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‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
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      Critical TheoryBusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsInformation Systems
La crisi finanziaria scoppiata nell’autunno 2008 ha sancito il successo di coloro che ne sono stati gli artefici. In Italia e Grecia sono andati al potere tecnocrati e banchieri, gli stessi che, fino al giorno prima, hanno lavorato per le... more
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      Financial Crisis of 2008/2009Global Financial CrisisFinancial CrisisEuro-Zone Crisis
Staatsinsolvenzen sind ein topaktuelles Thema: Spätestens seit der Staatsschuldenkrise im Euroraum (auch kurz „Euro-Krise“ genannt) infolge der weltweiten Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise ist die Abwendung einer drohende Zahlungsunfähigkeit... more
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      Economic HistoryBankruptcyFiscal Policy and debt ManagementSovereign Debt
Using the concept of assemblage to describe the State’s modes of financing through history, this article intends to show the contribution of a Political Sociology of the Economy in order to grasp the different ways economic objects are... more
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      Public FinanceSovereigntyPublic Budgeting and FinanceNeoliberalism
Το δημοκρατικό έλλειμμα και η κρίση νομιμοποίησης στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ως αποτύπωση ενός ασταθούς ηγεμονικού μοντέλου. Μια σύνοψη του διαλόγου και μια προσπάθεια υπέρβασης του
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      Jurgen HabermasEuropean Union PoliticsNeo-GramscianismIntergovernmentalism
Il Fiscal compact: una macchina di governo fiscale 1.1. Introduzione 9 1.2. Quadro concettuale 11 1.3. Il processo di negoziazione del Trattato: un attacco fallito alle costituzioni nazionali 17 1.4. Una macchina di governo fiscale 20... more
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      European StudiesEuropean UnionEuropean Union PoliticsEuropean Debt Crisis
The idea of 'anti-vulture legislation', i.e. domestic law dealing with holdout strategies and 'vulture' litigation against a sovereign debtor in financial distress, differs radically from existing and proposed approaches to deal with... more
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      Sovereign ImmunitySovereign DebtSovereign debt crisis in the EUSovereign Debt restructuring
The present research aims to present and analyze the causes that led to the crisis in the Eurozone. The 2008 financial crisis revealed the weaknesses, the chronic problems and the differences which were lurking and emerged between the... more
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      EconomicsBanking CrisisEconomic and Monetary UnionEurozone crisis
In this thesis I attempted to provide a cause and effect analysis on one of Europe’s systematically most dangerous macro-financial turmoil, Italy’s banking crisis. My work tried to explore the most important roots of the crisis, identify... more
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      Crisis ManagementItalySovereign debt crisis in the EUBanking Crisis
Since 2008, eurozone sovereign yields have diverged sharply, and so have the corresponding credit default swap (CDS) premia. At the same time, banks' sovereign debt portfolios have featured an increasing home bias. In this paper, we... more
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      EconomicsEconomic policySovereign DebtSovereign debt crisis in the EU
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      Critical TheoryFinanceHistorySociology
This Thesis Paper asks the crucial question of whether the European Financial Integration is possible or not during the Economic Crisis. In order for the current situation of the economic and the political dispute across Europe to be... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean UnionEuropean Economic Integration
Greece was the first of the countries in the EU periphery engulfed in the so-called sovereign debt crisis that followed the crisis in the financial and banking sectors. The sovereign debt crisis exposed the serious weaknesses of the... more
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      Southern EuropeWelfare StateSouth East European StudiesGreek Financial Crisis
Agridopoulos, Aristotelis 2020: Causes, critique, and blame: A political discourse analysis of the crisis and blame discourse of German and Greek intellectuals, in: Stefan Nygård (Hg.): The Politics of Debt and Europe’s Relations with... more
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      Political PhilosophySociology of IntellectualsPolitical Discourse AnalysisContemporary Political Philosophy
In 2013, the world is entering the sixth year of the global crisis. In those six years, sparked by the unfolding events, there has developed a burgeoning literature regarding the origins, conjunctures and regional manifestations of the... more
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      Organizational BehaviorDiscourse AnalysisSociologyPolitical Sociology
The most important current issue for both the European Union and Member States is the economic crisis and its implications for the future of the EU. Citizens across Member States of the EU, whether affected or not by the debt crisis and... more
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      European StudiesEuropean PoliticsEuropean UnionEU
This chapter analyses the Treaty on Stability Coordination and Governance (TSCG), as an emblematic example of the New Economic Governance. The incapacity to recognise any other structural problem beyond fiscal stability, we argue,... more
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      European StudiesCritical European StudiesEuropean UnionEU Law
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      European Constitutional LawEuropean Administrative LawEuropean economic governanceEuropean Sovereign Debt Crisis
On the 5th of July 2017, the European Committee of Social Rights published another decision adopted under the collective complaints procedure, condemning Greece for violating plenty of the European Social Charter provisions concerning... more
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      European LawHuman Rights LawSocial RightsHuman Rights
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      FinanceEconomic HistoryInternational EconomicsInternational Relations
