Jadwal Pelatihan 2016 / Jadwal Training 2016 by SEMANGATINDO

JADWAL TRAINING/PELATIHAN TERLENGKAP 2016 Berikut ini adalah judul training yang akan di selenggarakan oleh Semangatindo Training & Consulting pada tahun 2015, untuk informasi lengkap silahkan kirimkan surat eletronik ke email kami di [email protected] atau menghubungi kami di no telepon 081246128900 Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Finance (Audit, Accounting, Banking and Finance)                          Accounting and finance for oil and gas industry Accounting and job order costing for manufacturing Accounting for derivatives & other financial instruments Accounting for hospitality, hotel, tourism and leisure Accounting for inventory Accounting for non accountants Accounting for pensions & other employee benefits Accounting management for oil and gas company Accounting, finance and tax for mining company Accounts payable & purchasing process optimization Advance accounting Advanced accounting & finance Advanced bank analysis Advanced business strategies and financial analysis Advanced corporate credit Advanced credit analyst Advanced project accounting Aktuaria Analisa keuangan dan pelaporan untuk staf Analisa kredit korporasi Analisa laporan keuangan Analisa pendanaan & evaluasi proyek Analisis laporan keuangan untuk analis kredit bank (credit analyst) sektor telekomunikasi Analysing banks financial statements Analytic approach to business development for banks                                 Anti pencucian uang Apprasial agunan kredit Asset liability management (alma) Asset liability management (alma) interest rate risk banking book Audit investigatif, analisa temuan audit dan pembuatan laporan audit Audit kredit bank Audit kredit bank executive development Audit manajemen sumber daya manusia Audit operasional rumah sakit Auditing in the exploration and production industry Auditing in the oil and gas industry Auditor internal sistem manajemen lingkungan Auditor smk3 (sertifikasi kemenakertrans) Back office management Bank garansi Bank garansi surety bon standby l/c Bank valuation Banking fraud and prevention Basic audit technique Basic cost accounting Basic finance Best practice accounting for banking operation Best practice in research methods for business bank Best practice konsep dan implementasi operasional accounting banking Best practices of cost reduction and cost control Bonds and fixed income instruments Budget preparation skills Budget preparation techniques Budgeting & costing for decision making Budgeting and cash flow forecasting and reporting Budgeting and forecasting modelling Budgeting planning, controlling & analyzing                                 Budgeting skills for professionals Budgeting, analysis and project evaluation Budgeting, financial strategy & driving business value Budgeting, forecasting and the planning process Budgeting, planning and cost control Capital markets and regulation Cash flow management Cash flow management and working capital optimisation Certified corporate financial manager Certified financial statement analyst Certified forgery and bank fraud detector Certified lending manager Cfo programme Collection techniques for collector in banking & leasing Cost accounting systems Cost analysis to support strategic decisions Cost benefit program outage statement Covered bonds credit and market risk Credit committee, credit recovery and credit restructuring Credit risk management Credit supervision Credit verification techniques Dasar – dasar akuntansi Detecting and preventing fraud in lending Early warning signals in banks Effective budgeting Effective internal audit Effectively managing and organising accounts payable Electronic spt Emerging market bank analysis Environmental assessment & audit Ethical banking, sustainable & responsible investment (sri) sukuk                                 Expanded basic petroleum economics Exploration & production accounting 1 Exploration & production accounting 2 Export import and letter of credit Finance and accounting for non-financial managers Finance for equity decisions Financial accounting Financial accounting, reporting and business support in the oil and gas industry Financial and treasury analyst Financial modelling Financial planning Financial risk management Financial shenanigans Financial statement analysis (advanced) Financial statement fraud prevention and detection Financial tools in procurement First closing monthly and year-end accounts Fitur atm pada dunia perbankan Fraud and corruption in the workplace Fraud detection and investigation for internal auditors Fraud prevention in contracts and purchasing Fundamental trade finance product and sales for banking Fundamentals of bank financial statement analysis Fundamentals of financial services Funds transfer pricing Fx and interest rates exposure management Getting up to speed in marketing of financial services – an orientation for fresh bank executives Hukum perbankan Ifrs for the oil & gas industry Ifsa 2013 and islamic investment accounts Intensive bank analysis Intermediate accounting                                Internal audit bank Internal audit untuk satuan pengawasan internal (spi) rumah sakit Internal controls masterclass – implementing effective internal controls to prevent and detect fraud International financial reporting standards Introduction to company accounts Introduction to internal auditing and control Investigative audit Islamic financial products current trends, regulation & practices Islamic treasury & risk management products Iso 90012008 series qms internal auditor with simulation Key financial drivers of success in banks Laporan bulanan umum Laporan keuangan konsolidasi psak 4 Leadership skills for banking executives Lelang hak tanggungan dan fidusia Liquidity risk management in banks Loan syndication Making sense of finance – essential knowledge Managing counterparty credit risk, basel iii and recent regulatory issues Managing credit, accounts receivable and debt recovery Managing operational risk in trade finance Manajemen resiko operasional perbankan Manajemen risiko perbankan Masterclass advanced strategies in oil and gas finance and accounting Memahami analisa kredit retail dan kredit komersial secara komprehensif Membaca dan memahami laporan keuangan (how to read and understand financial statements) Mengenal nasabah and anti money laundering Oil and gas accounting and performance measurement Pajak penghasilan pegawai Pajak pertambahan nilai (ppn) Pelatihan akuntansi berbasis akrual di lingkungan pemerintah daerah (pemda)                                 Pemeriksaan akuntan publik versus pemeriksaan pajak Penerapan ifrs dan aspek perpajakan industri migas Penilaian agungan kredit Penilaian kualitas asset bank Penilaian kualitas kredit Penyiapan rencana kerja dan anggaran perusahaan (rkap) Penyusunan rencana bisnis bank Perencanaan & audit perpajakan Petroleum economics analysis – modelling Petroleum finance and accounting principles Petroleum finance, cost control & reservoir management Petty cash management Planning budgeting and cost control Planning, forecasting, what if analysis and reporting Preventing and detecting procurement fraud Process flow auditing Procurement audit and systems for prevention and detection of fraud and corruption Procurement fraud management Production sharing contract (pcs) accounting Proffesional skills for finance and accounting Project cost estimation and control Project finance risk management and recovery Psc accounting Public sector accounting and auditing Purchasing fraud auditing and detection techniques Read and understand financial statements Receivable management Reviu laporan keuangan pemda berbasis sistem informasi Risk based internal auditing Risk management, control and the role of internal audit Safeguarding your organisation against fraud Service excellence untuk karyawan bank             Shariah audit for islamic investment & capital market instruments Shariah issues for takaful trends, legislation and governance She auditing – a management systems approach Strategi penanganan piutang bermasalah Strategic planning for non profit Structuring bank payment obligations Study kelayakan pembukaan jaringan kantor bank Tax brevet a and b Tindak pidana pencucian uang dan peranan bank untuk mencegahnya Trading book market risk management for financial institutions Understanding & applying structured products Understanding and analyzing financial statements and reports Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Building and Construction                Advanced Construction Management And Site Operation AHLI DESAIN TEROWONGAN (TUNNEL DESIGN ENGINEER) AHLI JAMINAN MUTU PEMANFAATAN BANGUNAN AHLI PERENCANAAN UMUM JALAN AHLI PERKIRAAN BIAYA JEMBATAN AHLI TEKNIK DESAIN JALAN (ROAD DESIGN ENGINEER) Akuntansi dan Pajak untuk Jasa Konstruksi ANALISIS DAN DESAIN STRUKTUR MENGGUNAKAN ETABS ANALISIS PONDASI TIANG DENGAN PROGRAM APILEplus Aspek Hukum dan Kasus dalam proyek Konstruksi ASPEK HUKUM DAN KASUS HUKUM PROYEK KONSTRUKSI AUDIT HASIL PEKERJAAN KONSTRUKSI AUTODESK REVIT ARCHITECHTURE TRAINING PROGRAM Bank Garansi Surety Bon Standby L/C BEST PRACTICE IN QUALITY CONTROL OF CIVIL WORK (PENGENDALIAN MUTU PADA PROYEK KONTRUKSI)                                 BEST PRACTICE OF BUILDING SUPERVISION Bridge Design & Construction BUDGETING FOR MAINTENANCE BUILDING Building and Asset Management Building Maintenance BUILDING MANAGEMENT BUILDING SUPERVISION AND QUALITY CONTROL OF CIVIL WORK COMPRESSOR: Technique, Operation and Maintenance Construction Management Construction Methods and Construction Management CONTRACTING WORKSHOP Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) CORPORATE BUILDING DALAM MEMBANGUN KULTUR DAN ETIKA INTERNAL ORGANISASI DESIGN KONSTRUKSI MESIN DAN PERALATAN INDUSTRI DESIGN OF FOUNDATION DESIGN OF STEEL & CONCRETE STRUCTURE, BUILDING FOR ADVANCE Developing Effective Scope of Work & Contracting Strategy Electric Machinery: Selection Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting ELECTRIC MACHINERY: SELECTION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, AND TROUBLESHOOTING FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND BUILDING MAINTENANCE FOREMANSIP TRAINING General Building GREEN BUILDING AND FACTORY HEAVY DUTY EQUIPMENT Hukum Konstruksi dan Kontrak Konstruksi HUKUM KONTRAK KONSTRUKSI IMPLEMENTASI STANDAR ISO 9001: 2008 DALAM PELAKSANAAN PROYEK EPC Integrated Project Management KESELAMATAN INSTALASI /BANGUNAN DARI BAHAYA PETIR Maintenance of Elevators and Special Lifts MANAGING TENDER, SPECIFICATION & CONTRACT MANAJEMEN FASILITAS DAN KESELAMATAN BANGUNAN GEDUNG RUMAH SAKIT                                MANAJEMEN PERAWATAN BANGUNAN GEDUNG DAN FASILITAS (BUILDING MAINTENANCE) MANAJEMEN PROYEK KONSTRUKSI Material Handling MODERN WELDING METALLURGY PEMERIKSAAN & PENGUJIAN GARDU DISTRIBUSI PASANGAN DALAM PENGAWASAN BANGUNAN PENGAWASAN BANGUNAN (BUILDING SUPERVISION) PENGENDALIAN MUTU DAN ASPEK HUKUM PADA PROYEK KONSTRUKSI Penyelesaian Sengketa Konstruksi Melalui Arbitrase PENYUSUNAN ANGGARAN PERAWATAN GEDUNG DAN FASILITAS PERANCANGAN TATA LETAK PABRIK (PLANT LAYOUT) PERENCANAAN ARSITEKTUR, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PENGANGGARAN DAN PEMELIHARAAN GEDUNG PERENCANAAN STRUKTUR BETON BERTULANG TAHAN GEMPA UNTUK BANGUNAN GEDUNG PERENCANAAN, KONSTRUKSI & PERAWATAN JALAN TANAH Piping System & Pipeline Integrity with an Application to ASME B31 Codes & API579 Port Development & Maintenance (Civil Port & Building Maintenance) Preventive & Predictive Maintenance of Electrical Equipment PREVENTIVE AND PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE PROJECT CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Project Management in Upstream Field Development Pump & Compressor Maintenance Pumps and Compressors: Predictive Maintenance & Diagnostics QA & QC PEMELIHARAAN BANGUNAN GEDUNG QUALITY CONTROL OF CIVIL WORK (PENGENDALIAN MUTU PADA PROYEK KONTRUKSI) QUANTITY SURVEYOR RAB PEMELIHARAAN BANGUNAN GEDUNG DAN FASILITAS Roads Design, Construction And Maintenance SAP 2000 SAP 2000 for Steel Dynamic Analysis & TEKLA Structure SAP 2000: Structural Design Analysis SUPERVISI PENGAWASAN BANGUNAN GEDUNG MUTU PEKERJAAN KONSTRUKSI          Taxation and Accounting Aspects in Construction Industry & Services Technical Drawing Autocad TEKLA STRUCTURE TEKLA Structure dan SAP 2000 for Steel Dynamic Analysis TEKNIK RANCANG BANGUN Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing: Design & Selection WELDING JOINT INSPECTION WELDING METALLURGY HUKUM PEMBANGUNAN DAN PENGGUNAAN MENARA BERSAMA TELEKOMUNIKASI (TOWER SHARING) Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Export Import                     AUDIT KEPABEANAN: sa ksi ad i istratif, ke erata , da a di g CARGO HANDLING SYSTEM COMPREHENSIVE IMPORT EXPORT MECHANISM CONTRACT MANAGEMENT AND APPROACH LEGAL ASPECT CONVENTIONAL TERMINAL OPERASIONAL (CTO) CURRENT ISSUES ON TRANSFER PRICING : Documentation, Audit and Dispute Settlement Customs Facilities, Shipping Documents and Export Import Procedure Ekspor Impor dan Kepabeanan EXIM PABEAN DAN PELABUHAN EXPORT HORTIKULTURA EXPORT IMPORT Export Import Basic Knowledge EXPORT LIMITATION FOR UNPROCESSED METAL RAW MATERIAL EXPORT/IMPORT AND INCOTERM Fasilitas Kepabeanan FREIGHT FORWARDING Freight Forwarding & Aspek Perpajakan Bisnis Jasa Shipping FUNDAMENTAL TRADE FINANCE PRODUCT & SALES FOR BANKING HOW TO BE EXPORT IMPORT PROFESSIONAL (EXPORT IMPORT PROCHEDURE, BEST PRACTICE) HUKUM PERDAGANGAN INTERNASIONAL                               IMDG’s CODE – Sertifikasi Ditjen Perhubungan Laut INCOTERM 2010 Introduction Kargo Udara dan Laut ISPS CODE JASA PENGIRIMAN DAN ASURANSI EKSPOR Kalkulasi Harga Ekspor-Impor dan Pengisian Dokumen Ekspor-Impor Kawasan Berikat: Sistem Perpajakan Kepabeanan IT Inventory & CCTV Kawasan Berikat KEPABEANAN, EXPORT IMPORT & CUSTOM FACILITY KORESPONDENSI DAN BILLING OF LADING EKSPOR L/C, UCP 600, ISBP DAN EXIM TRADE FINANCE Langkah Transaksi Ekspor Impor Khusus Kawasan Berikat (Bonded Zone) LETTER OF CREDIT (LC) DALAM UCP 600 DAN ISBP DIKAITKAN TRANSAKSI EKSPOR IMPOR, DIAPLIKASIKAN DALAM SHIPPING DAN KEPABEANAN MANAGEMENT EXIM, SHIPPING , AND CUSTOMS Management Export Import MASTER LIST ONLINE : PEMBEBASAN BEA MASUK ATAS IMPOR Mekanisme Impor PEMAHAMAN TENTANG LETTER OF CREDIT (L/C) Pemahaman, Strategi dan Teknik Dalam Lingkup Transaksi Ekspor Impor Penghitungan Biaya Export PROCEDURE EXPORT IMPORT PROSES PERDAGANGAN EKSPOR Sales Contract & Proses Negosiasi dalam Transaksi Ekspor Impor Shipping And Bea Export Import Procedure SHIPPING BUSINESS SHIPPING REPORTING SYSTEMS Shipping, Port Activities and Clearance at the port SWEEPING CARGO AND TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT TATALAKSANA, FASILITAS & PERPAJAKAN EKSPOR IMPOR KHUSUS KAWASAN BERIKAT (BONDED ZONE) Teknik Pengiriman, dan Prosedur Ekspor Impor yang Efektif Trade Finance Product & Sales For Banking   TRANSFER PRICING TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT AND CARGO Jadwal