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Bazı yazarların üretimleri birbirini tamamlar ya da ikame edecek niteliktedir. Bu nitelik aslında daha çok sosyal bilimler alanında geçerlidir: yani daha çok “insani” bilimlerde… Weil kitapları da bu türden. Tüm tasavvur dünyası tek bir... more
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      MysticismSimone WeilMistisizm
Version of Author's proofs from: Haker, Hille & Greening, Molly (eds.) (2019) Unaccompanied Migrant Children. Social, Legal, and Ethical Perspectives, Lanham/Boulder/New York/London: Lexington Books. 245 pp.
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      EthicsRefugee StudiesSimone WeilAttachment Theory
In this paper, I analyse the idea of the world as a co-existence of humans and things. I argue that this co-existence should be considered under the conceptual lens of the responsibility. In the first two paragraphs, I argue that a system... more
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsSimone WeilHistorical Materialism
in: U. Baatz und G. Biffl (Hg.): Gesellschaft, Staat, Gewalt. Was uns zusammenhält. St. Pölten: NÖ Forschungs und Bildungsges.m.b.H (NFB), 2017, 99-104.
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      Simone WeilCarl SchmittFriedrich HölderlinKenosis
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      Comparative LiteratureItalian LiteratureSimone WeilLiterature and Philosophy
"El que busque guardar su vida, la perderá. Y el que la perdiere, la conservará" "Solo tengo desprecio para el mortal que se inflama en esperanzas vanas" "Ni siquiera la gracia de Dios cura la naturaleza irremediablemente herida"
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophySimone WeilChristian Studies
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    • Simone Weil
Health is something that concerns every human being. I was wondering if you had any success yet in losing weight and staying healthy. I like eating especially with the lockdown of pandemic covid 19. I found this amazing product which has... more
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      Social WorkHealth PromotionPrimary Health CareGlobal Health
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      Political PhilosophyRevolutionsFrench RevolutionFeminism
This essay details the nature of Simone Weil's metaphysical writings as properly 'religious'. This essay attends to this by considering Weil as responding to the human condition, and advocating a practical approach to her own thought. In... more
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      MetaphysicsPractical theologySpiritualityEucharist
2017 This essay extends an open philosophy with a philosophy of music education on soil. An open philosophy emerges from analysis of Kafka's parable " Before the Law. " I explore what " the law " might be, what it could mean for how... more
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      MusicMusic EducationPhilosophy of EducationEcological Literacy
In questo pezzo apparso su Le Parole e le Cose 2, discuto l'ultimo libro di Jonathan Safran Foer ("Possiamo salvare il mondo prima di cena. Perché il clima siamo noi") a partire dall'intuizione, tanto interessante quanto filosoficamente... more
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      Climate ChangeWalter BenjaminSuicideSimone Weil
The general objective of this M. A. thesis was to analyze the education for values having the metaphor of the real as a starting point, as it was proposed by Weil, given that metaphors became common ways for Weil to express her... more
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      Values EducationSimone WeilMetaphors
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      Political PhilosophyContemporary French PhilosophySimone WeilContemporary Continental Philosophy
The complex problem of sacrifice is treated from different perspectives in Western and Eastern traditions. Girard's late turn towards a more comprehensive view of the term can be understood as a certain opening up to Eastern traditions.... more
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      Simone WeilRené GirardMahatma GandhiOpfer
2016, University of Chicago Press
co-winner of MLA Prize for a First Book (2016)
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      PhenomenologyPost-HumanGilles DeleuzeMartin Heidegger
Jewish and Christian theologies of suffering respond to human pain in multiple ways. The most popular ones defend God’s goodness and power by ascribing value to the human experience of suffering. Less popular, but equally traditional,... more
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      TheologyTalmudProcess TheologySimone Weil
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      Simone WeilLaw and Justice
Dès le commencement de son analyse, Guy Samama écrit : « Les dates parlent d'elles-mêmes : deux existences brèves, inachevées en tout cas, interrompues par une mort brutale, plus ou moins volontaire pour l'une, accidentelle pour l'autre.... more
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      Simone WeilAlbert Camus
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      Simone WeilEpistemologiaPhilosophie Des SciencesHélène Metzger
Hannah Arendt e Simone Weil sono due figure dai parallelismi sorprendenti, pur non essendosi mai incontrate di persona. Condividono infatti la nascita ebraica, e con essa un’identità femminile che deve fare i conti con l’esercizio del... more
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      Simone WeilHannah Arendt
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      War StudiesSimone Weil
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      Political PhilosophyLegal TheorySimone WeilLegal Philosophy
in Communio (2014) 43, pp. 16-24
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      War StudiesSecond World WarSimone WeilIliad
Ragionamenti su La ferocia di Nicola Lagioia

Analysis on the novel La ferocia by Nicola Lagioia
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      Simone WeilContemporary LiteratureContemporary Italian LiteratureLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea
In una delle tesi del suo celebre scritto Sul concetto di storia, Walter Benjamin parla del «concetto di presente inteso come quell'adesso, nel quale sono disseminate e incluse schegge del tempo messianico». I saggi raccolti in questo... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionSimone WeilMoral PhilosophyTheoretical Philosophy
La obra de Simone Weil Reflexiones sobre las causas de la libertad y de la opresión social, fue escrita en 1934 y publicada en 1940, originalmente escrita en francés, pero esta reseña parte de la traducción al castellano de Carmen... more
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      Simone WeilFilosofía
The texts of the Worker's Condition contain many valid indications for education: Letters to your students and friends. Transposing aspects to improve work in the factory into the educational context. "First condition for a non servile... more
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    • Simone Weil
A partire dall'esperienza della pratica della Storia vivente di Milano, iniziata da Marirì Martinengo, ho voluto rifelttere sugli intrecci tra storia, storiografia e narrazione.
