Journal of Library Administration
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Undercounting File Downloads from Institutional
Patrick Obrien, Kenning Arlitsch, Leila Sterman, Jeff Mixter, Jonathan
Wheeler & Susan Borda
To cite this article: Patrick Obrien, Kenning Arlitsch, Leila Sterman, Jeff Mixter, Jonathan
Wheeler & Susan Borda (2016) Undercounting File Downloads from Institutional Repositories,
Journal of Library Administration, 56:7, 854-874, DOI: 10.1080/01930826.2016.1216224
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© 2016 Patrick OBrien, Kenning Arlitsch,
Leila Sterman, Jeff Mixter, Jonathan Wheeler,
and Susan Borda. Published with license by
Taylor & Francis.
Published online: 11 Oct 2016.
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Date: 12 November 2016, At: 13:22
Journal of Library Administration, 56:854–874, 2016
Published with license by Taylor & Francis
ISSN: 0193-0826 print / 1540-3564 online
DOI: 10.1080/01930826.2016.1216224
Dean of the Library, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA
Column Editor’s Note. This JLA column posits that academic
libraries and their services are dominated by information technologies, and that the success of librarians and professional staff
is contingent on their ability to thrive in this technology-rich
environment. The column will appear in odd-numbered issues
of the journal, and will delve into all aspects of library-related
information technologies and knowledge management used to
connect users to information resources, including data preparation, discovery, delivery and preservation. Prospective authors
are invited to submit articles for this column to the editor at
[email protected]
Semantic Web Research Director, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA
Dean of the Library, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA
© Patrick OBrien, Kenning Arlitsch, Leila Sterman, Jeff Mixter, Jonathan Wheeler, and
Susan Borda
Address correspondence to Patrick OBrien, Semantic Web Research Director, Montana State University, P.O. Box 173320, Bozeman, MT 59717-3320, USA. E-mail:
[email protected]
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
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Scholarly Communication Librarian, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA
Software Engineer, OCLC Research, Dublin, OH, USA
Data Curation Librarian, University of New Mexico, NM, USA
Digital Technologies Development Librarian, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA
ABSTRACT. A primary impact metric for institutional repositories
(IR) is the number of file downloads, which are commonly measured through third-party Web analytics software. Google Analytics,
a free service used by most academic libraries, relies on HTML page
tagging to log visitor activity on Google’s servers. However, Web aggregators such as Google Scholar link directly to high value content
(usually PDF files), bypassing the HTML page and failing to register
these direct access events. This article presents evidence of a study
of four institutions demonstrating that the majority of IR activity
is not counted by page tagging Web analytics software, and proposes a practical solution for significantly improving the reporting
relevancy and accuracy of IR performance metrics using Google
institutional repositories, IR, digital library
assessment, Web analytics, Google Analytics, log file analytics
Institutional repositories (IR) have been under development for over fifteen
years and have collectively become a significant source of scholarly content.
More than 95% of the approximately 3,100 open access repositories listed in
OpenDOAR are affiliated with academic institutions or research disciplines
(University of Nottingham, 2016) and these repositories can add value to
the research process and the reputations of institutions and their faculty.
The value proposition that justifies the expense of building and maintaining
open access IR is based largely on unrestricted access to their content, and
on the ability of IR managers and library administrators to report impact to
researchers and university administrators. Ultimately, citations may be the
most valued measure of reuse and worth, and it is reasonable to expect publications to be downloaded and read before being cited. Using file download
P. OBrien et al.
counts as a metric for scholarly value is therefore crucial for IR assessment,
but it is a surprisingly difficult metric to measure accurately due to the deficiencies of Web analytics tools and due to overwhelming non-human (robot)
The scholarly information-gathering process includes a filtering approach, (Acharya, 2015) through which the researcher eventually arrives
at citable scholarly content. Measurable human interaction with IR can be
said to include page views or downloads of three categories:
1. Ancillary Pages—IR HTML pages that provide general information or navigation paths through the IR. Examples include search results, and browse
pages organized by author, title, community pages, statistics, etc.
2. Item Summary Pages—IR HTML pages that typically include an abstract
and metadata for a single scholarly work, which can help the user decide
to download the full publication.