Training/Pelatihan General Service (General Servive, Asset and General Affair)                          ADVANCED SKILL TO MANAGE CATERING AND ACCOMMODATION Anticipation Terror Bomb Aset Rumah Sakit Aset: Strategi Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Aset dan Properti Perusahaan ASSET MANAGEMENT BERBASIS ICT ASSET MANAGEMENT BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI Asset Management Intergrated to ISO 55001: 2014 Asset Management to Increase Corporate Value ASSET RECOVERY MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICE ASSET MANAGEMENT TERINTEGRASI DENGAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSEP & APLIKASI Best Practice in Integrated Logistic Management, Purchasing Management and Asset Management BEST PRACTICE OF HANDLING CUSTOMERS COMPLAINT Certified Asset Management Professional Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) TRAINING & EXAM PREPARATION COLLECTION SKILLS AND NEGOTIATION TECHNIQUES COMMUNICATION & PROFESSIONAL NEGOTIATION SKILL DALAM PENYITAAN ASET SECARA PROFESIONAL Complain Handling & Telephone Courtesy Customer Care Best Practice for Professional Front Liner Customer Service Excellence Developing Supporting Function To Be Professional General Affairs Dynamic Service Excellence EFFECTIVE ASSET MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVE GENERAL AFFAIRS Effective Handling Complaint Technique Effe ti e “uper isio : “uper isor’s Roles a d Fu tio s                                EXCELLENCE SERVICE IN QUALITY FACILITY MANAGEMENT FIXED ASSET General Affair – Facility Management GENERAL AFFAIR for Staff GENERAL AFFAIR MANAGEMENT GENERAL AFFAIR MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT GENERAL AFFAIR MANAGEMENT UNTUK RUMAH SAKIT GENERAL AFFAIR OFFICER WITH DATA PROCESSING & FILING SYSTEM GENERAL AFFAIR, PROTOKOLER, DAN TABLE MANNER GENERAL AFFAIRS General Affairs Officer Program – Meningkatkan Kinerja dan Citra GA General Affairs Professional Program: Concept, Strategy and Implementation General Building HOLISTIC INFORMATION SECURITY HOW TO HANDLE CRITICISM AND COMPLAIN Improving Quality Of Customer Interaction and Telephone Courtesy Improving Quality of Interaction & Handling Customer Complaint Information Security Management Systems with ISO 27001 Integrated Logistic Management – Purchasing Management and Asset Management INTEGRATED LOGISTIC MANAGEMENT: PURCHASING MANAGEMENT AND ASSET MANAGEMENT ISO 55001: 2014 – Pengenalan dan Implementasi (Standard Asset Management System) KELAYAKAN ASET DALAM PERBANKAN Land and Building Permits in Asset Management MANAGEMENT ASSET DAN LIABILITAS Manajemen Aset MANAJEMEN ASET ARMADA MANAJEMEN ASET BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI MANAJEMEN ASET DALAM PERBANKAN Manajemen Aset dan Implementasi SIM Aset MANAJEMEN ASET INFRASTRUKTUR                                 MANAJEMEN FASILITAS DAN KESELAMATAN BANGUNAN GEDUNG RUMAH SAKIT MANAJEMEN INVENTARISASI BARANG & ASET PERUSAHAAN MANAJEMEN PELAYANAN UMUM MENGUKUR DAN MENINGKAT KEPUASAN KONSUMEN NETWORK MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS SUPPORT SYSTEM OPTIMALISASI TUGAS BAGIAN UMUM PENGAMANAN VIP/ VVIP Pengelolaan Sarana & Fasilitas PENILAIAN ASET PENYELIA BANGUNAN PENYUSUNAN ANGGARAN PERAWATAN BANGUNAN GEDUNG DAN FASILITAS Peran HR Dalam Membangun Budaya Pelayanan PERANCANGAN TATA LETAK PABRIK (PLANT LAYOUT) Practical Service Excellence Precious Moment PROFESSIONAL GENERAL AFFAIRS PROFESSIONAL RECEPTIONIST AND OPERATOR PROTOKOLER FOR GA DEPT Public Speaking for Secretary Receptionist: Becoming an Exceptional Receptionist SECURITY INTELLIGENT AND INVESTIGATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT FOR LEADER SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SECURITY RISK MANAGEMENT FOR HIGH RISK INDUSTRIES Service Excellence Culture in your Team SERVICE WITH DELIGHT SISTEM PENGELOLAAN KENDARAAN DINAS (Berbasis Ms.Excel VBA 2007 / 2010) SPARE PART MANAGEMENT STRATEGI PENJUALAN ASET PERUSAHAAN Tehnik Komunikasi Security yang Prima Berbasis NLP TEKNIK KOMUNIKASI SECURITY YANG PRIMA BERBASIS NLP TELEPHONE TECHNIQUES AND COURTESY Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Government/Pemerintahan                      Analisa Kebijakan Publik ASPEK HUKUM PERIZINAN PEMERINTAHAN BEST PRACTICE OPTIMASI PORTOPOLIO INVESTASI DANA PENSIUN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PROFIT MARGIN E-GOVERNMENT: STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION FUNDAMENTAL GOVERNMENT RELATIONS GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS GOVERNMENT RELATION: STAKEHOLDER, SITUATION AND SOLUTION GOVERNMENT RELATIONS LAKIP – LAPORAN AKUNTABILITAS KINERJA PEMERINTAH LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION MANAJEMAN KEHUMASAN UNTUK PEMERINTAHAN MANAJEMEN LOGISTIK DALAM BIDANG PEMERINTAHAN PELAYANAN PRIMA BAGI APARATUR PEMERINTAHAN Pemahaman Penerapan Integrasi CoC dan SVLK Penyusunan Konsep dan Desain Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah Inovatif PENYUSUNAN STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES (SOP) DI LINGKUNGAN BIROKRASI PEMERINTAH, LEMBAGA NEGARA, KEMENTRIAN DAN PEMDA PERENCANAAN DATA POKOK PEMERINTAHAN (KABUPATEN KOTA PROPINSI) STRATEGI BERKOMUNIKASI DENGAN LEMBAGA PEMERINTAHAN STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI YANG EFEKTIF KAMPANYE PILLEG & PILKADA Strategi Mendapatkan Opini WTP Atas Laporan Keuangan Lembaga Pemerintah Tata kelola Aset Pemerintah Daerah Menuju WTP Jadwal Training/Pelatihan HSE (Health Safety Environment)      Accident and Incident Investigation ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION Administrasi Sistem Keamanaan Advanced Accident Investigation and Management Advanced Health and Safety Management                               Advanced Operation Skills Advanced Process HAZOP Advanced Process Risk Assessment and Risk Management Advanced Risk & Incident Analysis: Risk Management, Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis AIR POLUTION CONTROL AMDAL (Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan) Understanding And Implementing Environmental Social Impact Assesment (EIA) Amine Gas Sweetening and Sulphur Recovery Applied Environment Asuransi Jiwa AVIATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Ball Mill Operations and Maintenance Basic Distillation (Operation) Basic Drilling and Completion Operation With Health, Safety, Enviromental Consideration BASIC DRILLING, COMPLETION AND WORKOVER OPERATIONS Basic Fire-Fighting Basic Hazardous Chemical Handling BASIC ISO 14001 : 2004 Environment Management System Awareness BASIC SAFETY FOR CHEMICAL HAZARDS IN THE MINING WORKPLACE Basic Sea Survival BEHAVIOR BASED SAFETY BOILER OPERATION & MAINTENANCE CANTEEN HYGIENE CHEMICAL HAZARD SAFETY IN MINING AND WORKPLACE Chemical Laboratory Instrumentation: Operation, Quality and Safety of Equipment Chemical Safety Procedures: Chemical Spillage and Discharge Response Procedures Chemical Spills, Safety Precautions and Response Action Clean Development Mechanism Confined Space Entry Contractor Safety Management Crisis Management and Emergency Response for the Oil and Gas Industry                                Crude Oil Pipeline and Storage Handling Developing an Effective Safety Culture ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SAFETY Emergency Preparedness EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANNING PROGRAM IN THE WORKPLACE Environmental Assessment & Audit ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION Environmental Monitoring and Modelling : Environmental Management Systems – Best Practices in Obtaining ISO14001 Certification ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY FOR THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY Ergonomic problems dan injuries FIRE SAFETY Fire Team Development FIRST AID KID TRAINING Food And Beverage Service Food Sanitation and Hygiene in the workplace Training Fundamentals of Process Safety Gas Dehydration System Training H2S and Using breathing apparatus H2S Awareness and Breathing Apparatus H2S SAFETY AWARENESS HACCP (Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Pangan ISO 22000:2005) HACCP FOOD SAFETY & SANITATION Handling Chemicals-Design for Safe Handling HANDLING OF DANGEROUS GOODS IN AIR TRANSPORT HAZARD IDENTIFICATION RISK ASSESMENT AND RISK CONTROL Hazard Identification Risk Assesment Determination Control (HIRADC) Hazardous Chemical Safe Handling (Transport, Storage, Disposal) Hazardous Material Management HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SAFE HANDLING Hazardous Waste Management and Pollution Health and Safety In Oil & Gas                               HSE Awareness and Implementation HSE for Front-Line Supervisors HSE Leadership Human Kinetics and Manual Handling HYDRAULIC PNEUMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM Incident & Accident Investigation And Root Cause Analysis Incident Investigation Incident Investigation, Reporting and Prevention Industrial Toxicology and Hygiene Monitoring Integrated QHSE Management System Integrating Leading Measures In Safety Management ISO 27000 – Information Security Management System ISO 9001:2008 Series QMS Internal Auditor ISO Maritime Standards JETTY MASTER Job Safety Analysis (JSA) JOB SAFETY HANDLING K3 DI RUMAH SAKIT dan PATIENT SAFETY K3 Konstruksi Training Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Laboratorium KESELAMATAN DAN KESEHATAN KERJA (K3) RUMAH SAKIT Laboratory Safety, Risk Assessment and Hazard Control Measures LAND TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT FOR MINING INDUSTRY LIFTING AND HANDLING Training Lifting Supervisor Lightning Protection System & Electrical Grounding LIGHTNING,SURGE PROTECTION AND EARTHING OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM IN INDUSTRIAL NETWORKS MANAGEMENT OF OUTSOURCE STAFF HOUSING & CATERING SERVICE FOR OIL, GAS & MINNING MANAGING CONTRACTOR SAFETY MANAJEMEN ENERGI                                 MANAJEMEN LIMBAH MEDIS DI RUMAH SAKIT Manajemen Pengelolaan Air (Water Treatment) Manajemen Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara Marine Pollution Prevention and Management MODERN SAFETY MANAGEMENT Monitoring Lingkungan Untuk Bebas Polusi Non Destructive Test Occupational First Aid Skills and CPR OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT Occupational Safety and Health Awareness Program OCCUPOTIONAL HYGIENE MONITORING Oil and Gas Operational Safety Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (P2K3) PELATIHAN PETUGAS P3K (PERTOLONGAN PERTAMA PADA KECELAKAAN) Pembekalan Pengawas Operasional Pertama (POP) Bagi Pertambangan Pemeliharaan Alat pemadam api ringan (APAR) PENANGANAN BAHAN KIMIA BERBAHAYA PENCEGAHAN DAN PENGENDALIAN INFEKSI (PPI) Pengelolaan Limbah Non Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3) Pengelolaan Sampah Kompos Pengolahan Limbah Sampah Organik dan Anorganik Pengurangan Emisi Dan Mitigasi Gas Rumah Kaca Penyusunan dan Pengembangan SOP untuk Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Peraturan Perundangan Lingkungan Hidup dan Cara Pemenuhannya Permit to Work (PTW) PIPELINE RISK & INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT Piping Pipeline Technology Portable Water Treatment Processs Operation Pressure Safety Valve PRESSURE SAFETY VALVE (Operation and Maintenance) PRESSURE VESSELS : CALCULATION, CODES, PRODUCTION, OPERATION, CONTROLS AND SAFETY Process Control and Safeguarding                                Process Safety (PHA) Process Safety Management and Compliance Production Safety System PRODUCTION SAFETY SYSTEM PROSEDUR MEMASUKI RUANG TERBATAS (Confined Space) Protection Of Industrial Power System QHSE Awareness and Implementation of ISO 9001, 14001 & OHSAS 18001 Quality Control and Quality Assurance Management Quality Management System Risk & Control Self Assessment Risk Assessment within Production Operations Risk Assessments, Methods Statements and Quality Plans Risk Based Process Safety Management Rotating Equipments : Operation, Maintenance, Troubleshooting And Analysis Safety and Risk Management in Oil and Gas Safety Audit and Site Inspection Safety Compliance and Site Inspection Safety in Process Design Safety Instrumented System/Safety Instrumented Level (SIS/SIL) SAFETY INTEGRITY LEVEL Safety Management : Enhancing Safety Performance with Behavioral Safety: Current Trends in BBS Safety Management System Safety Technology and Risk Management Sertifikasi : HIPERKES untuk Paramedis dan Dokter Perusahaan Sertifikasi Ahli K3 Umum (DEPNAKERTRANS RI) Sertifikasi Auditor SMK3 Sertifikasi Pelatihan Petugas K3 Utama Ruang Terbatas (Confined Space) – Depnakertrans SHE Auditing – A Management Systems Approach Smart Driving ( untuk Driver) Supervising Safety Teknik Inspeksi K3   Teknik Reklamasi Lahan Pasca Penambangan (Metode Landscaping Dan Revegetasi) Working at Heights Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Hukum/Law                             ADMINISTRASI KONTRAK DAN NEGOSIASI PERUSAHAAN TEKNIK DAN STUDI KASUS AKTUARIA ALTERNATIF PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA BISNIS (Mediaton & Alternative Dispute Resolution) Anti Monopoly & Unfair Business Competition Anti Pencucian Uang & Pencegahan Pendanaan Terorisme (APU PPT) ANTROPOLOGI HUKUM APPRASIAL AGUNAN KREDIT ARBITRASE SYARIAH DI INDONESIA ASPECTS OF CONTRACT ASPEK DAN IMPLEMENTASI HUKUM PERTANAHAN ASPEK HUKUM DAN ADMINISTRASI PROYEK KONSTRUKSI ASPEK HUKUM DAN ETIKA BISNIS Aspek Hukum dan Jaminan Kredit Sindikasi ASPEK HUKUM DAN KASUS HUKUM DALAM PROYEK KONSTRUKSI Aspek Hukum dan Kepatuhan Lembaga Keuangan terhadap pencegahan Pencucian Uang Aspek Hukum dan Penyelesaian Konflik Pertanahan ASPEK HUKUM EKSEKUSI ATAS JAMINAN KREDIT ASPEK HUKUM JASA KONSTRUKSI ASPEK HUKUM KEPAILITAN ASPEK HUKUM KETENAGAKERJAAN PADA SEKTOR PERTAMBANGAN ASPEK HUKUM PENGADAAN BARANG DAN JASA Aspek Hukum Perancangan Perundang-Undangan Aspek Hukum Perijinan Dan Pertanahan ASPEK HUKUM PERTANAHAN DI INDONESIA ASPEK HUKUM TATA RUANG ASPEK LEGAL TINDAKLANJUT TEMUAN PADA KORPORASI Aspek Perlindungan Hukum, Praktek & Permasalahan,Kebijakan Dlm Pembebasan Tanah AUDIT AND LEGAL OPINION DRAFTING                              BASIC PRODUCTION SHARING CONTRACT BUSINESS AND LEGAL DRAFTING FOR BEGINNER BUSINESS CONTRACT DRAFTING / PENYUSUNAN KONTRAK BISNIS Business Law : Drafting, Review Business Contract & Penyelesaian Sengketa Bisnis BUSINESS LEGAL CONTRACT DRAFTING Commercial Contract Drafting, Techniques & Analyzing Comprehensive Corporate Law – Ruang Lingkup Hukum Perusahaan dalam Paradigma Hukum Bisnis Comprehensive Legal Aspect On Power Project CONTRACT AND PROCUREMENT FRAUD IDENTIFICATION CONTRACT DRAFTING & REVIEW BUSINESS CONTRACT Contract Drafting pada Industri Pertambangan CONTRACT DRAFTING SKILLS Contract Drafting, Contract Management and Legal Aspect Contract Laws Contract Management & Contract Drafting for Oil and Gas Industry Contract Management & Legal Aspect CONTRACT MANAGEMENT AND APPROACH LEGAL ASPECT CONTRACT MANAGEMENT FOR OIL AND GAS COMPANY STRATEGY AND ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT WRITING AND LEGAL DRAFTING Corporate Business Law Corporate In House Legal Role CORPORATE LAW – LEGAL ASPECT IN BUSINESS CORPORATE LAW Legal Aspect in Business Crime Prevention Dampak Revisi Perpres No. 54/2010 DASAR ILMU POLITIK Dept of Understanding of Legal Aspect of Land Acquisition Effective Handling of Disciplinary Actions and Termination EKSEKUSI JAMINAN                               Eksistensi & Konversi Tanah Ulayat Dan Tumpang Tindih Lahan Di Pertambangan,Kehutanan,Perkebunan dan Industri Lainnya Yang Berdampak Pada Konflik, Sengketa dan Perkara Pertanahan Dalam Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Alam dan Sumber Lainnya ETIKA DAN HUKUM PROFESI NOTARIS ETIKA HUKUM DAN KEADVOKATAN EXECUTIVE CORPORATE LAW FORMALITIES – EXPATRIAT LEGAL DOCUMENT PROCEDURE Hak Tanggungan HUBUNGAN INDUSTRIAL & HUKUM KETENAGAKERJAAN (HIK) HUKUM ACARA PENGADILAN TATA USAHA NEGARA (PTUN) HUKUM ACARA PIDANA HUKUM ADMINISTRASI NEGARA HUKUM AGRARIA HUKUM BISNIS HUKUM DAN BISNIS PENGADAAN TANAH HUKUM EXPORT IMPORT HUKUM INTERNASIONAL HUKUM INVESTASI HUKUM JAMINAN HUKUM JAMINAN PINJAMAN HUKUM KETENAGAKERJAAN & HUBUNGAN INDUSTRIAL Hukum Kontrak Dalam Bisnis HUKUM KONTRAK KONSTRUKSI HUKUM KONTRAK MINYAK DAN GAS Hukum Merger dan Akuisisi HUKUM PASAR MODAL HUKUM PERBANKAN HUKUM PERDAGANGAN INTERNASIONAL HUKUM PERDATA Hukum Perkreditan HUKUM PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMEN DAN PERSAINGAN USAHA HUKUM PERTANAHAN – HAK-HAK ATAS TANAH & PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA                              HUKUM PERTANAHAN : KEPEMILIKAN TANAH DAN PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA TANAH HUKUM PERTANAHAN : PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA LAHAN DAN HAK ATAS TANAH HUKUM PERTANGGUNGAN / HUKUM ASURANSI HUKUM PERUSAHAAN HUKUM PERUSAHAAN & LEGAL ASPEK BISNIS Hukum Pidana HUKUM TATA NEGARA HUKUM TINDAK PIDANA HUKUM TINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI HUKUM WARIS HUKUM, HUBUNGAN, dan PERJANJIAN INTERNASIONAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT (IPR) PROTECTION FOR CORPORATE STRATEGY Intensive Course Of Oil Gas Law INTRODUCTION TO ARBITRATION Kepailitan: Dasar Hukum Dan Teknik Penyelesaian Kewajiban Penanaman Bagi Pemegang Izin Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan dalam Rangka Rehabilitasi Daerah Aliran Sungai Kewenangan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam & Pertambangan, Quo Vadis? KIHP Advance Class : Mining Service Agreement Usaha Jasa Pertambangan HUKUM PERMINYAKAN DAN BIOREMEDIASI HUKUM KELISTRIKAN HUKUM MINYAK DAN GAS Kursus Intensif Hukum Minyak dan Gas Bumi HUKUM PERBURUHAN HUKUM PERKEBUNAN HUKUM PERSAINGAN USAHA Kursus Intensif Hukum Pertambangan – Advance Class L/C DAN SKBDN DALAM BISNIS PERTAMBANGAN Kursus Intensif Resiko Hukum Perjanjian Berbahasa Asing dan Bermata Uang Asing Land Dispute Resolution LEGAL & CONTRACT DRAFTING LEGAL ASPECT IN OIL & GAS INDUSTRIES                            LEGAL ASPECT INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING Legal Aspect of Mining Industry LEGAL ASPECT OF PALM OIL PLANTATION Legal Aspect Of Power Plant Industry Legal Audit & Acquisition of Mining Company LEGAL AUDIT AND LEGAL OPINION LEGAL AUDIT FOR CORPORATE LEGAL CONTRACT MANAGEMENT LEGAL DRAFTING AND WRITING LEGAL FOR COMPANY AND EXPATRIAT Legal for non Legal Legal For Non-Legal Professional LEGAL OPINION & LEGAL AUDIT LEGAL PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION COURSE Legal Professional Preparation Course (LPPC) – Corporate Commercial Lawyers LEGAL TRAINING: AUDIT AND LEGAL OPINION DRAFTING LEGISLATIVE DRAFTING TRAINING PENYUSUNAN DAN PERANCANGAN PERATURAN PERUNDANG-UNDANGAN LELANG HAK TANGGUNGAN DAN FIDUCIA Lelang Hak Tanggungan Dan Fidusia Manajemen NPL (Non Performing Loan) dan Strategi Assets Recovery Manajemen Penanganan Perkara Pidana Tahap Penyelidikan, Penyidikan Sampai INKRACHT MEDIASI & PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA LAHAN MEET, GREET, AND DISCUSS PENJELASAN PERATURAN MENTERI ESDM NO. 27 TAHUN 2013 DAN PERATURAN MENTERI ESDM NO. 28 TAHUN 2013 DAN PENGARUHNYA TERHADAP INDUSTRI PERTAMBANGAN DI INDONESIA Mekanisme Pendeteksian dan Pembuktian Pelanggaran Kartel dalam Persaingan Usaha MEKANISME Penyusunan perjanjian dan PEMBUATAN dokumen Hukum dalam Menangani Kredit macet OLEH Perusahaan Memahami Aturan & Mekanisme Pengurusan HGB Dan HGU Diatas HPL (Upaya Hukum Segala Permasalahan Dan Penyelesaiannya) MEMAHAMI PELANGGARAN KARTEL dalam HUKUM PERSAINGAN USAHA INDONESIA                         Memahami Pemberantasan Korupsi dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2010 tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang (TPPU) MENDESAIN PERATURAN PERUNDANG-UNDANGAN MERGER DAN AKUISISI MINING LAW UPDATE – FOREIGNERS ARE OBLIGED TO DIVEST THEIR STAKE IN INDONESIA MINING SERVICE AGREEMENT Negotiation Skills for The Oil & Gas Industry PELAKSANAAN DAN PERMASALAHAN PENGADAAN TANAH/ PEMBEBASAN LAHAN Pelaksanaan Permen ESDM No. 07 Tahun 2012 Pemahaman Terhadap Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas (UUPT) Pembetulan, Pengurangan/Penghapusan Sanksi Administrasi dan Pengurangan atau Pembatalan SKP atau STP, Keberatan, Gugatan dan Banding Pembiayaan Pinjaman : Aspek Hukum Dan Jaminan Kredit PEMBUATAN DELIK HUKUM PENGADAAN BARANG/JASA PERUSAHAAN PEMBUATAN KONTRAK BISNIS PENDAERAHAN PBB, PEDESAAN dan PERKOTAAN (UU No 28 Tahun 2009) Penerapan PTK 007 Rev 3/2015 dan TKDN Penerapan PTK 007 Rev 3/2015 dan TKDN sebagai pedoman pada Industri Hulu Migas Indonesia (Tatacara Penilaian dan Aplikasinya berdasarkan Update PTK 007 Rev 3/2015) PENGADAAN TANAH : PELUANG DAN TANTANGAN DALAM PENYEDIAAN INFRASTRUKTUR PEMBANGUNAN YANG BERKELANJUTAN PASCA TERBITNYA UU PENGADAAN TANAH No 2 TAHUN 2012 & Perpres No 71 TAHUN 2012 PENGADAAN TANAH/PEMBEBASAN TANAH Pengecualian Larangan Ekspor Bijih Mineral (Sosialisasi Permen ESDM No. 11/2012) & Update Implementasi Permen ESDM No. 7/2012 Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Mineral Melalui Kegiatan Pengolahan dan Pemurnian Mineral Pasca Putusan Uji Material (Sosialisasi Atas Permen ESDM No. 20/2013 tentang Perubahan Kedua Permen ESDM No. 7/2012) PENYELESAIAN KONFLIK DAN SENGKETA LAHAN PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA BISNIS (MEDIATION & DISPUTE RESOLUTION) PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA MELALUI JALUR LITIGASI Penyelesaian Sengketa Merek                            PENYUSUNAN DAN PERANCANGAN PERATURAN PERUNDANG-UNDANGAN Penyusunan Kontrak (Contract Drafting) PENYUSUNAN KONTRAK BISNIS DALAM BANK PENYUSUNAN KONTRAK BISNIS, NEGOSIASI, DAN PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA PERANCANGAN PEMBUATAN PERATURAN PERUNDANG-UNDANGAN (LEGAL DRAFTING) PERBANDINGAN HUKUM TATA NEGARA DAN TATA USAHA PERJANJIAN KERJA & OUTSOURCING PERJANJIAN KERJA DAN HUBUNGAN INDUSTRIAL PERJANJIAN KERJA, PERATURAN PERUSAHAAN ATAU PERJANJIAN KERJA BERSAMA PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM BAGI DIREKSI, KOMISARIS DAN PEMEGANG SAHAM Permasalahan Hukum Jasa Konstruksi & Pencegahan Korupsi Terkait Jasa Konstruksi PERMEN ESDM NO.24 TAHUN 2012 PERUBAHAN ATAS PERMEN ESDM NO 28 TAHUN 2009 Permentan No. 98 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pedoman Perizinan Usaha Perkebunan (Pendalaman dan Strategi Menghadapinya) Permentan No. 98 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pedoman Perizinan Usaha Perkebunan (Pendalaman dan Strategi Menghadapinya) Putusan MK tentang Uji Materiil atas UU Minerba dan Dampaknya terhadap Kebijakan Penataan Usaha Pertambangan di Indonesia Revisi UU Pemilu dan Implikasinya bagi Peserta Pemilu Satuan Kerja Khusus (SKK) Migas, Fungsi dan Peranannya dalam Pengelolaan Usaha Hulu Migas Sebuah Pendekatan Dalam Pembuatan Kontrak Bisnis SEMINAR HUKUM PASAR MODAL SOSIALISASI & IMPLEMENTASI REGULASI PUBLIC – PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP YANG BARU (2015) Sosialisasi & Update Terkait IUP Clear & Clean, Kategorisasi Verifikasi, Tindak Lanjut, Status Atas IUP Non Clear & Clean Serta Batas Waktu Penentuan WUP & WIUP Sosialisasi Atas PP No. 77 Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan Ketiga atas PP No.23 Tahun 2010 tentang Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Usaha Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara Sosialisasi Perpres No. 70/2012 STRATEGI PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA BISNIS MELALUI ARBITRASE STRATEGI PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA MEREK STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION LAND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT TAHAPAN PELAKSANAAN KONTRAK                           Tata Cara Dan Prosedur Pemerolehan Izin Pinjam Pakai Kawasan Hutan (Sosialisasi Permenhut No. 38 / 2012) TEHNIK EFEKTIF PENYELESAIAN PERSELISIHAN PERBURUHAN DAN HUKUM ACARA PERADILAN HUBUNGAN INDUSTRIAL Teknik Mengelola Emosi dalam Proses Negosiasi dan Mediasi bagi Staf Legal & Konsultan Hukum Perusahaan Teknik Negosiasi & Penyusunan PKB Secara Efektif TEKNIK NEGOSIASI PENYUSUNAN PERJANJIAN KERJA, PERATURAN PERUSAHAAN DAN PERJANJIAN KERJA BERSAMA (PK, PP DAN PKB) TEKNIK PENAGIHAN MELIBATKAN ASPEK HUKUM TEKNIK REKLAMASI LAHAN PASCA PENAMBANGAN (METODE LANDSCAPING DAN REVEGETASI) TENDER MANAGEMENT, CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION & BIDDING PROCEDURE The 3rd Indonesian Palm Oil Plantation Business and Legal Forum 2013 TINDAK PIDANA CYBER CRIME TIPIKOR DALAM PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN PERUSAHAAN & PERBANKAN TRAINING ANTICIPATING CONFLIC AND ENVIROMENTAL LEGISLATION UNDANG-UNDANG KETENAGAKERJAAN Undang-Undang Perseroan Terbatas (UUPT) UNDANG-UNDANG PERTAMBANGAN MINERAL & BATUBARA (MINERBA) Update regulasi dan kebijakan dalam bidang pertambangan mineral dan batubara dan bidang kehutanan periode Q2, Q3, Q4 tahun 2012 dan Q1 tahun 2013 Pada Industri Pertambangan UU Ketenagakerjaan Hukum Pertanahan ( Hukum Pertanahan Ditinjau Aspek Hukum Perdata & Pidana ) Legal Due Diligence &Contract Drafting Pada Industri Pertambangan Legal Due Diligence Pada Industri Pertambangan Manajemen Perkara Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara Manajemen Perkara Pidana Perancangan Peraturan Daerah Bagi Aparatur Pemerintah Daerah & Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah PERIZINAN SMELTER Pertanahan : Kajian Dan Aspek Hukum Pertanahan Yang Berkepastian Dalam Implementasi SOSIALISASI DAN IMPLEMENTASI REGULASI PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP YANG BARU (2015) Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Human Resources                               A Guide to HR for New HR Staff Account Payable Management Achieving Operational Excellence in Multishift Management Admin Professional and Dashboard Reporting Administrasi Personalia Advanced Accident Investigation and Management Advanced Employee Relations Course Advanced HR: Recruitment, Selection and Interviewing Skills Course Advanced Human Resources (HR) for the Oil and Gas Industry ADVANCED HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ADVANCED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Advanced Project Management Advanced Project Management II Alig e t Co pete y’s Fresh Graduate to e the Right Ca didate Asessment for Creating Best Talent Assessment Centre Applications For Recruitment And People Development Audit Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard for Strategic Transformation of Business Balancing Human Resources and the Law Basic Human Resources Management Basics Of Human Resource Management Be the Champion on ASEAN GLOBAL 2015 Be the Human Resources Business Partner Behavioral Event Interview Behavioural Interview Techniques Best Practice Need Analysis Best Practice Skill in Recruitment and Selection Business Ethics Business Partnering Skills for HR Professionals                                 Business Performance Measurement & Assess Business Succession Planning Career Path and Individual Development Analysis CAREER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Certified Master Trainer COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND CONFLICT HANDLING Compensation & Benefits Strategy Compensation and Benefits Management Compensation and Benefits Professional Compensation Packages And Salary Structure Competency Management Systems In Oil and Gas Competency-based Management Conducting an Effective Needs Analysis Confident Recruitment and Selection Interviewing Skills Conflict Negotiation And Protocols CORPORATE CASH MANAGEMENT Dealing With Negative Attitudes in the Workplace Designing Effective Internal Communications Program Developing a Strategic Plan for an Organisation Developing Organization on ASEAN GLOBAL 2015 Developing Program Goals and Objectives Measureable Developing Public Trust Diversity in the Workplace Driving Performance and Retention through Employee Engagement Driving Performance Through Talent Management Effective Communication Skill Effective Employee Performance Reviews Effective Process and Methodology in Managing Misconduct Effective Solutions for Unacceptable Employee Behavior EFFECTIVE STRATEGIC TENDER MANAGEMENT & EVALUATION Effective Team Building Strategy E-Filling System And Office Management                                 Employee Counselling and Grievance Handling Employee Engagement and Motivation Employee Recruitment and Interview Employee Relations Employee Relations: Motivation, Grievances And Discipline Employee Testing and Evaluation Techniques Employment Act and its Practical Applications Essential Business Skills for Project Managers Essential HR for Managers – Best Practice and Employment Law Essential Skills For Effective Administration Essentials of Credibility, Composure and Confidence Evaluasi Excelling as a Highly Effective Team Leader Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) Executive Leadership: Strategies and Solutions Expert Human Resources Management Finance Essentials for the HR Managers Financial Skills For HR Professionals FMLA Compliance Update Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Fundamentals of Human Performance Management Fundamentals of Successful Project Management Help E ployees Thri e While Doi g More With Less How To Identify Training Needs (Training Needs Assessment) How To Read & To Understand Accounting Report by Non-Accountant HR For Non HR Managers HR Metrics And Analytics HR Skills For HR Assistants HR’s Ma ual Guida e for Carrier Hukum Perjanjian Kerja dan Dokumen Legal SDM Human Resource Management HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR NON HR MANAGER                                 Human resource policies procedures SOP HRD Human Resources Development and Personnel Management Human Resources Management Human Resources Management and Development Human Resources Planning Human Resources Policies & Procedures (SOP HRD) Human Resources Skills on ASEAN GLOBAL 2015 Human Resources Strategy Indispensable Assistant Industrial