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The paper has two main aims: first, to offer a general overview about Augustine’s concept of corporeal matter, based on a comprehensive examination of all the occurrences of the Latin lemmas "materia" and "materies" in his works; second,... more
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      PatristicsAugustinePlotinusAugustine of Hippo
In this conference presentation, I explain Augustine's approach to Natural Theology, and explain how his understanding of Christian theology and neo-platonic philosophy influence his articulation of this traditional Christian doctrine.
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      Philosophy Of ReligionNatural TheologyAugustine of HippoPlato and Platonism
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      Synoptic GospelsAugustineThomas AquinasBede
The Ordo Virtutum, Hildegard von Bingen’s twelfth-century music-drama, is one of the first known examples of a large-scale composition by a named composer in the Western canon. Not only does the Ordo’s expansive duration set it apart from... more
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      Medieval TheologyDisability TheoryMedieval MusicGilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
An overview of Augustine of Hippo's views about freedom. I argue that Augustine the bishop was one of the first theological compatibilists, who believed that responsibility is compatible with at least certain kinds of necessity and that... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsPhilosophy Of ReligionTheology
Augustine’s Sermon 4 on Esau and Jacob is long (860 lines) and consists of a complex division in 37 chapters. This division makes it difficult to identify quickly and easily the rhetorical arrangement which must have been an important... more
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricPreachingAugustine
La búsqueda del pobre en una sociedad repleta de pobres puede leer una gran obra de arte in melius. Y esto es oficio de las mentes brillantes. Brillante fue la interpretación que Agustín, santo obispo de Hipona, dio a este pasaje... more
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      TheologyAugustine of HippoPatristics and Late AntiquitySaint Augustine
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      Christine de PizanSaint AugustineCité de DieuCité des Dames
Oi Christianoi - Sezione antica, n. 27 ----- Avendo spaziato in molti campi e trovandosi all'incrocio di tante strade sulle quali ha lasciato la sua originale impronta, Agostino d'Ippona (354-430) occupa un posto centrale e, per certi... more
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      PatristicsAugustineChurch HistoryAugustine of Hippo
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityEastern Christianity
The language and hermeneutics are two major areas of the Philosophy, and they are present in St. Augustine’s philosophical discussion. This research aimed to point out there relations of these themes in the author's thought, based on some... more
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      HermeneuticsFilosofia Del LenguajeSaint Augustine
Thanks to the anaphor of quid mihi proderat Book IV of Confessions ends with, Augustine takes stock of his knowledge in liberal arts. However, far from expressing a rejection of the disciplinae, this anaphor paradoxically opens the way to... more
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      Neoplatonism and late antique philosophyAugustineChristian NeoplatonismEducation in Late antiquity and Early Middle Age
Pope Francis' post-synodal exhortation AMORIS LAETITIA is the latest teaching of the Catholic Church on marriage and family life. Fruit of a widespread consultation involving the people of God in the synodal process, AMORIS LAETITIA calls... more
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      Practical theologyMarriage & Family TherapyFamilyPastoral Theology
Anglo Saxon interest in the Roman liturgy picks up sharply from the late seventh century when in 674 the soldier turned abbot Benedict Biscop built a monastery of stone ‘after the Roman fashion’ at Wearmouth. The house was dedicated to... more
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      BedeCeltic churchSaint AugustinePope Gregory the Great
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      Intellectual HistoryFrench LiteratureLiterature and Politics20th Century Italian Literature
In spite of all that can be said about his idiosyncrasies and his genius, Augustine was a man of his land and of his time. To understand his life, his work, his concerns or his theological and philosophical formulations is useful to keep... more
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      Roman North Africa (Archaeology)Roman North AfricaSaint Augustine
Imagine a world of fatalism. A world of predestination and determinism. A world of no escape from the sin within. A world without grace, forgiveness, determined to ruin one’s life through self-destruction and therefore, destroying other’s... more
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      Graham GreeneSuicideJansenismBlaise Pascal
This MRP explores the concept of the will in the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer, and explains how his theory of the will influenced his ethical thought concerning nonhuman animals. Part one considers four theories of the will prior to... more
