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The experimental determination of the main parameters of the feedback system in a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) is discussed. Knowledge of these parameters allows one to determine accurately the region where unstable STM operation... more
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      EngineeringMeasurement Science and TechnologyWorking ConditionsPhysical sciences
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringGroundwaterMultidisciplinary
Coupled-bunch instabilities excited by RF cavity high order modes or resistive wall impedance can seriously limit the performance of third generation synchrotron light sources like ELETTRA. These instabilities can be cured by the use of... more
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      Processor ArchitectureDigital Signal ProcessorModular DesignFeedback System
This article describes the results of a feedback system designed to improve performance for a Swedish traffic police unit and examined whether such a feedback system was beneficial or detrimental to the attitudes of the officers. As in... more
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      CriminologyCriminal JusticeFeedback SystemPerformance Measure
This study explored the potential uses of feedback systems in the trucking industry as a means of improving safety. Since truck drivers spend a majority of their working time alone and do not interact with peers, it may be possible to use... more
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      PsychologyWorking TimeNegative FeedbackFocus Group
Ensuring meat quality attributes meet the requirements of the diverse range of markets is a critical component for the continued success of the New Zealand and Australian meat industries. Developing cost-effective and flexible... more
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      Electrical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMeat ScienceAnimal Production
Page 1. Overview of JET results This article has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text article. 2009 Nucl. Fusion 49 104006 ( Download ...
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      Plasma PhysicsMagnetohydrodynamicsMagnetic fieldControl system
This paper overviews the diverse information technologies that are used to provide athletes with relevant feedback. Examples taken from various sports are used to illustrate selected applications of technology-based feedback. Several... more
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      Information TechnologySports MedicinePerformanceSkill Acquisition
Over the past several years, there has been resurgent interest in regional planning in North America, Europe and Australasia. Spurred by issues such as metropolitan growth, transportation infrastructure, environmental management and... more
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      Monitoring And EvaluationGovernanceCase StudiesEnvironmental Management
One of the primary structural distress modes found in bituminous pavement layers is fatigue cracking, resulting from repeated application of traffic-induced stresses. The development of a four-point bending test arrangement to determine... more
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      Materials EngineeringCivil EngineeringMaterials ScienceAsphalt
Laser forming is a relatively new technique which is beginning to find applications in a number of areas. The technique involves passing a high powered laser beam over the surface of a material to induce thermal deformation. If the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechatronicsKnowledge Based SystemLaser Forming
This study extends multisource feedback research by assessing the effects of rater source and raters' cultural value orientations on rating bias (leniency and halo). Using a motivational perspective of performance appraisal, the authors... more
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      MarketingPsychologyApplied PsychologyGroup Processes
In this paper we convert a (linear abstract) initial boundary value problem into an abstract Cauchy problem on some product space and use semigroup methods to solve it. In particular, we apply spectral theory in order to discuss stability... more
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      Applied MathematicsIntegral EquationsSpectral TheoryNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
Extensive research on the effects of work related stress amongst healthcare professions and the NHS has been undertaken. However, very little is known about the incidence of stress amongst UK radiographers although the few studies which... more
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      Clinical SciencesRadiographyOccupational StressFeedback System
An effective state is essential to achieving sustainable socioeconomic development. With the advent of globalization, there are significant pressures on governments and organizations around the world to be more responsive to the demands... more
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      Public ManagementInternational organizationsMonitoring And EvaluationPublic Health
The paper describes the development of an electrically operated pneumatic fast-switching valve for pneumatic position control systems. The valve was designed and fabricated as an on–off valve with 2/2-way function and its characteristics... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMechatronicsAir flow
Integrated solid waste management (ISWM) based on the 3R approach (reduce, reuse, and recycle) is aimed at optimizing the management of solid waste from all the waste-generating sectors (municipal, construction and demolition, industrial,... more
