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Le cas de la pollution tendrait donc à montrer que, dans certains cas, la propriété est incapable de conduire à une gestion raisonnable et durable des ressources naturelles. Le cas des externalités négatives apparaît alors comme une ¹... more
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      CommonsProperty RightsEnvironmental StudiesTragedy of the Commons
Πανταζίδης Σ. (Υπό Δημοσίευση). Η Παιδαγωγική των εκπαιδευτικών κοινών: Μία προσέγγιση κριτικής εκπαίδευσης. Πρακτικά του 4ου Πανελλήνιο Συνεδρίου Κριτικής Εκπαίδευσης Η Κριτική Εκπαίδευση στον 21οαι.: προκλήσεις και προτάσεις. Η παρούσα... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodAction ResearchCommonsCritical Pedagogy
This contribution offers an historical conceptual analysis of the population question, as it was articulated by Neo-Malthusian intellectuals G. Hardin and P. Ehrlich before 1972 UN Stockholm Conference. Starting from the conceptualization... more
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      NeoliberalismEnvironmentalismNeo Malthusianism
Critiques of the misconstrued thesis of Garrett Hardin's (1968) classic essay entitled The Tragedy of the Commons from the futility of technical solution for overpopulation crisis to concern of managing the commons are well documented.... more
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      CommonsEnvironmental EthicsMetaphorPopulation
The term "commons" is used with increasing frequency in the public debate and scientific literature in various fields (including economics and sociology). However, this term is often ambiguous and used to denote quite different things.... more
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      Commons (Political Science)Commons GovernanceElinor OstromTragedy of the Commons
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Elsewhere I have argued that, historically, the public and private funding of health care has been fueled primarily by four mixed motives, namely, the redemptive, the utilitarian, the prudential, and the charitable motives. In this paper,... more
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    • Political Science
Os termos sociobiologia, consiliência, biofilia e biodiversidade ligam-se ao nome de Edward Wilson, naturalista polêmico, adepto de uma base genética do comportamento
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Para apresentar respostas e posicionamentos à crise ambiental mundial, os brasileiros-ou ao menos muitos brasileiros-precisamos antes de tudo descobrir / inventar / cultivar uma identidade "ambiental". É sobre esse ponto que focalizarei a... more
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      International RelationsEnvironmental StudiesBrazilian StudiesBiodiversity Conservation
Earth, the orbit, is different from any other place in the universe due to its proximity to our planet and the impact humans have on the area. Humanity needs to stop thinking of the planet's orbit as just a part of the vastness of... more
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      LawInternational LawPolitical ScienceHumanity
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      Political ScienceEnvironmentalism
This paper examines whether public perceptions of the claimed advantages and disadvantages of fracking are consistent with an evidence-based assessment of the claimed advantages and disadvantages. Public assessments are obtained from an... more
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      PsychologyPublic OpinionPublic RelationsDisadvantage
Ecocritics tend to think of environmentalism as a form of resistance against the anthropocentrism of Western modernity. Such a view stands in contrast to biopolitical theory, which sees modernity in terms of a naturalization of the human... more
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      Environmental SciencePhilosophyLiteratureEnvironmental Ethics
This contribution presents a bibliographical itinerary on Twentieth century environmental revival of Malthusian doctrines. After introducing both the main conceptual strains inherent to the topic, and their scientific interest the essay... more
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      EnvironmentalismAnthropoceneGarrett HardinNeo Malthusianism
Os termos sociobiologia, consiliência, biofilia e biodiversidade ligam-se ao nome de Edward Wilson, naturalista polêmico, adepto de uma base genética do comportamento
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Review of Garett Hardin's "Filters against folly - how to survive despite economists, ecologists and the merely eloquent (New York, Penguin, 1986). 240p.
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      Environmental ScienceGarrett Hardin
More than 50 years ago biologist Garrett Hardin published his influential essay 'The Tragedy of the Commons'. In his essay, Hardin argued that in situations where people share resources, external intervention via governmental regulations... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental EducationCommonsCurriculum and Pedagogy
Este trabajo busca pensar lo común en un desplazamiento de lo filosófico a lo político. Se inicia con contribuciones de Jean-Luc Nancy y Roberto Esposito para pensar lo común en términos ontológicos e impolíticos. En seguida, se comentan... more
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      PhilosophyCommonsFilosofíaElinor Ostrom
population growth have been used to justify all manner of interventions, including some, such as forced abortions and sterilisations, that are morally repugnant. The indirect effects have often also been dreadful. For example, China's... more
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      Agricultural ProductionPopulation GrowthLiving Standards
issue of Science (1). Hardin questioned society's ability to manage shared resources and avoid an environmentally and socially calamitous free-for-all. In the 50 years since, the essay has influenced discussions ranging from climate... more
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Elsewhere I have argued that, historically, the public and private funding of health care has been fueled primarily by four mixed motives, namely, the redemptive, the utilitarian, the prudential, and the charitable motives. In this paper,... more
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    • Political Science
Pour beaucoup de commentateurs, la récente crise financière trouve son origine dans l'évolution de la science économique depuis les années 1970. Bien sûr, va l'argument, l'appétit au gain, les comportements mimétiques ou la défaillance... more
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      SociologyPolitical ScienceEsprit
Extinction-the causes and consequences of the disappearance of species. New York, Ballantine Books, 1985 [1981]. 384p. Resenha escrita por José Augusto Drummond. Paul Ehrlich (1932), norte-americano, zoólogo de formação, é... more
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      Conservation BiologyBiodiversityMass extinctionsPaul Ehrlich
O caminho da ecologia humana para um mundo em crescimento.
