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The objective of this paper is to model and optimise solar organic rankine cycle (ORC) engines for reverse osmosis (RO) desalination using currently available solar thermal collectors. The proposed systems are intended to be potentially... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCase StudyProcess SimulationSolar Collector
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      Environmental EngineeringClimate ChangeBioenergyLife Cycle Assessment
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate a b s t r a c t Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are used in portable devices to generate electrical energy;... more
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      EngineeringIonic LiquidProton Exchange Membrane Fuel CellsPower
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      EngineeringMonte Carlo SimulationPower SystemPower System Reliability
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnvironmental Impact AssessmentEnvironmental Concern
This paper is a review of the texture development in zirconium alloys (in the form of thick walled tube reduced extrusion or TREX, thin-walled tubing and sheets) of importance to light and heavy water nuclear reactor technology along with... more
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      Stress corrosion crackingNuclear reactorGeneral ElectricMicrostructures
Environmental aspects of using supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) to treat sewage sludge were studied using a life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The system studied is the first commercial scale SCWO plant for sewage sludge in the... more
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      EngineeringEnergy ConservationLife Cycle AssessmentEnvironmental Sciences
This paper explores wind power integration issues for the South Australian (SA) region of the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM) by assessing the interaction of regional wind generation, electricity demand and spot prices over 2... more
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      Wind EnergyEnergy PolicyMultidisciplinaryElectricity Market
In Nicaragua, two sugar mills are going to generate electricity from eucalyptus outside the sugarcane season. The eucalyptus comes from the sugar mills' already existing industrial energy plantations. In this study, we look at the... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyIncome DistributionSeasonality
This paper focuses on a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of four waste management strategies: landfill without biogas utilization; landfill with biogas combustion to generate electricity; sorting plant which splits the inorganic waste fraction... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnergyLife Cycle AssessmentWaste Management
We investigate the properties of correlation based networks originating from economic complex systems, such as the network of stocks traded at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The weaker links (low correlation) of the system are found... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsComplex SystemsComplex SystemEconomic System
Environmental concerns coupled with the depletion of fuel sources has led to research on ethanol, fuel cells, and even generating electricity from vibrations. Much of the research in these areas is stalling due to expensive or... more
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      VibrationsMathematical ModelingVibrationFuel Cell
This paper describes the development of a small-scale system designed to generate electricity from low temperature heat (e.g., solar energy). The system operates on the Rankine cycle and uses n-pentane as the working¯uid. A prototype... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSystem DesignCost EstimationSolar Energy
Los Documentos de Trabajo se distribuyen gratuitamente a las Universidades e Instituciones de Investigación que lo solicitan. No obstante están disponibles en texto completo a través de Internet:
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnergy PolicyNatural Gas
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      EngineeringTechnologyBiomassGAS TURBINE
Insufficient technology transfer between research and its customers is one of the key weaknesses in industrial R&D. Since knowledge transfer to development and other corporate partners is the only raison d'etre for industrial... more
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      Technology ManagementTechnology transferKnowledge TransferCustomer Orientation
Planarians are the simplest animals to exhibit a body plan common to all vertebrates and many invertebrates, characterized by bilateral rather than radial symmetry, dorsal and ventral surfaces, and a rostrocaudal axis with a head and a... more
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      Animal BehaviorBehaviorEvolutionMammals
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      Investor RelationsGeneral ElectricStock Price
We present an analytical model to describe capacitively coupled radio-frequency (CCRF) discharges and the electrical asymmetry effect (EAE) based on the non-linearity of the boundary sheaths. The model describes various discharge types,... more
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      EngineeringFundamental FrequencyPhysical sciencesRadio Frequency
Region growing is a very useful technique for image segmentation. Its efficiency mainly depends on its aggregation criterion. In the present paper, a new algorithm is proposed with a homogeneity criterion based on an adequate tuning... more
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      Cognitive ScienceX-ray imagingImage segmentationRegion growing
Corona discharge based unipolar ionizers are commonly used for reducing aerosol particle concentrations in indoor environments. The ions (usually negative) emitted from the ionizer help in charging the airborne particles, which are then... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAtmospheric sciencesCorona DischargeExperimental Study
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      Strategic ManagementYönetim Ve OrganizasyonGeneral Electricİşletme, Pazarlama
The quality of generated electricity in power systems is dependent on the system output, which has to be of constant frequency and must maintain the scheduled power and voltage. Therefore, load frequency control, LFC, is very important... more
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      Power SystemsFuzzy LogicPower SystemComparative Study
Industrial gas-turbine engine had many developments in the past 60 years and becomes the common power plant. Egypt, middle east and Africa is considered one of the biggest region for gas turbine markets. The main aim of the present... more
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      PerformanceGAS TURBINEOil IndustryElectricity
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      Civil SocietyGeneral ElectricEcosystem serviceManagement Practice
Reverse electrodialysis (RED) is a technology to generate electricity using the entropy of the mixing of sea and river water. A model is made of the RED process and validated experimentally. The model is used to design and optimize the... more
