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The “tragedy of the commons” is the name the biologist Garrett Hardin gave to a thought experiment in a now famous 1968 Science article. It predicted global resource degradation and societal ruin from the net consequences of individuals... more
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      Environmental CommunicationEnvironmental RhetoricGarrett HardinHuman Overpopulation
Abstract: This article, originally a book review written for the first translation of Hardin' Tragedy of the Commons in French, puts in perspective Hardin's famous work with its later developments and criticisms, as well as with the "... more
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      CommonsProperty RightsProperty LawElinor Ostrom
In 1968 Garrett Harding presented to the world a very captivating vantage point of the worlds population problem. He illustrated from the onset that his concern was ‘with the important concept of a class of human problems which can be... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyInternational RelationsPolitical Philosophy
In 1974 Garrett Hardin published a series of polemics on foreign aid based around the metaphor of the lifeboat. Developed nations are in the boat; developing nations are drowning. Based on this analogy, Hardin argues that it is... more
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      EthicsHorrorLifeboat EthicsGarrett Hardin
This essay takes the motif of ruin as an entry point for a foray into the subject of the commons. It engages Garrett Hardin’s nearly unknown discussions of literature and poetry to shed critical light on his famous idea of “The Tragedy of... more
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      RomanticismCommonsRace and RacismRural History
Part one of a two-part  critique of Garrett Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons" and "Lifeboat Ethics." A revised and expanded version is forthcoming from Changing Suns Press (
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologySocial Demography
Commons, Comune, beni comuni: da ormai più di un quarto di secolo, l'area semantica individuata dal lemma latino communis e dai suoi derivati nelle principali lingue occidentali è stata al centro di un dibattito importante per qualità e... more
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      Political PhilosophyCommonsCommon PropertySocial and Political Philosophy
‘The tragedy of the commons’ and ‘the common heritage of mankind’ are concepts that dominate the legal discourse on governing global commons, including spaces beyond national jurisdictions, essential resources and concerns such as... more
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      International RegimesKnowledge ManagementNatural ResourcesInternational Law
The article “The tragedy of the commons” by Garrett Hardin is a central reference in the contemporary debates on property, environment, and the economy of material and immaterial resources. Its main thesis is the incompatibility between... more
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      CommonsCommon PropertyNeoliberalismElinor Ostrom
Regina, SK: Changing Suns Press, 2016. A critique of neo-Malthusianism and “lifeboat ethics,” and an analysis of the moral dimensions of debates concerning world hunger, foreign aid, immigration policy, and population growth. See "Papers... more
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      Social TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthics
This paper will propose that the extraction of gas by hydraulic fracturing, and the social and environmental disasters that shadow it, can be best explained by the influence exerted by a select few extremely wealthy people in order to... more
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      Water resourcesEnergy SecurityEnvironmental PoliticsEnergy and Environment
A two-part  critique of Garrett Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons" and "Lifeboat Ethics." A revised and expanded version is forthcoming from Changing Suns Press (
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologySocial Demography
Este trabajo busca pensar lo común en un desplazamiento de lo filosófico a lo político. Se inicia con contribuciones de Jean-Luc Nancy y Roberto Esposito para pensar lo común en términos ontológicos e impolíticos. En seguida, se comentan... more
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      Social SciencesJean-Luc NancyRoberto EspositoPolítica
This article argues that Garrett Hardin’s primary object of critique in his influential “The Tragedy of the Commons” is not the commons or shared property at all—as is almost universally assumed by Hardin’s critics—but is rather Adam... more
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      Environmental EconomicsPolitical EconomyPolitical PhilosophyClimate Change
Este artigo discute as contribuições de sete cientistas naturais – Paul Sears, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, Paul Ehrlich, Donella Meadows, Garrett Hardin e James Lovelock – na construção da agenda ambiental contemporânea. O texto sustenta... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental StudiesSustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental Humanities
In “The Tragedy of the Commons,” Garret Hardin outlines a number of social and ecological problems associated with the common usage of resources. As he argues, the implications of eventual resource exhaustion leads to social ruin. In... more
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      Utopian StudiesAnarchismStatismEcosophy
This Article analyses both the role of historiography in Hardin's The Tragedy of the Commons (1968) and his paper's impact on historiographical debates of the last five decades. Concerning the role of historiography in Hardin's argument,... more
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      CommonsHistoriographyGarrett Hardin
Ortak mal, orta malı, ortak varlık, ortak alanlar veya müşterekler, herhangi bir mülkiyet hakkı barındırmayan, girişlerin serbest, herkesin kullanımına açık olan, tüketiciler tarafından kullanımın engellenmediği alanlardır. Ortak... more
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      Common PropertyUrbanismçevre KorumaGarrett Hardin
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      Mancur OlsonGarrett HardinRONALD COASE
Per un'economia a misura d'uomo. Il saggio "L'essere umano e l'economia. Ricerche per una nuova antropologia" a cura di Ernesto Longobardi e Davide Natali.
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      HobbesKarl PolanyiGramsciAdam Smith
A 50 años de la publicación de "La tragedia de los comunes" reflexiones sobre las propuestas de Elin Ostrom.
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      AmbienteGarrett HardinNobelist Elinor Ostrom
RESUVIEN: Desde sus inicios, la ecología política ha recurrido a la imagen de la trayedia de los cornunes con un callejón sin salida de la racionalidad instrumental. De esa forma, la crisis ecológica puede ser descrita como un dilema del... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityTragedy of the CommonsGarrett HardinTragedia De Los Comunales
Nativism, scarcity and the Tragedy of the Commons - what we need to talk about, when we talk about the work of Garrett Hardin.

Visit the blog at:
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      Political EcologyInternational Political EconomyRational ChoiceEnvironmental Policy and Governance
L’article de Garrett Hardin paru en 1968, « La tragédie des communs », est une référence essentielle dans les débats sur la propriété, l’environnement, l’économie des ressources matérielles et immatérielles. Sa thèse : l’incompatibilité... more
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      CommonsCommon PropertyNeoliberalismElinor Ostrom
Capítulo publicado no livro "Meio ambiente: questões conceituais", organizado por Selene C. Herculano. Niterói, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Ambientais da Universidade Federal Fluminense, 2000.
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      Legislação Ambiental - Políticas AmbientaisAção ColetivaMancur OlsonRecursos Naturais
With its international perspective and by situating itself "beyond the market and tate", this volume on the "Global Commons in the twentieth century" generates many new insights. Space and territorialization, global integration and... more
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      Cultural HistoryEconomic HistoryInternational RelationsCommunication
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      EconomicsCommonsMarxism (Political Science)Commons (Political Science)
This paper examines the Cold War history of the commons concept to argue that it offers a politics for a greener future free of the left/right divide.
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      History of CapitalismEnvironmental SustainabilityElinor OstromGarrett Hardin
Kiista yhteismaista. Garrett Hardin ja selviytymisen politiikka. toim. Simo Kyllönen, Juhana Lemetti, Niko Noponen & Markku Oksanen. Niin&Näin. Tampere 2011.
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      FilosofíaTragedy of the CommonsGarrett Hardin
The tragedy of the commons is one of the principle tenets of ecology. A virtual learning environment is used to experience first-hand depletion of common property resources and to explore issues of sustainability and co-operation vs.... more
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      Human Computer InteractionEducationInstructional DesignEducational Technology
The tragedy of the commons is one of the principle tenets of ecology. A virtual learning environment is used to experience first-hand depletion of common property resources and to explore issues of sustainability and co-operation vs.... more
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      Human Computer InteractionEducationInstructional DesignEducational Technology