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      Arab-Israeli conflictEgypt under Anvar Sadat's presidency, Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Muslim Brothers in Egypt after the revolution 2011Yom Kippur War
The battles of the 188th Armored Brigade on 6 and 7 October 1973 were a few of the most important episodes of the Yom Kippur War. The author examines, mostly on the basis of papers in the Hebrew language, battles of this unit and the... more
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      Arab-Israeli conflictGolan HeightsYom Kippur War
Autor zajmuje się wpływem czwartej wojny izraelsko-arabskiej, która wybuchła w październiku 1973 r., na amerykańską doktrynę wojenną. Armia amerykańska znajdowała się wtedy w procesie transformacji po porażce odniesionej w Wietnamie i... more
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      Doctrine (Military Science)Strategy (Military Science)StrategyUs Army
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    • Yom Kippur War
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      Military HistoryPerceptionIntelligenceCognitive Dissonance
Bu çalışma 1973 Petrol Krizi'ne,krizin nedenlerine ve aynı Dönem Türk Dış Politikası'na odaklanmaktadır.I.Dünya Savaşı sonrasında Balfour Deklarasyonu ile Ortadoğu'da kurulmak istenen bir Yahudi devleti tüm Ortadoğu'nun en büyük... more
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      Middle East StudiesPolitical HistoryTurkish Foreign PolicyHistory of Turkey and Middle east
The 1973 Yom Kippur War has been regarded as the most intelligent deceptive plan in military history. Despite the fact that Israel was not defeated militarily, the war manifested a complete failure of the Israeli intelligence services to... more
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      EgyptIsraelArab-Israeli conflictIntelligence and security studies
On 6 October 1973, the combined armies of Syria and Egypt attacked the State of Israel on her northern and southern fronts, respectively. In an effort to revise the status quo established in the Six Day War of 1967, an effective deception... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyMemory (Cognitive Psychology)Middle East StudiesConflict
This paper uses newly available evidence to shed light on the circumstances and causes of the 6 October 1973 Yom Kippur surprise attack of Egyptian and Syrian forces on Israeli positions at the Suez Canal and the Golan Heights. The... more
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      Yom Kippur WarCognitive Closure
ONLINE COST-FREE DIGITAL EDITION. HEBREW. 790 PAGES. 240 PICTURES. NAME INDEX INCLUDED. FIRST EDITION 2019. OVER 10,000 READS of this HEBREW EDITION. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> מאיר הלוי גובר... more
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      Jewish HistoryModern Jewish HistoryIsraelArab-Israeli conflict
Breve reseña y análisis de la Guerra de Yom Kippur y la "guerra del petróleo" que se desarrolló en paralelo.
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      International Relations1973 Oil crisisYom Kippur War
The Arab nations of Egypt and Syria achieved strategic surprise in the Yom Kippur War. Understanding of Israeli cognitive biases allowed the Arabs to craft a denial and deception plan that fed the Israeli's beliefs and clouded their... more
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      War StudiesDeception / Lying (Deception Lying)Deception DetectionDeception
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    • Yom Kippur War
ONLINE COST-FREE DIGITAL EDITION. HEBREW. 208 PAGES. 140 PICTURES. NAME INDEX INCLUDED. FIRST EDITION 2017. 4th Edition 2021. Over 8,000 READS COMBINED. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> By (c)MEIR Halevi... more
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      Israel StudiesIsraeli HistoryArab-Israeli conflictYom Kippur War
On October 6th, 1973 an Arab army comprised of forces from nine Arab nations launched a surprise attack on Israel. Despite many indicators Israel was taken by surprise. Careful attention was paid to OPSEC at the strategic level by the... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceIntelligence StudiesIntelligence
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      Arab-Israeli conflictHenry A. KissingerShuttle DiplomacyYom Kippur War
Bildiğimiz üzere 1967’deki 6 gün savaşında, Mısır, Sina’yı, Suriye ise Golan tepelerini İsrail’e kaybetmişti. 1973 Arap İsrail savaşına giden süreçte ise Mısırda Enver Sedat, Suriye’de hafız Esad iktidarı başlamıştı. İşgal altındaki... more
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      Yom KippurSuriyeBeşar Esad Dönemi Suriye Dış Politikasında Pragmatizm ve Türkiye-Suriye İlişkilerinin Geleceğiİsrail
This book is memoirs, telling the story of Bregman relationship with Mossad spy Ashraf Marwan, the son-in-law of President Nasser of Egypt
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      HistoryEgyptArab-Israeli conflictSpying and Intelligence
Joe Sommerlad of The Independent gives readers “A brief history of the Israel-Palestinian conflict” by plagiarizing Rawan Damen’s four-part documentary.