3. Citable Content Downloads—scholarly content that may be formally cited
in the research process. These include publications, presentations, data
sets, etc., accessed in a non-HTML format (i.e., .pdf, .doc, .ppt, etc.)
Current assessment practices have deficiencies that result in serious
undercounting of total IR activity, leaving IR managers and stakeholders
unable to accurately report on file downloads. This study examined data
from four repositories: three running the DSpace platform and one running
CONTENTdm. Evidence gathered from these four IR shows as much as 58%
of all human-generated IR activity goes unreported by Google Analytics, the
Web analytics service used most frequently in academic libraries to measure
use. The Research Methods and Findings sections demonstrate a pragmatic
framework for reporting meaningful IR performance metrics. The data set
that supports this study is available from Montana State University ScholarWorks,
While it is possible to accurately report the first two metrics categories (Ancillary Page Views and Item Summary Page Views), Citable Content Download
metrics are very difficult to report accurately. Most libraries lack the technical
sophistication and resources, within their chosen Web analytics methods, to
identify and exclude all robot activity and to capture and report downloads
generated from direct links.
Evidence presented in this study will support the following
• Ancillary Page Views comprise a large portion of total IR activity being
• Citable Content Downloads represent high-value traffic, but most are unreported by Google Analytics
• Non-human robot activity overwhelms human activity and is too difficult
to consistently filter from Web analytics reports.
While IR content was initially defined as scholarly (Crow, 2002), some collection development policies now define the scope of IR more broadly and
include institutional records and other digitized materials. This study focuses
on scholarly content within IR.
Assessment of Institutional Repositories
IR assessment is acknowledged as a necessity in numerous articles in the
professional literature, and is sometimes even tied to their ultimate survival.
“Without understanding the significance of this service, the value of such
programs may be underestimated and, consequently, funds to ensure IR
survival and growth may dwindle” (Burns, Lana, & Budd, 2013). Researchers
acknowledge that specific forms of measure must vary based on local needs
and audience, and some assessors of IR success place less emphasis on hard
metrics, noting instead that IR managers may measure their success in the
comprehensiveness and growth of their repositories, and giving credence
to downloads only insofar as their general ability to show “use” (Cullen &
Chawner, 2010).
Most of the literature about IR assessment does focus on collecting and
reporting quantitative metrics to help make the case for IR value, “Metrics for repositories can be used to provide a better understanding of how
repositories are being used, which can help to inform policy decisions on
future investment” (Kelly et al., 2012). A 2011 study of several high-profile
IR reported that “assessment measures are still being developed,” but that
“most institutions found it easier to develop quantitative measures of success
[including] the number of requests” (Campbell-Meier, 2011). Others also reinforce that specific measures based on quantifiable data will resonate, even
if those reports must be customized to the audience. “By providing useful
and appropriate statistics to authors, departments, the university, and other
stakeholders, the library demonstrates its value as a vital partner in research,
scholarship, and scholarly communication” (Bruns & Inefuku, 2016). Bruns
and Inefuku count item downloads among a number of metrics that should
be assembled based on institutional mission and on audience. Lagzian et al.
list the ability of the system to make “available the number of downloads
P. OBrien et al.
and views of full text files” as one of the top critical success factors for IR
(Lagzian, Abrizah, & Wee, 2015).
Despite the recognition that quantifiable metrics, including downloads,
are useful, there is evidence that data and reporting abilities for IR are lacking. “While libraries determine the most appropriate benchmark for success
for their respective IRs, the need for more precise usage data will be central to assessment efforts” (Fralinger & Bull, 2013). The message conveying
the importance of assessment is also not necessarily widely accepted. In a
2013 publication that surveyed the usage of U.S.-based IR by international
audiences, Fralinger and Bull report that many IR administrators “seem to be
unaware, apathetic, or unprepared to do IR assessment, specifically from an
international perspective” (Fralinger & Bull, 2013).
Some prior research has already pointed out that discrepancies exist
in download reports when search engines send users directly to the file. A
2006 study at the University of Wollongong, Australia, noted that its Digital
Commons repository statistics suggested that users accessing [the IR] from
Google are in the majority of cases going straight to the document pdf, rather
than to the cover page” (Organ, 2006).
Overview of Web Analytics Methods
Reporting visitation and use of Web sites and digital repositories is made
possible through the use of Web analytics software, which may be divided
into two classes: (1) page tagging; and (2) log file. Brief descriptions of
these types follow, but more in-depth analyses are available in other studies
(Clifton, 2012; Fagan, 2014; Jansen, 2006; Nakatani & Chuang, 2011).
This class of analytics software is typically delivered as Software as a Service
(SaaS), where the software package usually resides on the vendor’s servers.
Popular page tagging software includes free packages such as Google Analytics, and costly options such as WebTrends and Adobe Marketing Cloud.
Page tagging analytics relies on a piece of tracking code (usually JavaScript)
that is embedded on each HTML page of the Web site in question. The
tracking code is keyed to the account holder and acts as a beacon to the
software package on the vendor’s servers. A display of the HTML page triggers a signal from the tracking code to the software package, where the visit
is registered along with various other pieces of information that can include
the referral site, search terms, user’s geographical location, type of device,
Log file analytics software provides reports on the data normally collected by
server logs. This type of software is typically installed and managed locally
by server administrators, and “web log analysis software. . . then can be
used to analyze the log file” (Nakatani & Chuang, 2011). Log file analytics
software includes the packages built into DSpace and ePrints, as well as
other packages such as WebLog Expert.
Which Type Is Better?
Both classes of analytics software have strengths and weaknesses. Correctly
configured, page tagging analytics software can provide a holistic view of
all the organization’s Web properties, including the ability to see the paths
that users follow through a domain. Sophisticated reports can be generated
using tools built into the software, and in a SAAS environment there is no
need for local updates or maintenance of the software itself.
Log file analytics can provide very granular information about IR activity,
but since the software is managed locally it can impose a small administrative
burden. Log file analysis can be difficult to configure if aggregating data
from more than one physical Webserver; manual compilation of reports is
required when multiple servers comprise the Web site of an organization.
On the other hand, a distinct advantage of log file analysis is that user and
institutional information is not shared with a third party. Over the past few
years, analytics plug-ins have been developed for popular file index stacks,
such as Solr and Elasticsearch.
Both page tagging and log file analytics carry significant risks for inaccurate reporting of IR activity (see Figure 1). Page tagging analytics software
FIGURE 1 Risks associated with each type of web analytics method.
P. OBrien et al.
FIGURE 2 Page tagging analytics does not Track Citable Content Downloads.
carries high risk for undercounting non-HTML file downloads, particularly
when users are referred directly to the file from an external source (see
Figure 2). Log file analytics software, on the other hand, carries a high risk
of over-counting due to the dynamic “cat and mouse” game required to identify and filter bots, crawlers and scrapers. In Web sites that see fewer than
10,000 visitors per day it is estimated that less than 30% of online traffic is
human-initiated (Zeifman, 2015). Paradoxically, log files can also sometimes
underestimate activity due to proxy and browser caching (Ferrini & Mohr,
Although Web analytics can help report IR activity, there is a significant
amount of academic paper sharing that may never be tracked. It is nearly
impossible, within the varied scholarly communication ecosystem, to capture
all the interactions that exist with any given paper.
The Problem of Robots
Undercounting is the basis for this research, but over-counting non-human
activity is also a concern. Log file analytics store every request for every
page and file. Robots (bots) create a large bias in log-based analytics because they account for almost 50% of all Internet traffic (Zeifman, 2015) and
over 85% of IR downloads (Information Power Ltd, 2013). While DSpace
has a bot filtering feature, it only addresses known bots, which fall under
the “good bots” category and include crawlers from Google or Bing whose
job it is to index IR content. “Bad bots” on the other hand are used for
malicious purposes, such as probing for server vulnerabilities that can be
used to infect visitors, generate SEO referral spam, or harvest the entire IR
content to generate traffic on other Web sites. While “good bots” are easily detected and screened from reports, they account for only 40% of total
bot activity. Log-based analytics methods have difficulty in effectively identifying and excluding “bad bot” activity that accounts for the other 60% of
total bot activity (Zeifman, 2015). The problem of bots skewing reports has
led to development of “more sophisticated—but practical—algorithms to
improve filtering that will eventually become incorporated into the
COUNTER standard” and will be used to help measure use and impact of IR
(MacIntyre & Jones, 2016). However, until these sophisticated solutions are
available, using Google Search Console Clicks and Google Analytics Events,
as described in the Research Methods section, may be the most accurate for
reporting IR downloads.