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      Jean-Luc NancySimone WeilMaría ZambranoStoria
Simone Weil, La personne et le sacré: collectivité, personne, impersonnel, droit, justice. Paris: Editions Allia, 2018. 80 pp. €3.10 (pb). ISBN 979-10-304-0797-6. Review by Scott B. Ritner, Temple University. As World War II dragged on,... more
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      Critical TheoryMysticismState TheorySimone Weil
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      Simone WeilFilosofía PolíticaAntropología del trabajo
This essay offers a reflection on the nature of love— particularly familial love—within the apocalyptic and media-saturated context of World War Z (2013). Moreover, it explains how World War Z offers an alternative to a consumptive and... more
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      Simone WeilRené GirardZombiesWorld War Z
Comment Simone Weil considère-t-elle la loi naturelle ?
in Revue d'Ethique et de Théologie morale, 2010/HS n° 261, p. 185-200
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      Philosophy Of ReligionTheologyNatural LawContemporary French Philosophy
Abstract Marianelli Hasard des evenements è per Simone Weil un oggetto di contemplazione: è lo spazio in cui tutto ha inizio in questo mondo. Nell’hasard si producono fatti che sfuggono al necessario, pur restandovi vincolati. “Noi non... more
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      Simone WeilHasardLe Hasard Et La NécessitéNécessité
As an alternative to Utilitarianism, animal ethics turned to the Continental philosophies of Levinas and Derrida that welcome and revere Otherness. While Utilitarianism relies on a ‘closed’ system of ethical calculations, the Levinasian... more
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      Animal StudiesAnimal EthicsCritical Animal StudiesContinental Philosophy
Desde hace algún tiempo mi interés se ha dirigido a lo que cabe denominar “pensamiento de la mujer”, concepto que, sin duda, encierra cierta problematicidad en la que no pretendo entrar en este trabajo. Sin embargo, creo que podemos... more
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      Edith SteinSimone WeilMaría ZambranoGuerra y Paz
Filosofian tohtori Timo Purjo ottaa teoksessaan kantaa arvokeskusteluun sekä kasvatuksellisena että yksilöllisenä ja yhteiskunnallisena kysymyksenä. Työpaikoilla, muissa yhteisöissä ja yhteiskunnan eri tasoilla käydään loputonta... more
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      Émmanuel LévinasSimone WeilViktor FranklArvokasvatus
Estratto da <<Segni e Comprensione>> a. IV -n. 11 settembre -dicembre 1990
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      Simone WeilEmmanuel Mounier
In the early 20th century, Simone Weil called for a reconciliation of religion and science, suggesting that such a reconciliation would “bring back again among us the spirit of truth.” In this paper I investigate her vision of such a... more
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      History and Philosophy of PhysicsSimone WeilReligion and ScienceStephen Jay Gould
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    • Simone Weil
Il significato di una vera scienza è il costituire una preparazione alla libertà» Simone Weil «Ecco qui che tornano le voci profetiche. Torna la straordinaria attualità di Simone Weil a dirci no, avete, abbiamo sbagliato tutto.... more
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    • Simone Weil
La editorial Trotta ha publicado el opúsculo titulado «Reflexiones sobre las causas de la libertad y de la opresión social» (Trotta, 2015), una obra que Simone Weil terminó de escribir en 1934 y cuya primera parte —una crítica al... more
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      MarxismPost-MarxismSimone WeilFilosofía Política
Simone Weil’in yaşamının son yılında Londra’da yazdığı «Kişi ve Kutsal» üzerine deneme en azından iki sebepten ötürü bizi sorgulamaya devam ediyor. İlk sebep, aradan yarım asırdan fazla bir zaman geçmiş olsa da, güncelliğinden hiçbir şey... more
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      Giorgio AgambenSimone WeilFelsefeKişilik
STUDIUM RICERCA, FILOSOFIA SOMMARIO Anno 116 – mag./giu. 2020 n. 3 STUDIUM-Ricerca Sezione monografica Simone Weil protagonista della filosofia del ‘900. Ritrovare l’umano. a cura di Massimiliano Marianelli L’essere, la mediazione e il... more
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      Simone WeilMeister EckhartSan BonaventuraErmeneutica del silenzio
Facing the crisis of the contemporary European man, Zambrano meditates on his birth, or better, on his rebirth through a path of self-consciousness. The point from which Zambranian philosophy departs is the anthro-pological perspective,... more
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      Max SchelerSimone WeilEmmanuel MounierMaría Zambrano
Quante e quali sono le forme dell'amore? L'amore è un'emozione pericolosa o la strada maestra verso il bene? Il suo sostrato sono i sensi o la volontà? A partire da Platone, queste e molte altre domande hanno attratto a fasi alterne... more
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      EthicsSimone WeilPhilosophy of LoveIris Murdoch