The first of Iran Protests 2022 omnibi for Gozaar News online
#mahsaamini more The first of Iran Protests 2022 omnibi for Gozaar News online
For the same reason as Marx and Engles argued for the "dictatorship of the proletariat" after a s... more For the same reason as Marx and Engles argued for the "dictatorship of the proletariat" after a socialist revolution. Answer to a question emerging from this podcast
Hardcopy version of The Completion of the Arabic Bayān And the Eight Paths
See more Hardcopy version of The Completion of the Arabic Bayān And the Eight Paths
A prayer against unjust governments to counteract the pernicious influence of Abbas Effendi's pra... more A prayer against unjust governments to counteract the pernicious influence of Abbas Effendi's prayer for the American government.
English translation of the fatwa of 16 June 2023 determining the licitness of execration and curs... more English translation of the fatwa of 16 June 2023 determining the licitness of execration and cursing of the tyrant.
The Oath to al-Fātiḥa (qasam al-fātiḥa) based on Wahid Azal's commentary on the quranic chapter. ... more The Oath to al-Fātiḥa (qasam al-fātiḥa) based on Wahid Azal's commentary on the quranic chapter. Offered in its Arabic text and English translation.
Being the written portion of the commentary for the Gnostic Quran podcast on Saturday, 29 April 2... more Being the written portion of the commentary for the Gnostic Quran podcast on Saturday, 29 April 2023 on Surah al-Fatiha.
The first of Iran Protests 2022 omnibi for Gozaar News online
#mahsaamini more The first of Iran Protests 2022 omnibi for Gozaar News online
For the same reason as Marx and Engles argued for the "dictatorship of the proletariat" after a s... more For the same reason as Marx and Engles argued for the "dictatorship of the proletariat" after a socialist revolution. Answer to a question emerging from this podcast
Hardcopy version of The Completion of the Arabic Bayān And the Eight Paths
See more Hardcopy version of The Completion of the Arabic Bayān And the Eight Paths
A prayer against unjust governments to counteract the pernicious influence of Abbas Effendi's pra... more A prayer against unjust governments to counteract the pernicious influence of Abbas Effendi's prayer for the American government.
English translation of the fatwa of 16 June 2023 determining the licitness of execration and curs... more English translation of the fatwa of 16 June 2023 determining the licitness of execration and cursing of the tyrant.
The Oath to al-Fātiḥa (qasam al-fātiḥa) based on Wahid Azal's commentary on the quranic chapter. ... more The Oath to al-Fātiḥa (qasam al-fātiḥa) based on Wahid Azal's commentary on the quranic chapter. Offered in its Arabic text and English translation.
Being the written portion of the commentary for the Gnostic Quran podcast on Saturday, 29 April 2... more Being the written portion of the commentary for the Gnostic Quran podcast on Saturday, 29 April 2023 on Surah al-Fatiha.
Spanish translation of 2014 Reality Sandwich interview by Mohammad Rahal (South American khalifa ... more Spanish translation of 2014 Reality Sandwich interview by Mohammad Rahal (South American khalifa of the NUR-Fatimiya Sufi Order).
English translation from the original Arabic
the Supplication to the Radiant One (duʿā al-zah... more English translation from the original Arabic of the Supplication to the Radiant One (duʿā al-zahrāʾīyah)
THE BOOK OF THE TREE OF HERMES: An Introduction to the NUR Tarot, 2024
Draft chapter 15 On the card of Eve from THE BOOK OF THE TREE OF HERMES: An Introduction to the N... more Draft chapter 15 On the card of Eve from THE BOOK OF THE TREE OF HERMES: An Introduction to the NUR Tarot.
The Effulgences of Wisdom Concerning the Realities of the Mysteries and the Dawning of the Lights of the Divine Women (مجالي الحكم في حقائق الاسرار و مطالع الانوار مِن النّسوان الإلهية), 2022
The first chapter of THE EFFULGENCES OF WISDOM, being Wahid Azal's response to Ibn ' Arabi's BEZE... more The first chapter of THE EFFULGENCES OF WISDOM, being Wahid Azal's response to Ibn ' Arabi's BEZEL'S OF WISDOM.
The following translation of the first eleven Divine Names of the eighth chapter of the first boo... more The following translation of the first eleven Divine Names of the eighth chapter of the first book of al-Būnī’s ‘Great Sun of Gnoses’ has been made from both the Beirut printed edition (1420 AH/2000 CE: 67-70) as well as the critical Arabic text provided in Jamie Coullaut Cordero’s digitally published PhD dissertation, El Kitāb Šams al-Ma‘ārif al-Kubra (al-ŷuz’ al-awwal) de Aḥmad b. ʿAlī al-Būnī: Sufismos y ciencias ocultas, University of Salamanca, 2009: 104-7 (PDF: 142-5). This publication is merely a sample from an ongoing translation. The entire book and its chapter have already been translated by us. Here a sample is being offered to the numerical value of Hūwa (=11).
Review of Reza Zia Ebrahimi's THE EMERGENCE OF IRANIAN NATIONALISM: Race and the Politics of Disl... more Review of Reza Zia Ebrahimi's THE EMERGENCE OF IRANIAN NATIONALISM: Race and the Politics of Dislocation, Columbia, 2016.