Although some researchers argue that Google Analytics is inappropriate for
educational use, since it was built for e-commerce rather than an educational
environment (Dragos, 2011), our related research has shown that the majority
of academic libraries still use this tool. In a study on privacy that will be
published in 2017, we found the presence of Google Analytics tracking
code in over 80% of the 263 academic libraries we surveyed. Outside the
realm of academic libraries, it has been reported that “more than 60% of all
websites on the Internet use Google Analytics, Google AdSense or another
Google product using tracking beacons” (Hornbaker & Merity, 2013; Piwik
development team, 2016).
Google Analytics provides a very accurate metric for determining the
number of HTML pages viewed by humans. Most bots are incapable of
running the Google Analytics JavaScript tracking code needed to register
a page view. Google’s primary business model is digital advertising and
companies use their analytics software to maximize eCommerce profit. As
a result, Google has a vested interest in ensuring that only human activity
is tracked and reported. Given this emphasis, it is not worth the effort for
libraries to spend money or staff time to meticulously eliminate bot activity
through their own local system. The tools and infrastructure provided by
Google Analytics and the Google Search Console API are the most costeffective, although they come with legitimate privacy concerns.
Standard configuration of Google Analytics provides statistics on HTML
page views, but additional configuration called “event tracking” (Bragg et al.,
2015) is required to track non-HTML Citable Content Downloads that comprise the bulk of citable IR content. Other researchers have previously noted
the difficulty of tracking non-HTML downloads in Google Analytics: “Without implementing event tracking, Google Analytics has no way to track these
P. OBrien et al.
[PDF] downloads, and the data will not be included in any reports” (Farney
& McHale, 2013) and “direct downloads of PDFs hosted in repositories may
not be reported unless Google Analytics has been configured appropriately,”
resulting in underestimates (Kelly, 2012). In a related study, Kelly and coauthors describe applying GA tracking code to the download link on the
HTML page (Kelly et al., 2012), but this method doesn’t address visitors who
arrive directly to the PDF (see Figure 2). Burns, Lana, and Budd also write
that “web log analytics may under report IR use” and refer to a DSpace solution developed at the University of Edinburgh, which “created a redirect so
a user’s click on a PDF link in a Google search results list will take the user
to the file’s item page in the IR, rather than directly to the file” (Burns et al.,
2013). Claire Knowles’ slide presentation shows large increases in download
statistics once the redirect was put into place in December 2011 (Knowles,
2012). However, this solution does not seem to have gained widespread traction, and it is unlikely that Google and Google Scholar would look favorably
upon a redirect when those search engines offer direct links to the files. Similarly, DSpace’s current 5.x implementation has a feature to track download
events within Google Analytics. However, after reviewing the DSpace code
we determined the current method relies on the Google Analytics API—not
Google Search Console API—and, thus, is limited to tracking file downloads
that originate from a DSpace HTML page. We also confirmed this by isolating
high-use non-HTML files and comparing Google Analytics Download Events
with Google Search Console Clicks.
Finally, it should be noted that vocabulary plays a role in measuring and
communicating impact through Web analytics. The library science profession
has long referred to digital objects (such as PDF files in an IR) as “items”
(Lagoze, Payette, Shin, & Wilper, 2006; Tansley et al., 2003), while Google
Analytics calls all HTML pages, including those that contain abstracts and
metadata “items.” This can cause confusion when communicating impact.
As we noted at the start, we refer to pages containing only metadata and
abstracts as Item Summary Pages, and while technically they contain all the
information required for citation, one hopes that a scholarly citation would
only result from the download and reading of the full publication, (i.e., what
we call the Citable Content Downloads).
The data set for this study was collected from four institutional repositories, whose activity was monitored during a 134-day period during spring
academic semester in 2016:
• LoboVault—University of New Mexico—
• MacSphere—McMaster University—
• ScholarWorks—Montana State University—http://scholarworks.montana.
