Recent papers in LinkedIn
This study aims at evaluating the impact of the professional network LinkedIn on students' motivation and learning performance and on boosting their career prospects. This paper's main contribution is to apply Data Envelopment Analysis to... more
KonsulentNetSyd 6. december 2013 Haderslev Handout 1 LinkedIn og Xing: Sådan får I og Jeres virksomhed vaekst på det danske og tyske marked Forskningsresultater og anbefalinger til optimering af Jeres person--og virksomhedsprofiler på... more
Higher Education Administration with Social Media explored the challenges and benefits of using social media in higher education, with an emphasis on answering questions that may emerge in the implementation and continued engagement of... more
If you still think LinkedIn is just a networking site for jobs and not for marketing, you are wrong. In fact, businesses, both B2B and B2C, have been marketing on LinkedIn for generating leads, building relationships with customers and... more
LinkedIn'deki en başarılı liderlerin profillerinden esinlenilen ve doğruluğu kanıtlanan Üst Yönetim Rehberinde profesyonel sosyal medyaya geçişinizde sizi güçlendirmek için 12 kilit adım yer alıyor. Sosyal medyadaki rotanızı ve şunları... more
Why Does Your Business Need LinkedIn? These days in the business world, relationships matter more than ever. People tune out irrelevant or promotional messages. But they do want to engage with companies that focus on sharing useful... more
Abstract. In this project we compare the success of startup entrepreneurs and innovators with their social networking behavior. In particular, we analyze the LinkedIn, Facebook, and e-Mail network of swissnex, Switzerland’s science and... more
شبکه¬هاي اجتماعي وب¬ سايت¬¬هايي هستند که به کاربر اجازه مي¬دهند با افرادي که سلیقه¬های مشترک دارند، اطلاعات و دانش خود را به اشتراک بگذارند، و از اطلاعات ديگران هم بهره¬مند شوند، هم¬چنين بحث و گفت¬و¬گو و به اشتراک گذاشتن عکس¬ها امکاناتي... more
Για την εύρεση μιας θέσης εργασίας αλλά και την εδραίωση και την ανέλιξη εντός ενός κλάδου η αυτοπροώθηση στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης αποτελεί πλέον αναγκαία συνθήκη για όλο και περισσότερους εργαζομένους. Για τη διαμόρφωση μιας... more
Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium...
Ajansların sosyal medya yönetiminde faydalanabileceği bir e-kitap çalışması...
There are else and everywhere in the entire web a lot of LinkedIn Guide, tips, tricks, techniques, and various kinds of mechanism exist to boost the LinkedIn profile but unfortunately most of LinkedIn guides aren't optimized considering... more
ABSTRAK This paper discusses about creating of an application using the LinkedIn API to get data for an account, login and logout without access LinkedIn homepage. User can view profile include name, address, email and photo. This... more
Deze studie is een vervolg op de masterscriptie van Naomi Vanhoorenbeeck: “Het gebruik van LinkedIn in het rekrutering- en selectieproces: een studie bij laatstejaarsstudenten aan de Universiteit Antwerpen”. Hierin werd gepeild naar de... more
In the present world, the role of social media, as the important and actual tool of marketing communication is relevant for operation of commercial organizations, since according to various studies, the number of social media users... more
La calidad es un concepto muy ligado a la historia de la humanidad y para conocer sus orígenes tendríamos que remontarnos inclusive hasta épocas primitivas, donde la manufactura de armas y utensilios de uso cotidiano fue a base del... more
تعدّ الإنترنت في نظر العديد أعظم اختراعٍ مرّ على تاريخ البشرية، إذ إنّ اختراع الإنترنت أتاح للبشر فرصة التواصل مع بعضهم البعض في شتّى أنحاء العالم، وسرعة إيصال المعلومات بينهم، بالإضافة إلى فرصة التحكّم بالأمور عن بعد وتوفير ملايين فرص... more
With the rapid growth of social networking and media comes their consideration for use in the marketing classroom. Social networking skills are becoming essential for personal branding (eg, networking, self-marketing) and... more
In the last decade there has been an emergence of Academic Social Networking Sites (ASNSs). Each site offers its own combination of tools and capabilities to support research activities, communication, collaboration, and networking. Given... more