After over one-hundred years, the private collection of Azali Babi (Bayani) writings and manuscri... more After over one-hundred years, the private collection of Azali Babi (Bayani) writings and manuscripts in the keeping of the family and descendants of the Azali Babi (Bayani) patriarch Mirza Yahya Nuri Subh-i-Azal (d. 1912) on the island of Cyprus have emerged, currently all in the process of being digitally scanned. This corpus of Babi texts are inclusive of the works of both Siyyid Ali Muhammad Shirazi, the Bab (d. 1850), as well as his successor Subh-i-Azal, the majority of whose transcriptions were made by Subh-i-Azal himself. In this first part those MSS of the works of the Bab in this collection are itemized and its contents briefly discussed.
Broken Silence: A review of Tahirih Thealogy: Female Cosmic Christ Spirit of the Age Concealed No... more Broken Silence: A review of Tahirih Thealogy: Female Cosmic Christ Spirit of the Age Concealed No Longer By Starr Saffa
The British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 2017
Review of Zia-Ebrahimi's 2016 book "The Emergence of Iranian Nationalism: Race and the Politics o... more Review of Zia-Ebrahimi's 2016 book "The Emergence of Iranian Nationalism: Race and the Politics of Dislocation," published in The British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, volume 44, 2017.
An Epistle of the Primal Point to Ṣubḥ-i-Azal expressive of the Divine Feminine Together with Ṣub... more An Epistle of the Primal Point to Ṣubḥ-i-Azal expressive of the Divine Feminine Together with Ṣubḥ-i-Azal’s Commentary on the Light Verse
The Effulgences of Wisdom: Concerning the Realities of the Mysteries and the Dawning of the Lights of the Divine Women. , 2024
The English version of a book like the Bezels of Wisdom (fusus al-hikam) of Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi. ... more The English version of a book like the Bezels of Wisdom (fusus al-hikam) of Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi. Except this Book deals with 28 sacred women.
رشحات البريقة في شرح الحديث الحقيقة يا شرح حديث كُميل, 2023
Persian/Arabic text of "The Iridescent Spiritual Sprinklings concerning the Tradition of Ultimate... more Persian/Arabic text of "The Iridescent Spiritual Sprinklings concerning the Tradition of Ultimate Reality: Or the Commentary on the Ḥadīth Kumayl" (rashaḥāt al-barīqa fī sharḥ al-ḥadīth al-ḥaqīqa: yā sharḥ-i-ḥadīth-i-kumayl).
The Completion of the Arabic Bayān And the Eight Paths , 2022
The promotional back cover for the Arabic language section of The Completion of the Arabic Bayān ... more The promotional back cover for the Arabic language section of The Completion of the Arabic Bayān And the Eight Paths
هذا كتاب مِن عند الباء لِلثّاء إلى الواوْ الّذي الهم مِن الغيب على نوره بِالحقّ وإنّه كتابًا قصير... more هذا كتاب مِن عند الباء لِلثّاء إلى الواوْ الّذي الهم مِن الغيب على نوره بِالحقّ وإنّه كتابًا قصيرًا حيث تحتوي على أربعة شأنٍ مِن شؤون الخمسة وتلك شهادة على العالمين وعدد البسملة لها هي بِالعددين حيات وبِهاهوت وأنّها مكونة مِن الأسماء ٣۱٥ و ٩۲ مِن كتاب الأسماء الكلّشيء وبِهذه العظة الافتتاحية والخطبة الختامية منصوصًا عليها في ٦٣ صفحة بِعدد البيان وبِدون العظة الافتتاحية منصوصًا عليها في ٦۲ صفحة بِعدد إسم الله الباطن والكتاب يتكون مِن ۱٩ سُوَر عزيّة محبوبية بِعدد الهُدى لعلّ يصبح هدىً واحدًا لِمَن في سماوات الأمر والخلق وما بينهمّا كلّ عباد له وكلّشيء في يوم القيامة إلى ربّهم يرجعون
LIBER DECATRIARCHIA MYSTICA: Sketchings of the Thirteen Encompassing Spheres of the Tree of Reality and assorted material, 2006
LIBER DECATRIARCHIA MYSTICA: Sketchings of the Thirteen Encompassing Spheres of the Tree of Reali... more LIBER DECATRIARCHIA MYSTICA: Sketchings of the Thirteen Encompassing Spheres of the Tree of Reality and assorted material
Siyyid ʿAlī Muḥammad Shīrāzī, the Bāb’s, The Arabic Bayān: Unity 1, 2022
The First Unity (chapter) of the Arabic Bayān of Siyyid ʿAlī Muḥammad Shīrāzī, the Bāb (d. 1850) ... more The First Unity (chapter) of the Arabic Bayān of Siyyid ʿAlī Muḥammad Shīrāzī, the Bāb (d. 1850) with commentary by Wahid Azal.
Videos by N. Wahid Azal
A Prologemenon to the Completion of the Arabic Bayān and the Eight Paths
Talks by N. Wahid Azal
A Prologemenon to the Completion of the Arabic Bayān and the Eight Paths
the Supplication to the Radiant One (duʿā al-zahrāʾīyah)