Henry A. Kissinger
Recent papers in Henry A. Kissinger
This paper will seek to ask the tough questions as to why Zimbabwe -- a prosperous nation at the time of transition to majority rule -- collapsed economically as a besieged ZANU-PF reacted against outside public opinion and began undoing... more
The sTrange career of The henry kissinger papers by chrisTopher r.w. dieTrich a brief hisTory of righT To work laws by david macaray The world according To hushpuppy by kim nicolini
Capítulo 3-Da Universalidade ao equilíbrio. Richelieu, Guilherme D Orange e Pitt. 1. O que os historiadores chamam de sistema europeu de equilíbrio de poder nasceu no século XVII do colapso final da aspiração medieval à... more
An undergraduate historiographical paper revolving around the cause of the 1973 coup in Chile. As reflected in the paper, historians have focused on the U.S's role or the internal factors causing the coup.
received an A grade.
received an A grade.
Much of the existing historical research discusses the 1973 oil crisis through single national perspectives. In contrast, this article focuses on the multilateral dimension of this far-reaching event. Starting with the Suez crisis of... more
Operation Condor term paper for Cold War course fresh with Prof's notes. American Military University
In this controversial and monumental book arguably his most important Henry Kissinger illuminates just what diplomacy is, Moving from sweeping overview of his own interpretation of history to personal accounts of his negotiations with... more
The traditional focus regarding the Angolan Civil War, 1974 – 1976, has been on the nature of Soviet and Cuban involvement, the American response to communist activities, and South Africa’s invasion. A point often mentioned, but rarely... more
The occurrence and outcomes of the Cod Wars defy both popular and academic expectations. Iceland, a microstate, essentially won four disputes against the United Kingdom, a great power. The two states furthermore belonged to a Western... more
American prevailing perceptions of the Cold War serve current US national foreign policy process goals that emphasize the expansion of US global influence. The prevailing view in the American polity remains that the Soviet Union was an... more
This paper examines the reasons behind the normalization process of U.S. - China relations in the 1969 - 1976 periods, when the U.S. was under the Nixon Administration. The paper refer to declassified documents from the U.S. Department of... more
Presiding all over Europe is indeed a hard task to conclude in one man's competence. The interrelating and interplaying potentiality, duties and foundational origination of the roles served in the top hierarchy layers of the European... more
Makale, ABD yöneticilerinin konuşmalarından ve yazılarından yola çıkarak ABD'nin Vietnam Savaşı'nda izlediği politikanın analizini yapıyor. Birincil kaynakların önemli bir yer tuttuğu makale özellikle savaşın haklılığı ve ABD... more
Who is winning in the Taiwan Strait? What is China’s strategy towards North Korea? Today, the American media space is increasingly dominated by anti-Chinese headlines, alleging either Chinese aggression or non-action. However, do these... more
Game theory is a tool increasingly popular in psychology, sociology, politic and even in business. Games are what on which kids, and so human beings, begin to face reality and have a feedback from it. The art of a game brings a reflection... more
This long essay seeks to address the many issues raised in World Order and highlighted by the reviewers in three parts. First, I reconstruct the broad sweep of the book’s arguments, point out its various strengths, and explore the overall... more
An augmented version of the CP article of 2 November 2016 that was subsequently under pressure taken down from the site. The present version provides additional information and analysis not contained in the earlier piece.
This essay deals with the ambivalent relationship between Carl Schmitt and the United States, focusing on the subject of International Relations. In the first paragraph, I summarize the place held by the U.S. throughout Schmitt's works:... more
published in: Global Research, May 8, 2020 https://www.globalresearch.ca/corona-tyranny-death-famine/5711942 By the end of 2020 more people will have died from hunger, despair and suicide than from the corona disease. We, the world, is... more
The present article argues that the discipline of international relations is bound to repeat its rounds of debates about realism as long as the underlying dynamic intrinsic to the realist tradition is not understood. Whereas present... more
Αὐτὰ ἔγραφε μία ἐφημερίδα τοῦ Λονδίνου τὸν Σεπτέμβριο τοῦ 1831, λίγο πρίν, δηλαδή, ἀπὸ τὴ δολοφονία τοῦ Καποδίστρια. (Ἡ ἐπίσημη μετάφραση βρίσκεται στὸ ὑπουργεῖο Ἐξωτερικῶν: ΑΥΕ, 1831, ἄ.ἀ.κ. [δ].) Καὶ ἐδῶ ἐντοπίζεται ἡ αἰτία τοῦ δράματος... more
Forthcoming in a shortened version in Coady & Lippert-Rasmussen eds Blackwell Companion to Applied Philosophy ' Are conspiracy theorists epistemically vicious? Not necessarily, not always, and maybe not even usually. But it IS... more
This Master's thesis deals with the main achievement of U.S.' diplomacy during the presidency of Richard Nixon, the establishment of triangular network of relations between the People's Republic of China, the Soviet Union, and the United... more
Recently Niall Ferguson has begun a major assessment of the diplomatic career of Henry Kissinger. In his first volume of Kissinger (2015) Ferguson claims to have exploded the myth of Kissinger as the arch “realist” of American foreign... more
This paper will assess the alleged relevance of the realist thinking in International Relations by answering the question whether Realism still dominates the theory and practice of International Relations. Examination of some core... more
.>>>>>>>>>>>>> update of August 18, 2023: what a surprise!!! more evidence that the 'massacre' is a CIA fabricate!!!! https://mronline.org/2023/08/10/new-book-reveals-tiananmen-square-massacre-others-fabricated-by-u-s/... more
Se hace una revisión crítica del Premio Nobel de Economía, con una recopilación del papel de Yanus Varoufakis en las negociaciones con la Unión Europea en 2015, con el apoyo de Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Krugman y Thomas Piketty, a partir de... more
Critique of Kissinger's A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace 1812-1822.
A lo largo de la segunda mitad del siglo xx, la relación bilateral oficial entre España y Estados Unidos estuvo dominada en buena medida por los acuerdos sobre las bases militares firmados en 1953 y las negociaciones que hicieron posible... more
With the dissolution of the frontiers of the cold war and the erosion of economic solidarity among USA-led countries, in a world dominated by geo-economic rivalries and not by geopolitics, the creation of a global economic market requires... more
Ο πασίγνωστος Χένρυ Κίσσινγκερ επανεμφανίστηκε πρόσφατα και έκανε δήλωση σχετικά με την ανησυχία του για την ρωσοουκρανική σύρραξη. Το γεγονός δεν θα προκαλούσε εντύπωση, εάν δεν συνέτρεχαν δύο καθοριστικής σημασίας λόγοι, δηλαδή: Πρώτον,... more
On December 4, 2003, the Latin American Program and the Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales co-sponsored a second conference on "Argentina-United States Bilateral Relations: An Historical Perspective and Future Challenges," held at the... more
This article examines Henry Kissinger’s role in shaping US strategy towards the Palestinian issue between 1973 and 1976, focusing a series of direct and indirect covert contacts with the Palestine Liberation Organization and its... more
El libro Orden Mundial, se publica en una coyuntura histórica clave, en el que el sistema de equilibrio internacional establecido por occidente, tras el fin de la Guerra Fría muestra signos de debilitamiento. La ruptura de los órdenes... more
Review of Yaqub, Salim (2016) Imperfect Strangers: Americans, Arabs, and US-Middle East Relations in the 1970s. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Unlike the books, The End of History and the Last Man, The Clash of Civilization and the Remaking of the World Order, Kissinger’s latest book World Order deals with the balance of power. In his own words, he analyses “how to build a... more
By focusing on Kissinger’s more theoretical works, I hope to draw attention to the contributions and problems of Kissinger the academic, hidden for so long in plain sight beneath the shadow of his own social clout. First, I provide a... more
A quarant’anni dal suo completamento, la Ostpolitik del cancelliere Willy Brandt continua a rappresentare un esempio di accettazione del tragico passato collettivo tedesco e di riconciliazione con il presente di un Paese diviso. Tuttavia,... more