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      Environmental EngineeringMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementWaste ManagementPublic Health
Technological advances in micromechanics, optical sensing, and computing have led to innovative and reliable concepts of precise dosing and sensing of modern volatile anesthetics. Mixing of saturated desflurane flow with fresh gas flow... more
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      ConsciousnessAutomatic ControlTherapeutic drug monitoringAutomation
Abstmci-Speech coding is a procedure used to represent a digital speech signal by as minimum bits as possible, maintaining at the same time a reasonable level of speech quality. Due to increasing demand for speech communications, speech... more
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      Speech CommunicationSpeech CodingFeedback System
How businesses resolve customer complaining behavior effectively has been considered a "defensive marketing" strategy or a "zero-defections" strategy, which diminishes customer dissatisfaction. Handling customer dissatisfaction... more
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      Customer SatisfactionMarketing StrategyCustomer ServiceHicss
This paper describes how to use smooth solvers for simulation of a class of piecewise smooth dynamical systems, called Filippov systems, with discontinuous vector fields. In these systems constrained motion along a discontinuity surface... more
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      Information SystemsNumerical SimulationOscillationsDifferential equation
In this paper we describe LiveNet, a flexible wearable platform intended for long-term ambulatory health monitoring with real-time data streaming and context classification. Based on the MIT Wearable Computing Group's distributed... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringNeuroengineeringSoftware ArchitectureMobile Systems
The C57BL/6J mouse has been a useful model of presbycusis, as it displays an accelerated age-related peripheral hearing loss. The medial olivocochlear efferent feedback (MOC) system plays a role in suppressing cochlear outer hair cell... more
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An effective state is essential to achieving sustainable socioeconomic development. With the advent of globalization, there are significant pressures on governments and organizations around the world to be more responsive to the demands... more
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      Public ManagementInternational organizationsMonitoring And EvaluationPublic Health
Outer (OHC) and inner (IHC) hair cells in the organ of Corti of the mammalian cochlea process sound. OHC and their efferent synapse are part of a feedback system assumed to control and modulate information carried by afferent neurons... more
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      NeurochemistrySignal TransductionSynaptic Vesicle RecyclingMolecular cloning
We consider comparator-based nonlinear feedback systems, and use Tsypkin's method to develop a strategy with which to find systems with low-pass linear part for which the describing function technique erroneously predicts limit cycles. We... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsStabilityFeedback
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      Evolutionary BiologyArchaeologyAnthropologyHuman Evolution
Keywords: cliffed coasts rocky coasts coastal erosion sea-level rise Bruun rule dynamic equilibrium Basic formulae have long been used to predict the effects of sea-level rise on coastal recession; for instance, the geometric 'Bruun rule'... more
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      Earth SciencesMarine GeologySea LevelCoastal Erosion
Landscape sensitivity may be discussed in terms of the response of landscape systems to perturbation on different time and spatial scales. Unstable systems behave chaotically but may show self organised criticality, while stable systems... more
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      GeologyEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental ChangeSpatial Scale
This article examines the use of interim assessments in elementary schools in the School District of Philadelphia. The article reports on the qualitative component of a multimethod study about the use of interim assessments in... more
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      EducationOrganizational LearningCase StudiesBenchmarking
ABSTRACT This survey brings together theoretical and empirical questions that have been addressed in the economic literature on eBay, focusing on understanding the behavior of buyers and sellers. We discuss several puzzles of bidder... more
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      Industrial OrganizationApplied EconomicsOnline AuctionFeedback System
We used a cross-sectional design to assess the availability of essential drugs (EDs) in remote areas in two provinces in Laos, and to explore the views on the performance and sustainability of village revolving drug funds (VRDFs) among... more
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      Lao PDRPublic HealthHealth and Social CareData Collection
In recent years the application of computer software to the learning process has been acknowledged an indisputably effective tool supporting traditional teaching methods. A particular focus has been put on the application of computational... more
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      Speech SynthesisSecond Language LearningLanguage ProcessingTeaching Methods
Biologically active heart valves (tissue engineered and recellularized tissue-derived heart valves) have the potential to offer enhanced function when compared to current replacement value therapies since they can possibly remodel, and... more
