Autopoietic Systems
Recent papers in Autopoietic Systems
This chapter re-interprets Polanyi’s substantive institutionalist analysis of market economies, market societies, and state intervention in the light of two later schools, namely, the Parisian regulation approach to contempo- rary... more
Témou môjho dnešného referátu sú " Neurčité právne pojmy v autopoietickom právnom systéme. " Príspevok bude mať dve časti – v prvej sa budem venovať teórii práva ako autopoietického systému, ktorá bude teoretickým východiskom pre druhú... more
1. Einleitung .............................................................................................2 1.1 Managementlehre ....................................................................3 1.2 System-Methodik... more
This paper is dedicated to the victims of those continuing tragic events that started on September 11. Human communication is a crucial factor ensuring the survival of our species. Any message carried through by means of a violent act... more
Ulisses Schwarz Viana. O confronto da jurisdição constitucional com seus limites autopoiéticos: o problema do ativismo judicial alopoiético na teoria dos sistemas. 275 Direito Público: Revista Jurídica da Advocacia-Geral do Estado de... more
El diseño actual debe asumir su cuota de responsabilidad en el deterioro ambiental de nuestro planeta. Por lo tanto, requiere cuestionarse los legados disciplinarios que ha acumulado, especialmente en términos estructurales y... more
Una rivisitazione dei fondamenti dell'antropologia filosofica che ne svela tutte le contraddizioni e le rigidità. Una ricerca che incrocia le teorie dell'autopoiesi di Maturana e Varela con le "ontologie della pluralità" contemporanee,... more
The ontology of animality, starting from Derrida's writings, determines the reconsideration of the human being and his ontological condition within an environment (Umwelt) in which the anthropocentric point of view has hitherto been... more
Organizational knowledge is at the center of the debate focused on the nature of knowledge, where the perspective of knowledge as possession opposes the perspective of knowledge as practice. These two views are rooted in the radical... more
This article focuses on vegetal life as paradigmatic alternative to animal and human existence in terms of systematic organization. Through the analysis of three symptomatic vegetal species – ferns, baobabs, lichens – we try... more
In their recent book Radicalizing Enactivism. Basic minds without content, Dan Hutto and Erik Myin (H&M) make two important criticisms of what they call autopoietic enactivism (AE). These two criticisms are that AE harbours tacit... more
Travels in Intertextuality aims for what John Berger would call “ways of seeing” digital media artifacts and interacting cultural texts. Using Lev Manovich’s Language of New Media, these “new media objects” are seen through the... more
> context • The majority of contemporary enactivist work is influenced by the philosophical biology of Hans Jonas. Jonas credits all living organisms with experience that involves particular " existential " structures: nascent forms of... more
Maturana and Varela in 1973 declared that an autopoietic unit is the one that creates, reproduces, and repairs its own components and organization. The last two hundred years, humankind has generated an unprecedented technological... more
In this paper we criticize the "Ashbyan interpretation" of autopoietic theory by showing that Ashby's framework and the autopoietic one are based on distinct, often incompatible, assumptions and that they aim at addressing different... more
The phrase 'beyond historicism' is usually associated with Bielefeld historians like Hans Ulrich Wehler and Jürgen Kocka, who attempted to turn the study of history into a social science, but a better candidate would be the sociologist... more
En este trabajo se ha estudiado al Derecho penal desde un punto de vista estrictamente del constructivismo operativo del sociólogo alemán Niklas Luhmann; distanciándonos, al menos metodológicamente, de la concepción funcional sistémica... more
Literaturauszug aus: Anatol Rapoport: Allgemeine Systemtheorie Die ersten Keime der allgemeinen Systemtheorie erschienen in den Werken von Ludwig von Bertalanffy. Es war auch Deutschland, wo im tiefen Denken von Kant eine klar... more
Systems theory is proposed as a major resource for reconceptualizing a Christian theology of creation. Section I outlines the principles of the theory of autopoietic systems and discusses in particular Manfred Eigen's and Stuart... more