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ABSTRACTThe exhaustion of natural resources is partly due to natural causes but is also a result of human activity. The effects of human activity depend on the type of natural resource, especially the management of biological populations.... more
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The ability to make explicit representations of the relationship between human society and the biophysical world has become increasingly critical in the face of increased human population along with desires among that population for... more
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Way back in 1968, an ecologist, Garret Hardin, wrote a now-famous essay for the journal Science called "The Tragedy of the Commons." The idea Hardin presents is relatively simple: Individuals that act independently and rationally... more
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This essay takes the motif of ruin as an entry point for a foray into the subject of the commons. It engages Garrett Hardin’s nearly unknown discussions of literature and poetry to shed critical light on his famous idea of “The Tragedy of... more
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      RomanticismCommonsRace and RacismRural History
Ortak mal, orta malı, ortak varlık, ortak alanlar veya müşterekler, herhangi bir mülkiyet hakkı barındırmayan, girişlerin serbest, herkesin kullanımına açık olan, tüketiciler tarafından kullanımın engellenmediği alanlardır. Ortak... more
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      Common PropertyUrbanismçevre KorumaGarrett Hardin
El concepto toma como punto de partida la radical incapacidad del hombre para actuar desinteresadamente. Desde esa visión la única fuerza que mueve la maquinaria económica será precisamente el interés propio. La armonía social es lograda... more
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Günümüzde Türkiye ve dünyada orman ekosistemlerinin yöneti-minde önemli dönüşümler meydana geliyor. Bu dönüşümler arasında temel bir ögeyi mülkiyet hakları düzenlemeleri oluşturuyor. Tüm dün-yada hukuksal olarak orman sayılan 1 alanlarda... more
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      Elinor OstromGarrett HardinMüştereklerOrman
There is not doubt that all of us could lead a more efficient life. This sadly is greatly out of our control presently as we each have our ideas on how to be more conservative in our footprint on the planet's economy and resources.... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeuroscienceNeuropsychologyEvolutionary Psychology
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      Mancur OlsonGarrett HardinRONALD COASE
Review of Jonathan Weiner. The Next one hundred years - shaping the fate of our living Earth. New York, Bantam, 1990. 312p.
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      Climate ChangeGlobal Warming
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      Economic HistoryEnvironmental HistoryForest History
Per un'economia a misura d'uomo. Il saggio "L'essere umano e l'economia. Ricerche per una nuova antropologia" a cura di Ernesto Longobardi e Davide Natali.
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      HobbesKarl PolanyiGramsciAdam Smith
Many of the radical ideas of present-day opponents of the growth society build upon a rich intellectual heritage of opposition to growth, stretching back to the 1960s. What’s intriguing about the works of the past opponents of growth, the... more
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      Political EconomyGlobalizationSustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable Development
Capítulo publicado no livro "Meio ambiente: questões conceituais", organizado por Selene C. Herculano. Niterói, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Ambientais da Universidade Federal Fluminense, 2000.
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      Legislação Ambiental - Políticas AmbientaisAção ColetivaMancur OlsonRecursos Naturais
A 50 años de la publicación de "La tragedia de los comunes" reflexiones sobre las propuestas de Elin Ostrom.
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      AmbienteGarrett HardinNobelist Elinor Ostrom
The “tragedy of the commons” is the name the biologist Garrett Hardin gave to a thought experiment in a now famous 1968 Science article. It predicted global resource degradation and societal ruin from the net consequences of individuals... more
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      Environmental CommunicationEnvironmental RhetoricGarrett HardinHuman Overpopulation
To claim that "humans have become a geological agent," to worry that "humans are interrupting, refashioning, and accelerating natural processes" is to reinforce metaphysical divides-humans and nature, the cultural and the natural. It is... more
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Este trabajo busca pensar lo común en un desplazamiento de lo filosófico a lo político. Se inicia con contribuciones de Jean-Luc Nancy y Roberto Esposito para pensar lo común en términos ontológicos e impolíticos. En seguida, se comentan... more
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      Social SciencesJean-Luc NancyRoberto EspositoPolítica
Abstract: This article, originally a book review written for the first translation of Hardin' Tragedy of the Commons in French, puts in perspective Hardin's famous work with its later developments and criticisms, as well as with the "... more
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      CommonsProperty RightsProperty LawElinor Ostrom
Global Environment, 11/2, 2018 -Guest editors: Marc Elie and Fabien Locher
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      Asian StudiesCommonsDisaster StudiesProperty Law
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This Article analyses both the role of historiography in Hardin's The Tragedy of the Commons (1968) and his paper's impact on historiographical debates of the last five decades. Concerning the role of historiography in Hardin's argument,... more
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      CommonsHistoriographyGarrett Hardin
Nativism, scarcity and the Tragedy of the Commons - what we need to talk about, when we talk about the work of Garrett Hardin.

Visit the blog at:
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      Political EcologyInternational Political EconomyRational ChoiceEnvironmental Policy and Governance
Mirada de cómo entender y gestionar el territorio y los espacios naturales protegidos en el Antropoceno.
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      Landscape EcologyLocal Government and Local DevelopmentEcologyElinor Ostrom
Os termos sociobiologia, consiliência, biofilia e biodiversidade ligam-se ao nome de Edward Wilson, naturalista polêmico, adepto de uma base genética do comportamento humano, organizador do livro "Biodiversidade", autor de "A Natureza... more
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      BiodiversityEdward Osborn WilsonBiodiversidade E Conservação
Regina, SK: Changing Suns Press, 2016. A critique of neo-Malthusianism and “lifeboat ethics,” and an analysis of the moral dimensions of debates concerning world hunger, foreign aid, immigration policy, and population growth. See "Papers... more
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      Social TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthics