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In this paper I sketch the emergence of transcendence and immanence to the binary pair of opposites we know today. I show that such usage doesn't stretch back beyond Kant and that its real career only takes off in the 1830s. Major... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyHistory of Religion
Ever since Socrates raised questions about the gods, facets of religion have been branching off and claiming independence. This emancipation process is particularly difficult in the case of the human (or social) sciences, for they deal... more
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      Perennial PhilosophyConsciousnessPantheismKen Wilber
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      Giordano BrunoSpinozaPantheismPanentheism
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      ReligionGender StudiesOntologyHistory of Religion
A martial-arts master escapes from a prison camp in wartime China and flees to Malaya. His hopes for a quiet life are dashed when he saves a bus driver from a lynch mob. The master agrees to impart his secrets to five disciples. Although... more
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      Non Fiction WritingBuddhismEthnographyMartial Arts
This chapter in an edited collection, published by the CNRS, seeks to establish a new critical approach in Beat Studies; taking the form of a conceptual framework foregrounded in the ontological that intermingles French Existentialist... more
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"The affections lead us on," Wordsworth writes in "Tintern Abbey." While English is an impoverished language when it comes to love, Reno's focus is on the Spinozan notion of intellectual love. In this philosophy, emotions lead us to the... more
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      RomanticismPoetryWilliam WordsworthEcocriticism
In the 40 years since the Maimonides studies (1,2) it has become clear, through both scientific research and first hand reports, that individuals can become telepathically linked in dreams, and can even experience one another in a... more
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      ParapsychologyDeath StudiesSpiritualityDeath & Dying (Thanatology)
La opción fundamental Grandes constantes metafísicas (borrador) La historia de la filosofía puede presentársenos como una acumulación de pensadores y de ideas contrapuestos entre sí. En este panorama, aparentemente caótico, tal vez haya... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of LiteraturePsychology of EvilDoctrine of God
Allah kavramı, düşünce tarihinin en eski ve değişmeyen konularından biri olagelmiştir. Bütün düşünürler ve filozoflar Allah hakkında fikirlerini belirtmekten geri durmamışlardır. İlahi din mensupları bu konuda ortak bazı inançlara sahip... more
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Traducción del capítulo 2 del libro de Frederick Beiser, The Fate of Reason.
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      EnlightenmentGerman IdealismPantheism18th-century German philosophy
Recenzja pierwszej polskiej edycji zbiorowej wierszy Emily Dickinson w przekładzie Janusza Solarza
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      Emily DickinsonPantheismTranslationBook Reviews
This is the synopsis of my new book, which is now available from Stanford University Press, but also Amazon etc/. See further here on the SUP page: "A fresh and more capacious reading of the... more
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      History Of Platonic TraditionWilliam JamesEriugenaAugustine
This chapter questions the reductionist assumption that bits of lifeless matter must have grouped themselves into complex patterns that eventually became living conscious beings. There is no decisive reason to question Peirce’s suggestion... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMetaphysicsTheologySystematic Theology
Polat Kaya: The title above may be a startling one for some people who are not used to hear such bold descriptions of supposedly "Christian" monuments. The fact is that it is true! In this article I want to reveal a new insight regarding... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryPaganismPantheism
This article analyses the place of nihilistic philosophy in W. B. Yeats's notoriously opaque work A Vision. Despite often being cast as a failure, A Vision is considered fundamental to a comprehension of Yeats and his writings. While much... more
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      PhilosophyHistory of IdeasIrish LiteratureWilliam Butler Yeats
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      Martin BuberHasidismGershom ScholemPantheism
Magnum Opus of digital philosopher Alex Vikoulov on the ultimate nature of reality, consciousness, the physics of time, philosophy of mind, the technological singularity, the impending phase transition of humanity, transcendental... more
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceQuantum PhysicsPhilosophy of Mind
<TXT>In The Marble Faun, Hawthorne uses Rome to develop his final critique of a transcendental American pantheism he associates with Catholicism--what he considers two correlative threats to a distinct Puritan/Protestant American... more
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      American LiteratureItalian StudiesCatholic StudiesRace and Ethnicity
Dieser Artikel ist die unveränderte Fassung einer Hauptseminararbeit, die ich während meines Magisterstudiums an der Universität Heidelberg eingereicht habe. Sie wurde mit der Note 1,0 benotet. I. Einleitung: die innere und äußere Natur... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureAestheticsJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
This is a previous version of a paper published in _Gott — jenseits von Monismus und Theismus?_ Hg. Bernhard Nitsche, Klaus von Stosch und Muna Tatari, Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2017, 309-321. References should be to the published... more
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      Islamic PhilosophySufismNegative TheologyPantheism
This is full text of the first part of my monograph "The logos of Heraclitus", published by Academic publishers "Nauka" in Saint-Petersburg in 2014, in English translation which contains all five chapters of the Introduction on... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyPresocratic PhilosophyNatural LawAncient social & political philosophy
In this paper, I deal with Spinoza's claim presented in the Ethics that there only exists one substance, and it is god. My aim is to account for his position and present possible objections to it.