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      Documentary FilmZionismIsraelHolocaust
Ashraf Marwan, President Nasser’s son-in-law and President Sadat’s close aide, was the most important spy in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. However, even today, six years after his mysterious murder in London, the question of... more
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      Anwar SadatYom Kippur War
During the decade after the 1973 War of Yom Kippur, the consensus was that Israel's military defeat in the war's first stage was caused by the failure of intelligence to provide a warning prior to the Arab attack, but many experts... more
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    • Yom Kippur War
The 1973 Yom Kippur War has been regarded by traditional historiography as an intelligence failure. Western intelligence services, as well as Israeli military intelligence, failed in anticipating President Anwar Sadat's intentions, to the... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligenceBattlefieldsIsrael
"STRATEGIC ANALYSIS OF THE YOM KIPPUR WAR (1973): a tactical counteroffensive "(pp.160-176) in Revista Marítima Brasileira (RMB), year 2020, volume 140, number 140, number 04/06. Keywords: Arab nationalism and the Six Day War (1967) The... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesYom Kippur War
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      Arab-Israeli conflictYom Kippur War
In March 2007, following arbitration between Israel's director of Military Intelligence in the Yom Kippur War, Maj. Gen. Eli Zeira and the Mossad chief in 1973, Zvi Zamir, it was officially ruled out that Zeira leaked the identity of... more
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    • Yom Kippur War
Israeli narratives of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War highlight the army's lack of preparedness in the wake of a successful surprise attack by Egypt and Syria on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, despite assumptions of Israel's intelligence... more
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    • Yom Kippur War
ONLINE COST-FREE DIGITAL EDITION. ENGLISH. 44 PAGES. NO PICTURES. NAME INDEX INCLUDED. FIRST EDITION 2020. Over 10,000 READS COMBINED. MH Gover unveils the utmost hidden war episode of the October 1973 Yom-Kippur War. At a moment of... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsModern Middle East HistoryMiddle EastNuclear weapons and war
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    • Yom Kippur War
This article analyzes the quality of the Egyptian and Israeli intelligence advice and decision-making process in the October 1973 War as key factors that determined its course. Following a background to the subject, we focus on the 9–13... more
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    • Yom Kippur War
The paper will address the role (or lack thereof) of military history and past experience in military doctrine building. The analysis will be based on four case studies: the Reichswehr/Wehrmacht 1919– 1940, the French army 1919–1940, the... more
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      Military HistoryDoctrine (Military Science)Strategy (Military Science)Second World War
Armia syryjska podczas wojny Jom Kippur poniosła druzgoczącą klęskę, mimo olbrzymiej przewagi we wszystkich kategoriach sprzętu wojskowego, w żołnierzach i zaskoczenia strategicznego. Niemniej Syryjczycy walczyli dzielnie. Morale i... more
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      Arab-Israeli conflictGolan HeightsIsraeli Defence ForceYom Kippur War
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      Middle East StudiesPalestineIsraelPeace
This book tells an intriguing story about a complex man who played a crucial role in the events leading to one of Israel’s bloodiest wars. At times, the book reads like a spy thriller. It is fascinating in its insights, captivating as it... more
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      Military IntelligenceIsrael StudiesPolitical SciencePolitics
The Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) celebrated their twentieth anniversary in the Sinai Desert in 2002. During the past twenty years there has hardly been a shot fired in anger between Egypt and Israel, the antagonists the MFO is... more
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      Military HistoryPeacekeepingIrregular WarfareLeadership Development
The Soviet Union started to penetrate the Middle East in the second half of 1950's. Moscow's attempts to take advantage of anti-imperialist, nationalist, quasisocialist Arab regimes reinforced its influence in the region. Cautious Soviet... more
