Europeanization of the Balkans
Recent papers in Europeanization of the Balkans
The European Union (EU) has closely correlated different aspects of the peace process in Bosnia with progress towards European accession. The ‘power of attraction’ of EU membership would presumably induce the Bosnian authorities to accept... more
Covid-19 brought to the surface many structural vulnerabilities in the Western Balkans, a European periphery marked by its weak economies and inefficient and underfinanced healthcare and social welfare systems. There has been a pressing... more
1. Western Balkan states should reinforce the regulatory and institutional framework and empower independent authorities so as to mitigate political bargaining and interventions. 2. Western Balkan states should establish appropriate... more
Pursuant to the same logic that prevailed when Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman reached out to Germany after the end of World War II, and in keeping with the promise made in the Preamble of the founding treaty, the EU reached out to Central... more
The article analyses from an anthropological perspective the 2010 Belgrade Pride Parade, the first state-supported Parade in Serbia, as a part of the building of a democratic and European Serbian nation. In their discursive framing of the... more
Abstract Undergoing a myriad of regime changes, occupied by different empires and states throughout the history, Kosovo has never had a particular administrative experience. With the creation of the Socialist Federative Republic of... more
Με αφορµή την έκδοση Η Ελλάδα στο ευρύτερο πολιτισµικό πλαίσιο των Βαλκανίων κατά την 5 η και 4 η χιλιετία π.Χ., Μουσείο Κυκλαδικής Τέχνης, Ίδρυµα Ν. Π. Γουλανδρή. Αθήνα 2010. Ν. Παπαδηµητρίου (επιµ.) µε συνεργασία Ζ. Τσιρτσώνη,, 124... more
The Balkan Women during the Transition to Democracy
Nella primavera del 1941, Curzio Malaparte si trova nei Balcani, corrispondente di guerra del Corriere della Sera. Il 7 aprile il quotidiano gli pubblica un articolo dal titolo eloquente, « Attraverso la Jugoslavia con l'ultimo "Oriente... more
Četiri se glavna povijesna modela lokalne samouprave u Europi: francuski (napoleonski, južnoeuropski), njemački (germanski, porajnski), švedski (skandinavski, nordijski) i engleski (anglosaksonski), kojima neki autori dodaju i peti model,... more
EN : This master thesis aims to fill the gaps in the literature addressing the issue of the European influence over environmental public policies throughout the Western Balkans. It is focused on the analysis of the transformative role... more
Συμμετοχή μου στον Συλλογικό Τόμο του Ελληνικού Ινστιτούτου Στρατηγικών Μελετών "Βαλκάνια, Εύθραυστες Ισορροπίες", εκδόσεις Ηρόδοτος, Αθήνα 2018, σσ. 25-46. Το άρθρο παραδόθηκε τον Ιανουάριο του 2017.