Relations — The Process and Procedures Integrated Human Resources Management Integrated Project Management Integrated Risk Identification and Mapping Internal Communication Skill For Professional Interview Excellence – How to Perform Well in Interviews Investigation and Prosecution skills for Domestic Inquiry Job Analysis and Evaluation Job Analysis and Evaluation Techniques Job Evaluation & Analysis Job Evaluation And Job Grading Key Performance Indicators For Corporate Knowledge Management Langkah-langkah dalam merekrut dan memilih pekerja yang tepat. LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT SKILLS FOR SUPERVISOR LEADERSHIP & TEAM DEVELOPMENT Leadership Characteristic Leading and Managing Organisational Change Leading Strategic HR Transformation Legal Drafting and Writing Lifting Supervisor Linking To Organisational Goals Liquidity Risk Management and Stress Test                                Logistic & Supply Chain Management Maintenance Contracting and Outsourcing Man Power Planning (MPP) MANAGEMENT OF OUTSOURCE STAFF HOUSING & CATERING SERVICE FOR OIL, GAS & MINNING Management Outsourcing Management Skills for Executive-level and Administrative Professionals Managerial Skills and Leadership For Secretaries and Administration Managing Absenteeism at Workplace Managing And Coordinating Proactively MANAGING AND LEADING TEAM : MAKING TEAM WORK Managing Conflict and Handling Difficult People Managing Difficult Employee Conversations Managing Diversity and Inclusion Managing Employee Performance, Behaviour & Attitudes Managing Employees in Probation Period Managing People At Work MANAGING TENDER, SPECIFICATION & CONTRACT Ma agi g the Challe ges of Workers’ Co pe satio – Human Resources Managing Workplace Diversity and Expatriates Manajemen Diklat MANAJEMEN STRESS Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Manpower Organisation, Succession Planning & Trend Analysis Master Strategic Management Mastering Human Resource Management Mastering Needs Analysis And Evaluation Mastering People Management and Team Leadership Maximum-retention – Human Resources Measuring and Maximising Roi Meningkatkan Kemampuan Negosiasi Dan Komunikasi Bisnis Secara Efektif Mentoring, Coaching and Counseling                                 Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Program CSR Need Analysis NEEDS ANALYSIS (TNA) PLAN AND BUDGET – AND IMPACT EVALUATION (TIE) Negotiation and Conflict Management in Organisations NLP for Human Resources Communication Of Trainer (TOT) Operational Excellence in the Process Industry Organisational Strategies for Effective HR Management and Development Organization Development on Change Management Pengelolaan Limbah B3 Penilaian Kinerja Dan Karir (Performance Assessment) PENYIAPAN RENCANA KERJA DAN ANGGARAN PERUSAHAAN (RKAP) People Development Analyst Program PEOPLE MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP Performance Appraisal Performance Management & Appraisal Perjanjian Kerja, Peraturan Perusahaan atau Perjanjian Kerja Bersama Personnel Administration Development Program Preparing And Developing Specialist And Coordinators Preventing Sexual Harassment and Violence in the Workplace PROBLEM SOLVING AND DECISION MAKING STRATEGY Quality Management Representative Skills RECRUITING, INTERVIEWING AND SELECTING EMPLOYEES FOR HR Recruitment Analyst Program RECRUITMENT TOOLS (ALAT PEREKRUTAN) Recruitment, Selection & Retention: Essential Skills for Competent Workforce Preservation Secretary Development Based On Competencies Secrets of Behavioral Interviewing Secrets of Successful Interviewing Strategic Change Management For Hr Professionals Strategic Crisis Management Strategic Planning & Goal Setting : Setting Business Goals, Targets & Deliverables                            Strategy Developing Key Performance Indicator Strategy for Managing Hospital Files Successful HR management Supervisory Management SUPERVISORY SKILLS Take the Lead program Talent Acquisition, Management and Succession Planning Talent Analysis Strategy Talent Management Strategy for Human Capital Management Teknik Inspeksi K3 The Analyst The Art Of Human Resource Management The Business Of HR The HR Ad i istrator’s Role The Strategic Leader: Strategic Planning, Negotiation and Conflict Management Theory of Constraints in Manufacturing TIME MANAGEMENT (Manajemen Waktu) Train the Technical Trainers Train the Trainer Train The Trainer : From Design To Delivery Train the Workplace Trainer – One-to-One and Small Group Translating Strategy into Learning Undang- Undang Ketenagakerjaan Understanding Human Performance Visiti g Ethi al Issues i Today’s Workpla e Workplace Mediation And Conflict Resolution Skills Writing Effective Policies and Procedures Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Rumah Sakit/Hospital    Akuntansi & Perpajakan Rumah Sakit AKUNTANSI & PERPAJAKAN UNTUK RUMAH SAKIT, KLINIK DAN DOKTER Analisa & Perencanaan Keuangan Rumah Sakit                               ANALISA DAN PERENCANAAN KEUANGAN RUMAH SAKIT / KLINIK Audit Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja di Rumah Sakit Basic First Aid BASIC TRAUMA AND CARDIO LIFE SUPPORT (BTCLS FOR PARAMEDIC) Design Rumah Sakit Yang Menunjang Efisiensi Pelayanan Hukum Kedokteran INTEGRATED LOGISTIC MANAGEMENT RUMAH SAKIT – Yogyakarta INTERNAL AUDIT RUMAH SAKIT INTERNAL AUDIT RUMAH SAKIT / KLINIK K3 DI RUMAH SAKIT dan PATIENT SAFETY KEHUMASAN DAN MARKETING RUMAH SAKIT Keperawatan Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Tingkat Dasar Kesehatan Mental & Psikoterapi KESELAMATAN & KESEHATAN KERJA UNTUK RUMAH SAKIT KETERAMPILAN DASAR ADMINISTRATOR RUMAH SAKIT Key Performance Indicator Di Keperawatan Make Your Patient Safe With Patient Safety MANAJEMEN BIAYA RUMAH SAKIT / KLINIK MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN RUMAH SAKIT Manajemen Keuangan Rumah Sakit Manajemen Nyeri (Pain Management) MANAJEMEN REKAM MEDIS DALAM RUMAH SAKIT MANAJEMEN RUMAH SAKIT & FILLING SYSTEM UNTUK RUMAH SAKIT Manajemen Strategi Pengembangan Rumah Sakit Medical Emergency Response Plan (MERP) Design – YOGYAKARTA MEMAHAMI ASPEK PERIJINAN RUMAH SAKIT MEMAHAMI FRAUD (KECURANGAN) DAN PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA DALAM PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN RUMAH SAKIT MENDESAIN PELATIHAN INTERNAL YANG EFEKTIF DI RUMAH SAKIT Mengelola Program Humas di Lingkungan Rumah Sakit Meningkatkan Benefit Rumah Sakit Melalui Iklan dan Publikasi                     MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS LAYANAN RUMAH SAKIT; Awareness Quality Management System ISO 9001 : 2008 Minimize Handling Complaint To Build Patient Trust Pasarkan Produk Rumah Sakit Dengan Efektif Melalui Hospital TV Pelatihan HIPERKES untuk Paramedis dan Dokter Perusahaan PELATIHAN PERHITUNGAN UNIT COST PELATIHAN SISTEM MANAJEMEN K3 RUMAH SAKIT Peluang-Peluang Bisnis Rumah Sakit PENCEGAHAN & PENDETEKSIAN KECURANGAN DALAM PENGADAAN BARANG/JASA DI RUMAH SAKIT PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH MEDIS DI RUMAH SAKIT Pengembangan Pemeriksaan Intern (Internal Audit) untuk Satuan Pengawasan Internal (SPI) Rumah Sakit PENYAKIT AKIBAT KERJA (PAK) Penyusunan & Penyajian Laporan Keuangan Rumah Sakit Swasta & Perjan Penyusunan Bisnis Proses Sistem Pengendalian Internal & Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Rumah Sakit Penyusunan Dan Penyajian Laporan Keuangan Rumah Sakit Perpajakan Rumah Sakit Resiko Penyajian Laporan Keuangan Rumah Sakit SERVICE EXCELLENT FOR HOSPITAL STRATEGI SISTEM INFORMASI KESEHATAN DI RUMAH SAKIT “TRE““ MANAGEMENT Ho to Redu e, pre e t, a d Cope ith “tress TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS (TNA) DI RUMAH SAKIT – Yogyakarta Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Maintenance       AC And Refrigeration : Safety And Control Systems ACHIEVING ZERO BRAKDOWN WITH TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE ADVANCED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT ADVANCED MAINTENANCE PLANNING, SCHEDULING, AUDITING & BRENCHMARKING Advanced Process Control Application Of Reliability Centred Maintenance To Optimize Operation And Maintenance                                 APPLIED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT ASME Pressure Vessel: Design, Operation And Maintenance AUTONOMOUS MAINTENANCE Autonomous Maintenance : Breakdown Prevention By Operators Autonomous Maintenance : Perawatan Mandiri Mesin Produksi Boiler Operation and Maintenance BUILDING MANAGEMENT Coatings and Paint Technology COMPRESSOR; Technique, Operation and Maintenance CONDITIONS BASE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Control Valve: Fundamental Principles, Sizing, Selection, Installation And Maintenance CONVEYOR OPERATION & MAINTENANCE CULTURE CHANGE FOR MAINTENANCE AND RELIABILITY IMPROVEMENT Developing Effective Maintenance with Reliability-centered Maintenance (RCM) Diesel Engine: Operation & Maintenance Distributed Control System EFFECTIVENESS DESIGN OF MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION Electric Motor : Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting Electrical Equipment Maintenance Electrical Maintenance in Industry Electrical Power Distributed Control System (EPDCS) Emergency Preparedness FAILURE MODE EFFECT ANALYSIS (FMEA) FIBER OPTICS MAINTENANCE FIRE PROTECTION INSPECTION : Testing & Maintenance Gas Compressor: Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting GAS ENGINE: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Gas Turbine : Principles, Inspection, Operation, Maintenance And Troubleshooting Gas Turbine: Theory and Maintenance GEAR BOX REPAIR Gemba Kaizen, One way to increasing Productivity Heat Exchangers: Operation, Maintenance And Troubleshooting                               Heavy Equipment Maintenance Management HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEM: DESIGN, OPERATION & MAINTENANCE IMPLEMENTING RELIABILITY CENTERED MAINTENANCE IMPLEMENTING TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE Instrumentation Process Control Integrated Maintenance And Spare Parts Management LABORATORY INSTRUMENTATION, PERFORMANCE TEST AND MAINTENANCE Machine Lubrications Operation & Maintenance Maintenance & Production Development Program MAINTENANCE & PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM : Meningkatkan Kinerja Produksi dan Engineering Maintenance and Protection of Transformer Station Maintenance and Troubleshooting of CONVEYORS AND CHUTES Plus CONVEYOR, CHUTE AND FEEDER DESIGN MAINTENANCE CONTROL AND MONITORING MAINTENANCE COST ENGINEERING Maintenance Kanban Power MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT (For Manufacture And Oil & Gas Company) MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT (PDM, PM, & Pro-Active Maintenance) Maintenance Management And Control MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT FOR MANUFACTURE AND OIL & GAS COMPANY Maintenance Management Mesin MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR SUPERVISOR Maintenance Manajemen Sebuah Manajemen Praktis Perawatan Mesin Maintenance Of Belt Conveyor Maintenance of Buildings MAINTENANCE OF MACHINE TOOLS Maintenance Perfomance Indicator MAINTENANCE PLANNING AND SCHEDULING MAINTENANCE PLANNING SCHEDULING AND COORDINATING                                MAINTENANCE PLANNING, SCHEDULLING AND WORK CONTROL Maintenance Priority Index (MPI) Maintenance Priority Index (MPI) : Mengelola Aset Berdasarkan Criticality Management Operational System through RACI concept Manajemen Pembelian Yang Efektif MANAJEMEN PRAKTIS DALAM MERAWAT MESIN Mengatasi Masalah Komunikasi di tempat Kerja dengan HORENSO Mengurangi Kerusakan Mesin dengan Total Productive Maintenance Modern Maintenance & Spare Parts Management System Modern Maintenance Management MODERN MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT BY MEANS OF RELIABILITY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF HEAVY DUTY EQUIPMENT PERAWATAN BELT CONVEYOR PERENCANAAN DAN PENJADWALAN PERAWATAN (MAINTENANCE PLANNING AND SCHEDULING) Power Transformer Maintenance PREDICTIVE AND PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Preventive dan Predictive Maintenance Mesin Pembangkit Preventive Maintenance Of Electrical Equipment Preventive Maintenance Untuk Kendaraan Production Downhole And Subsurface Equipments PROTECTIVE RELAY PUMPS AND COMPRESSOR: SELECTION,OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Reducing Changeover Time With SMED (Single Minutes Exchage Of Dies) Refrigerasi : Operation, Maintenance And Troubleshooting REFRIGERATION: Operation, Maintenance, And Troubleshooting RELIABILITAS SISTEM : SEBUAH CARA UNTUK MENILAI KEBERHASILAN MAINTENANCE RELIABILITY CENTERED MAINTENANCE & RISK BASED INSPECTION RELIABILITY CENTERED MAINTENANCE (RCM) Reliability, Availability & Maintainability Analysis Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Roads Design, Construction And Maintenance                    ROTATING EQUIPMENT: MAINTENANCE & OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE Rotating Equipments Rotating Equipments: Operation, Maintenance, Trouble Shooting And Analysis ROUTINE MAINTENANCE : Perawatan Mesin Produksi Secara Berkesinambungan SHIPPING MAINTENANCE Statistical Proses Control STEAM TURBINE: Operation and Maintenance Steam Turbine: Operation, Maintenance And Troubleshooting STRATEGIC MAINTENANCE AND SCHEDULING Teknik Overhauling Mesin by Total Preventive Maintenance Total Predictive Maintenance (TPM) TPM (Total Preventive Maintenance) by Machine Overhauling Troubleshooting, Maintenance & Protection Of AC Electrical Motors & Drives Understanding of Maintenance and Testing of Systems VIBRATION ANALYSIS & TRIBOLOGY Vibration Analysis and Predictive Maintenance World Class Total Preventive Maintenance (TPM) Zero Break Down through SMDE (Small Defect Elimination) ZERO BREAKDOWN THROUGH TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Managerial and Soft Skills            Accommodation Management Achieving Operational Excellence in Multishift Management Achieving Professional Excellence – Communication, Planning, Negotiation & Presentation Skills Achieving Successful Service Excellence for Business Active Listening Admin Professional and Dashboard Reporting Administrasi Perkantoran Administrasi Personalia Administration Purchasing Advanced Influencing & Persuading for Managers ADVANCED MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT                                 ADVANCED OFFICE MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS Advanced Presentation and Public Speaking Advanced Project Management Advanced Strategic Warehousing and Stores Management An Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) An Introduction to Strategy Analisa Pendanaan & Evaluasi Proyek Assertiveness and Self Confidence Course ASSERTIVENESS, COMMUNICATION AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS Assertiveness, Influencing Skills and Conflict Management for Women Asset Management : Tools, Process, and Practice Asset Management to Increase