Google Analytics
Recent papers in Google Analytics
Project organized in collaboration between the Master's course "Technologies for web marketing" at the University of Pisa and Google Marketing Challenge. This project consisted of a 1 month Google Campaign for a non-profit association, in... more
In the past, focus of e-learning researches was mostly on technologies and materials which are directly related with learning environment such as learning management system (LMS), content management system (CMS), course contents etc.... more
An overview is presented of resources and web analytics strategies useful in setting solutions for capturing usage statistics and assessing audiences for open access academic journals. A set of complementary metrics to citations is... more
During the 1980’s the internet was introduced into the world. The internet as it was then, consisted of a web of linked computers, which enabled people to access information within the boundaries of the internet’s infrastructure. During... more
Google Analytics ile Google Ads'i birlikte kullanmanın, ekiplerin modern müşteri yolculuğuna yönelik etkili kampanyalar oluşturmasına nasıl yardımcı olabileceğini bu kitap sayesinde öğreneceğiz.
Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium...
تصميم أي قاعدة بيانات يتطلب دراسة إذ أن تصميم أي قاعدة بيانات يتطلب دراسة ،إن أهمية قواعد البيانات تكمن في أنها تنتج البيانات و تربطها ببعضها البعض بفعل إدارة البيانات التي يمكن الاسترجاع والتعديل عليها . تهدف هاته الدراسة للتعرف على... more
ان المعارف لامعنى لها اذا لم تصل الى الاخرين و الأبحاث لا قيمة لها اذا بقيت في ذهن الباحث او حبيسة مكتبه , فبدون تبادل منظم للآراء ودون وجود استفادة من النظريات لا يمكن ان يحصل نمو للبحث العلمي وهذا ما يعرف بالاتصال العلمي ذلك ان... more
لم يسلم مجال الأرشيف من التغيرات التي جعلت منه مجالا ديناميكيا يحتاج الى حرص واهتمام شديدين ,لهذا وجد الارشيفيين انفسهم امام تحدي يستوجب اليقظة الدائمة و التصرف السريع لان مصير الأرشيف بين أيديهم لهذا فلا سبيل لذلك الا مواصلتهم للتكوين... more
....دراسة بمقر الأرشيف الولائي , بولاية بسكرة , التعرف على مبنى المؤسسة التوثيقية , أهم التجهيزات
توجب على المؤسسات القيام بالبحث بطريقة قانونية , أخلاقية ومتطورة عن المعلومات وتوفيرها لفهم محيطها واتخاذ القرار المناسب في الوقت المناسب , يعمل نظام اليقظة الفعال على توفير المعلومات الضرورية حول تطور البيئة التسويقية للمؤسسات , لاسيما... more
Many companies diligently establish their presence on Social Networking Services (SNSs) as they recognize Social Media Marketing (SMM) will be the next “holy grail of marketing”. However, yet the true value of SMM remains unclear because... more
Il nuovo millennio si è aperto all’insegna di profonde rivoluzioni sociali, culturali e tecnologiche. Il mondo contemporaneo è diventato sempre più connesso e globalizzato. Il novecento è passato alla storia con il nome di “secolo breve”.... more
Web spammers used Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques to increase search-ranking of web sites. In this paper we have study the essentials SEO techniques, such as; directory submission, keyword generation and link exchanges. The... more
Web spammers used Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques to increase search-ranking of web sites. In this paper we have study the essentials SEO techniques, such as; directory submission, keyword generation and link exchanges. The... more
This paper develops a flexible methodology to analyze the effectiveness of different variables on various dependent variables which all are times series and especially shows how to use a time series regression on one of the most important... more
Site dışı SEO çalışması ve backlink çalışmalarına yönelik detaylar
Web analytics tools provide a wide range of information regarding the performance of a company. This information is valuable for assessing the strategic performance of a company. However, Web analytics tools at their current state of... more
I am passionate about planning integral marketing strategies and executing each action to generate more profit to the companies I work with. I have developed my professional career mainly on the online world and I have a high level on... more
Age of Big Data and internet has brought variety of opportunities for social researchers on identifying on-going social trends instantly. As internet user base grew exponentially, major internet content search companies have begun to... more
Os dejo este PDF con enlace a todos los artículos que he escrito desde 2011 sobre marketing online, en especial SEO y Adwords.
