European Debt Crisis
Recent papers in European Debt Crisis
Debt and personal indebtedness have become a global problem as consumption-driven economies have spread across the world. These days, outstanding consumer debt is a normal feature of many economies and for a large number of people, the... more
La narrazione standard della crisi fase 1: 2007-2009. Finanza colpevole: una spiegazione convincente? La narrazione standard della crisi fase 2: 2010-2014. Debito pubblico eccessivo: una spiegazione convincente? Alla ricerca di una... more
The program of MESAAS 2015 Graduate Conference Program. I lead the organization committee, together with Aviv Becher and Mohammed Sadegh Ansari. Keynote Address by Ann Stoler.
La visión oficial afirma, básicamente, que la crisis de deuda europea se asocia a la irresponsabilidad fiscal de los países periféricos (PP) –España, Irlanda, Portugal y Grecia. De aquí se desprende que el modo de afrontar la crisis... more
This article shows how a specific set of Italian economic ideas, which were first formulated in the first half of the twentieth century and later espoused by a network of economists from Bocconi University, Milan, came to play an... more
In this interview, which I translated with Tom Vandeputte, the Italian philosopher and sociologist Maurizio Lazzarato elaborates and extends some of the arguments developed in his book "The Making on Indebted Man". The interview was... more
Squilibrio Il labirinto della crescita e dello sviluppo capitalistico prefazione di Paolo Leon Le ragioni dello squilibrio sono essenzialmente nell'incapacità delle imprese e delle famiglie di conoscere gli effetti macroeco-nomici delle... more
Il processo di costruzione di una politica estera dell'Unione Europea (UE), distinta da quella dei suoi paesi membri, è stato lungo e faticoso e, come dimostra l'impotenza dell'UE di fronte alle crisi recenti -in Ucraina piuttosto che in... more
The year 2002 would be remembered in the European Union as the year the ‘Euro’ officially became the common legal tender of the ‘Eurozone’ comprising presently of 19 member states. Exactly seven years after, a full blown banking and... more
Introductory chapter of PhD thesis: 'Why Not Default? The Structural Power of Finance in Sovereign Debt Crises.' Defended (without corrections) at the European University Institute in Florence on May 19, 2016. This thesis aims to answer... more
El ordenamiento jurídico comunitario, tanto desde una perspectiva general como desde la perspectiva singular que aportan las respectivas legislaciones de los Estados miembros, presenta cierto déficit regulatorio desde la perspectiva de la... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
This chapter provides a reading and a contextualization of three recent performative public artworks to map the way unpayable debts manifest across politics, economics, culture and society under the global order of financialized... more
Thomas Sankara (1949–87) was one of the most important anti-imperialist leaders of twentieth-century Africa. This book examines Sankara’s political philosophies and legacies and their relevance today. Contributors analyze his synthesis of... more
In this study, we try to explore the effects of globalization and international integration on developing countries’ external debt in 1980-2010 time period. As known, the developing world consists of countries which desire to reach to the... more
La crisi finanziaria scoppiata nell’autunno 2008 ha sancito il successo di coloro che ne sono stati gli artefici. In Italia e Grecia sono andati al potere tecnocrati e banchieri, gli stessi che, fino al giorno prima, hanno lavorato per le... more
F*ck May 68, Fight Now: Exploring the Uses of the Radical Past from 1968 to Today Session 1: History is a Weapon June 8, 2018 Department of History, University of Liverpool... more
Syllabus for my seminar with Eric Santner at the University of Chicago, Autumn 2016.
Most of the current analysis which attempts to explain the Greek crisis tends to follow two trends. The first highlights the Greek crisis as a debt-crisis provoked by extensive corruption in every level of social, economic and political... more
Staatsinsolvenzen sind ein topaktuelles Thema: Spätestens seit der Staatsschuldenkrise im Euroraum (auch kurz „Euro-Krise“ genannt) infolge der weltweiten Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise ist die Abwendung einer drohende Zahlungsunfähigkeit... more
In Q2 of 2008 Spain officially announced its entrance in to what would come to be the worst recession of its economic history. Previously, the country had undergone nearly a decade of economic expansion, mainly stemming from a boom in... more
Hubris, Ate, and Nemesis are three minor Greek deities, mostly remembered today for their function in ancient Greek drama. Hubris symbolizes arrogance and deviation from virtue. Ate refers to an act of folly, a direct consequence of... more
The economic crisis of recent years continues to have a profound effect on the lives of European citizens. Economically, politically and socially, the crisis has led to fundamental change for many people's lives. As well as creating new... more
The financial crisis that has been wreaking havoc in markets across the world since August 2007 had its origins in an asset price bubble that interacted with new kinds of financial innovations that masked risk; with companies that failed... more
Despite its repeated history of triggering major mistakes and crises, so much dubious financial risk management remains taken for granted and promoted by markets and regulators. As evermore sophisticated financial processes of... more
Europe's response to the sovereign debt crisis in Southern Europe has been premised on the idea that these states can return to growth through internal devaluation and fiscal consolidation. This article explores the distributive... more
Genealogie e sviluppi della crisi borsistico-finanziaria statunitense e i suoi effetti nell'economia globale. In particolare si analizza la correlazione con la crisi dei debiti sovrani in Europa e l'implementazione di politiche di... more
The goal of this research is to provide a mid-range rationalist explanation of the dynamics of institutional change occurred in the European Union during the sovereign debt crisis. My starting hypothesis is that the crisis may represent a... more
The debt crisis in Greece since 2010 has triggered seismic changes in the political attitudes of the society and, above all, the political identity and discourse of the country. The extremely unpopular austerity policies caused a severe... more
Ejercicios para una vida endeudada E n los últimos años hemos asistido al desarrollo de una «mega-máquina» construida «a fin de maximizar y acumular, en forma de capital, y al mismo tiempo de poder, el valor extraíble del mayor número... more
The paper sets out the legal foundations of an incremental approach to sovereign debt restructuring. As the political momentum that would be necessary to adopt an international treaty governing sovereign debt workouts is currently... more
Neoliberalism has grown to become the dominant political and economic agenda of our time. Its supporters hold influential positions across governments, education, the media and corporate and financial institutions, yet its effects have... more
In a manner similar to the postcolonialitalia research project, in my work I have been dealing with the South of Europe. I come from Portugal, where the conception of Southern Europe, even though it goes back centuries, has become current... more
Is the Recovery Fund really the new Marshall Plan, as we hear more and more often in many places and contexts? With the aim of critically verifying this leitmotif, the essay first traces back the nature, the structure and the... more
Pubblichiamo un eccellente testo di Vladimiro Giacchè nel quale è ricostruita la vicenda storica dell’Italia nell’euro, il passaggio di fase in corso, l’interpretazione del Governo Conte 2 e la sua valutazione critica sulla scelta di... more