European Convention of Human Rights
Recent papers in European Convention of Human Rights
Europe is currently experiencing a "refugee crisis", demonstrated by millions of displaced people unseen since World War II. This book examines the interface between the EU's response to irregular flows, in particular the main... more
Les auteurs proposent une réflexion sur l’impact que pourraient avoir les récents développements en droit international des droits de l’homme sur les revendications foncières des peuples autochtones au regard de la Convention européenne... more
It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital... more
Press freedom plays a significant role in creating public awareness via accurately informing the society. It performs this duty within the framework of respect to diversity of opinions and individual right to self-governance, which is... more
This chapter investigates whether the Holocaust was the catalyst for the adoption of a number of seminal texts in the postwar 'human rights revolution', including the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights... more
La Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo ha affermato, sin dalla sua celebre sentenza Mathieu-Mohin et Clerfayt, che l'articolo 3 del primo Protocollo addizionale alla CEDU, il quale consacra il diritto a libere elezioni, riveste... more
S. Kowalska, Protection of Cultural Goods and the Right to Peaceful Enjoyment of Possessions. Reflections in the Context of Strasbourg Jurisprudence, [in:] "Studia Iuridica Cassoviensia" 2015, Vol. III, No. 2, pp. 13-23
Це пояснюється тим, що кримінологічна експертиза нормативно-правових актів охоплює більш широке коло питань, оскільки її основним завданням є оцінювання можливих кримінальних наслідків реалізації нормативно-правових актів в різних сферах... more
1. La recente decisione con la quale il Governo brasiliano ha riconosciuto lo status di rifugiato politico a Cesare Battisti, negando in tal modo l'estradizione richiesta dall'Italia, ha dato luogo, com'è noto, ad una controversia tra... more
Europe's Transforming Identity. Part 1 of the book Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe (ed. Pamela Kilpadi) including the articles: * 'What Values for Europe?' by Michael Emerson * 'The Role of Islam in Europe: Multiple Crises?' by Amel... more
У статті досліджується розвиток стандартів прав людини, гарантованих Європейською конвенцією з прав людини, крізь призму європейського праворозуміння. Автор аналізує рішення Європейського суду з прав людини щодо тлумачення та ефективного... more
The fundamental question addressed is whether there is any compelling or convincing argument (s) vis-à-vis to changing our Human Rights Act 1998 and replacing it with a distinctively British Bill of Rights. The overarching theme of this... more
У статті досліджуються питання, пов’язані з особливостями тлумачення і застосування статті 3 Європейської конвенції з прав людини у практиці Європейського суду з прав людини. Зокрема, проаналізовано зміст статті 3, визначено, що необхідно... more
CRONACA Il disegno di legge di autorizzazione alla ratifica ed esecuzione dei Protocolli 15 e 16 alla Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo: audizioni parlamentari. -Nel corso dell'esame parlamentare del disegno di legge di... more
A mű szerzői jogilag védett. Minden jog, így különösen a sokszorosítás, terjesztés és fordítás joga fenntartva. A mű a kiadó írásbeli hozzájárulása nélkül részeiben sem reprodukálható, elektronikus rendszerek felhasználásával nem... more
The main aim of this article is to discuss the essence and distinctive features of the margin of appreciation doctrine in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. In accordance with Protocol No. 14, all Council of Europe... more
Nei primi cinque lustri successivi al trattato di Roma del 1957, gli organismi europei non hanno tenuto in alcuna considerazione il tema della cittadinanza. L’“Europa dei popoli” non costituiva oggetto né di corpus giuridico ad hoc né di... more
"La legge n. 92 del 2012 ha apportato alcune modifiche alla disciplina dei licenziamenti collettivi, consistenti in una serie di cambiamenti alla procedura prescritta dalla legge n. 223 del 1991. Questa riforma riveste una portata... more
I. Inleiding: toenemende kritiek op het EHRM II. De impact van het EVRM op de rechtspraak van vier hoogste nationale rechtscolleges A. De Nederlandse Hoge Raad tussen monisme en het toetsingsverbod B. Het VK Supreme Court en de... more
Sommario: Analisi dei fatti precedenti al ricorso e doglianze relative ai principi rilevanti in tema di esaurimento dei rimedi interni-Pronuncia della Corte e orientamento dei giudici sul concetto di "vita privata"-Opinione dissenziente... more
P.Naskou-Perraki, The case law of the European Court of Human Rights on Child protection issues.
Wie weit Rechtsgarantien an territorialen Grenzen reichen und wie der Zugang zu Schutz für Asylsuchende sichergestellt werden kann, sind Fragen, die in den letzten Jahren vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR)... more
This paper investigates and advocates for the potentials of a direct engagement with the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) by constitutional courts through a comparative analysis... more
Nell’attuale quadro normativo europeo i riferimenti al dato culturale sono molteplici, ma è ancora assente una trattazione organica del tema e il settore di riferimento è la cultura considerata in senso più ampio, secondo quanto disposto... more
The final version of this article has been published in Cambridge International Law Journal, Vol. 7 No. 2, December 2018, pp. 225–240 This article analyses the doctrine of the European Court of... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. – 2. Il rango della Cedu e dei suoi protocolli nel sistema delle fonti italiane. – 3. La forza vincolante delle sentenze della Corte di Strasburgo per l'ordina-mento italiano. – 4. Il ruolo rispettivo dei giudici... more
Dubbele bestraffing voor hetzelfde feit is conform het ne bis in idembeginsel verboden. Dit beginsel is neergelegd in art. 4 Zevende Protocol EVRM. Nederland heeft het Procotol niet geratificeerd, maar ne bis in idem heeft als... more
Whether the European Union accedes to the European Convention on Human Rights is not a foregone conclusion, or at least not to the extent that it used to be in the period 2010-2014. Even though the accession remains a self-imposed... more
This article will describe the current legal framework on assisted reproduction technology (ART) regulation in Italy, taking into account recent case-law derived from the implementation of the Law 40 of 2004 on ART. Special... more
This article dismisses the idea that the pilot judgment procedure at the European Court of Human Rights is an innovation and postulates that the procedure may do the court more harm than good by exceeding the court's mandate and inducing... more
Eszter Bodnár: All Voters are Equal but... Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law. 4/2016. 425-438. Equal suffrage is a basic principle of democratic elections which is included in most constitutions and international human... more