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      MetaphysicsEthicsEpistemologyDoctrine of God
University of Western Australia, BA (Hons) Dissertation, 2015. Rosaleen Norton was an Australian artist, poet and Neopagan occultist who attracted outrage and acclaim in the 1940s and 1950s for her unorthodox creative practice and... more
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      SurrealismMagicJacques RancièreModernism (Art History)
In certain theological circles today, panentheism is all the rage. One of the most notorious difficulties with panentheism lies in figuring out what panentheism actually is. There have been several attempts in recent literature to... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionDoctrine of GodSpace and Time (Philosophy)Pantheism
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe recupera, en la tragedia Fausto, a uno de los personajes más extraordinarios de la literatura universal, para representar, a través de la reactualización simbólica de su relato mítico, el itinerario psicológico... more
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      EpistemologyDemonologyFriedrich NietzschePantheism
REVIEW: YITZHAK Y. MELAMED, "La metafisica di Spinoza. Sostanza e pensiero", a cura di Emanuele Costa, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2020. Un volume di pagine 336. [Forthcoming in "Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica" (Received: 23/12/2020,... more
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      Metaphysics17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyMetaphysics of TimeMetaphysics of Mind
La investigación siguiente se concentra en el artículo de Hans-Georg Gadamer “Prometeo y Pandora”, aparecido originalmente en español en 1949 en el volumen "Goethe. 1749 - 28 de agosto – 1949", editado por la Facultad de Filosofía y... more
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      AestheticsRomanticismGerman RomanticismJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
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      Baruch SpinozaPantheismPanentheism
This article tries to clarify the various senses of the term “Bahala na” in Filipino usage. It attempts to show that the term has many senses but the primary one is to leave one’s life—or anything—in the care of God. The paper... more
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      PantheismFatalismFreewill and DeterminismPanentheism
Publication of this book was aided by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to The MIT Press. Research Support: Dumbarton Oaks-Harvard University Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Center for Studies in Landscape Architecture... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryFrench HistoryArchitecture
Alevilik, belirli bir ilk çekirdeğin farklı etkilenimler doğrultusunda süreğen biçimde başkalaştığı ve en sonu heterodoks İslam yorumları altında verili olanın yeniden yoğurulduğu ve bütünleştirildiği bir inanç ve düşünce sistemidir. Bu... more
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      PhilosophyIslamic PhilosophyShamanismAugustine
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      Philosophy of TechnologyPresocratic PhilosophyIdealismTextual Criticism
"Star Wars" (1977) greatly changed US movie history. I contend that it fulfills a prediction made by Giordano Bruno in "The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast" (1584): an exiled Momus figure (satire, arts) would be recalled back to western... more
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      ChristianityPaganismPantheismStar Wars
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      Critical TheoryReligionGnosticismBuddhism
A summary of Heraclitus philosophy based on the new collection of fragments and a revised Greek text. Heraclitus' metaphysics and epistemology (theory of cosmic logos), philosophy of nature (cosmos abd fire), anthropology and ethics,... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguagePolitical PhilosophyEthics
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      HegelIslamic StudiesPantheism
This volume contains the proceedings of a symposium held by a group of Muslims and Christians on 20th – 21st February 2013 at the Jesuit Centre, “Loyola Hall” in Lahore, Pakistan. The topic of the symposium was: “Mysticism in East and... more
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      Christian MysticismMysticismPakistanSufism
In the first part of this paper we will consider the likely extent of Spinoza’s exposure to Kabbalistic literature as he was growing up in Amsterdam. In the second part we will closely study three texts in which Spinoza seems to engage... more
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      ReligionHistoryIntellectual HistoryPhilosophy Of Religion
The Derveni Papyrus has been often misread and misunderstood for six main reasons. (1) First, because the papyrus was falsely labeled as ‘Orphic’ in the very first report. (2) Second, because another misleading label –... more
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      AristophanesPhilosophy Of ReligionAtheismSocrates
Bachelor of Philosophy Dissertation (Spanish). Influence of Giordano Bruno on the Identity Philosophy of F. W. J. von Schelling.
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      RomanticismFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingIdentity (Philosophy)Giordano Bruno
In his refutation of two condemned pantheistic systems, that of David of Dinant and that of Amalric of Bena, Thomas Aquinas famously distinguishes between a 'material' and a 'formal' type of monistic 'error'. Both are found to contravene... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsMedieval PhilosophyJewish Studies
This essay takes the motif of ruin as an entry point for a foray into the subject of the commons. It engages Garrett Hardin’s nearly unknown discussions of literature and poetry to shed critical light on his famous idea of “The Tragedy of... more
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      RomanticismCommonsRace and RacismRural History
The author reviews the sophiological thought of Vladimir Solov’ev, Sergii Bulgakov and John Milbank to suggest that there is congruence between the first two, as Orthodox theo- logians, and that of John Milbank, as founder and proponent... more
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      PantheismSophia, Milbank, sophiology, Bulgakov, Soloviev, Solov'ev, Solovyov, ontological tension, uncreated, created, divine, creaturely, Christology, de Lubac, the between, mediation, analogy, dialectic, antinomy
In this paper a new reconstruction of the text and interpretation of the fragment 580 Luria / B 30 DK is proposed. The author refutes the widespread opinion going back to Reinhardt (1912), according to which the fragment speaks of... more
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      Presocratic PhilosophyAtheismZoroastrianismHistory of Anthropology
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      EpistemologyAtheismPhenomenologyRadical Orthodoxy (Theology)
There are some serious problems in the understanding and interpretation of panentheism in what has become a fairly widespread movement that has gathered under this banner.
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      TheologyPhilosophical TheologyDoctrine of GodPantheism
Miguel Vatter's Divine Democracy is a book of extraordinary scholarship and remarkable insight, one of those contributions to a well-ploughed terrain, political theology, that is destined to challenge entrenched thinking, spur the... more
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      RepublicanismWalter BenjaminPolitical TheologyEric Voegelin
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      ReligionHistoryGerman StudiesPhilosophy