The present study is based on exploring the link between online branding and tourism destination"s promotion. From the last two decades, the online media(s) and internet tools contributing enormously in promotion of products as well as... more
Web spammers used Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques to increase search-ranking of web sites. In this paper we have study the essentials SEO techniques, such as; directory submission, keyword generation and link exchanges. The... more
Harvard dijital ölçüm ve müşteri deneyimi Raporu
Abstract: This study aims to investigate the role of service quality in tourists' revisit and the development of tourism industry. It initially reviews the importance of tourism industry and the concept and dimensions of service... more
A l'occasion de la fin de l'année 2019, ATLANTICO a demandé à ses contributeurs les plus fidèles de dresser un bilan de la décennie, des années 2010. Franck DeCloquement s'est penché sur la Cybersécurité.
At the 2014 Electronic Resources & Libraries conference held in Austin, Texas, four colleagues from three institutions shared a panel presentation entitled “EZproxy for Electronic Resource Librarians.” Monica Moore and Lauren Ajamie from... more
Age of Big Data and internet has brought variety of opportunities for social researchers on identifying on-going social trends instantly. As internet user base grew exponentially, major internet content search companies have begun to... more
This assignment was designed as an in-class workshop for public relations students, working in "agency teams," as part of their senior capstone campaigns course. For the first stage of their campaign proposal (also referred to as "book")... more
The burden of cancer in our country is rapidly increasing. A robust website can serve as an effective tool to create cancer awareness amongst general population and disseminate comprehensive information on prevalent cancers in our... more
Plusieurs expériences menées par des chercheurs et journalistes prouvent que nos smartphones nous espionnent. Si la permanence de cette écoute ne peut être établie avec assurance, cela pose de gros problèmes de protection de la vie privée.
الانترنت من التزاوج بين تقنيتين هامتين هما تقنية الاتصالات التي بدأت في حوالي منتصف القرن التاسع عشر ، وتقنية الحاسوب التي ظهرت في حوالي منتصف القرن العشرين ، وتنتمي هاتان التقنيتان إلى أسرة واحدة هي أسرة الالكترونيات ، وتتعامل كل من... more
Đáp ứng nhu cầu của độc giả Tự Học MMO về làm thế nào để kiếm tiền online hiệu quả, mình muốn giới thiệu tới bạn các khóa học kiếm tiền online uy tín và chất lượng nhất hiện nay tại KTcity. Bạn có thể tham khảo nhanh một số khóa học MMO... more
The most basic task of creating and sharing of information, and the presentation of the results and experience of scientists' research is the most important duty of scientific functions alongside learning from one another. Symposiums, in... more
This chapter discusses ways in which a wiki-based learning management system can be employed to support middle school and high school students’ digital project-based work, including game design and creation, file management, collaboration... more
Analítica Web, Google Analytics, Adobe omniture, Crazy egg, etc. de que sirven si no estás midiendo bien tu tráfico
AbstractWeb spammers used Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques to increase search-ranking of web sites. In this paper we have study the essentials SEO techniques, such as; directory submission, keyword generation and link... more
المكتبة الجامعية من أهم المؤسسات الجامعية حيث أصبحت من المعايير التي يمكن من خلاها تقييم وتقويم الجامعات ،خاصة في ظل ما يشهده العالم من التطورات التكنولوجية والمعلوماتية و التوجه الرقمي الذي تعرفه المقتنيات و المعلومات في العالم كله وهكذا... more
Este artigo trata de uma nova ferramenta de marketing, o mecanismo de busca na internet. Será mostrado um histórico breve desta ferramenta, desde seu surgimento e sua evolução. Serão apresentados alguns tipos de busca mais conhecidos,... more
O Cenário Saúde é uma iniciativa do Sistema Abramge/Sinamge/Sinog que contribui na missão dessas instituições ao criar e disseminar conhecimento a respeito do setor de saúde, com foco no mercado brasileiro de planos de saúde. Neste 10º... more