Autopoietic theory is increasingly seen as a candidate for a radical theory of law, both in relation to its theoretical credentials and its relevance in terms of new and emerging forms of law. An aspect of the theory that has remained... more
Resumen: En el presente artículo el autor nos propone la libre navegación y asociación a través de una breve síntesis esquemática presentada bajo la forma de red conceptual en el universo de la extensa e interesante obra de Niklas... more
1. Das Problem 1 2. Die Schwierigkeit 1 3. Der Ausgangspunkt 2 4. Das Phänomen der Kognition 2 5. Grundbegriffe 2... more
Il concetto di "milieu intérieur": ruolo e implicazioni teoriche in un approccio sistemico allo studio del vivente
The primary aim of the research project was to develop a theory and model of the evolutionary and revolutionary phases of change in human cultures valid from prehistory to the present. To do this satisfactorily the first stage was to... more
1. Introduction 2 2 Analytical and Holistic View 2 2.1 Concept of Systems 3 2.2 Living Systems 3 2.3 System Properties 3 2.4 Introspective Knowledge 3 2.5... more
Inhaltsverzeichnis Folie Einleitung ………………………... 3 Systemisch-evolutionärer Theorietyp .. 4 Der Aufbau des Buchs …...….……… 5 Das Modell lebensfähiger Systeme ….. 6 Das Prinzip der Rekursion …………. 8 Das Prinzip... more
C. S. Peirce is often credited as a forerunner of the verificationist theory of meaning. In his early pragmatist papers, Peirce did say that if we want to make our ideas clear(er), then we should look downstream to their actual and future... more
This paper addresses the issue of the biological foundations of agency and cognition. It does so from the point of view of the theoretical framework of autonomy, of which the theory of autopoiesis constitutes one of the paradigmatic... more
European universities have come under reform pressures to make them instruments of social and economic development, compromising their earlier status as socially buffered institutions. The aim of this paper was to investigate the... more
The article explores the mechanisms that led to the current crisis of copyright law in the digital environment (understood as its inability to regulate social dynamics as regards the production, dissemination and access to creative works)... more
Maturana and Varela in 1973 declared that an autopoietic unit is the one that creates, reproduces, and repairs its own components and organization. The last two hundred years, humankind has generated an unprecedented technological... more
In many regions of the world, scholars have renewed a discussion on the nature and properties of contracts as a legal phenomenon, leading to the emergence of so-called ‘non-classical theories of contract’: contract as a promise,... more
Departing from systems theory, Marc Amstutz has developed a refined theory of world law. In the course of developing this theory he has, however, reformulated or changed the status of a number of central system theoretical concepts,... more
Gunther Teubner has raised the question of "What comes after the state?" Behind the question lies the insight that society is currently undergoing deep structural transformations in the sense that state-centered society, which was a... more
In this article I will outline the basic theoretical assumptions of two examples of the confederative and the integrative views of the living - respectively Ganti's Chemoton theory and Maturana and Varela's autopoietic theory - by... more
The aim of this Tesis is to defend that life is autopoietic by its definition, inferring that if a system is not able to self-regulate, it will be therefore lifeless. To support this idea a interdisciplinary analysis will be used, being... more
Purpose: Today humankind is in a deep crisis and disharmony of Life without the power of Love. In this era, we are 'enjoying' the dominator paradigm as 'dominator culture'. These are the reasons for unhappy people, non-ethical economy, as... more
Resolutons of the Supreme Court and consistency of judicial decisions. The way to autopoietic legal system? // The text explores the system-construing potential of the resolutions of the Supreme Court, admissible in the Polish civil and... more
""Offering a novel, transdisciplinary approach to environmental law, its principles, mechanics and context, as tested in its application to the urban environment, this book traces the conceptual and material absence of communication... more