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Regulation would be effective only when it is complied with by the regulatee institutions in both letter and spirit. There could be various impediments to voluntary compliance by banks, as well as the effectiveness of enforcement... more
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      Regulatory ComplianceCorporate GovernanceComplianceMoney Laundering
In the context of separating banking supervision from Bank of England in the year 1997 and demands for similar separation in India, an argument is made against separation of banking supervision from central banks. It is concludedthat... more
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      Central BanksBanking RegulationBanking SupervisionCentral Banking
Over the past twenty years, the world's banking systems have been subjected to upheavals in banking market structure, in ownership, and in regulation. Over the same period, banking crises large enough to envelop national banking systems... more
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      FinanceMarket StructureBanking SupervisionCentral Bank
Macro-prudential analysis is a relatively new atea infinancial system supervision. The paper presents a synopsis of the main attributes of the area, noting that one of its main features is that it adds an element of dynamism to the... more
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      Central Banking and Macro-financial linkagesBanking Supervision
This paper is focused on the economics of financing banking supervision. Two questions are investigated: What are the most common financing practices? Can we explain differences in current financing practices by country specific factors,... more
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      Public FinanceFinancial managementPath DependenceFinancial Regulation
The European Supervisory Authorities (the ‘ESAs’) form part of a large network of EU agencies and are classified as regulatory agencies, their principal tasks being the development and completion of the ‘single rulebook’ for the EU... more
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      Regulation of financial marketsFinancial RegulationIndependent Regulatory AgenciesEuropean agencies
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      Applied EconomicsFinancial CrisisBanking SupervisionModel development
Abstract: This paper examines the incentive features of top-management compensation in the banking industry. Economic theory suggests that the compensation structures for bank management should have low pay-performance sensitivity because... more
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      Corporate GovernanceCEO compensationEconomic TheoryBanking Supervision
This series of Handbooks in Central Banking has grown out of the activities of the Bank of England's Centre for Central Banking Studies in arranging and delivering training courses, seminars, workshops and technical assistance for central... more
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      Banking SupervisionCapital AdequacyBank Risk
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      BankingBanking LawBanking RegulationLaw of Torts
En la obra, a partir de una contextualización de los sectores bancarios español y europeo, se analizan los múltiples cambios que, en los últimos tiempos, han venido a afectar a la intervención sobre la banca, haciendo especial hincapié en... more
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      European LawBanking and Finance lawBanking LawAdministrative Law
This handbook aims to provide direction to financial services regulators and supervisors in central banks around the world with regard to best practice prudential guidelines for establishing, managing, supervising and regulating banks and... more
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      Financial RegulationBanking SupervisionFinancial Stability
This paper provides a detailed exposition on the concept of financial stability/instability and the role of regulation and supervision in mitigating all kinds of risks emanating from the financial sector with potential spillover effects... more
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      Financial RegulationBanking SupervisionFinancial Stability
Pentru Banca Naţională a României, administrarea funcţiei de conformitate la nivelul fiecărei bănci continuă să reprezinte unul dintre obiectivele urmărite sistematic în cadrul supravegherii efectuate asupra băncilor. Trecerea de la... more
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      BankingComplianceBanking Supervision
The significant role of banks in stabilising the financial systems of countries and in spurring their economic growth explains the particularities of their own corporate governance. The specificity of banks, the volatility of financial... more
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      European integrationCorporate GovernanceEconomic GrowthRisk Management
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      Crisis ManagementCapacity BuildingPapua New GuineaFinancial System
Over the last decade, Islamic banking has experienced global growth rates of 10-15 percent per annum, and has been moving into an increasing number of conventional financial systems at such a rapid pace that Islamic financial institutions... more
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      Islamic LawFinancial SystemsIslamic BankingRetail Banking
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      Real EstatePropertyEuropean UnionFinancial Services
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      Applied EconomicsFinancial CrisisBanking SupervisionModel development
Since the recent global financial crisis was caused by the interaction of micro and macroelements, it has become imperative for regulatory policies to concentrate on covering these interactions if the likelihood of future crises is to... more
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      Financial RegulationBanking SupervisionFinancial StabilityMacroprudential Policy
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe... more
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      Islamic LawFinancial SystemsIslamic BankingRetail Banking
Riga (Latvia) 2017 2 Starptautisko ekonomisko attiecību transformācija: mūsdienu problēmas, riski, iespējas un perspektīvas Kolektīva monogrāfija M. Bezpartochnyi zinātniskajā redakcijā Informācijas sistēmu menedžmenta augstskola Rīga... more
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      Banking RegulationCredit RiskBank CapitalBanking Supervision
This paper analyzes the pillar of modern central bank governance, i.e. central bank independence, highlighting three contributions. First, we provide a systematic review of the economics of central bank independence. Second, using a... more
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      Global Financial CrisisMonetary PolicyBanking SupervisionCentral Bank Independence
This paper reviews Latvia’s efforts to manage the increase in debt distress resulting from the unwinding of the 2000–07 credit boom and spillovers from the global financial crisis. The authorities have designed a strategy that strengthens... more
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      BusinessGlobal Financial CrisisAbstractBanking Supervision
The Centralized Banking Supervision in Eurozone and the ECB as the supranational banking supervisor:is it more effective and beneficial?