Corporate Value Back Office Management Balanced Scorecard Basic Autocad 2011 Basic Human Resources Management Be a Sales Chameleon – A Master Closure Approach Behavioural Interview Techniques Best Practice Facilities Management Best Practice Good Corporate Governance BEST PRACTICE OF BUILDING SUPERVISION Best Practice Property Management Building Resilience and Sustainable Team Performance – For Managers and Leaders Building Up Your Confidence at Work (and in Life) Business And Legal Drafting For Beginner Business Ethics Business Management Skills for the Ship Manager Business Partnering Skills for HR Professionals Business Performance Measurement & Assess Business Process Mapping Business Process Reengineering (BPR) for Competitive Advantage Business Succession Planning                                 CAREER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Cargo Management And Transportation Management CATERING AND ACCOMODATION MANAGEMENT Certified Lending Manager Challenging Conversations and How to Manage Them Change Management Clerical and Administrative Skills: Clerical Development Program Closing the Sale Coaching for Success in the Oil and Gas Industry Coaching, Counselling and Mentoring Communication / Dealing with Others and Projecting the Positive Attitude Communication and Planning Skills for Administrative Professionals COMMUNICATION INTELLIGENCE Communication Skills for Supervisors Compensation & Benefits Strategy Competency Management System in Oil and Gas Competency Matrix System Competitive Intelligence COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE Complaints Management: Customer Feedback and Complaint Handling Conducting Successful Appraisals and Reviews Conflict Management Skills for Managers and Leaders Conflict Negotiation And Protocols Conflict Resolution Conflict Resolution Skills For Difficult Situations Contract Administration Contract Closeout CONTRACT DRAFTING AND CONTRACT MANAGEMENT CONTRACT MANAGEMENT & TENDER Contract Management And Legal Aspek Contracts Strategy and Management CORPORATE CASH MANAGEMENT                                 CORPORATE SECRETARY BERBASIS GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) Corporate Strategy Corrosion, Durability and Life Extension Techniques COST REDUCTION IN PURCHASING COST REDUCTION STRATEGY (Strategi Reduksi Biaya) Creative Thinking and Innovative Creative Thinking at Work Creative Thinking for Continuous Improvement Customer Care Dealing With Negative Attitudes in the Workplace Dealing with Stress and Conflicting Needs Dealing with Unreasonable and Different People Decision Analysis for Operation and Maintenance Professionals Decision Making and Root Cause Analysis Delivering Constructive Criticism Designing Effective Internal Communications Program Developing a Strategic Plan for an Organisation Developing a WORLD CLASS Leader within You Developing Assertiveness and Self Confidence at Work Developing Organization on ASEAN GLOBAL 2015 Developing Program Goals and Objectives Measureable Developing Public Trust Developing Secondment Agreement Developing Value for Your Department/Division Developing Your Corporate Strategy Developing Your Personal Impact and Building Productive Relationships Effective and Efficient Presentation Effective Business Writing Effective Change Management EFFECTIVE COACHING SKILLS Effective Communication Skill                                 EFFECTIVE CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Effective Document Control and Record Management Effective Employee Performance Reviews EFFECTIVE FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT Effective Lobbying Negotiation Effective Management and Leadership Styles Effective Meeting Management Effective Political Communications Effective PR in the Oil and Gas Industry Effective Professional Communications & Administrative Skills Effective Public Speaking Effective Purchasing and Contract Negotiation Strategies Effective Report Writing Techniques Effective Solutions for Unacceptable Employee Behavior EFFECTIVE STRATEGIC TENDER MANAGEMENT & EVALUATION Effective Team Building Strategy Effective Virtual Communication Effectively Managing and Organising Accounts Payable E-Filing Kearsipan E-Filling System And Office Management Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) Electronic Filing Implementation Electronic Filing System & Document Management Electronic Filling System Management EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Emotional Intelligence for Managers Employ and Manage Marine Personnel for Vessel Activities Energy Management: Energy Efficiency for Plants/Manufacturing Enhancing Professional Writing Skills Essential Business Skills for Project Managers Essential Communication and Writing Skills for Supervisors and Managers Essential Leadership Skills for Technical Professionals in Oil and Gas                                 Essential Management Skills for EAs, Senior PAs and Administration Professionals Essential Project Management Skills Essential Skill For Secretary and Administration Professional Essential Skill Secretary and Administration Professional Essential Skills for Resolving Workplace Conflict Among Coworkers (petroleum industry) Essentials of Credibility, Composure and Confidence Essentials of Excellent Customer Service Excelling as a Highly Effective Team Leader Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) Executive Leadership: Strategies and Solutions Expert Human Resources Management Facilitation Skills FACILITY MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT Financial Accounting, Reporting and Business Support in the Oil and Gas Industry Financial Management: Maximize Debt Collection — Increase Business Profitability Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Foundation Skills for Personal Assistant and Secretaries Fundamentals of E & P Data Management Fundamentals of Project Management Fundamentals of Successful Project Management GENERAL AFFAIR MANAGEMENT Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Good Corporate Governance Handling Difficult Colleagues and Customers Healthcare Leadership And Management Help E ployees Thri e While Doi g More With Less High Impact Team Building For Managers How Administrator Manage The Office Professionally (Administrative and Clerical Skills) How To Identify Needs (Needs Assessment) How to Manage and Organise Office Records and Files Efficiently How to Manage Your Manager HR’s Ma ual Guida e for Carrier                                 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR NON HR MANAGER Human Resources Skills on ASEAN GLOBAL 2015 Implementation of Electronic Filing and Document Management System Indispensable Assistant Industrial Relations — The Process and Procedures Innovation Master Class Integrated Project Management Integrated Risk Identification and Mapping International Business Communication Skills Interpersonal Effectiveness for Managers Interview Excellence – How to Perform Well in Interviews Introduction to Business Warehouse – Managing a Cost Effective Warehouse Introduction to Data Management (Oil and Gas) Introduction to the Shipping Industry Inventory and Stock Control Management Inventory Management ISO 27000 – Information Security Management System Job Evaluation And Job Grading KEHUMASAN DAN MARKETING RUMAH SAKIT Key Performance Indicators For Corporate KOMUNIKASI BISNIS EFEKTIF DAN ASERTIF Komunikasi Lingkungan Laporan Bulanan Umum LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT SKILLS FOR SUPERVISOR LEADERSHIP & TEAM DEVELOPMENT Leadership Characteristic Leadership dan Management tingkat Advance Leadership Effective Supervisory Leadership Leadership for Supervisor and Manager Leadership for Women Leadership Skills for Banking Executives Leadership                                Leading and Managing Organisational Change Leading With Emotional Intelligence: The Psychology of Leadership LOADING MASTER Maintenance Contracting and Outsourcing Maintenance Management Best Practices Making Change Happen: People and Process Management and Organisational Learning for the Oil and Gas Industries MANAGEMENT OF OUTSOURCE STAFF HOUSING & CATERING SERVICE FOR OIL, GAS & MINNING Management Skills for Executive-level and Administrative Professionals Manager & PA – Becoming a Star Partnership Managerial Skills and Leadership For Secretaries and Administration Managing a Matrix Team Managing Absenteeism at Workplace MANAGING AND LEADING TEAM : MAKING TEAM WORK Managing Brownfield Projects Managing Contract Risk Performance And Negotiation Managing Diversity and Inclusion Managing Employees in Probation Period Managing Risks and Strategic Decisions in Petroleum Exploration & Production MANAGING TENDER, SPECIFICATION & CONTRACT Managing the Talent of Your Team Managing Time and Increasing Work Efficiency Course Manajemen Administrasi Perkantoran Modern Manajemen Armada (Road Fleet Management) Manajemen dan Supervisi Skill Manajemen Proyek (Project Management) MANAJEMEN STRESS Manajemen Transportasi dan Distribusi Manajemen Transportasi dan Distribusi Marketing Pemasaran Jasa Master arts of internal communication                                 Master Quality Management Master Strategic Management Masterclass for EAs, PAs and Office Managers Mastering People Management and Team Leadership Mastering Report Writing Skills Mastering the Art of Office Administration Media Relation and Communication MEDICAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Meeting Management MENGELOLA ARMADA UNTUK PROFITABILITAS Meningkatkan Kemampuan Negosiasi Dan Komunikasi Bisnis Secara Efektif Menjadi Sekretaris Professional Minute Writing Masterclass Modern Inventory And Stock Control Modern Office Management And Filing System MODERN SAFETY MANAGEMENT Monitoring Dan Evaluasi Program CSR Motivating Your Team Needs Analysis NEEDS ANALYSIS (TNA) PLAN AND BUDGET – AND IMPACT EVALUATION (TIE) NEGOTIATING FOR RESULTS Negotiating Skills and Dealing with difficult customer Negotiating, Drafting and Managing Commercial Contracts Negotiation and Conflict Management in Organisations Negotiation and Lobbying Skills Negotiation Skill For Sales and Marketing People Negotiation Skills for the Oil and Gas Industry OCCUPOTIONAL HYGIENE MONITORING Operational Risk Assessment Organization Development on Change Management Pajak Penghasilan Pegawai Partnering with Your Manager                                 Pelatihan Strategi menghadapi masa Pensiun (Purna karya) Pengelolaan Sampah Kompos Penilaian Kinerja Dan Karir (Performance Assessment) PENYIAPAN RENCANA KERJA DAN ANGGARAN PERUSAHAAN (RKAP) Penyusunan SOP Dan Instruksi Kerja People Management Skills for Managers People Management Skills for Technical Professionals PERFECT PRESENTATION SKILLS Performance Management & Appraisal Performance Management Best Practice PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SKILLS PERSIAPAN MASA PENSIUN ( PERENCANAAN PENDIRIAN USAHA BARU ) Personal Image And Table Manners Personal Productivity Personnel Administration Development Program Pertanahan dan Pemetaan Positive Presenting for Professionals Practical Assertive Communication PREVENTIVE PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Primavera P6 Advanced Planning and Control Primavera P6 for Planning Course Primavera P6 Managerial Analysis Primavera P6 Professional Fundamental PROBLEM SOLVING AND DECISION MAKING STRATEGY Process Plant Reliability and Maintenance Strategies PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT IN MANUFACTURING AND SERVICE OPERATIONS Professional Presentation Skills PROFESSIONAL SECRETARY SKILLS PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FOR EXECUTIVE “ECRETARIE“ AND PA’“ Proffesional Skills For Finance and Accounting Profil Bisnis & Manajemen Risiko Perhotelan Profil Bisnis Perkapalan                                 Project and Event Management for EAs & PAs Project Budgeting and Cost Management Project Failure Recovery Project Fundamentals for Administrators Project Management — A Key to Well-planned Project Project Management : Dari Konseptual Sampai Operasional Project Management for Engineering and Construction Project Management for IT Professionals Project Management Planning Project Management With MS Project Application Project Management: Case Study Based Project Management Project Planning Monitoring and Control Project Risk Management PUBLIC RELATION MANAGEMENT Public Relations Excellence For Great Corporate Image Public Speaking and Master Of Ceremony QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE Quality Management Representative Skills RECRUITING, INTERVIEWING AND SELECTING EMPLOYEES FOR HR Relationship Management and Marketing Remote Team Leadership Report Writing for Technical Professionals Risk Management For Upstream Capital Projects Risk Modelling Risk Reliability Management Safety Management Best Practices SATISFIED ADMINISTRATIVE AND OFFICE MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL Secrets of Successful Interviewing Senior Executive Assistant Masterclass Senior Level Communication Skills Workshop SERVICE EXCELLENCE FOR CALL CENTRE AGENTS Service Level Agreements And IT Contracts                                 Setting Priorities, Time Management & Stress Reduction: Managing Stress & Pressure at Work SHIPPING MANAGEMENT Social Media and Marketing Speaking and Presenting with Confidence Stakeholder Dialoque Technique Stakeholder Management Stepping Up to Senior Management Strategic Crisis Management Strategic Foresight and Planning Strategic IT Leadership Strategic Management Strategic Management and Leadership Strategic Management and Planning Strategic Negotiation and Influencing Skills Strategic Performance Measurement – Using the Balanced Scorecard Strategic Perspective, Change Management and People Engagement Strategic Planning and Goal Setting: Setting Business Goals, Targets & Deliverables Strategic Procurement Management Strategic Selling Skills Strategic Talent Management in the Oil and Gas Industry Strategy for Managing Hospital Files Strategy Implementing Contract Chain Management Stress Management: Partnering with Stress Successful HR management Supervisory Management SUPERVISORY SKILLS Supervisory Skills for Team Leaders SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Take the Lead program Talent Analysis Strategy Talent Management Strategy for Human Capital Management Team Communication                             Team Management and Leadership Skills for Supervisors and Team Leaders Teknik Inspeksi K3 Teknik Negosiasi TELEPHONE EXCELLENCE TENDER MANAGEMENT AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Terrific Telephone Skills The Amazing Personal Assistants The Art of Modern Communication Management to Deal with Others The Consultative Sale The Consultative Telephone Sale: Advanced THE EFFECTIVE SUPERVISOR The Effective Team Player The Management and Leadership Development Programme The Ma ager’s Development Programme The Power of Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills for