Shuttle Diplomacy
Recent papers in Shuttle Diplomacy
Dans un environnement international profondément transformé par la fin de la guerre froide, des espoirs considérables ont surgi lorsqu’en mai 1999, un retour à un régime civil élu est intervenu. Alors que se profilent d’importantes... more
Sebelumnya penulis telah membahas macam-macam diplomasi yang terklasifikasi menurut aktor yang berperan dalam diplomasi tersebut dan kapan diplomasi tersebut dilakukan oleh para aktornya. Kali ini, penulis akan membahas tentang... more
The Dayton Peace Accords represent the resolution of the bloodiest conflict in Europe after World War II. An agreement reached under mediation and pressure from the international public in which US diplomacy undoubtedly played a major... more
Research findings reveal that prior to 1999 there was capital flight and international isolation of Nigeria due to military misrule. Following return to democratic rule in 1999, the country was reconnected to the outside world through... more