• USpace—University of Utah—
The first three repositories run the DSpace platform, while USpace at
the University of Utah runs CONTENTdm. The University of New Mexico is
in the process of migrating to a Digital Commons platform, and expects to
go live before end of summer, 2016. Data for this study were collected from
UNM’s DSpace platform.
Data were gathered and compared using a number of tools and configurations. Google Analytics, deployed in conjunction with the Google Search
Console (previously known as Webmaster Tools), was used to help compile
activity, and DSpace usage statistics and Solr stats were also utilized. The
following list explains which specific activity was pulled from each tool:
1. Google Analytics
a. Page Views
b. Events
2. Google Search Console API
a. Clicks
3. DSpace
a. Google Analytics Statistics
b. Usage Statistics
c. Solr Stats
d. Solr Item Metadata
In order to exclude activity that does not support the mission of open access
IR and to identify search referral details, we applied IP address filters that
excluded library staff activity, added the Organic Search Source setting to
identify referral detail about Google, Google Scholar and Google Image, and
enabled bot filtering.
The Google Analytics reports used for this study are listed, below.
PV = Page Views.
1. Total IR HTML PV—estimated using Google Analytics > Behavior > Site
Content > All Pages Report. Reported PV were used in lieu of Unique PV
to ensure our study findings were conservative (Google, Inc., 2016b).
P. OBrien et al.
2. Total IR Item Summary PV—estimated by refining the report listed in #1
with an Advanced Filter using Regular Expressions. Regular Expressions
were developed to exclude any activity involving HTML Ancillary Pages
for the unique configuration in each IR.
3. Ancillary PV—estimated by Total IR HTML PV less Total Item Summary
4. Download Events—estimated using Google Analytics > Events > Behavior > Events > Pages report. Note: only Montana State University and
the University of Utah IR had configured their IR software and Google
Analytics to track Events, as will be seen in Table 1.
Google Search Console provides the count of human clicks that each URL
receives from the search results pages (SERP) of Google’s search properties
(Google, Inc., 2016a). However, account holders can only access the last
90 days of visitation data via the Google Search Console interface. To accumulate persistent data for our study, we used Python scripts to access the
Google Search Console API to extract URLs that received one or more clicks
each day. We then applied the Regular Expressions developed for estimating
Total IR Item Summary PV, above. We also included rules to include only
URLs for non-HTML files in this estimate. This method allowed us to retrieve
every record on every day from Google Search Console, with no limitations.
In brief, we were able to extract a persistent dataset with the granular detail
required for this study.
A previous researcher had asserted that the reported DSpace statistics may
be biased by as much as 85% over-counting due to bot activity (Greene,
2016). We corroborated this claim by temporarily bypassing the local host
restriction (Masár, 2015) and acquiring the detailed download records from
the Solr statistics core. These records were then joined with the metadata
records from the Solr search core (Diggory & Luyten, 2015) in the Montana
State and University of New Mexico IR. We also tried to analyze the DSpace
Google Analytics Statistics feature, but learned of a current bug (Dietz, 2015)
in DSpace 5.x that prevented DSpace from generating those statistics for our
study participants’ IR Items.
Data Set
The resulting dataset (OBrien et al., 2016) contains over 57,087 unique URLs
in 413,786 records that received one or more human clicks via Google SERP
TABLE 1 Total activity from four IR during the 134-day test period.
Item Sumary PV
Ancillary PV
Download Events
Citable Content Downloads
Total Google Analytics HTML PV
26, 735
51, 150
83, 491
122, 927
23, 350
71, 585
59, 289
47, 569
7, 129
19, 226
77, 380
133, 342
166, 320
159, 536
50, 085
122, 735
142, 780
170, 496
P. OBrien et al.
from January 5, 2016 to May 17, 2016 (134 days). Using the Google Search
Console API, we were able to determine the total number of invisible Citable
Item Downloads (item downloads that did not originate from the IR Web site
and were not reported in Google Analytics—see Figure 2). After aggregating
these data, a regular expression was used to exclude URLs containing nonscholarly material, such as collection landing pages. This resulted in a set of
data that could be used to determine the number of non-HTML files (.pdf,
.jpeg, MS Word documents, MS PowerPoint, .txt datasets, MS Excel files, etc.)
that were directly downloaded from Google SERP.
