Vladimir Jankélévitch
Recent papers in Vladimir Jankélévitch
Phenomenology is often criticized as a philosophy that mistakenly privileges consciousness and subjectivity. If phenomenology presupposes subjectivity, then it must be either supplemented or supplanted by a more comprehensive ontology.... more
Contemporary political ethics has to face the question of how to repair relations which have broken down after crimes, oppression, and political violence. The book employs the work of European and feminist philosophers, including Jacques... more
Çeviren: Murat Erşen Fransız Felsefesi'nin doruklarından Jacques Derrida'dan bağışlamak, bağışlanamaz olan ve zaman aşımına uğramayan üzerine ufuk açıcı bir seminer. Affetmek, bağışlamak, af dilemek çağında; zaman aşımına uğramayan ve... more
When discussing the topic of music and philosophy as a musicologist, we cross a threshold and take another direction. Limited by a musicological perspective, we are often tempted to have a reductionist attitude, leaning towards synthesis... more
"Time will heal everything: but what if time is the illness?" - Aiming at the "creation of normal and, if possible, good relationships after grave violent incidents" (Leiner 2018, 176), reconciliatory processes are constitutively temporal... more
Il "Nuovo Giornale di Filosofia della Religione" (NGFR) -ISSN 2532 -1676 è uno spazio di confronto scientifico, non confessionale e "laico", per coloro che intendono approfondire i presupposti filosofici dell'esperienza religiosa, in... more
I saggi raccolti in questo volume discutono alcuni temi della filosofia della musica nel Novecento : dalla presenza del mito di Beethoven nella cultura centroeuropea, all’interpretazione delle rapide metamorfosi dei materiali sonori... more
Claude Debussy is probably the first modern composer who emphasized silence as an active element, of meaning and value, in his music. What specific meaning and value, however, is far from clear. It has even been said that precisely the... more
S’installer dans les apparences de la relation philosophique entre Levinas et Jankélévitch, c’est soutenir non pas une unique thèse, mais plutôt trois. Cette relation n’a jamais été actualisée dans un débat ou dans la confrontation... more
L'Isle joyeuse (The Joyful Island) is one of Claude Debussy's (1862-1918) piano piece with the most developed, colored and complex writing. The composer will say himself "This piece seems to gather all the ways to touch the piano, for it... more
La perspectiva de Vladimir Jankélévitch ha abordado ampliamente el “perdón” como problema filosófico, ético-moral y político. Atento a los acontecimientos que marcaron a fuego el siglo XX, sus reflexiones reescribirán tanto la vivencia de... more
La musica è arte temporale per eccellenza. Che l'opera musicale si riveli una forma sempre diversa di organizzazione del tempo è stato da più parti riconosciuto: 1 la musica, incontrando il tempo in cui si dispiega, lo pone come un... more
To Nurith, my mother, who with infinite love taught me how to look at paintings 1. To draw a line by candlelight I n his memoirs, the painter Giorgio de Chirico returns to his childhood with particular attention to the times and events... more
In questo punto c'è qualcosa di semplice, d'infinitamente semplice, di così straordinariamente semplice che il filosofo non è mai riuscito a dirlo. Ed è per questo che ha parlato tutta la sua vita» 1 .
“Born on 25th May 1936. Two specific desires: not to become an adult, and to write”. Jacqueline Risset (1936-2014) was a translator from French (Ponge, Sollers, the Tel Quel poets) and Italian (Dante, Machiavelli, Balestrini), as well as... more
Par-delà l’accumulation des siècles et des doctrines, Jésus de Nazareth peut-il être notre contemporain ? Comment s’y retrouver parmi les divers portraits du Jésus de l’histoire ? Y a-t-il un gouffre entre le Christ de Paul, le Jésus des... more
The ineffable (l’ineffable) is a fundamental concept for a range of twentieth-century French philosophers (Louis Lavelle, Ferdinand Alquié, Jean Wahl). It plays a particularly important role in Vladimir Jankélévitch’s philosophy of music,... more
Ciało w kulturze - Sekcja Filozofii Kultury, Koło Naukowe Studentów Filozofii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Ce mémoire a pour objet de décrire l’opération de la grâce dans la pensée de Jankélévitch. Pour y parvenir, notre exposé prendra la forme d’un itinéraire éthique. Nous montrerons d’abord que l’homme peut vouloir de deux... more
Claude Debussy lesse il dramma Pelléas et Mélisande di Maurice Maeterlinck nell'estate del 1892 e il 17 maggio dell'anno seguente assistette alla sua rappresentazione al Théatre des Bouffes-Parisiens. Il giorno successivo egli già... more
