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In the most wide-ranging history of phenomenology since Herbert Spiegelberg’s The Phenomenological Movement over fifty years ago, Baring uncovers a new and unexpected force―Catholic intellectuals―behind the growth of phenomenology in the... more
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      Max SchelerPhenomenologyContinental PhilosophyTransnational History
In this book Jill Graper Hernandez effectively shows the relevance and pragmatic implications of Gabriel Marcel's existentialism for ethics. And her assessment of its relevance is far reaching, not only for personal conundrums (chapter... more
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      EthicsPhilosophical AnthropologyGabriel Marcel
Mystery constitutes the very furthest reaches of our experience, transcending the mundane and the everyday and pushing the very limits of human understanding. It comprises that about ourselves and the universe which we ascribe the most... more
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      Gabriel MarcelAmerican transcendentalismMystery
The purpose of this brief paper is to elucidate the concept of the person as a member of a communal or civil society. It will try to answer the question as to what makes a person a person, and the corollary question as to how the person... more
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      PhilosophyMarcel, GabrielAlfred North WhiteheadMartin Heidegger
This is a Sample Extract from Paul-Louis Landsberg's 'The Experience of Death', the Kerr translation revised and edited by Edouard d'Araille. Paul-Louis Landsberg's 'The Experience of Death' is an extended essay philosophical essay on the... more
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      DeathDeath StudiesDeath & Dying (Thanatology)Thanatology
I would like to start this dialogue by addressingto you a very simple question: What are some reasons for saying that Marcel's thought is unique?
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      Literature and PhilosophySoren KierkegaardExistentialismFyodor Dostoevsky
O estudo desta carta inédita, escrita em 1943 por Jean-Paul Sartre a Gabriel Marcel, conservada na Seção NAF228348 no Departamento de Manuscritos da Biblioteca Nacional Francesa (BNF), permite conhecer a evolução da relação entre os dois... more
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      Jean Paul SartreGabriel Marcel
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      PhilosophyEthicsPhilosophical AnthropologyMeaning of Life
what would come to be called "a turning point in twentieth-century intellectual history." 3 Featuring replies and letters by Raymond Aron, Nicolas Berdyaev, Martin Heidegger, Karl Jaspers, Emmanuel Levinas, Gabriel Marcel, and many... more
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      TheologyFriedrich NietzscheÉmmanuel LévinasJean Wahl
Marcel is a thinker who has generally been ignored in the field of rhetoric and philosophy of communication, but he is perhaps one of the most relevant thinkers at this moment in time, which is characterized by narcissism, materialism,... more
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      Communication EthicsPhilosophy of CommunicationGabriel MarcelFrench Existentialism
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      Antropología filosóficaGabriel Marcel
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      ThomismExistentialismExistential ThomismJacques Maritain
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      Max SchelerValuesPhenomenologyÉmmanuel Lévinas
This paper explores Gabriel Marcel's concept of availability and his account of intersubjectivity. When it comes to (French) phenomenological accounts of intersubjectivity, the study of Gabriel Marcel is often discarded in favour of... more
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      IntersubjectivityGabriel MarcelProblem of Other MindsAvailability
Więcej w książce: Artykuł przedstawia etyczny wymiar refleksji filozoficznej Gabriela Marcela. Na tle szeregu obecnych w niej kategorii ( próba, zdrada, wspólnota, ofiara, obecność, rozporządzalność,... more
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      PhilosophyLiteratureGraham GreeneJean Paul Sartre
مشكلة الحب من مجموعة مشكلات فلسفية : ٥ تأليف: الدكتور زكريّا إبراهيم (1924-1976) إعادة نشر الفهرس التحليلي للطبعة الثانية (1970-مكتبة مصر الفجالة). الطبعة الآولى (1964). فيما يلى إعادة نشر الفهرس التحليلي للبحث المنشور "مشكلة الحب" وهي... more
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      Martin BuberKierkegaardNicolai HartmannGabriel Marcel
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      PhenomenologyContemporary French PhilosophyJean Paul SartreExistentialism
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      Gabriel MarcelFilsafat manusia
RESUMEN: El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo mostrar algunos de los elementos del pensamiento de san Agustín de Hipona y el del filósofo francés Gabriel Marcel (1889 -1973) en relación al tema de la muerte. En particular, nos... more
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      Gabriel MarcelSaint Augustine
Essay, 2020 Gabriel Marcel is a French philosopher known for his work on is the examination into Being, taking the Body as the central place of existing. Unlike other methodological thinkers, Marcel is rather engaged in metaphysical... more
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      PhilosophyGabriel Marcel
By the advent of the 21st century, the world is slowly succumbing (if not succumbed) to a certain 'broken-ness'. Man's identity and dignity is continually undermined as societies wage war against each other. This is all because we have... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionHopePhenomenology of ReligionGabriel Marcel
As modernization produced a more liberal modern world, the society now needs to reflect on this situation and be awakened of the need to go back and focus on its very foundation: family, the basic unit of the society. However, the way of... more
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      PhenomenologyGabriel MarcelFilipino Family
The foremost subject of this paper is Gabriel Marcel's Existential Fulcrum, along with the overarching goal of being able to identify and provide discourses of its relation to the phenomenology of commuting. The objective of the paper is... more
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      ExistentialismCommutingGabriel Marcel
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      ValuesExistentialismFilipino StudiesGabriel Marcel
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      PhenomenologyJurgen HabermasHegelÉmmanuel Lévinas