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      Middle East StudiesSoviet Union (History)RussiaArab-Israeli conflict
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      Middle East StudiesIsrael StudiesNuclear WeaponsIsrael/Palestine
During the years in which the United States has been entangled in the land war in SouthEast Asia, the Soviet Union has significantly increased its conventional forces, as well as acquired new weapon systems in the air and on the ground.... more
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      Us ArmyYom Kippur War
Reviewed Works: Be-ʿenayimpeḳuḥot: rosh ha-Mosad matriʿa: Ha-im Yiśraʿel maḳshivah? by Zvi Zamir and Efrat Mass; Kishalon ṿe-hatslaḥah be-hatraʿah: haʿarakhat ha-modiʿin liḳerat milḥemet Yom ha-Kipurim by Arieh Shalev; Mitos mul metsiʿut:... more
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    • Yom Kippur War
Although Israel constitutes an interesting case for the study of civil—military relations, the role played by its Directory of Military Intelligence (AMAN) has rarely been discussed in this context. This role is of special interest, since... more
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    • Yom Kippur War
The singer-songwriter Arik Einstein (1939–2013) long ago secured his place in the Israeli cultural pantheon. Prolific and versatile, Einstein is often considered the singer who recorded the first Israeli rock album, importing... more
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      Popular MusicIsrael StudiesPopular CultureJewish History
Notwithstanding the crisis of Suez of 1956 and the Six Days War of 1967, the oil shock following the Yom Kippur War of 1973 was unexpected for Europe. European countries had to manage a completely new situation: oil supplies had been used... more
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      European integrationEnergy PolicyEuropean Energy PolicyEuropean Union
Before the 1973 War, Egypt conducted a series of military exercises that served as smokescreen for the actual attack on Israeli forces in Sinai. Iraq conducted similar exercises to cover its surprise attacks on Iran in 1980 and on Kuwait... more
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      Strategic AlliancesThe Iran-Iraq WarOctober 1973 WarYom Kippur War
This thesis analyzes a number of military campaigns from the perspective of Close Air Support OPerations - i.e. the landing of 'direct' assistance to groun troops locked in combat. The three military campaigns selected for this purpose... more
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      Air Power HistoryBlitzkriegAir PowerYom Kippur War
Uri Bar-Joseph and Jack S. Levy look at the different ways in which the conscious distortion of information and the politicization of intelligence can lead to intelligence failure. They apply their categories to the Soviet failure to... more
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    • Yom Kippur War
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    • Yom Kippur War
It takes more time to prepare the nation, the government, the public, the US and the international community for war than to prepare the military.
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      Military HistoryPausaniasThemistoclesBattle of Plataea
الوحدة، الألم النّاتج عن عزلة، كلمةٌ دائمًا ما ارتبطت بالمجتمع ككلّ. في اللغة العربيّة وفيها وحدها دون غيرها، نجد أنّ كلمة الوحدة يمكن أن تُستخدم للإفادة بمعنى آخر، أي الاتّحاد. في الإنكليزيّة أو الفرنسيّة أو الألمانيّة مثلًا، تتناقض كلمة... more
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      National IdentityPalestinian StudiesArab CinemaPalestinian Cinema, Lebanese Cinema, Arab Cinema, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Cultural Studies, Ethnology, Cultural Production, Film, Art, Theatre, Social Media
This article analyzes the quality of the Egyptian and Israeli intelligence advice and decision-making process in the October 1973 War as key factors that determined its course. Following a background to the subject, we focus on the 9–13... more
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      IntelligenceCivil-military relationsIsrael Defense ForcesEgyptian military
The 1973 War between can be considered a war of subverted expectations. The chain of events which led to war and the course of it rarely followed the expected game plan. When exploring Israeli military power during the October 1973... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligenceCold WarEgypt