My aim here is to reconnect the systematic sense of mannerism with its art historical sense. After a brief discussion of how philosophy intervenes in art historical debates surrounding mannerism, we will first revisit the paradox of what... more
Les philosophies de Sartre et de Jankélévitch sont deux philosophies de l’existence qui sont des manifestations particulièrement évidentes et pertinentes d’une transformation philosophique, d’une substitution d’un concept par un autre en... more
Insieme a Dante, Proust è senza dubbio l'autore su cui Jacqueline Risset ha scritto più frequentemente: lo dimostrano i testi raccolti nelle due sezioni di "Proust in progress", opera postuma di Jacqueline Risset in cui Marina Galletti e... more
Despite the fact that Levinas has often been accused of having little or no room for the maternal in his writing, his rhetoric nonetheless applies maternal tendencies that complicate his ethical stance and its relation to the experience... more
Bu çalışma, Vladimir Jankélévitch'in bağışlama düşüncesini ana hatlarıyla ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu doğrultuda öncelikle bağışlama düşüncesinin metafizik dayanakları ele alınarak Jankélévitch'in " ilk felsefe " anlayışı... more
Frédéric Bisson, Comment bâtir un monde. Le Gai Savoir de Gustav Mahler, Louvain-la-Neuve, Les Éditions Chromatika, 2011. (978-2-930517-32-2 ; 196 p. ; 17 €) Exercice spontané de métaphysique, la Troisième Symphonie de Gustav Mahler... more
Il testo rappresenta il tentativo, preliminare e parziale, di offrire una riflessione sull'atto empatico empirico e incarnato più che sul concetto di empatia in sé. Lo scritto segue come traccia fondamentale la trattazione fenomenologica... more
Institut catholique de Toulouse, octobre 2015 « La réussite virtuose est une chance, et cette chance inouïe est elle--même relative à la misère et à la déréliction fondamentales de l'homme ». Dans ces mots de Vladimir Jankélévitch,... more
Locus Classicus'u" FURKAN SÖNMEZ "[…] kitapta-kimin adını kabul etmişti benimkinden önce?-, kulübedeki kitapta, bir umut, yazılı bir satır, bugün, düşünceli birinin kalbine gelecek sözde, […]" (Paul Celan, Todtnauberg) 1 Burada Foucaultcu... more
a Table des articles et des comptes rendus 1940-2000 de la vénérable Revue d'histoire littéraire de la France apparaît à la fois comme un outil de travail comme mémorial. Publiée soixante et un ans après la fin de la Seconde Guerre... more
Este ensaio, como toda a coletânea no qual se inscreve, tem como objetivo abordar o especial diálogo entre um filósofo e determinado repertório musical (compositor, gênero, estilo), particularmente examinado em sua obra. Observa-se o... more
The present research studies music as an art of anxiety from the points of view of both Martin Heidegger’s thought and phenomenological philosophy in general. In the Heideggerian perspective, anxiety is understood as a fundamental... more
Fundamentalna dla szeregu przedstawicieli dwudziestowiecznej filozofii francuskiej kategoria 'ineffable' znalazła szczególne odbicie w myśli muzycznej Vladimira Jankélévitcha. W najnowszej książce brytyjskiego estetyka analitycznego Nicka... more
Προηγείται η ανάλυση της τρίπτυχης δομής της παράστασης με έμφαση τόσο στη διακειμενικότητα και την ειδολογική και υφολογική ποικιλία των κειμένων που χρησιμοποιεί (ιστορικές μαρτυρίες, προσωπικές αφηγήσεις των ηθοποιών, χρονογραφήματα,... more
This paper addresses the question of the risks of hospitality through an examination of two twentieth century French philosophers, Vladimir Jankélévitch and Emmanuel Levinas. With Jankélévitch the limits of forgiveness, both practically... more
Death is an unsurmountable problem for truth systems. This paper aims at discussing the relationship between death and truth, swaying from Western (Plato's Phaedo, V. Jankélévitch, E. Morin) to Buddhist sources (mainly Chan-Zen Biyanlu... more
Extrait de la préface au livre de Vl. Jankélévitch, La Mauvaise conscience (1966).
La inefabilidad se destaca como una de las características fundamentales de la experiencia mística, según William James e innúmeros relatos de los propios místicos. Así, aquel que se propone acercarse verbalmente a su experiencia inefable... more
Extrait de la préface à la réédition du livre de 1963 de V. Jankélévitch L'aventure, l'Ennui, le Sérieux, paru chez Flammarion en Champs Essais.
Erik Satie’s Socrate: Drame Symphonique, (an austere ode to the martyred philosopher for chamber orchestra and four sopranos) contains sparsely colored, contrapuntal, simply adorned musical lines predating the neoclassical aesthetic... more