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      Chemical EngineeringRenewable EnergyStructural DesignRiver water
A solar updraft tower power plant-sometimes also called ''solar chimney'' or just ''solar tower''-is a solar thermal power plant utilizing a combination of solar air collector and central updraft tube to generate a solar induced... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringPower PlantSolar EnergyPower Generation
With the complete utilization of the potential for value creation through the strategy of cost reduction and complete removal of underperforming assets during the era of Jack Welch, it was important for Jeff Immelt to act promptly to save... more
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      Strategic ManagementStrategic PlanningStrategy (Business)General Electric
Knowledge management is the active transfer of knowledge throughout an organization. Such organizations may be corporations, nonprofit organizations, governments, or international agencies. It involves the capture, refinement, storage,... more
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      Knowledge ManagementTechnology transferCase StudyGeneral Electric
Because effective operation of bioreactor landfills involves careful operation and construction of infrastructure beyond that necessary in traditional landfills, upfront capital and operating costs are greater than those associated with... more
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      Environmental EngineeringWaste ManagementComputer SimulationGeneral Electric
The Gas turbine technology has steadily advanced since its inception and emerged as a strong force in the generation market. It has been an active area of research. Research and development was one of the major keys to its success. The... more
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      GAS TURBINEResearch and DevelopmentGeneral Electric
A generator powered by a stationary bicycle for the purposes of generating electricity for fitness club appliances is considered. A generator is connected to a stationary bicycle in such a way as the circular rotation of the front wheel... more
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      Energy StorageGeneral ElectricElectricity GenerationDirect Current
This study presents a PVediesel hybrid power system with battery backup for a village being fed with diesel generated electricity to displace part of the diesel by solar. The hourly solar radiation data measured at the site along with PV... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnergyPower System
El Justo a Tiempo o JIT (Just in Time por sus siglas en inglés) es un sistema de producción basado en el manejo de inventarios o stock tendiente a cero;la optimización de las logísticas de entrega de suministros por parte de los... more
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      RCAZaraFordGeneral Motors
Este trabajo tiene como finalidad estudiar y comparar los principales motores para aviones comerciales fabricados por las empresas Pratt & Whitney, General Electric y Rolls-Royce, además de aquellos fabricados por alianzas estratégicas en... more
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      Aircraft DesignAircraft enginesGeneral ElectricTURBOFAN ENGINE
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      Yönetim Ve OrganizasyonUK 2010 General ElectionGeneral ElectricStratejik Yönetim
Anaerobic digestion applied to the organic waste produced in urban environments could provide a critical solution to growing garbage problems while simultaneously reducing external energy requirements. As landfills across Canada and the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringDesignRenewable EnergyCase Studies
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      Analytical ChemistryCHEMICAL SCIENCESGeneral Electric
One of the most popular techniques of renewable energy generation is the installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems using sunlight to generate electrical power. There are many factors that affecting the operation and efficiency of the PV... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyGeneral ElectricPv System
This PhD describes the social science and technical design of an innovative clean cooking stove that also generates electricity for use in developing countries. Key areas of learning adding to the research pool are:
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      SociologyTechnology and SocietyDeveloping CountrySouth America
We consider a simulated annealing approach with a network reduction technique to solve a special case of a vehicle routing problem with time windows where routes have limited duration (VRPTW-LD). The objective is twofold: minimizing the... more
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      HeuristicsLogisticsSimulated AnnealingRouting
The turbofan engine had many developments in the past 60 years and becomes the common power plant employed in both civil airliners and military aircrafts. It combines the advantages of both of turboprop engines (high propulsive efficiency... more
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      ThermodynamicsPerformanceOptimization techniquesBusiness Cycle Analysis
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      EngineeringGeneral ElectricElectric PowerAxial Flow
The nuclear thermal rocket (NTR) provides a unique propulsion capability to planners/designers of future human exploration missions to the Moon and Mars. In addition to its high specific impulse (approximately 850-1000 s) and engine... more
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      Hydrogen StorageCommonwealth of Independent StatesMission PlanningGeneral Electric
There has been an increase in recent years in the number of reports of microorganisms that can generate electrical current in microbial fuel cells. Although many new strains have been identified, few strains individually produce power... more
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      MicrobiologyBiofilmsElectrochemistryMedical Microbiology
This paper presents an assessment of the technical and economic performance of thermal processes to generate electricity from a wood chip feedstock by combustion, gasification and fast pyrolysis. The scope of the work begins with the... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergySensitivity AnalysisSeasonality
Thermal-power electricity are important mainly because of the need for diversified power-generation and the availability of natural gas, the main fuel used in this type of electricity-generating system. With the implementation of the... more
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Sugarcane bagasse is becoming more and more commonly used in generating electrical energy, steam, and bioethanol. Drying is important in sugarcane and other types of biomass because it can be used to improve the calorific value and... more
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      Chemical EngineeringDrying TechnologyExperimental DesignAir flow
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) can be used to directly generate electricity from the oxidation of dissolved organic matter, but optimization of MFCs will require that we know more about the factors that can increase power output such as the... more
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      WaterProton Exchange MembraneAir pollutionImpedance Spectroscopy