Na Gestão do Conhecimento, prática e teoria andam juntas. Os profissionais que atuam nessa área de estudo não se restringem ao exercício dos processos envolvidos nesse tipo de gestão, buscam em novos estudos e teorias elementos que os... more
Questo volume nasce con l’intento di offrire una riflessione agile sulla comunicazione della Chiesa nell’ambito dei social network e del Web. Attraverso le riflessioni di docenti ed esperti di comunicazione, si esplorano le dinamiche... more
"Abstract Understanding what makes business-to-business (B2B) relationships lasting and stable is one of the main areas of academic interest in the study of organizational relations. To retain the organization’s current customers and... more
Carte de Marketing Online. Book about Marketing Online in Romanian language. Marketing. O noţiune devenită populară în rândul maselor de oameni în ultimul veac. Probabil aţi auzit de importanţa unui marketing direct eficient, despre cum... more
La expansión de las Redes Sociales ha propiciado que las organizaciones las utilicen no solo como vehículo promocional o para obtener seguidores de marcas en productos de consumo, sino también como herramienta para el reclutamiento de... more
LinkedIn se perfila como una de las plataformas sociales con más proyección en la actualidad y se diferencia de las demás por poner en contacto a profesionales, tanto aquellos que ya conocemos como aquellos con los que nos gustaría... more
This research is aimed to provide an insight in what potential applicants consider important in recruitment messages, transferred through social media, or more specifically the social media network LinkedIn, by focusing on message form,... more
Le développement fulgurant du web et l'avènement des réseaux sociaux ont profondément transformé les pratiques des consommateurs. Ces changements rapides ont poussé les entreprises à réagir et adapter leur stratégie marketing. L'objectif... more
ان المعارف لامعنى لها اذا لم تصل الى الاخرين و الأبحاث لا قيمة لها اذا بقيت في ذهن الباحث او حبيسة مكتبه , فبدون تبادل منظم للآراء ودون وجود استفادة من النظريات لا يمكن ان يحصل نمو للبحث العلمي وهذا ما يعرف بالاتصال العلمي ذلك ان... more
La cortesía nos rodea en las situaciones más comunes de nuestro día a día. Este concepto es transversal y no resulta fácil de definir, pero Georgia Green lo identifica dentro de los estudios de pragmática como «estrategias para... more
The use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) is increasing on a daily basis. They provide a virtual platform for the users to disclose their personal information such as their names, pictures, status etc., a phenomena called Self-Disclosure.... more
The researcher in this consultancy report has assessed the digital footprint and suggested a social media marketing plan for Educational Institutions. The researcher has also presented an extensive literature review based on previous... more
The Mass Media are often referred to as the fourth branch of a government plays an important role in the formation of public awareness providing news and views on public issues of a government. The nature of the media is to report things... more
Apprenticeship Business Administration - Unit 53 -Develop and maintain professional networks: Identify potential networks for professional development from an analysis of their benefits compared with individual needs and aspirations... more
Social media helps corporate communication professionals to build and maintain relationships with all the publics. Nowadays a company's reputation also depends on the image built by the company in social media. This study aims to examine;... more
LinkedIn is now a vital tool for understanding changing market needs, and researchers and product managers are some of LinkedIn’s most satisfied users. One of the most important things that product managers are looking for is feedback... more
Lusophone African (LA) multinational enterprises (MNEs) are becoming a significant pan-African and global economic force regarding their international presence and influence. However, given the extreme poverty and lack of development in... more
This paper aims to understand how social networking sites affordances lead the identity management on Facebook and LinkedIn simultaneously. In a context in which the personal and professional interactions also occur online, there are... more
Introduction to Computers, Its types, classes, parts etc.
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