Professional The Strategic Leader: Strategic Planning, Negotiation and Conflict Management The Winning Mindset of a High-income Sales Professional TIME MANAGEMENT (Manajemen Waktu) Time Management for Managers Total Customer Service Understanding and Implementing Change Warehouse and Stores Management WELLSITE LEADERSHIP: GREAT LEADERS, TOP TEAMS, POSITIVE RESULTS Why People Buy: Discover the Science of Buying (Psikologi Konsumen) WORK ETHICS AND PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT COURSE FOR SECRETARIES AND PERSONAL ASSISTANTS Working Positively and with Resilience for Business Professionals Writing Effective Reports Writing for Results Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Manufacture  5S In Manufacturing : Pondasi Dasar menuju World Class Manufacturing                               BEST PRACTICE MANUFACTURING MANAGEMENT Coatings and Paint Technology Comprehensive Problem Solving for Manufacturing Developing Manufacturing Performance Indicator Drafting & Structural Analysis For Designer Of Manufacturing Effective Implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices EFFECTIVE MANUFACTURING MANAGEMENT: LEADING AND MANAGING OPERATION EXCELLENCE EVALUATING and RATING SUPPLIERS in EFFECTIVELY Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) INCREASING MANUFACTURING PROFIT INCREASING MANUFACTURING PROFIT : Lego Assembly Line Simulation Training LEAN MANAGEMENT IN MANUFACTURE LEAN MANUFACTURING LEAN MANUFACTURING : Improving Efficiency & Competitiveness Lean Manufacturing : Strategi Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Perusahaan Lean Manufacturing For Operation Excellence Lean Manufacturing Improving Productivity & Competitiveness LEAN MANUFACTURING SYSTEM Lean Manufacturing System Profitability and Customer Satisfaction Lean Production for Operation Excellence LEAN SIX SIGMA: STRATEGI IMPLEMENTASI DALAM PERUSAHAAN MANUFAKTUR MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT FOR MANUFACTURE AND OIL & GAS COMPANY Manufacturing Balanced Scorecard (MBS) MANUFACTURING PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Manufacturing Planning & Control System Improving Your Scheduling For Better Customer Service MANUFACTURING PLANNING AND CONTROL Manufacturing Process to Use CNC Machining MANUFACTURING PROCESSES TO USE CASTING MANUFACTURING PROCESSES TO USE METAL FORMING Operational Excellence with Lean Manufacturing          Overview dari Lean Manufacturing Pengendalian Komplain Pelanggan untuk Industri Manufaktur Practical Lean Problem Solving PRINCIPLE OF MANUFACTURING MANAGEMENT Principle Of Operation Planning In Manufacturing SLIM MANUFACTURING PROCESS TIME & MOTION STUDY FOR LEAN MANUFACTURING Toyota Production System: Penerapan Lean Manufacturing System Untuk Peningkatan Efisiensi Usaha Industri Manufaktur Indonesia Workload Analysis di Manufacturing (Manhourunit) Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Mechanical                    AC Inverter Drives (Application and Maintenance) Advance Electrical ADVANCE PROCESS CONTROL Advanced Microsoft Project Advanced Programmable Logic Controller (Siemens S7) Advanced Rigging For Supervisor Advanced Vibration Analysis Angka Ketidakpastian Pengukuran API 570, Preparatory On Piping Inspector ASME PRESSURE VESSEL: DESIGN, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) Auxiliary Power Measurement, Optimization and Analysis AVIATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Basic Cementing Basic Drilling Technology BASIC DRILLING, COMPLETION AND WORKOVER OPERATIONS BASIC FORMATION EVALUATION Basic Gas Turbine Fundamentals, Control, Maintenance, Inspection Dan Operation Titan 130 Solar Turbine BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT                                 Basic Maintenance BASIC WATER TREATING BASIC WELL SERVICE OPERATION BOILER OPERATION & MAINTENANCE CATHODIC PROTECTION AND CORROSION CONTROL CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR MAINTENANCE AND FAILURE ANALYSIS CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR OPERATION AND MAINTENACE CHOKE AND CONTROL VALVE Composite Materials Compressor Systems : Mechanical Design and Specification Control Valve Maintenance and Troubleshooting Corrosion And Scale Control Decision Analysis for Operation and Maintenance Professionals Training Distributed Control System (DCS) DRILLING AND WELL CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL FOR POWERLINE ELECTRICAL MOTOR DIAGNOSE ELECTRICAL MOTOR PROTECTION ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Electrical Program Analysis ELECTRICAL SAFETY ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER TESTING AND MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION FAILURE ANALYSIS OF MECHANICAL COMPONENT Failure Defense Planning Fiscal and Allocation Metering FLUID FLOW MEASUREMENT & METER PROVING IN OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY Forklift : Operation, Maintenace and Troubleshooting FUNDAMENTAL OF VALVES Gas Chromatography & HPLC Gas Compressor Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting Global Supply Chain                                 HARMONICS & POWER QUALITY HAZARD IDENTIFICATION RISK ASSESMENT AND RISK CONTROL HIGH VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION HVAC FOR PLC CONTROLLER Hydraulic Pneumatic Control System Training INDUSTRIAL WASTE WATER TREATMENT MANAGEMENT INSTRUMENT AND PROCESS CONTROL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING INSTRUMENTATION, CONTROL AND SAFETY SYSTEM INTERMEDIATE ELECTRICAL MOTOR DIAGNOSE Introduction to Pumps – Design, Application and Operation KOORDINASI SISTEM PROTEKSI SISTEM TENAGA LISTRIK LIFTING AND HANDLING Training Machine Elements Machinery Condition Monitoring for Predicive and Preventive Maintenance MACHINERY DIAGNOSTIC Machinery Vibration Analysis Maintenance Auditing, Benchmarking & Performance Improvement Towards World-Class Maintenance Laboratorium Maintenance of Mechanical System Maintenance Planning and Scheduling Maintenance Technology Best Practices : Inspection, Analysis & Monitoring Managing Efficient Shutdowns & Turnarounds MANAJEMEN PEMBANGKIT DAN DISTRIBUSI LISTRIK PLTU MASTERING ADVANCED MANAGEMENT SKILLS FOR MAINTENANCE LEADERSHIP Material Selection MECHANICAL FAILURE ANALY MECHANICAL MATERIAL OPTIMIZATION Mechanical Measurement & Instrumentation METAL AND METALLURGY METALLURGY FOR NON METALLURGIST Non Destructive Test                                 Non Destructive Testing (NDT) and Evaluation OPERATION MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF ROTATING MACHINERY OVERHEAD CRANE ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE Pemeliharaan Transformator Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals for Non-Technical Personnel Pipeline Design, Testing and Operating PIPELINE INTERNAL CORROSION CONTROL AND MONITORING PIPELINE PIGGING OPERATION PIPING & PIPELINE SYSTEM DESIGN, SPECIFICATION, INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PIPING SYSTEM : MATERIAL DESIGN & MAINTENANCE Piping Systems – Mechanical Design and Specification Potable Water Treatment /Clean Water Processing and Treatment for Industrial Application Power System Protection: Installation And Electric Practical SCADA and Telemetry System Predictive Maintenance Predictive Maintenance Analytics: For Zero Breakdown Machines and Production Systems PRESSURE VESSELS : CALCULATION, CODES, PRODUCTION, OPERATION, CONTROLS AND SAFETY PREVENTIVE PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Process Control and Instrumentation Process Control and Safeguarding Process Engineering Essentials (Upstream and Downstream Process Control and Optimisation Process Piping Inspection Process, Electrical And Instrumentation Drawings & Documentation PRODUCTION OPERATIONS & OPTIMIZATIONS Production Optimazation And Minimizing Downtime Programmable Logic Controller Proses Overhaul Turbine Pumbling System and Maintenance For A Company PUMP ALIGMENT PUMP AND COMPRESSORS PUMP COMPRESSOR OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PUMP TECHNOLOGY (SELECTION, OPERATION & MAINTENANCE)                               Pumps and Compressors Pumps, Compressors and Turbines (Selection, Operation and Maintenance) Quality Measuring Instruments for Operations Regulatory Control and PID Loop Tuning RELIABILITY CENTERED MAINTENANCE (RCM) Rewinding Kumparan Motor Listrik Risk Assessment and Risk Management for Oil and Gas Projects Risk Reliability Management Rotating Equipments : Operation, Maintenance, Troubleshooting And Analysis ROTOR BALANCING & SHAFT ALIGNMENT Safety Instrumented Systems and Emergency Shutdown SAFETY INTEGRITY LEVEL SAFETY RELIEF VALVE INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, OPERATION, TROUBLESHOOTING & REPAIR Sampling Emisi Udara di Cerobong Sistem Kelistrikan dan Kontrol Sound System Control for Soundman SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TURBO COMPRESSOR Turbo compressor operation maintenance TYPES OF CORROSION ON FLOW AND TRUNKLINE Uninterruptible Power Supply Operation and Maintenance Validasi Metode Uji Valve and Actuator Technologies VIBRATION ANALYSIS Water Distribution Systems WATER TREATING AND CHEMICALS Water Treatment Water Treatment Systems and Technologies Welding Technology Well Test Analysis Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Mining/Pertambangan                                ACCOUNTING, FINANCE AND TAX FOR MINING COMPANY Advanced Formation Evaluation ADVANCED MASTERCLASS IN MINING Advanced Petroleum Measurement ADVANCED STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY Advanced Well Testing ANALISA KESTABILAN LERENG PADA TAMBANG ANALISIS KELAYAKAN INVESTASI PERTAMBANGAN APPLIED MINING GEOSTATISTICS Artificial Lift ASME DESIGN & FABRICATION OF PRESSURE VESSELS ASPEK HUKUM KETENAGAKERJAAN PADA SEKTOR PERTAMBANGAN Auxiliary Power Measurement, Optimization and Analysis BASIC AND ADVANCE INSTRUMENTATION LOGIC Basic Drilling and Completion Operation With Health, Safety, Enviromental Consideration BASIC DRILLING TECHNOLOGY Basic Gas Turbine Fundamentals, Control, Maintenance, Inspection Dan Operation Titan 130 Solar Turbine Basic of Geology Mapping and Mining Exploration BASIC PETROLEUM ENGINEERING BASIC SAFETY FOR CHEMICAL HAZARDS IN THE MINING WORKPLACE Basic Sea Survival Basic Seismic Inversion BASIC WELL SERVICE OPERATION Basin Analysis and Petroleum Systems Borehole Surveying Awareness Training CATHODIC PROTECTION AND CORROSION CONTROL CATHODIC PROTECTION FOR MINE STEEL STRUCTURE AND MINING SUPORTING FACILITIES CHEMICAL HAZARD SAFETY IN MINING AND WORKPLACE COAL FIRED POWER PLANT CORING AND CORE ANALYSIS Corrosion And Scale Control                                 CRUDE OIL MANAGEMENT DOWNHOLE AND SUBSURFACE TRAINING DRILLING AND WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLING FOR NON DRILLING ENGINEER DRILLING PRACTICES, OPERATION, TROUBLE SHOOTING & OPTIMIZATION EFFLUENT PRODUCED WASTE WATER Elementary Drilling Offshore Training Elementary Drilling Onshore Training FLUID FLOW MEASUREMENT& METER PROVING IN OIL AND GAS INDUSTRI Fundamentals of Petroleum Measurement Training GAS DEHYDRATION GAS HANDLING, CONDITIONING AND PROCESSING FACILITIES HAZARDOUS MATERIAL & CHEMICAL HANDLING HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL PETROLEUM CONTRACT LAND TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT FOR MINING INDUSTRY LIFTING AND HANDLING Training LNG: Basics of Liquefied Natural Gas Training LOGISTIC TO SUPPORT DRILLING AND PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGING CONTRACTOR SAFETY Managing Efficient Shutdowns & Turnarounds Managing Mine Contractors Mass Measurement of Hydrocarbon Fluids (Direct and Inferred) Training Modern Petroleum Contracts And Practice In Negotiations Modern Well Test Analysis Natural Gas Measurement–Design/Application/Inspection Training Natural Gas Measurement–Electronic Flow Measurement Training OIL & GAS PRODUCTION OPERATION & EQUIPMENT Perancangan Lereng Penambangan PETROLEUM ENGINEERING FOR NON PETROLEUM ENGINEER Petroleum Fundamentals Training PETROLEUM RISKS AND DECESION ANALYSIS                             Pipe Compressor Analysis Training Pipeline Design, Testing and Operating PIPELINE RISK & INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT PIPING AND PIPELINE: DESIGN, FABRICATION PIPING AND PIPELINE: DESIGN, INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT Piping Pipeline Technology PIPING SYSTEM : MATERIAL DESIGN & MAINTENANCE Process Safety Engineering Process Simulator With HYSYS Production Downhole and Surface Facilities Equipments PRODUCTION LOGGING Production Optimization for Oil and Gas Training Production Sharing Contracts & Upstream Financial Analysis Programmable Logic Control (PLC) Reklamasi Dan Revegetasi Lahan Pasca Tambang RIGGING LIFTING OPERATION RISK MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCTION SURFACE FACILITY Rotating Equipments : Operation, Maintenance, Troubleshooting And Analysis Schedule 2015 (Mining) SIMULASI PROSES TEKNIK KIMIA MENGGUNAKAN HYSYS Sistem Kelistrikan dan Kontrol STANDARD, CODES, SPECIFICATION FOR PIPES, PIPING AND VALVES STRATEGY PROCUREMENT FOR MINING AND OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY SURFACE PRODUCTION OPERATION & EQUIPMENT TEKNIK ANALISIS KIMIA BATUBARA Teknik Reklamasi Lahan Pasca Penambangan (Metode Landscaping Dan Revegetasi) Water Flooding: Design and Implementation of Water Flooding WELLSITE LEADERSHIP: GREAT LEADERS, TOP TEAMS, POSITIVE RESULTS Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Oil and Gas  Abnormal pressure detection and prediction during drilling operation                                 Accounting and finance for oil and gas industry Accounting management for oil and gas company acidizing applications in sandstones and carbonates Advance gas production operation Advance of oil and gas production system advanced data-driven analytics for reservoir and production management of shale assets Advanced drilling technology advanced formation evaluation Advanced gas chromatography techniques Advanced gas lift – design & troubleshooting training Advanced gas reservoir engineering training Advanced hr: recruitment, selection and interviewing skills course advanced masterclass in mining Advanced oil and gas production system Advanced paraffin and asphaltene in crude oils Advanced petroleum measurement Advanced reservoir simulation advanced steam injection processes advanced well stimulation strategies Advanced well test analysis Advances in formation testing Advances in formation testing reservoir descriptions and dynamics Amine gas sweetening and sulphur recovery an overview of heavy oil recovery An overview of heavy oil recovery training Api 570, preparatory on piping inspector Applied drilling engineering Applied environment Applied oil and gas reservoir simulation applied petroleum geology for non geologist Applied reservoir engineering Applied water technology in oil & gas production                                appraising and developing shale gas and liquids-rich