The media coverage of the Eurozone crisis and Germany’s role in it has received much academic interest, however the Portuguese media discourses have been largely disregarded in most studies. As this thesis suggests, it is important to be... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEuropean StudiesGerman StudiesMedia Studies
This Article studies the role of law for aligning democracy with a market-based financial order. Jürgen Habermas's discourse theoretical understanding of the role of law in the welfare state establishes a structure for exploring this... more
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      LawPolitical TheoryPolitical ScienceLegal Theory
In this paper, we study the role of law for squaring democracy with a market-based financial order. We approach this issue on the basis of Jürgen Habermas’ discourse theoretical understanding of the role of law in the welfare state.... more
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      Political TheoryLegal TheoryJurgen HabermasInternational Political Economy
Euro Borç Krizi’nin yarattığı olumsuzlukların İtalya’nın var olan ekonomik sorunlarıyla birleşmesinin ardından ekonomik parametreler günden güne negatif bir görünüm sergilemeye başlamıştır. Özellikle büyüme oranlarındaki düşüş, işsizlik... more
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      European Sovereign Debt CrisisItaly economic crisis
The European Banking Union (EBU) has had a complex strategic, political, economic and legal formation, and throughout the current turmoil there has been a special emphasis on preserving its stability and further development. The EBU... more
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      BankingEuropean UnionEuropean Union LawBanking Supervision
Panel 30: Great Refusals: Refusing One Dimensionality Today The Dialectics of Liberation in an Age of Neoliberal Capitalism International Herbert Marcuse Society Seventh Biennial Conference 26-28 October 2017 York... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
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      Social PolicySouthern EuropeWelfare StateSouth East European Studies
This paper utilises discourse theory in analysing the construction of the European ‘sovereign debt crisis’ narrative in spring 2010. It charts the trajectory of the narrative and examines the political subject positions within it in order... more
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      European Political EconomyEuropean Sovereign Debt Crisis
A crucial aspect of many heterodox approaches to modern capitalism, finacialization and crisis is the idea that the domination of neoliberalism and of the globalized financial sector of the economy produces a predatory version of... more
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      FinanceGlobal Financial CrisisEurozone crisisECB
Garland, C. (2014) ‘As Barriers Fall, Contingency Becomes Possibility: Protest Resisting and Escaping Containment and Categorization’, Part II Identity, Embodiment and Categorisation in Eds. Lamond, I. and Spracklen, K. 'Protests as... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorCollective Behavior
Since 2008, euro-area sovereign yields have diverged sharply, and so have the corresponding CDS premia. At the same time, banks' sovereign debt portfolios featured an increasing home bias. We investigate the relationship between these two... more
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      EconomicsEconomic policySovereign DebtSovereign debt crisis in the EU
An exploration into the legal provisions governing gold on the balance sheets of the central banks in the Euro Area, and an assessment of the conditions governing possible use as collateral.
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      Euro-Zone CrisisCentral BankingEuropean Central BankEuropean Debt Crisis
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      RegionalismEuropean Union (International Studies)Global Financial CrisisFinancial Crisis
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      European integrationJurgen HabermasEuropean UnionEuropean identity
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
Although the perceived lack of a European identity has always been an issue in the legitimisation of the EU, the economic crisis has intensified the struggles between national and European group identities. The main focus of this thesis... more
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      European StudiesEuropean PoliticsEuropean UnionEuropean identity
This report covers all the three issues: 2007-2008 financial crises, EU sovereign debt crises, Greece Debt Crises.
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      Global Financial CrisisEuropean Debt CrisisEuropean Sovereign Debt CrisisGreece Financial Crisis
This article highlights several issues arising in relation to the bail-in mechanism proposed within the directive on the establishment of an EU framework for the recovery and resolution of banks and large investment firms.
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      BankingCapital MarketsEuro-Zone CrisisSovereign debt crisis in the EU
The sovereign debt crisis affecting several eurozone countries is a threat to Europe’s fi nancial stability and has had signifi cant international repercussions. The fear of a default within the eurozone has spread from Greece to other... more
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      Capital MarketsSovereign DebtEuro-Zone CrisisSovereign debt crisis in the EU
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      Critical TheoryHistoryAmerican HistoryEuropean History
This paper studies the dynamic propagation mechanisms of systemic risk shocks within and across macrosystems of governments and financial institutions. We propose a novel approach to identify relevant systemic shocks and to classify them... more
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      FinanceComputer ScienceManagement ScienceRisk Management
The European sovereign debt crisis negatively impacted economies across the world, including South Africa’s. This essay focuses specifically on how this crisis, which was somewhat precipitated by the Great Recession of 2008-09, impacted... more
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      EconomicsSouth AfricaEuropean Debt CrisisSouth African Economy
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      HistorySociologyPolitical SociologyLegitimacy and Authority
An alternative view of the Euro crisis based not on balannce of payments indicators, but on flow of funds analysis.
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      FinanceEconomicsInternational EconomicsFinancial Economics
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      International Political EconomyEuropean UnionGreek EconomyModern Greece