Recenzent: Mgr. Richard Stojar, PhD. Koordinátor konferenčného zborníka: Ing. Tigran Aleksanyan Text prešiel jazykovou úpravou. © NARMSP, Bratislava, 2010 ISBN 978-80-88957-52-2 Všetky práva vyhradené. Žiadna časť tohto konferenčného... more
LgBT rights have come to be seen as allied with the idea of "europe" and a european identity, particularly in the process of european Union enlargement to the east. Scholars have examined the ways in which external norms interact with... more
This paper examines the key actors, factors, and events that contributed to the successful overthrow of Slobodan Milošević’s regime on October 5, 2000. The primary focus of this case study is the Bulldozer Revolution that put in power the... more
At first we were confused . The East thought that we were West, while the West considered us to be East. Some of us misunderstood our place in this clash of currents, so they cried that we belong to neither side, and others that we belong... more
Maintenant encore, les matches du dimanche, dans un stade plein à craquer, et le théâtre, que j'ai aimé avec une passion sans égale, sont les seuls endroits du monde où je me sente innocent. Albert Camus, La chute
Elias Riggs was a missionary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) in Greece between 1832-1838. This article reviews the early life of Elias Riggs, investigates how he became an American missionary in the... more
The word ‘Balkans’ often functions as a stigma. A number of authors have discussed the bloodbath during the wars in the former Yugoslavia with references to an alleged Balkan culture. The ‘B’-word could be used to explain why people in... more
Ottoman domination of southeastern Europe, often referred to as the Balkans, began in the fourteenth century. Initial Ottoman rule provided relative peace and stability for the region for the next three centuries. This was the pax... more
The argument about whether to ‘ring-fence’ the Balkans by containing its problems through minimal engagement or whether to recognise that problems with minorities and conflicting borders are ones that western Europe and even the USA had... more
Sponsored by the J. F. Kostopoulos Foundation, Athens, 1994, 2 volumes, 23X30, 692 pages, illustrated (780 black and white figs.), ISBN... more
The rise to power of Alexandru Ioan Cuza (1820–1873) 1 as the Prince (hospodar) of the United Principalities of Moldova and Wallachia (February 1859) represented , as it is well known, a decisive moment in the process of unification and... more
Acts of Cathar Assembly, held in 1167 in San Felix de Carmen, near Toulous, France, represent an important historic source when the question of existence of heretic church organizations is considered. Pope Nikita of Constantinople, who... more
The overarching question of this article is how can we develop a critical understanding of the social place of highways and automobility in the case of a non-capitalist European context such as socialist Albania? Socialism was a period of... more
I argue in this article that holocaust memory discourse in Serbia is currently being promoted by the state as part of its efforts to conceal any political space where an encounter between the state and the civil society may be able to... more
This essay compares the two major Western-centric efforts at “Europeanizing” Eastern Europe: attempts to establish institutions, policies, and practices associated with the modern nation-state concept, and then with the European Union.... more
La présence française en Serbie à la veille de la Première Guerre mondiale est le résultat d’un long processus de développement de la Serbie moderne s’appuyant sur les sources politiques et culturelles françaises. La révolution nationale,... more
A complete overview of the genetic studies of archaeological remains of ancient Neolithic and Eneolithic population in the Balkans is made. They are compared with the data from 996 DNA samples of modern Bulgarians from... more
Sažetak: Sljedeća razmatranja o imovinskopravnim regulama iuris u Bogišićevu zakoniku i njihovu aktualnomu značenju imaju dvostruki cilj. S jedne strane nastojat će se istražiti utjecaj i značenje koje su imovinskopravne regulae iuris... more
This first thematic study of the Peace and Security series focuses on European Union (EU) peacebuilding efforts in the Western Balkans. The series will make an annual evaluation of EU performance in the field of peace and security in a... more
The term 'Balkans' or 'Balkanization' is often used in the context of fragmentation, ethnic conflict and instability. Therefore, this region faces one of the biggest challenges of his history, 'un-balkanization', to rise upon ethnic... more
This thesis will add to the existing discussion about viability of a Northern Ireland model by applying principles from the Northern Ireland peace process to two ‘live’ long-term European conflicts, in Kosovo and Cyprus. It will examine... more
This presentation is based on a research papers and a book about Germaa-educated Aristotelis Zachos (1871-1939), a leading reformer in 20th-century Greek architecture. In this architect’s wide-ranging career spanning a period of almost... more
This article investigates the encounter of EU-unionization with a domesticated practice of corruption in Bosnian higher education. Relying on primary data collected in Bosnia’s public higher education system, the study finds that the... more
Helen Fessas-Emmanouil Cultural interaction, modernity and identity. Τhe friendship and cooperation between a German and a Greek architect (1899-1914) This presentation is based on my book* about the architectural friendship and... more
""This article is an ethnographic study of a 29-kilometer stretch of cross-border highway located in South Albania and linking the city of Gjirokaster with the main checkpoint on the Albanian–Greek border. The road, its politics, and its... more