Recent papers in Zara
The fashion apparel industry has significantly evolved, particularly over the last 20 years. The changing dynamics of the fashion industry have forced retailers to desire low cost and flexibility in design, quality, and speed to market,... more
The fashion apparel industry has significantly evolved, particularly over the last 20 years. The changing dynamics of the fashion industry have forced retailers to desire low cost and flexibility in design, quality, and speed to market,... more
Recensione in «Atti e memorie della Società dalmata di storia patria», 6 (2017), pp. 273-279
In this paper, I will look at the ethical implications of the “fast fashion” business model; specifically, human rights and environmental violations committed in the industry. I will first look at the Bangladesh factory collapse, an... more
This article is an in depth analysis of Zara´s communication system to stablish relationship with the stakeholders. Even though some os them must be unconcious even for the company they get, as a result, a very comprehensive and... more
Inditex is the largest fashion distributor and retailer in the world, with eight brands: Zara, Pull&Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho, Zara Home, and Uterque. The figures around the company are massive, with 7,475 stores... more
El grupo Inditex es la primera empresa española especialista en textil. Su modelo se basa en un canal en su totalidad, gracias al control de fabricación y distribución, junto con una logística considerada como una de las más eficaces del... more
This paper consists of two parts: (1) a review of literature on process and facility design, and process improvement; and (2) a case analysis of the process design and production management philosophies of the Spanish Inditex Group’s... more
El Justo a Tiempo o JIT (Just in Time por sus siglas en inglés) es un sistema de producción basado en el manejo de inventarios o stock tendiente a cero;la optimización de las logísticas de entrega de suministros por parte de los... more
1. Introduction-2. International law, soft law and transnational enterprises responsibilities-3. The Zara case in Brazil: combining mandatory and soft law measures to promote decent work conditions in the supply chain; 3.1. The Case; 3.2.... more
Spanish firm Inditex, specially known for its brand Zara, has been listed among the three bigger corporations of fashion industry in world market. It held the second position in profits after the Swedish Hennes & Moritz, and the third one... more
Zara is a famous Spanish clothing company that uses a brilliant marketing strategy to achieve its business goals. As a result, Zara has become Europe's best-known fashion brand. Amancio Ortea Gaona started the company in 1963. Half a... more
Il 28 settembre 1644 una squadra dei Cavalieri di Malta attacca la Carovana di Alessandria al largo dell’isola di Scarpanto, nel mar Egeo. I Cavalieri catturano numerosi prigionieri. Tra di essi, dame del seguito del sultano e un bambino... more
This paper, in Italian language, in addition to the traditional literature on the field and on the web, is formed from a series of interviews about the exodus of Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia since 1945 by the author. Some stories,... more
The purpose of this communication project was via online observations to understand whether Facebook can help fast fashion brands to conduct direct marketing. Along with the fashion clothing industry having changed rapidly, fast fashion... more
MONTANER, Alberto, «Zara/Zoraida y la Cava Rumía: Historia, leyenda e invención», en De Cervantes y el islam, ed. N. Martínez de Castilla y R. Gil Benumeya Grimau, Madrid, Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, 2006 [ISBN... more
In 1597 Minuccio Minucci (Archbishop of Zara) wrote a letter to the former Venetian Ambassador at the Papal Court, Paolo Paruta, describing his own project for a trade route from the Duchy of Bavaria to Venice, in order to carry to the... more
Après avoir évoqué le role diplomatique joué par les marchands pisans dans les contrées orientales de la Méditerranée (Adriatique et Empire byzantin), l'auteur examine les traces de ces contacts dans les édifices et leur décor sculpté. Il... more
In questo saggio sono illustrati alcuni documenti presenti in Italia, nella speranza che possano essere di stimolo agli studiosi per una ricostruzione organica dell'attività di Giuseppe Praga come bibliotecario, da inquadrarsi nella... more
The fashion apparel industry has significantly evolved, particularly over the last 20 years. The changing dynamics of the fashion industry have forced retailers to desire low cost and flexibility in design, quality, and speed to market,... more
Although born globals (BGs) have now been studied for over a decade, theory and practice are still evolving. This article was written to clarify the definition of a Born Global (BG) firm and to describe the three phases—introductory,... more
3 Ιρκε μετά ο δόγθσ και τουσ είπε: «Άρχοντεσ, ζχουμε τϊρα χειμϊνα• δεν μποροφμε να περάςουμε πζρα από τθ κάλαςςα• δε φταίω εγϊ γι' αυτό, γιατί κα ςασ είχα περάςει από καιρό τϊρα αν θ αιτία δεν ιςαςταν εςείσ. Ασ το δοφμε όμωσ το πράγμα»,... more
Ristampa del volume di Carlo Cecchelli del 1932. Fa parte della nuova collana Cataloghi e Inventari degli oggetti d'arte d'Italia, editore ZeL Treviso
The fashion apparel industry has significantly evolved, particularly over the last 20 years. The changing dynamics of the fashion industry have forced retailers to desire low cost and flexibility in design, quality, and speed to market,... more
This research aims to unravel the image of Indonesian TPT Industry and consumer’s evaluation of purchase for global brands using Zara Products as an observation sample in order to devise recommendation for betterment of Indonesian TPT... more
Strategic cost management has become an essential area now days. While formulating the strategy for the accomplishment of organizational overall objectives, different cost drivers should be clearly identified. Identification of key cost... more
Giuseppe Praga, Scritti sulla Dalmazia, 3 voll., a cura di Egidio Ivetic, Società Dalmata di Storia Patria, Atti e Memorie XXXVIII-XXXIX-XL, Venezia, 2012-2014.
Presentazione del volume, Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, 7 febbraio 2018
With the current global scenario, R&D service providers need to better understand their client needs and come up with what can be called "solution innovation". Corporate solutions and innovations specialise in the delivery of solutions to... more
Vor einigen Jahren weckten einige AutorInnen der Global Labour Studies die Erwartung, dass die Globalisierung des Kapitals und die neuen Möglichkeiten der elektronischen Kommunikation bald zur Hegemonie der Arbeiterklasse führen... more
En la actualidad y como consecuencia de la profundización de los procesos globalizadores, resulta fácilmente constatable la gran influencia que ejercen las empresas y especialmente las corporaciones multinacionales en el conjunto de la... more
The fashion apparel industry has significantly evolved, particularly over the last 20 years. The changing dynamics of the fashion industry have forced retailers to desire low cost and flexibility in design, quality, and speed to market,... more