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      Banking SupervisionEuropean Central BankFinance and banking lawSingle Supervisory Mechanism
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      Banking LawBanking RegulationBanking SupervisionLiability
The economic unification of Europe is taking a long time.  It has become more challenging with the advent of financial integration and the single currency. Under the pressures of globalisation and, as a necessary by-product, of increased... more
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      European integrationCrisis ManagementInstitutional DesignInformation Flow
This paper assesses proposals to redefine the scope of activities of systemically important financial institutions. Alongside reform of prudential regulation and oversight, these have been offered as solutions to the too-important-to-fail... more
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      Structural EngineeringRisk ManagementRetail BankingUnited Kingdom
Effective problem bank identification and resolution is crucial to ensure not only the soundness of a bank but also for the resilience of the financial system as a whole since banks are dominant players in the financial system. Successful... more
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      BusinessCrisis ManagementCapacity BuildingPapua New Guinea
In order to correctly estimate the unpredictable effects on their transaction portfolios, the banks developed stress testing methods which turned out to be a very important tool in the bank supervision process. Moreover, the supervision... more
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      Credit RiskCase StudyBanking SupervisionBasel II
Nota a Tar Lazio, Roma, Sez. I-bis, 10 febbraio 2020, n. 1770
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      Constitutional LawCivil LawBankingEconomic Law
Following the 2007-09 global financial crisis many countries have changed their financial supervisory architecture by increasing the involvement of central banks in financial supervision. This has led many scholars to argue that financial... more
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      Political EconomyBanking SupervisionCentral BankingFinancial Supervision
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      BusinessFinancial managementAuditingRisk Taking
This Handbook explores some basic principles of banking supervision. First of all, it addresses the general question of why banks need to be supervised, and sets out the basic aims of supervision. It then examines the nature of banking... more
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      Banking SupervisionCapital AdequacyBank Risk
The paper traces the emergence and development of banking supervision in Bulgaria. Particular emphasis is placed on the early years of the Bulgarian National Bank and its role in banking supervision institutionalization. Are followed... more
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      BankingBanking Supervision
Th is paper, based on presentations before audiences in Lisbon in 2010, provides an overview of the causes of the credit crisis and discusses one of the reports issued in the wake thereof, the De Larosière Report. Its main findings in... more
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El régimen de intervención sobre el gobierno corporativo de la banca ha sido objeto de relevantes modificaciones en los últimos tiempos. Así, la europeización de potestades, conse­cuencia directa de la implantación del Mecanismo Único de... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceCorporate GovernanceGovernanceBanking
Problems arising from the consumer credit market were at the heart of the financial crisis generating the Great Recession. The housing market boom was accompanied by a rapid expansion of easy mortgage credit, and the strong period of... more
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      Financial RegulationBanking SupervisionConsumer credit
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to empirically analyse the cross-countries determinants of nonperforming loans (NPLs), the potential impact of supervisory devices, and institutional environment on credit risk exposure.... more
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      Financial EconomicsBankingFinancial developmentRegulation
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      Financial SystemFinancial InstitutionsBanking SupervisionBasel II
This paper reviews Latvia's efforts to manage the increase in debt distress resulting from the unwinding of the 2000-07 credit boom and spillovers from the global financial crisis. The authorities have designed a strategy that strengthens... more
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      BusinessGlobal Financial CrisisBanking SupervisionFinancial Sector
Bank failures are costly to customers and the wider market. Prevention is always better than cure but in light of recent economic downturns, it has become increasingly difficult for regulators to allocate more resources towards in-depth... more
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      Financial CrisisBanking CrisisBanking SupervisionFinance and banking
We present a model of bank passivity and regulatory failure. Banks with low equity positions have more incentives to be passive in liquidating bad loans. We show that they tend to hide distress from regulatory authorities and are ready to... more
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      Czech RepublicEarly WarningEmerging MarketEmerging market economies
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      Banking SupervisionFinancial StabilityRegulatory capture
the participants in a DNB seminar on May 15, Amsterdam, for their valuable comments and suggestions. All remaining errors are the authors' responsibility.
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      Open Access PublicationsBanking SupervisionEmpirical Analysis
The banking industry world wide is being transformed by global forces such as technological innovation; the domestic deregulation of financial services and opening-up to international competition; and changes in corporate behaviour, such... more
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      Emerging EconomiesBankingBanking SupervisionBanking in Private Sector and Public Sector
Prior to the 2007 -9 banking crisis, the UK Financial Services Authority presented itself as a 'proportionate' and 'risk-based' regulator, preferring firms to adhere to the spirit of high-level principles rather than the letter of... more
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      Financial RegulationGroupthinkBanking SupervisionRegulatory capture
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore the applicability of an information submission model based on OWL (Web Ontology Language) that permits the subsequent implementation of knowledge‐sharing systems, such as the Set of... more
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      Information SystemsOntologySemanticsKnowledge sharing
Financial liberalization, apart from increasing the number and varieties of financial institutions, also brought about increased distress in the financial system. As at 1995, there were reports that 60 out of 115 surviving banks (52.2%)... more
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      BusinessFinancial LiberalizationAdverse SelectionFinancial System
This paper analyzes the best practices related to liquidity risk management in financial institutions, in terms of both the existing standards on the issue and their application in several countries. To this effect, the paper compiles, in... more
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      Risk ManagementBest practiceFinancial InstitutionsLiquidity Risk Management