roma Tre... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyGilles DeleuzeFriedrich Nietzsche
An analysis of Klossowski's mediation of Foucault's relation to Sade.
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      PhilosophyHegelPierre KlossowskiMichel Foucault
Et il, la tête bourdonnante de soleil (et quelquefois aussi de vin de Castelli), près du marbre brisé, assis sur le sol noir, souriant, somnolent et baigné par l’oubli, bouvait la force calme et violente de Rome. Juaqu’à la nuit tombante.... more
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      CosmopolitanismPierre KlossowskiJohann Wolfgang von GoetheBucolic Poetry
Editor’s preface, Pierre Klossowski, Decadence of the Nude, Maurice Blanchot, Laughter of the Gods, ed. Sarah Wilson, Revisions, Black Dog Publishing, London, pp. 15-31. 2003
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      Pierre KlossowskiMaurice Blanchot
Las obras de Gilles Deleuze y Pierre Klossowski mantienen una relación que, quizás, por su obviedad ha sido sistemáticamente eludida por los abundantes comentaristas actuales del filósofo francés. Una primera sospecha sobre las causas...
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      Pierre KlossowskiDeleuze StudiesTrasgresión
This essay stresses the intense relationship between the concept of perversion expressed by Pierre Klossowski and the notion of hospitality which the French thinker unfolds in an extraordinary narrative trilogy. This is shown in the... more
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      Pierre KlossowskiHospitalitySexual Perversion
On the occasion of the international conference entitled Deleuze Studies Conference 2016 (Virtuality, becoming and life, 11-13 July 2016) that will take place at the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Visual Arts of University... more
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      Organizational BehaviorSociologyEconomicsPhilosophy
"I should have written you after my first reading of The Living Currency; it was already breath-taking and I should have responded. After reading it a few more times, I know it is the best book of our times.' Letter to Pierre Klossowski... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologySocial TheoryFrench Literature
This paper elucidates Pierre Klossowski’s relationship to the post-Kantian tradition, specifically as a part of the shift in 20th century French philosophy from a neo-Kantian epistemological approach to the emphasis on the primacy of... more
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      German IdealismJacques LacanPierre KlossowskiFrench philosophy
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      Continental PhilosophyContemporary French PhilosophyFriedrich NietzschePierre Klossowski
He might be best known for sex and violence, but Lode Lauwaert shows that the Marquis du Sade sits at a crossroads of surprisingly disparate branches of western culture: abstract art, Tom and Jerry, gnosticism, Kant's moral philosophy,... more
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      PsychoanalysisLiteratureContinental PhilosophyLiterary Theory
Mi chinai a guardare dal buco della serratura e indietreggiai inorridito. La stanza era inondata dal chiarore lunare e illuminata da un chiarore vago e sfuggente. Dirimpetto ai miei occhi, sospeso, per così dire, nell'aria perché tutto al... more
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      Postdramatic theatrePierre KlossowskiLiminalityContemporary Theatre
Cette thèse examine l’œuvre et la vie de Pierre Klossowski en les considérant comme figure du phénomène littéraire. S’intéressant à l’œuvre de ce dernier en ce que celle-ci, traversant les genres, les médias et les techniques du XXe... more
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      EpistemologyHermeneuticsLiterary TheoryWalter Benjamin
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      Friedrich NietzschePierre KlossowskiMarquis De Sade
La Poétique de la Rêverie développée par Bachelard, dans sa différence avec la psychanalyse de Freud, admet un éclairage qui lui vient de l'affinité entre son concept de Cosmodrame et la généalogie de la rêverie chez Deleuze ainsi que du... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeGaston BachelardPierre KlossowskiDreams
Revenances de l'histoire. Répétition, narrativité, modernité, Paris, Minuit, coll. « Paradoxe », 2006.
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      Pierre KlossowskiPaul RicoeurPhilosophy of TimeReinhart Koselleck
La ricerca nel cuore di tenebra dell'accelerazionismo, l'Anti-Edipo di Deleuze e Guattari, è arrivata al suo punto di non-ritorno. Si è palesata una mostruosità concettuale: l'accelerazionismo pulsionale o quantico, una «formazione» che... more
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      AnarchismGilles DeleuzeFriedrich NietzschePierre Klossowski
"( ... ) Com'è noto, il riferimento a Nietzsche nel celebre passo «accelerazionista» di Deleuze e Guattari presente nell'A​nti­Edipo5 è decisivo nella chiosa finale del paragrafo n. 9 intitolato «L​a macchina capitalistica civilizzata»,... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyGuattariGilles Deleuze
This paper introduces the special issue of the Journal of Beckett Studies (vol. 31, no. 1) in which Beckett's translations for the seventh volume of Transition are published for the first time. They include excerpts from Georges Bataille,... more
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      Translation StudiesModernism (Literature)French StudiesSamuel Beckett
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      PhilosophyPerforming ArtsHumanitiesArt
Analyse des « souffles » du Baphomet de Pierre Klossowski.
Extrait de l'ouvrage Anamnèses (2012). Texte remanié d'une communication donnée à Aix-en-Provence (2002).
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      PhenomenologyAngelologyPierre KlossowskiThomas Aquinas
Si Colette Peignot, qui s’est choisi le nom de « Laure », n’est pas complètement oubliée aujourd’hui, c’est surtout en sa qualité de compagne de Georges Bataille, et d’une rumeur de vie dissolue et scandaleuse qui entoure sa biographie.... more
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      Friedrich NietzschePierre KlossowskiGeorges BatailleSimone Weil
The problematic of education in philosophy is related to the question of reproduction, progression, and transfer of knowledge. In the paper, I examine the Deleuzian interpretation of Nietzschean philosophy. I argue that such philosophy in... more
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      PoststructuralismCritical ThinkingGilles DeleuzeFriedrich Nietzsche