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While we all seem to talk about politics, few of us actually know how today’s issues fit into the framework of political history. Indeed, as contemporary French philosopher Philippe Nemo points out, much of our Western secondary education... more
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      PlatoAristotleEarly ChristianityStoicism
Augustine’s Sermons (excluding the Enarrationes on Psalms and the Tractatus on John and 1 John) contain nearly 60 occurrences of lemmata belonging to the lexical family of ‘philosophia'. Only De Civitate Dei and Contra Academicos, among... more
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      MetaphilosophyAugustineAugustine of HippoMedieval Sermons
로마서를 읽고 회심한 아우구스티누스는 일평생 성경을 주석하고 설교했다. 『기독교의 가르침』이라는 작품은 아우구스티누스의 성경해석학과 설교론을 잘 보여준다. 아우구스티누스는 여러 편의 성경주석을 썼으며 주석에 대한 명확한 이해가 있었다. 그는 초기에 신플라톤주의의 영향을 받았지만 점차로 성경적 가르침을 더욱 분명하게 고수했다. 아우구스티누스는 주석의 목적이 하나님 사랑과 이웃 사랑이라는 사랑의 이중계명에 있다고 보았다. 그는... more
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      HermeneuticsPreachingTheological HermeneuticsAugustine
Directement liée au thème paulinien de l’Eglise corps du Christ, la figure du Christus totus n’est pas une « invention » augustinienne. Dans le troisième livre de son ouvrage sur la Doctrine chrétienne, Augustin indique combien il est,... more
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      Early ChristianityEcclesiologyJesus ChristSaint Augustine
Portuguese translation (by Fabrício Klain Cristofoletti) of the article: All’origine dell’imperscrutabilità del principio: Plotino e Agostino, «Endoxa. Prospettive sul Presente», anno 5, n° 23 (gennaio 2020)... more
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      PhilosophyAugustineLate AntiquityPlotinus
Resumen: El De catechizandis rudibus de Agustín tiene dos secciones: una teórica y una práctica. En la sección práctica las orientaciones dadas en la sección teórica son ejemplificadas por medio de dos modelos de discurso, uno más largo y... more
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      RhetoricPreachingAugustineAugustine of Hippo
Les oeuvres littéraires qui se construisent en amont et en aval d’un axe vertical sont légion, si bien que les topos de la verticalité en deviennent une image de la littérature. Cette verticalité est aussi celle de la transcendance, que... more
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      PetrarchIntertextualityReligion and LitteratureBible
It is frequently said that Augustine is the source of a great streak of pessimism in the Christian tradition regarding sex and marriage. His notion of original sin, and especially his teaching that this sin has affected and infected all... more
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      AugustineAugustine of HippoSaint AugustineSt. Augustine
Lemma 'Philosophia' in the Augustinus-Lexikon. I. Terminology – II. Sources of Augustine's metaphilosophy – 1. Philosophical and doxographical writings – 2. Biblical grounds – III. Philosophy in Augustine's life – 1. Philosophy and... more
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      PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyMetaphilosophyPatristics
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      Medieval ArtGenoese HistoryMedieval Art, Pilgrimage, ReliquariesSaint Augustine
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      AugustineAugustine of HippoSaint AugustineSt. Augustine
Trong tiếng Latin, từ 'doctor' gắn liền với động từ 'docere', nghĩa là dạy dỗ. Khi tiếp xúc với văn hóa Tây phương, cha ông chúng ta đã dùng từ 'tiến sĩ' để dịch danh từ 'docteur', tuy rằng hai từ ngữ không hoàn toàn tương đương với nhau,... more
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      Catholic ChurchSaint Augustine
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      TheologyPatristicsHistorical TheologyEarly Church
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      AugustineAugustine of HippoSaint AugustineSt. Augustine
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      EthicsPatristicsAugustineAugustine of Hippo
Il testo completo dell'articolo è scaricabile al link: In this work a reading guide of theDe libero arbitriois offered. In the dialogue,shortly after his conversion, Augustine questions the... more
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      TheologyPatristicsAugustineAugustine of Hippo
The history of the Catholic Church is notable for its litany of penitent saints who have taken their fasts- locusts, honey, Ezekiel bread- as seriously as they have taken their feasts. When I informed my family of my decision to convert... more
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      PhilosophyHagiographyCatholic StudiesAlcohol Studies
Ciclo di Seminari RILEGGERE AGOSTINO: IL DE TRINITATE (Padova, Venerdì 28 gennaio 2020, ore 15.00)
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      Medieval PhilosophyPatristicsTrinityAugustine
A re-reading of Augustine’s theory of war and peace can be fruitfully advanced if we better understand his comprehensive concept of peace as the harmonic interaction of individuals with each other, mediated by their relationship with God.... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesJust WarAugustineJust War Theory
You, my dear and revered brother, if you wish to be truly informed about these matters . . . take the trouble of reading Augustine's own tracts.