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      EngineeringTissue EngineeringMicrofluidicsHemorheology
Emerging applications like C 3 I systems, real-time databases, data acquisition systems and multimedia servers require access to secondary storage devices under timing constraints. In this paper, we focus on operating system support... more
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      MultimediaSchedulingControl systemTraffic Management
O rganizational design for the 21st century is done with an eye to performing a set of tasks that support the current strategy but also maintain an ability to explore future options. Such a design involves concerns for efficient... more
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      PsychologyBusiness and ManagementOrganizational DynamicsFeedback System
Envelope feedback loop stability criteria are derived based on the Lyapunov stability theorem for time-varying systems using the linear matrix inequality technique. Effects of system parameters on stability are investigated. An envelope... more
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      Stability AnalysisFeedbackRf Power AmplifierRadio Frequency
Networked control systems (NCS) are feedback systems closed through data networks. NCS have many advantages compared with traditional systems; however, the network-induced delay and other characteristics of data networks may degrade the... more
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      Control TheoryFault DetectionFault Tolerant ControlFault diagnosis
Semiconductor wafer etching is, to a large extent, an open-loop process with little direct feedback control. Most silicon chip manufacturers rely on the rigorous adherence to a "recipe" for the various etch processes, which have been... more
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      Electronic EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringDetection & EstimationSemiconductor Manufacturing
In most cases, the cost of a control system increases based on its complexity. Proportional (P) controller is the simplest and most intuitive structure for the implementation of linear control systems. The difficulty to find the stability... more
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      EngineeringEducationControl systemStability Analysis
This is an electronic version of an article published in Visscher, A. J. and Coe, R. (2003) 'School performance feedback systems : conceptualisation, analysis, and reflection.', School effectiveness and school improvement., 14 (3). pp.... more
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      EvaluationSchool effectiveness and school improvementAcademic achievementMeta Analysis
It is now well known that employing channel adaptive signaling in wireless communication systems can yield large improvements in almost any performance metric. Unfortunately, many kinds of channel adaptive techniques have been deemed... more
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      Distributed ComputingWireless CommunicationsOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)Knowledge Systems
SRRC is currently developing a RF kicker for the lon- gitudinal feedback system. The kicker is a pill-box cavity with nine pieces of striplines. The resonant frequency is tuned to the designing value 1125 MHz by adjusting the length of... more
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      Feedback SystemResonant Frequency
SOLEIL is a third generation light source built in France, near Paris. Its BPM system is important for machine physics studies and for delivering stable beams to the users. A beam stable to 1/10th of the dimensions requires submicron... more
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      Low FrequencyFixed Point TheoryElectron BeamFeedback System
Age-related hearing loss – presbycusis – is the most common communication problem and third most prevalent chronic medical disorder of the aged. The CBA and C57BL/6 mouse strains are useful for studying features of presbycusis. The CBA... more
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      AgingBreedingHigh FrequencyOld Age
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a process whereby a factdty-resident committee ann;:a!!y a::dits outpatient record keeping and preventive care practices and provides feedback to resident physicians. Design: Pre-and... more
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      Primary CarePrimary Health CareGeneral Internal MedicineInternal Medicine
Background. On-line monitoring of chemical/physical signals during haemodialysis (HD) and bio-feedback represents the first step towards a 'physiological' HD system incorporating adaptive and logic controls in order to achieve pre-set... more
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      KineticsForecastingHeart rateUrea
In this paper, we address the problem of maintaining a precise frequency in vibrating motors for use as vibrotactile cueing devices. Our solution utilizes a piezoelectric film sensor that measures the motor frequency and uses a... more
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      User StudyFeedback loopFrequency ControlComputer Human Interaction
The problem of controlling the free-length of a helical spring while it is being manufactured on an automatic coiling machine is examined. This is a disturbance rejection problem, and the feedback system is designed to reject disturbances... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsControlAdaptive Control
This paper proposes new stability analysis and convergence results applied to the Iterative Feedback Tuning (IFT) of a class of Takagi-Sugeno-Kang proportional-integral-fuzzy controllers (PI-FCs). The stability analysis is based on a... more
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      Expert SystemsNonlinear dynamicsFuzzy ControlMathematical Sciences