Maurice Blondel
Recent papers in Maurice Blondel
Niniejsza praca ma na celu przedstawienie teorii mitotwórczej J. R. R. Tolkiena, z perspektywy jej wymiaru duchowego. Od czasów antycznych teorie, tudzież filozofie, opierały się na myśleniu abstrakcyjnym i miały za zadanie wyjaśnienie... more
During the years in which France succumbed to nazi ideology and was occupied by German forces, Henri de Lubac, a French cardinal and one of the great contemporary thinkers the Catholic Church can boast of, played a decisive role in the... more
EDITION 19-1 L'action-Die Tat (1893) : Versuch einer Kritik des Lebens un-ter einer Wissenschaft der Praxis / Maurice Blondel. Aus dem Französischen übertragen von Anton van Hooff unter Mitarbeit von Ruth Beissel. Mit einem Geleitwort von... more
Atti del Convegno di Studi "Logica e vita morale, 14-15 febbraio 2003 Roma, a cura di Simone D'Agostino
Resumen: el ensayo pone en relación la filosofía y la mística, atendiendo a su diversa comprensión, desde las claves de fondo del exceso y la donación. Para ello, recoge las aportaciones de Maurice Blondel sobre este tema y ofrece las... more
Muasır Arayışlar/Varoluş Felsefeler'i
In Maurice Blondel's work, the problem of immortality is dealt with in terms of one's resolution of the problem of human destiny articulated in the forms of a self-determinative option. Although this option can take many forms, it is... more
Søren Kierkegaard (1813-55) and Maurice Blondel (1861Blondel ( -1946 are two modern philosophers, the former Lutheran and the latter Catholic, who deal with the relation of the human person to God. Their understanding of divine... more
Itinerarium, que la ténèbre nous sera dans tout cheminement 1 Lettre du 27 déc. 1913 in Maurice BLONDEL et Johannes WHERLÉ, Correspondance I, Henri DE LUBAC (éd.), Paris, Aubier-Montaigne, 1969, p. 505. 2 Nous croyons qu'au fond la... more
This dissertation presents an historical investigation of the reception of phenomenology in France from 1889-1939. It examines anticipations of phenomenology in French thought as well as early encounters of French academic philosophers... more
In the 20th century France replaced Germany as the first home of creative contemporary scholarship, philosophy and spirituality. My essay originated when I was working on what would become my God in Himself, a study of Aquinas' doctrine... more
a) Problemeröffnung: "Eine Offenbarung, die wahrhaftig wäre…" Holbachs Einheit von Religions-und Offenbarungskritik Beginnen wir diese Vorlesung, deren Gegenstand so oft und vielfach diskutiert wurde, nicht mit einer längeren, mehr oder... more
This little essay focuses on Fr Trouillard’s high regard for and devotion to the thought of John Scottus Eriugena. He saw, and we should follow him in seeing, Eriugena's work as full of hope. The barbarians had overrun the Latin West. As... more
Paper available at Wiley Online -
A retrieval of Neoplatonism is a powerful, widely, and significantly present, but little recognised, feature of twentieth-century French philosophy, theology, and spiritual life. It begins about one hundred years ago with Henri Bergson... more
Ce mémoire va retracer trois années de la vie du philosophe Maurice Blondel . Durant les deux dernières décennies et à l'occasion de divers anniversaires, les études blondéliennes ont connu un renouveau considérable. L'histoire notamment... more
The PhD-thesis “Stottern im Firmament – das kollektive Gedächtnis denken” addresses how the ‘individual’ at the point of interception within the stream of collective representations, according to Maurice Halbwachs, can be thought and... more
This article argues that Erich Przywara's analogical understanding of the nature-grace relationship, though sometimes thought to align with the anti-extrinsicist positions of Blondel, de Lubac, and Balthasar, differs from these by virtue... more
309] Schroff, fast wie ein Schlusswort, klingt das Urteil, das Walter Brugger in dem von ihm erstmals 1947 herausgegebenen, auch für Theologiestudenten bestimmten Philosophischen Wörterbuch über den Materialismus fällte: Er ist... more
Siguiendo a Aristóteles, el Aquinate afirma que la contemplación de las realidades divinas constituye el fin último del hombre (In Boet., pr.1). Ahora bien y durante esta vida, este acto debe corresponder analógicamente con la triple... more
This document contains chapter abstracts for The Mystical Sources of Existentialist Thought, by George Pattison and Kate Kirkpatrick (Abingdon: Routledge, 2018)
Deely's work, the Four Ages contains a brief explicit discussion of the issue of Christian philosophy, referencing the Middle Ages and the 1930s French debates. Closer attention to the debates reveals a plurality of positions rather than... more
Qu'est-ce qui oriente la philosophie ? Depuis Platon, le philosophe est celui qui tourne son regard vers le Bien et qui adopte une manière de vivre en accord avec sa pensée. Qu'est devenue cette manière de vivre comme exigence... more
The T&T Clark Companion to Henri de Lubac introduces the life and writings of one of the most influential theologians of the twentieth century. A highly controversial figure throughout the 1940s and 50s, Henri de Lubac (1896 - 1991)... more
AbstRact: This paper is proposed as an introduction to the study day of the Department of Philosophy of the Diocesan Seminary on Maurice Blondel. Knowing the biography of the philosopher from Aix-en-Provence allows us to situate his... more
Starting with James Urmson’s article “Saints and Heroes” (1958), the categories of saint, hero, and the supererogatory have become part of the vocabulary of English-language moral philosophy, having previously been excluded by the... more
Tekst ten publikowany jest na prawach szkicu. Żaden z jego fragmentów nie może być przywoływany ani cytowany bez zgody autora.
The subject of this presentation is the opening of man to the supernatural in Mau-rice Blondel. In theology the term «supernatural» designates «grace», that is, God as He freely contacts man. Blondel approaches this theological subject... more
Blondel’s Action (1893) contains a remarkable rehabilitation of the “scandal of particularity”, concluding that the transcendent must be immanent in the real and particular. Blondel’s dialectic reveals a universal drive to superstition in... more
This thematic bibliography provides a narrative account of the most important literature comprising, and about, the 1930s debates about Christian carried out by Etienne Gilson, Jacques Maritain, Maurice Blondel, Emile Brehier, Gabriel... more
La métaphysique du dernier Blondel est encadrée par deux images architectoniques qui, bien que publiées à des années l'une de l'autre, sont en directe continuité, et encore plus : en progrès, l'une devenant le prolongement et... more
Complementing the scholastic view of philosophy as 'ancilla theologiae', reaching upwards from human reason towards theological truth, Maurice Blondel argues that theological knowledge itself aids in the philosophical enterprise. Not only... more
Teilhard has never given up on permanence behind change, whereas Blondel, although interested by permanence, presents a very keen consciousness of irreversibility. Blondel attempts to construct an ontology that integrates this fact of... more
Reseña de: Gabriel Amengual Coll, Hitos históricos de la Antropología Filosófica, Granada: Editorial Comares, 2020, 213 pp.
Publicada en Endoxa, núm 47, 2021, pp. 365-371
Publicada en Endoxa, núm 47, 2021, pp. 365-371
On Henri de Lubac's idea of Theology. Sull'idea di teologia in de Lubac
In this paper I try to show that final cause is a real cause, and not a metaphoric one. To reach my scope I study the presence of final causality in thomistic philosophy in two levels: a predicamental-categorial level of Aristotelic... more