Diskursus metafisika kerap kali melemparkan nalar manusia sampai pada terra incognita (wilayah tak bertuan). Metafisika bergerak dengan menusuk tajam pada kesadaran akal sembari melepaskan batasan ketat yang selama ini... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyGabriel MarcelFilsafat
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      John Paul II/Karol WojtylaSubjectivityHuman BodyGabriel Marcel
Existentialism is usually considered to be a philosophy of the individual selfaffirmation. However, the existential philosophy of Gabriel Marcel stresses belonging (participation) and community as the core concepts to understand human... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsEthicsPhilosophy Of Religion
Muasır Arayışlar/Varoluş Felsefeler'i
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      ExistentialismGabriel MarcelVaroluşculukÇağdaş Felsefe
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      Friedrich NietzscheMartin HeideggerSocratesRussian Religious Philosophy
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      AestheticsPhenomenologyMaurice Merleau-PontyEdmund Husserl
In this work we shall present the centrality of the we in Gabriel Marcel’s me-taphysics. In the first place, we will analize the notion of participation, and how it defines essentially personal existence, for we should attend to... more
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      MetaphysicsEthicsContemporary French PhilosophyPersonalism
La dignidad del hombre y su fundamento. Este es el tema que la presente investigación filosófica busca dilucidar, conducidos para ello de la mano de Gabriel Marcel, grande filósofo francés contemporáneo cuyo pensamiento ahonda sus raíces... more
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      ExistentialismHuman DignityGabriel MarcelChristian existentialism
Despair (as technic) takes away from authentic communication and authentic human relationships, because these relationships cause presences—which are infinite—to form within us, lasting longer than any piece of technology. Technology has... more
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      PhilosophyTechnologySocial PhilosophyMethodology
The relationship of the father to child opens up a fruitful discussion regarding ethics for both Gabriel Marcel and Emmanuel Levinas. For both, it is a presentation of the face of an Other, a Stranger who leads me to ethics. Yet, in the... more
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      Continental PhilosophyÉmmanuel LévinasPhilosophy of LoveGabriel Marcel
This paper attempts to reexamine the relationship between metaphysics and psychology. It proposes that the rejection of metaphysics in psychology is due to a conception of metaphysics in more traditional terms, despite the fact that much... more
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      Simone de BeauvoirSimone WeilJean Paul SartreAlbert Camus
The Conscience of Time in Spinoza and Boutang. Boutang's Objection to Spinoza in the Resolution of the Ontologie du secret. This article aims to compare the relation to time and eternity in Spinoza and Boutang. Why such an attempt?... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsGabriel MarcelWatchfulness
In numerous articles and reviews, Gabriel Marcel advanced stimulating and still relevant ideas on the complex relationship between the listener and the musical work. He made a fundamental distinction between hearing and understanding... more
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      Gabriel MarcelMusical aesthetics
Este artículo es una reflexión de la crítica de Gabriel Marcel sobre la tecnología; proponiendo las líneas de fuerza de su pensamiento, poniéndolas en el contexto en el que fue escrita. Continúa la reflexión de Marcel aplicando sus... more
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      PropagandaHumanismoRedes socialesGabriel Marcel
O artigo pretende meditar a questão do que significa filosofia e a consequente crítica marceliana de uma determinada forma de se estudar e lecionar a história da filosofia. Assim como Marcel e outros filósofos franceses já constatavam a... more
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      Heideggerhistória da FilosofiaEnsino de FilosofiaGabriel Marcel
This document contains chapter abstracts for The Mystical Sources of Existentialist Thought, by George Pattison and Kate Kirkpatrick (Abingdon: Routledge, 2018)
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      MysticismMartin HeideggerMaurice BlondelGeorges Bataille
a Table des articles et des comptes rendus 1940-2000 de la vénérable Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France apparaît à la fois comme un outil de travail comme mémorial. Publiée soixante et un ans après la fin de la Seconde Guerre... more
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      French LiteratureTranslation StudiesCosmopolitanismVladimir Jankélévitch
Humanity is on the threshold of recognizing the fundamental error in its view of life and death. Both death as well as active life is necessary to the vital formation of a larger, more essential whole. In this paper, I apply the sociology... more
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      SemioticsReligionBuddhismComparative Religion
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      EpistemologyContinental PhilosophyContinental Philosophy of Religion (Philosophy)Marcel, Gabriel
Un camino hacia la intersubjetividad en la propuesta antropológica de Gabriel Marcel
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      Antropología filosóficaGabriel Marcel
This is the complete 'Introduction' to Guido De Ruggiero's 'Existentialism' written by Rayner Heppenstall. It is an amazing introductory essay that provides a fascinating welcome to the philosophy of existentialism in a a different way to... more
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      Existential PsychologyPhenomenologyFriedrich NietzscheMartin Heidegger
Пытаясь объяснить, что такое экзистенциальное мировоззрение, авторы утверждают, что оно исключает позицию надмирного Наблюдателя, без которой невозможна наука Нового времени, не видящая своим абстракно-всеобщим взглядом конкреного,... more
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      Existential Phenomenological PsychotherapyExistential PsychologyHumanistic-ExistentialMartin Heidegger
This research paper entitled, Acts of Impurity: Perceived Role of Issue on Clerical Sexual Abuse on Seminarian’s Vocation, is an attempt to find out the perceived effects of the issue about clerical sexual abuse on seminarians’ decision... more
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      Gabriel MarcelSeminarians