Environmental Health and Safety
Recent papers in Environmental Health and Safety
Since always and whatever the category, professional divers encountered a lot of accidents which are, due to the environment often lethal. As the causes of these accidents are often the same, the purpose of the present article is to... more
Risk assessment is a method used to identify weaknesses which might prevent a contractor of a construction site for instance from achieving his goals and objectives.Part of the process is to identify the activities of the workers on the... more
Design for additive manufacturing is adopted to help solve problems inherent to attaching active personal sampler systems to workers for monitoring their breathing zone. A novel and parametric 3D printable clip system was designed with an... more
Penerapan Safety Health Environment PT WIJAYA KARYA, Tbk Proyek Pembangunan dan Pabrik Feronickel Halmahera Timur (P3FH) PT. ANTAM (PERSERO),Tbk Untuk Mencapai Zero Accident. Penerapan Program Safety Health and Environment (SHE ) secara... more
A study was carried out on a complaint in a municipality for possible air pollution, odour, and industrial effluents. A cross-sectional study resulted with noise levels assessed in the factory (n=12; 8 in-situ and 4 ex-situ). 66.67%... more
Sepatu safety yaitu satu kewajiban apabila bekerja didunia industri. Pada umumnya banyak yang berasumsi sepatu safety merupakan sepatu yang ada pelindung baja di ujungnya. Memanglah benar dekian. Nyatanya tidak hanya itu saja, terdapat... more
Development of modern transportation system there are various types of ships are used to transport goods and peoples from one place to another place. In this process damaged ships are refurnished and welding process is takes place... more
This report studied cost minimization in the use of hydraform bricks in housing development with good aesthetics appearance. Generally, it is observed that the Nigeria construction industry with the aid of the professionals in the... more
The search for new solvents is driven by the needs of new applications and processing requirements, replacement of solvents whose continued use poses a threat to environmental health and safety, a response to changing Ž environmental... more
В статті наведено результати дослідження сучасних умов кількісно-якісного оцінювання екологічної безпеки внаслідок повсякденної діяльності військ, як безпосередньо на військових об'єктах, так і навколо них, враховуючи тимчасове... more
Production ergonomics – the science and practice of designing industrial workplaces to optimize human well-being and system performance – is a complex challenge for a designer. Humans are a valuable and flexible resource in any system of... more
This course is designed to provide the student with the practical knowledge in the concepts of community, societal structure and the importance of meaningful occupation. Emphasis is laid on WHO model of Community Based Rehabilitation... more
Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) are standards for exposure to particular health hazards above which workers should not be exposed.
Buku panduan ini mengandungi maklumat mengenai racun perosak serta langkah penggunaan racun perosak dengan selamat dan betul, sebagai panduan untuk kakitangan pertanian dan pekebun kecil. Risalah ini adalah hasil kajian oleh barisan... more
Background: Air pollution is a major global environmental risk factor. Since people spend most of their time indoors, the sole measure of outdoor concentrations is not sufficient to assess total exposure to air pollution. Therefore, the... more
Agriculture sector in Malaysia is one of the most fast-pace growing industry. Agriculture sector acts as the main food security for human beings to sustain living. Malaysia was one of the top listed agriculture distributors and exporters... more
Transmission lines are used to evacuate the power from one generating station to receiving station whether it is from power plants to substation or substation to substation. The transmission line capacity is from 132kV to 800kV of long... more
Early marriage (EM) is a threatened issue for adolescent girls. The direct reproducers for future generations are adolescent girls. Healthy adolescent girl indicate healthy future generation. The health of Bangladeshi adolescent girl is... more
ABSTRACT Pergah Transport Limited is a Ghanaian indigenous transport organization that provides transport services to the general public and other organizations. Inventory is the major single investment in assets for many businesses.... more
Environmental health sewage and waste water management approach!
Informasi Umum tentang K3 Tali Kawat Baja
Introduction: World Health Organization (WHO) passed a resolution that ANC is a basic human right and all pregnant women should receive irrespective of age, parity, race, faith of the pregnant women and many interventions have been put in... more
Presentasi ini kami tulis untuk Rekan2 praktisi HSE yang baru memasuki dunia kerja.
Eco-anxiety and climate anxiety are widely discussed in contemporary media and are subjects of growing research interest. However, there is a lack of research about the definitions and variations of these phenomena. This article analyzes... more
E-waste management is a serious challenge across developed, transition, and developing countries because of the consumer society and the globalization process. E-waste is a fast-growing waste stream which needs more attention of... more
There is a shift from the 4th to the 5th industrial revolutions that may be happening by leaps and bounds with a greater impact to the world population and the economy. We need to plan and be ready with a better HSEQ management System... more
Water quality is one of the most important factors in a healthy ecosystem. Clean water supports a diversity of plants and animals. The quality of the water you consume or use in municipal or industrial processes must meet specific... more
In the process of steel production by electric arc furnace (EAF), it is found that 10 to 20 kg of dust was emitted per every ton of produced steel. Concerning the pollution potential of emitted dust and its reuse ability, the present... more
Proposal rancangan prototype Pengolahan Air Limbah Nata de Coco
Identifikasi Fire Hazard
Penerapan Program Safety Health and Environment (SHE ) secara umum diartikan penerapan dari program kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dalam setiap aspek Industri. Dalam Era Industrialisasi dan Globalisasi Safety Health and Environment... more
The potential of antenatal care for reducing maternal morbidity and improving newborn survival and health is widely acknowledged. Yet there are worrying gaps in the factors that influence ANC attendance. The study determined the... more
Keselamatan dan Keamanan Kerja atau laboratory safety (K3) memerlukan perhatian khusus , karena penelitian menunjukkan telah terjadi kecelakaan kerja dengan intensitas yang mengkawatirkan yaitu 9 orang/hari. Oleh karena itu K3 seyogyanya... more
For Citation: Khayat, S., Salem, H.S., Natsheh, N., Marei, A., and Geyer, S., 2012. Tracing the Common used Agrochemicals Residues in the Groundwater System from Lower Jordan Valley Basin (Jericho/ West Bank). A Conference Paper presented... more
On 4 August 2011, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) submitted an unprecedented, scientific, groundbreaking environmental assessment report (EAR) on Ogoniland to the Nigerian government. This was the outcome of a 14-month... more
Di indonesia kecelakaan berkendara menjadi tingkat kecelakaan berkendara yang paling tinggi. Kecelakaan berkendara sepeda motor pertahun semakin bertambah. Data kecelakaan lalulintas yang menjadi urutan Ke-3 penyebab kematian di... more
INTRODUCTION Quality improvement (QI) methods have been introduced to healthcare to support the delivery of care that is safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable and cost effective. Of the many QI tools and methods, the... more
Traducción de un importante documento de difusión sobre ISD, un tema que descansa en la base de la llamada Ingeniería Verde, factor común entre el Ecodiseño y la Seguridad de Procesos (Process Safety)