This study involves only four repositories, although the compiled data set
includes over 400,000 records for more than 57,000 URLs. The data were
gathered during the height of the spring semester when classes were in
session, a time during which use of the IR at the four universities should
have been high. However, it could be argued that the fall semester might
have garnered more activity, and ideally, an entire year of data would be
collected and analyzed for a larger number of IR. As with any study that
gathers data from a dynamic environment, the data should be considered a
snapshot in time.
Another limitation is that only two repository software platforms
(DSpace and CONTENTdm) are represented in this study. DSpace is by
far the most widely used IR software in the world and its selection is justifiable on that basis. While CONTENTdm has seen broad adoption in cultural
heritage digital libraries, it is not very widely used as an IR platform. However, gathering data from IR is contingent on relationships that provide a
specific level of access, and the CONTENTdm repository was another data
set to which the authors had access. A larger study should ideally include
other platforms, such as Digital Commons and ePrints.
Finally, Google Search Console brings value to this study by helping
to include tracking of non-HTML downloads. However, its ability to count
downloads is limited to clicks that originate from other Google properties,
and therefore some number of direct downloads from non-Google properties
have been missed in this study.
The total IR activity from the four repositories that we can report with a
high level of confidence and accuracy was calculated by combining Google
Analytics Page Views, Google Search Console Clicks, and Google Analytics
Events. Evidence gathered from the IR in this study shows as much as 58%
of all human-generated IR activity goes unreported by Google Analytics, the
FIGURE 3 Chart representation of total Google Analytics HTML page views from the four
repositories tracked for the study.
Web analytics tool used most frequently in academic libraries to measure
Table 1 shows the Total IR Activity that was collected from the four
repositories during the 134-day data-collection period. HTML Item Summary
Page Views and Ancillary Page Views combined to provide the total number
that Google Analytics was able to report for each of the four repositories
(see Figure 3). Only Montana State University and the University of Utah had
configured their IR and Google Analytics to report Download Events, which
explains why there are no data for the McMaster University and University
of New Mexico repositories. The figures for Citable Content Downloads (see
Table 1) was extracted from Google Search Console API. These downloads
were in addition to the Total Google Analytics HTML PV figures, demonstrating rather dramatically how much high-value activity Google Analytics
is unable to capture.
Figure 4 shows the percentage of page views that were reported via
Google Analytics for the four repositories categorized as Ancillary Page Views
and Item Summary Page Views. The range of Ancillary Page Views across the
four repositories was 28%–58%, for a weighted average of 41.51% Ancillary
PV. As explained earlier, Ancillary Pages are the low-value HTML pages that
provide general information or navigation paths through the IR, while the
Item Summary Pages contain abstracts and metadata for a single scholarly
Figure 5 shows the total IR activity that our study identified via Google
Analytics and Google Search Console. 46%–58% of the activity was invisible
P. OBrien et al.
via Google Analytics, with a weighted average of 51.1% of IR activity being
invisible without the use of Google Search Console Clicks.
The true value of an IR is contained within its research papers and data sets,
and we refer to measureable interaction with these files as Citable Content
Downloads. Our study demonstrates that the most popular analytics methods
miss or underreport this most important metric of IR activity. The analytics
reporting methods we introduced in this study provide a framework for more
accurate measurement of IR activity.
There are several paths that a user may take to reach citable content,
which is most often a PDF or other type of non-HTML file. A visit may be directed from a known link, a Web search service, or by browsing the IR itself.
In the case of the first two paths the user is often linked directly, bypassing
the HTML pages of the repository and arriving immediately at the desired
content. The third path involves direct use of the IR Web site, through which
the user may eventually land on the HTML Item Summary Page (containing abstract and metadata), and from there s/he may click on the link on
that page that downloads the non-HTML file. There is no guarantee that
FIGURE 4 Percent of item summary and ancillary page views (PV).
FIGURE 5 Unreported IR activity in Google Analytics.
a user will open the file after it has been downloaded, but s/he certainly
could not read the publication or work with the data set prior to download.
