School effectiveness and school improvement
Recent papers in School effectiveness and school improvement
The basic philosophical position that the merit of actions must be determined by reference to their consequences may be taken as having either of two incompatible aims. It may be interpreted as a manifesto for moral reform, advocating a... more
RESUMO. A identificação das dificuldades de aprendizagem apresenta uma diversidade de procedimentos que muitas vezes parecem ser inconciliáveis e confusos, mas que poderiam ser entendidos como complementares. O presente artigo consiste em... more
Gresham, F. M. & Elliott, S. N. (2016). Inventário de Habilidades Sociais, Problemas de Comportamento e Competência Acadêmica para Crianças: SSRS Manual de aplicação, Apuração e Interpretação [Del Prette, Z. A. P., Freitas, L. C.,... more
In deze handleiding wordt gespecificeerd hoe de aanpak van pesten en andere vormen van agressief gedrag in scholen kan worden gesteund via passende Informatie- en Communicatie Technologie. De inbreng en mede-verantwoordelijkheid van... more
Debate about teacher supply, demand, retention, and attrition has been renewed in recent years by an increased concern about the reduced numbers of prospective teachers entering teacher education programs, the high attrition rate of... more
Zie hiervoor -oktober-'Artikelen, Columns, Mededelingen'. OVER DEAUTEUR Wim Claasen (1947) is klinisch psycholoog en humanistisch raadsman. Het grootste deel van zijn loopbaan was hij (als directeur, stafmedewerker... more
Contents: 1. Setting the Scene a. The Impact of Rutter 2. Preschool Quality and Resilience 3. Looking Beyond Preschool: a. resilience fostered by primary schools b. resilience effects within children born premature c. one potential... more
This is article contributes to the debate on the empirical applications of critical realism (CR) in school effectiveness research. Researchers that endorse this research paradigm privilege intensive, over extensive, research designs,... more
The purpose of this article is to build a conceptual framework that informs current understanding of how professional learning communities (PLCs) function in conjunction with organizational learning. The combination of sociocultural... more
Education is a developing process, which reflects itself in the changes around the world. The increase in demand for high quality education is changing education and is reminiscent of a continuous process, like a circle, and teachers, who... more
Es fundamental que los líderes educativos desarrollen continuamente las competencias necesarias para usar datos pertinentes a su contexto institucional en la toma de decisiones. En este práctica de liderazgo analizamos las diferencias... more
Se indaga el sentido de la conferencia de Sloterdijk “Normas para el Parque humano” así como las polémicas por ella suscitada. Se realiza un diagnóstico de la capacidad crítica del humanismo tradicional. En el marco del naufragio del... more
The journal "Minority Reports. Cultural Disability Studies" purports to devote the monographic issue 13 / II 2021 to the topic of school and educational inclusion of the students with disability, as it is declined, both in conceptual and... more
Der Beitrag stellt das US-amerikanische Schulentwicklungsprogramm „Success for All“ dar und analysiert, weshalb es dem Vorhaben gelungen ist, ein evidenzbasiertes Lösungsmodell an rund 3000 Standorten in standardisierter Form und mit... more
The authors would like to express their gratitude to Loughborough University Business School for awarding funds to pursue the quantitative element of the project.
The concept of responsibility is highly relevant to the organization of public schooling. Through public schools, adult citizens allow for the formal nurture and training of children to become full citizens, able to participate in our... more
The effects of teachers' group incentives on student achievement are examined by reviewing theoretical arguments and empirical studies published between 1990 and 2011. Studies from developing countries reported positive effects of group... more
The education of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) in inclusive settings and their specific needs, problems and behavior are still a challenge for teachers, mainly because of unexplored reasons and factors of disabilities which... more
As charter schools have increased in number, studies of their success in ensuring the academic performance of students have likewise proliferated. Little attention, however, has been given to an appraisal of the boards that run them,... more
For the development of social entrepreneurs it is imperative that educators embrace the concepts and process of social entrepreneurship (Dees, 1998). Exploration of these concepts in education could prove beneficial to the community... more
3. Emotional literacy " Wits" 4. Roots of Empathy 5. Anti-bullying "Steps to Success" 6. Conflict resolution 7. Leadership training and community service and learning Meanwhile, schools should continue whole school efforts such as code of... more
Bu ölçek, okullardaki eğitim öğretim ortamını olumsuz yönde etkileyen şiddet olaylarının azaltılması/önlenmesi amacıyla eğitim yöneticilerinin pratik olarak kullanabilecekleri araç konumundadır. Okul Güvenliği Ölçeği, beraberinde şiddet... more
Seventy-two (n = 72) school counselors from South Carolina were surveyed to assess their perceptions of their pre-service training in relation to eight school-family-community partnership roles and their perceived level of involvement in... more
This book presents the argument that school leader research is a potent means through which the school leader grows professionally, and is also empowered to engage more deeply, insightfully and effectively with the many variables which... more
Lambert, M. (2003) Changing Roles: Collaboration between Special and Mainstream Schools in England. Learn, Journal of the Irish Learning Support Association, 25, pp.41-47
Studies have highlighted the difficulty of conducting interventions with parents when what motivates them to seek therapy is a behavioral problem of a child. As a way of preventing and treating this complaint an intervention procedure... more
This article identifies spatial dimensions of educational outcomes using maps of the 2016 Grade 5 reading results for Australia's National Assessment Program–Literacy and Numeracy for all Australian schools. A geographical information... more
En el marco del debate nacional sobre el lucro en la educación, sus defensores han argumentado supuestos beneficios: innovación, diversidad, calidad, entre otros. El artículo revisa estos argumentos y sus debilidades en lo teórico y... more
A schools role is changing from that of providing education to developing a polished society to that of working as Govt. agents and agents of change. There are many expectations from a school. Unlike earlier where a school had just to... more
The methodology for the evaluation of educational systems is being developed in different elds, such as educational statistics, psychometrics, sociology and econometrics. Each discipline has developed approaches suitable for the analysis... more
Discussione della situazione del sistema formativo italiano rispetto all'idea e alle pratiche di valutazione diagnostica. Discusse alcune valenze di questo concetto, si esaminano le decisioni pubbliche relative a modelli e strumenti... more
Lesgeven zonder cijfers Karst van der Velde Screenshot uit Super Mario Bros (1985).