reservoirs Appraising and developing shale gas and shale oil reservoirs artificial lift and production optimization solutions Asme design & fabrication of pressure vessels Auditing in the exploration and production industry Auditing in the oil and gas industry basic and advance instrumentation logic Basic applied reservoir engineering training basic drilling and completion operation with health, safety, enviromental consideration Basic drilling engineering Basic drilling technology Basic gas turbin & compressor Basic gas turbine fundamentals, control, maintenance, inspection dan operation titan 130 solar turbine Basic oilfield corrosion and control via chemical solutions Basic petroleum engineering Basic petroleum geology Basic petroleum technology Basic pressure transient test analysis Basic production engineering : basic production engineering in oil & gas industry Basic reservoir engineering basic sea survival basic seismic inversion Basic tribology oil and analysis Basic well service operation basin analysis and petroleum systems Biological wastewater treatment Bioremediation : to solve oil sludge, oil waste and oil spill course boiler operation, maintenance & troubleshooting Borehole surveying awareness training Carbon dioxide flooding carbonate geology for oil and gas exploration and development                                 Carbonate reservoirs and seismic characterization Cased hole and production log evaluation Cased hole logging Casing and cementing Casing and tubing design Cathodic protection cathodic protection and corrosion control Cathodic protection and preventive maintenance cathodic protection for mine steel structure and mining suporting facilities cathodic protection system in oil and gas exploration industry cementing operations Chemical and physical knowledge chemical hazard safety in mining and workplace Coaching for success in the oil and gas industry training Coating inspection Coiled tubing completion and production application coiled tubing design and operations Competency management systems in oil and gas Completion equipment and well intervention Completions and workovers training compressor systems : mechanical design and specification Conflict management skills for managers and leaders Contracts and tenders fundamentals training Contracts strategy and management Core analysis – application to petrophysics & reservoir engineering training Coring and core analysis coring and core analysis – reservoir geology corrosion control and protection technology in oil & gas facilities Corrosion control in the oil and gas industry corrosion control oil and gas exploration industry Corrosion technology Cost management for petroleum industry                                 Crisis management and emergency response for the oil and gas industry crude oil management daily well management oil wells Deepwater drilling design and operations Deepwater drilling operations and well control Deepwater riser engineering course Development of petroleum geology directional,horizontal and multiteral drilling downhole and subsurface training drilling and well construction Drilling aspect for mud logger Drilling engineering technology Drilling essentials for new engineers and non-technical professionals in oil & gas drilling fluid technology Drilling fluids in the oil industry drilling for non drilling engineer Drilling operation for non drilling personnel drilling operations drilling ops for non drilling drilling practices, operation, trouble shooting & optimization Drilling supply chain management (intensive) Drilling technology and optimization Drilling technology: design, operation and troubleshooting Drilling training Economic aspects of production sharing contracts (psc) Economics of petroleum refining effective materials management Effective pr in the oil and gas industry effluent produced waste water electrical engineering fundamentals for facilities engineers Electrical submergible pump (esp): design, operation and troubleshooting Electrical submersible pumping                                 Elementary drilling onshore energy optimisation for oil refineries enhanced oil recovery Environmental technology for the oil and gas industry Essential leadership skills for technical professionals in oil and gas Essential skills for resolving workplace conflict among coworkers (petroleum industry) essentials skills for oil and gas managers & supervisors Evaluating and developing shale resources expanded basic petroleum economics Exploration & production for new engineers and non – technical professionals Exploration for non exploration personal Exploration geophysics training Field handling of natural gas—emphasis on engineering training Financial accounting, reporting and business support in the oil and gas industry financial modelling and petroleum project economics flanges and compressed joint integrity Flow assurance for pipeline systems and pipeline optimization Fluid flow measurement & meter proving in oil and gas industry Formation damage: causes, prevention, and remediation Fractured and unconventional reservoir modeling fundamental of well testing Fundamentals of coal seam gas (csg) development Fundamentals of e & p data management Fundamentals of oil and gas economics Fundamentals of oil and gas exploration and drilling Fundamentals of petroleum measurement training fundamentals of the oil & gas industry Gas & oil fiscal metering system Gas and liquid flow instrumentation and measurement Gas chromatography (gc) techniques gas condensate reservoirs Gas conditioning and processing                                 gas dehydration Gas dehydration Gas handling, conditioning and processing facilities gas injection in gas condensate reservoirs Gas lift design and optimization Gas oil and water pipeline design and maintenance Gas processing and conditioning Gas production operations Gas sweetening h2s & co2 removal gas turbine (operation, maintenance and troubleshooting) gas turbine control system,operation & maintenance gas turbine, gas plant, and solar gas tu gas turbine: theory and maintenance Gas utilities training Gaslift design, operation and troubleshooting Geostatistics and reservoirs modeling H2s and carbon dioxide gas removal H2s and using breathing apparatus h2s safety awareness hazardous material & chemical handling hazardous waste management health and safety in oil & gas Heavy oil gathering and transport system (oil movement) High and low-pressure nitrogen injection in pressure maintenance and enhanced oil recovery High pressure high temperature (hpht) completions Hi-tan number and solutions Horizontal and multilateral drilling wells Hpht operational awareness and drilling challenges Hukum kontrak minyak dan gas Hydrocarbon phase behavior (equations of state) ifrs for the oil & gas industry Improved oil recovery : conventional injection methods                                 inside procurement in oil and gas Instrumentation and control systems in oil and gas industry Instrumentation and controls fundamentals for facilities engineers Instrumentation, controls and electrical systems for facilities engineers Integrated calculations and rig selection in drilling operation Integrated of applied reservoir engineering Integrated production modeling Integrated steam flood management Integrated water flooding management Integrating petroleum operation for non-technical employee international gas business management international oil and gas business management International oil and gas exploitation contracts International oil trading and price risk management International petroleum contract Interpreting and managing charterparty for supply vessels Introduction to data management (oil and gas) Introduction to field geology Introduction to hysys in oil and gas Introduction to petroleum business Introduction to petroleum geology for non-geologists Introduction to petroleum prospect appraisal introduction to wellsite introduction to wellsite operations Lifting and handling training Lightning,surge protection and earthing of electrical system in industrial networks Lng: basics of liquefied natural gas training Logistic to support drilling and production operation management and organisational learning for the oil and gas industries Management of outsource staff housing & catering service for oil, gas & minning Managing contractor safety Managing efficient shutdowns & turnarounds                                Managing mine contractors managing project risks in the oil & gas industry Managing risks and strategic decisions in petroleum exploration & production manajemen perpajakan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (kkks) migas Mass measurement of hydrocarbon fluids (direct and inferred) training Masterclass : advanced strategies in oil and gas finance and accounting Mastering finance for non-financial oil and gas personnel Modern petroleum contracts and practice in negotiations modern well test analysis Multiphase flow measurement Natural gas engineering and process design Natural gas measurement–design/application/inspection Natural gas measurement–electronic flow measurement Natural gas measurement–fundamentals natural gas processing Natural gas reservoir engineering Natural gas transmission and distribution Negotiation and documentation of oil industry transactions Negotiation skills for the oil and gas industry Newcomer employee workplace hse Nodal system analysis for production optimization non-destructive test Offshore and marine projects and risk management with contractual perspectives Oil & gas production operation & equipment oil and gas accounting and performance measurement Oil and gas contracts Oil and gas handling facilities Oil and gas industry cost accounting analysis oil and gas marine terminals: operations, management and safety in accordance with international standards Oil and gas measurement calculation Oil and gas operational safety                                 oil and gas operations oil and gas processing plant design, operation Oil and gas production instrumentation and measurement Oil and water handling facilities oil recovery enhancement methods oil reserves calculations oil water treatment technology Oil-gas separation and gas dehydration olga flow assurance Open hole logging operation, diagnostics and maintenance of equipment for oil & gas production Overview of seismic exploration paraffin, asphaltene and scale in crude oils: theory, problems and solutions penerapan ifrs dan aspek perpajakan industri migas Pengelolaan limbah b3 Perencanaan jaringan pipa lapangan produksi minyak dan gas petrel geophysics: seismic visualization and interpretation petrel velocity modeling Petroleum economic & risk analysis Petroleum economics analysis – modelling Petroleum engineering Petroleum engineering for non petroleum engineer Petroleum finance and accounting principles petroleum finance, cost control & reservoir management Petroleum finance, cost control & reservoir manajemen Petroleum fundamentals training Petroleum geology for non geologists Petroleum loading master Petroleum project economics & risk analysis Petroleum refinery processing Petroleum refining and petrochemicals for non-technical personnel petroleum refining-production planning, scheduling and yield optimization                                 petroleum reservoir engineering Petroleum risks and decesion analysis Petroleum systems modelling Petroleum tanks measurement Petroleum technology workshop Pipe compressor analysis training Pipeline design, testing and operating pipeline internal corrosion control and monitoring pipeline risk & integrity management Piping & pipeline system: design, specification, installation & maintenance Piping and pipeline: design, fabrication Piping and pipeline: design, installation, operation, maintenance and integrated management Piping pipeline technology Piping system : material design & maintenance Piping systems – mechanical design and specification plc and scada technologies Practical reservoir engineering Pressure vessels : calculation, codes, production, operation, controls and safety Price analysis and total cost concepts in supply management Primary cementing training Principles of carbonate reservoirs Principles of drilling fluids process engineering essentials (upstream and downstream process control and optimisation Process fired heaters process plant reliability and maintenance strategies process safety engineering Process simulator with hysys Produced water management, treatment & reinjection production downhole and surface facilities equipments production operations production operations & optimizations Production optimization for artificial lift design                                 Production optimization for oil and gas training Production optimization training production planning and scheduling in petroleum refineries production safety system Production sharing contracts & upstream financial analysis Production sharing contracts in oil and gas Production technology for other disciplines Production well handling, separation and measurement Project management for engineering and construction training Psc accounting psc budgeting : pod, afe, wp&b Pvt and reservoir fluid analysis quality measuring instruments for operations refinery process yield optimisation Regulatory control and pid loop tuning re-injection of water formation and water surface treatment technologies and field practices reklamasi dan revegetasi lahan pasca tambang reservoir development Reservoir engineering – integration of wireline formation testing & production log data training reservoir engineering for non-reservoir engineers reservoir modeling Reservoir simulation for managers reservoir simulation principles and practices Rig hydraulics in drilling operation rigging lifting operation risk assessment and risk management for oil and gas projects Risk management in production surface facility Safety and risk management in oil and gas Seismic subsurface fluid, reservoir properties and facies imaging sertifikasi : pelatihan dan sertifikasi k3 migas sertifikasi : pengawas k3 migas simulasi proses teknik kimia menggunakan hysys                                Standard, codes, specification for pipes, piping and valves standard, codes, specification for pipes, piping and valves Steam turbine for oil industri (operation & maintenance) Strategic procurement and supply management in the oil and gas industry strategic talent management in the oil and gas industry strategy procurement for mining and oil and gas industry Structure and styles in petroleum exploration Stuck pipe and hole cleaning Stuck pipe prevention and fishing Sucker rod pumping well: design, operation and maintenance Supplier relationship management Surface facility production operations Surface production operation & equipment tank farm operations and performance Teknik eksploitasi lapangan minyak dan gas Teknik reklamasi lahan pasca penambangan (metode landscaping dan revegetasi) The fundamentals of exploration and production logistics The petrochemicals