Together, Item Summary Page Views (collected through Google Analytics),
and Citable Content Downloads (collected using the Google Search Console
API), are excellent indicators of IR impact that may predict eventual citation
Data from this study show enormous numbers of high-value Citable
Content Downloads being missed by Google Analytics. For example, the
data from Table 1 show that Google Analytics failed to report 100% of
Citable Content Downloads at McMaster University and the University of New
Mexico, while 91.6% were missed at Montana State University and 89.2% at
the University of Utah. In addition to these large reporting errors, there are
still Citable Content Downloads being missed due to their origination outside
the Google ecosystem. We believe that our tested methods produce a highly
accurate picture of IR activity that is as granular as the IR activity reported
in server logs, however, our methods also have the added convenience of
being pre-filtered for bots and other non-human activity. More research and
analysis is required to determine exactly how much human activity goes
unaccounted, but our preliminary estimates indicate the activity we cannot
accurately measure is small and may have little effect on reporting.
Event tracking is an added configuration that should ideally be implemented in Google Analytics, but its effect may be overrated. Our analysis
P. OBrien et al.
showed that event tracking accounted for only 8%–11% of total Citable Content downloads in our study.
Adding Google Search Console results improves accuracy by providing
the number of non-HTML downloads, but those represent only clicks that
originated from a Google search property. Therefore, this study still may
be missing a significant number of Citable Content Downloads originating
from other sources that bypass HTML pages in the IR. These other sources
may include Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, numerous social media sites such as
FaceBook, Twitter, Reddit, CiteULike, professional and academic sites like
LinkedIn, ResearchGate,, Mendeley, and direct email referrals. Publishers have similar data capture limitations beyond their journal
Web pages, and they track use through services like DataCite that produce
and monitor Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) (Paskin, 2000). Publishers may
go one step further by working through controlled services like ReadCube
(Goncharoff, 2014), but that practice limits access to devices that are set up
for the ReadCube application and runs counter to the IR mission of facilitating
access to scholarship rather than limiting it.
The source of a Web referral to an IR matters. From an institutional perspective, a visitor referred by Google Scholar carries greater value than one
referred from Google, Facebook or Yahoo!. Google Scholar users primarily represent researchers seeking scholarly publications, and they are more
likely to download IR files and use them to support their own research. This
is a high-value audience that should be of great interest to IR managers.
Metadata and site crawling problems have historically limited many IR from
establishing the kind of robust relationship with Google Scholar that facilitates consistent and accurate harvesting of publications (Arlitsch & O’Brien,
2012). But data collected in the current study indicate that repositories indexed by Google Scholar receive 48%–66% of their referrals from Google
Scholar. These figures are significant and imply that a good relationship
with Google Scholar is worthwhile, as it leads to considerable high-quality
Most IR managers are only able to measure a small part of the high-value
traffic to their IR; much of what they see is indicative of visits to the site’s lowvalue HTML pages rather than a measure of citable content downloads. The
standard configuration of the most widely-used analytics service in academic
libraries, Google Analytics, fails to capture the vast majority of non-HTML
Citable Content Downloads from IR. This seriously limits the effectiveness of
IR managers and library administrators when they try to make the case for
IR usefulness and impact.
Current mechanisms for collecting accurate analytics are limited and
further study is warranted, but the methods tested in this study are promising.
Some repository platform developers make claims that they address analytics
data collection and reporting, but it can be difficult to know exactly which
techniques are being applied and how effective they are, particularly in a
proprietary environment. For example, simply using a bot list isn’t good
enough because “bad bots” are constantly changing to avoid detection and
what worked yesterday may not work tomorrow.
We have the potential to know so much more about the movement
and use of research than we did when bound paper copies circulated from
office to office, but our knowledge will only increase if the tools are set up
appropriately and calibrated for the task. Trying to capture currently invisible
activity is a large endeavor, but one that will help us make a stronger use
case for IR, better understand IR user needs, and continue to improve access
to research. The ability to report downloads can be a powerful tool to help
faculty engage with IR. Citations may take years to appear in the literature,
but repository downloads act as a proxy measure, giving the IR manager a
more immediate understanding of citable content use.
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Library Services, which funded this research (Arlitsch et al., 2014).
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