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      ChristianityHistoryIntellectual HistoryLatin Literature
Augustine is known as the great theologian of sin. For this he has been celebrated as a realist and criticized as a pessimist. What modern readers often miss is the deeply humane source and character of Augustine's views about sin. We... more
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      EthicsTheologyPatristicsHistorical Theology
This is a course on a masterpiece in world literature, on a late 4 th-century text of Augustine. We will read closely the whole Confessions in which the author tells his story in the form of sequential conversions to the quest of wisdom... more
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‘Iudaeos (Aduersus -)’, in: Augustinus-Lexikon, Band III, Fasc. 5/6, Basel: Schwabe Verlag 2008 [= June 2009], 792-796;
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
En este estudio se presenta la fundamentación de la ética agustiniana en la Ciudad de Dios de san Agustín. Primeramente se explica qué es la ética para el santo de Hipona. Posteriormente se la relaciona con el Misterio de Dios; se la... more
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      Theological EthicsFundamental Moral TheologySan Agustín de HiponaSaint Augustine
"Scritto da un Agostino trentaduenne all’indomani della conversione, il «Contra Academicos» è un dialogo filosofico in tre libri, basato sulle conversazioni realmente avvenute a Cassiciaco nell’autunno del 386. Il problema discusso nel I... more
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      Philosophical ScepticismAugustineAugustine of HippoAcademic skepticism
"Résumé : À partir des écrits pédagogiques du pasteur-pédagogue Gauthey (1795-1864), cet article s’interroge sur la légitimité, l’objet et la nature des « récompenses » dans un dispositif d’éducation populaire. Comparées aux positions... more
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      ReligionEmulationSaint AugustineSaint Augustin
El presente trabajo pretende ser un análisis comparativo sobre la teoría del conocimiento o epistemología de San Agustín de Hipona y Platón, filósofos de la época patrística y de la antigua Grecia, respectivamente.
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      PlatoSan Agustín de HiponaPlatónSaint Augustine
Traduction d'un article de Pier Franco Beatrice initialement publié en anglais dans A. D. Fitzgerald (ed.) Augustine through the Ages. An Encyclopedia, Grand Rapids, 1999, p. 429-431, dans Encyclopédie Saint Augustin. La Méditerranée et... more
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      AugustineAugustine of HippoHermetismSaint Augustine
Facing the crisis of the contemporary European man, Zambrano meditates on his birth, or better, on his rebirth through a path of self-consciousness. The point from which Zambranian philosophy departs is the anthro-pological perspective,... more
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      Max SchelerSimone WeilEmmanuel MounierMaría Zambrano
Detailed chronology of St. Augustine's Confessions; brief biographies of the principle characters, etc.
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      AugustineAugustine of HippoSaint AugustineSt. Augustine