industry thermal recovery methods for heavy oil fields tight gas petrophysics Total well production optimization for oil and gas fields: well completion and performance for heavy oil Tubular goods, safety valves, valves and fittings Underbalanced drilling Valve and actuator technologies wag-water alternating-gas eor processes Waste water treatment water flooding: design and implementation of water flooding water shut-off and conformance improvement technologies waterflooding and chemical flood processes waterflooding technologies and field practices well completion and performance              well completion and work over for non technical personel Well log interpretation training Well logging quality control Well service operation and well testing Well services and workover well test analysis Well test interpretation and analysis Wellsite geologist operations Wellsite leadership: great leaders, top teams, positive results Wireline technique: operations and procedures Wireline technology workover operations wp & b, afe, pod Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Operations Management                 5R UNTUK PRODUKTIVITAS ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING PLAN (ASQ) ACCREDITED SUPPLY CHAIN ANALYST (ASCA) ACCURATE INVENTORY PLANNING & STOCK CONTROL ACHIEVING ZERO BREAKDOWN WITH TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MAINTENANCE (TPM) Advance SOP Writing ASPEK PERPAJAKAN DALAM PENGADAAN BARANG DAN JASA AWARENESS SIX SIGMA BAGAIMANA MENYU“UN HARGA PERKIRAAN “ENDIRI OWNER’“ E“TIMATE BEST PRACTICE EFFECTIVE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICE IN ENTERPRISE RESOURCES PLANNING (ERP) BEST PRACTICE IN QUALITY CONTROL OF CIVIL WORK (PENGENDALIAN MUTU PADA PROYEK KONTRUKSI) Certified International Supply Chain Professional (CISCP) COMPRESSOR: Technique, Operation and Maintenance Contract Management and Effective Negotiation (Manajemen Kontrak dan Negosiasi Efektif) COST REDUCTION IN PURCHASING                                 COST REDUCTION STRATEGY Effective Negotation Skill for Purchasing Fraud In Procurement HORENSO (Houkoku – Renraku – Soudan) Japanese Communication System IMPLEMENTING ISO 9001: 2008 MANAJEMEN MUTU LOGISTIC & WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT LOGISTIC AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Maintenance & Production Development Program Manajemen Logistik MANAJEMEN PERGUDANGAN DAN PERSEDIAAN Manajemen Transportasi dan Distribusi MANAJEMEN TRANSPORTASI JALAN RAYA OUTSOURCING STRATEGY WITHIN LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT PEMAHAMAN TKDN (Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri) Peningkatan Kinerja Produksi dan Engineering PLAN LAY OUT OFFICE: PERENCANAAN TATA LETAK PERKANTORAN Preventive & Predictive Maintenance of Electrical Equipment PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION PLANNING Procurement Berdasarkan PTK 007 Pada Industry Pertambangan, Oil & Gas PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT TRAINING: STRATEGIC SOURCING PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT: PRINCIPLE & IMPLEMENTATION PROCUREMENT NEGOTIATION AND CONTRACTING STRATEGY PRODUCTION PLANNING AND INVENTORY CONTROL (PPIC) PROJECT COST ESTIMATION & COST CONTROL PURCHASING & PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT Quality Assurance for Engineer QUALITY CONTROL DAN QUALITY ASSURANCE QUALITY CONTROL SKILLS FOR STAFF Quality Improvement Technique RCFA DAN FMEA Spare Part Management & Inventory Control STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL (SPC)                     STRATEGIC INVENTORY CONTROL AND WAREHOUSING: BEST PRACTICE AND CASE STUDY Strategic Sourcing & Vendor Selection Methods STRATEGIC SOURCING IN PROCUREMENT Strategy Procurement dan Aplikasinya Supplier Performance Assesment and Total Cost of Ownership Analysis SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM) UNTUK PERUSAHAAN PERTAMBANGAN DAN MIGAS Supply Chain Risk Management Teknik dan Penyusunan HPS TEKNIK EVALUASI HASIL QC DAN KOMPETENSI ANALIS Teknik Kalibrasi Neraca Teknik Penyusunan Harga Perkiraan Sendiri Teknik Penyususnan Owner Estimate (OE) / Harga Perkiraan Sendiri TENDER EVALUATION, CONTRACT MANAGEMENT, AND BIDDING PROCEDURES TOTAL COST REDUCTION Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) TOTAL PRODUCTIVITY MANAGEMENT Training Audit Internal ISO 17025: Audit Laboratorium dan Manajemen Review berdasarkan ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 (SNI ISO/IEC 17025: 2008) VENDOR MANAGEMENT Warehouse Management WAREHOUSE SAFETY MANAGEMENT Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Sales and Marketing          ADVANCE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS FOR MARKETING RESEARCH USING R ADVANCED MARKETING MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICE CUSTOMER SERVICE EXCELLENT BRAINWASHING TECHNIQUE FOR SELLING BRAND MANAGEMENT IN MARKETING BUILD EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION WITH INTERNAL CUSTOMER BUILDING A WINNING SALES TEAM BUILDING POWERFUL BRAND Business Development and Marketing Strategy                                Call Center CHAMPION SALES TEAM CIMP – CERTIFIED INTERNET MARKETING PRACTITIONER Coaching to Boost the Sales COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT Concept & Implementation For Product Design CREDIT UNION: PEMASARAN DAN PROMOSI PRODUK CREDIT UNION (CU) CRM Strategy Map CRM: CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT FUNDAMENTALS CSR COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL BRANDING BUILDING CUSTOMER CARE FOR SECRETARIES Customer Engagement CUSTOMER FOCUS Customer Focus Selling Skills Customer Interaction and Telephone Courtesy CUSTOMER RETENTION MARKETING: MEMBANGUN HUBUNGAN LEBIH BAIK DENGAN PELANGGAN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CUSTOMER SERVICE (CS) CUSTOMER SERVICE EXCELLENCE STRATEGY CUSTOMER SERVICE EXCELLENT AND COMMUNICATION SKILL Customer Service for Hospital DESAIN GRAFIS DAN KEMASAN PRODUK Design & Development Product DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY Digital Marketing Strategy Distribution Management: How to Deal with Distributor Effective Design & Assembly Technique EFFECTIVE KEY ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT Effective Lobbying Negotiation EFFECTIVE MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS EFFECTIVE MARKETING MANAGEMENT                                 Effective Promotion and Advertisement Strategies Effective Selling Process for S&D Salesman Effective Selling Skills and Negotiation for Account Executive EFFECTIVE SKILL FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE EXCELLENT: CASE STUDY AND TROUBLE SHOOTING Effective Telemarketing EXCELLENT RECEPTIONIST & TELEPHONE COURTESY Experiential Marketing FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PERILAKU KONSUMEN FRONTLINER BASIC SKILLS HANDLING CUSTOMER LOYALTY HYPNOTIC SELLING TECHNIQUE IMC: DRIVER FOR INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS (IMC) Improving Quality of Interaction & Handling Customer Complaint Improving Quality of Interaction & Handling Customer Complaint Increasing Sales Productivity: Understand The Sales Cycle To Increase Sales Increasing Your Sales Throught Effective Selling Integrated Marketing Communication INTERACTION AND TELEPHONE COURTESY INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING MANAGEMENT KEWIRANIAGAAN (SALESMANSHIP) Know Your Customer and Anti Money Laundering KNOWING YOUR CUSTOMER BETTER Komunikasi Menangkan Pasar Konsep Dasar Perancangan Dan Perakitan Yang Efektif Kualitas Pelayanan dan Kepuasan Konsumen Loyalty and Reward Point MANAGEMENT IN PRODUCT DESIGN (MANAJEMEN PERANCANGAN PRODUK) MANAGEMENT MARKETING Managing Customer Service Excellence Managing Difficult And Demanding Customers MANAJEMEN MEREK YANG EFEKTIF MANAJEMEN RUTE DISTRIBUSI                                MARKET AND HUMAN RESOURCES RESEARCH MENGGUNAKAN STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING (SEM) MARKET RESEARCH Marketing & Competitive Intelligence Marketing and Sales Product in Oil and Gas Industry MARKETING AND SALES TO BOOSTING YOUR TARGET MARKETING COMMUNICATION MARKETING FOR NON MARKETER MARKETING INTELLIGENCE AND COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE MARKETING MANAGEMENT MARKETING MANAGER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (MMDP) Marketing Research Process Marketing Research Using Ms. Excel MARKETING RESEARCH with SPSS Marketing Strategies for Hospital MARKETING STRATEGY MARKETING: THINK GLOBAL BUT ACTION LOCAL Master the Selling Process Measuring & Managing Customer Satisfaction Merchandising Principles Mind Gold Strategy for Sales MOSSAD STRATEGY ON BUSINESS Objections Management: Menjadikan Keberatan Menuju Keberhasilan PELAYANAN PRIMA (CUSTOMER SERVICES EXCELLENT) PELAYANAN PRIMA BAGI APARATUR PEMERINTAHAN PENDIDIKAN CALON DEALER DALAM PERBANKAN PENGOLAHAN HASIL DATA CUSTOMER SERVICE SATISFACTION SURVEY Perfect Selling Techniques With Impact PERILAKU KONSUMEN Perpajakan untuk Marketing Persuasive Business Presentation for Sales Executive PERSUASIVE SELLING SKILLS                                 POSITIVE FIGHTER FOR SALES PEOPLE POWER NEGOTIATION and SELLING SKILL Practical Service Excellence PRESENTATION SKILL FOR PUBLIC RELATION AND MARKETING PRINSIP MENGENAL NASABAH (KYC) PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT WITH APQP AND PPAP Product Innovation Management PROFESSIONAL RECEPTIONIST & OPERATOR PROFESSIONAL RECEPTIONIST AND OPERATOR Professional Sales Coaching PROFITABLE SELLING SKILLS PSYCHOSEMANTICS: TRIPLE YOUR SALES WITH PSYCHOSEMANTICS Quality Improvement for Customer Satisfication Receptionist: Becoming an Exceptional Receptionist Sales and Marketing Management Sales Clinic Program Sales closing techniques with NLP SALES FORECASTING Sales Leadership & Coaching to Boost the Sales Sales Management Sales Motivation SALES SUPERVISORY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Salesman – Effective Selling Process for S&D Salesman Salesmanship SALESMANSHIP SKILLS: VALUE-BASED SELLING SELLING & NEGOTIATION SKILL SELLING SKILLS PROFESSIONAL AND SUCCESSFULL SELLING SYSTEM SERVICE EXCELLENT SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT (SLA) SERVICE WITH HEART USING EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Sistem Manajemen Hubungan Pelanggan                        Smart For Salesman Training Program Social Media Marketing: Strategy for Customer Loyalty Engagement STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN PRODUK DAN JASA KOPERASI STRATEGI PROMOSI Strategic Issues in Experiential Marketing Strategic Marketing For Business Expansion STRATEGIC MARKETING PLAN BUILDING Strategic Media Planning Success Mindsets of Excellent Sales People Successful Sales Leadership SUCCESSFUL TELESELLING SKILLS SUKSES PEMASARAN UNTUK SDM NON PEMASARAN SUPPLY MARKET ANALYSIS SURVEI PASAR DAN RISET PERILAKU KONSUMEN Telemarketing Skills Training TELEPHONE TECHNIQUE & COURTESY Teller Excellence TERRITORY MANAGEMENT The 7 Selling Steps for Sales People THE AIDDA-SPIN SELLING SYSTEM Uncover Selling Opportunities USING PSYCHOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES IN SELLING VALUE ADDED MARKETING STRATEGIC: BEST PRACTICE AND CASE STUDY Jadwal Training/Pelatihan Electrical and Engineering        150 KV Electrical Transmission Training AC Drives – Theory and Application AC Inverter Drives (Application and Maintenance) Advance Electrical Advanced Circuit Breakers Operation and Maintenance Advanced Generator Maintenance Advanced Maintenance Planning, Scheduling & Work Control                                 Advanced Meter Installation and Revenue Management Advanced Power Distribution Engineering for Utilities ADVANCED PROCESS CONTROL Aplikasi Proteksi Listrik APPLICATION & PRACTICAL DESIGN OF SCADA SYSTEM Applied Coring and Well Logging for Enhanced Reservoir Characterization ARC Flash Hazard Analysis: Impact, Control & Safety ASME PRESSURE VESSEL: DESIGN, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE BASIC DRILLING TECHNOLOGY Basic Maintenance BASIC PETROLEUM ENGINEERING BASIC WELL SERVICE OPERATION BOILER OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Boiler Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting Cable Termination CATERPILLAR DIESEL ENGINE OPERATION, MAINTENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING CATHODIC PROTECTION RECTIFIER OPERATION & MAINTENANCE CHOKE AND CONTROL VALVE Choke and Control Valve Training Circuit Breakers & Switchgears Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting Circuit Breakers and Switchgears Condition Monitoring Of Power System Equipment Critical Power Supply Options and Planning of High Availability Supplies Data Communications And Fieldbus Systems Plc and Scada System DCS ENGINEERING, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DCS Simulation Program Design and Construction of Overhead Line Design Of Modern Electrical Distribution Systems DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEM (DCS) YOKOGAWA Distribution Overhead Transmission Line Equipment DRILLING AND WELL CONSTRUCTION Earthing Bonding, Lightning & Surge Protection of Electrical Systems and Equipment                              ELECTRIC MOTOR SELECTION, OPERATION & MAINTENANCE ELECTRIC “UBMER“IBLE PUMP : PRINCIPLE“, IN“TALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLE“HOOTING Electrical and Instrumentation (E&I) Engineering for Oil and Gas Facilities ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SAFETY Electrical Circuits and Wiring Systems Electrical Circuits Fundamentals Electrical Distribution Equipment Operation and Maintenance Electrical Distribution Systems Design and Installation Electrical Engineering Fundamentals for Facilities Engineers Electrical Equipment & Control Systems: Commissioning, Testing & Start-Up of Electrical Systems Electrical Faults and Troubleshooting ELECTRICAL FOR POWERLINE Electrical Grounding, Bonding and Lightning Protection ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION IN HAZARDOUS AREA Electrical Installations & Maintenance: Design, Inspection/Testing, Maintenance and Resilience Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas: Classification, Safe Handling, Operation & Maintenance ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE LOW AND MEDIUM Electrical Maintenance Principles and Applications ELECTRICAL MOTOR DIAGNOSE ELECTRICAL MOTOR PROTECTION Electrical Motors and Drives Electrical Network and Generator System ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEM Electrical Power Distribution Systems Quality ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS Electrical Program Analysis ELECTRICAL PROTECTION SYSTEM ELECTRICAL SAFETY ELECTRICAL SUBMERSIBLE PUMP: CHARACTERISTIC, MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLE SHOOTING                                Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESP) ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER TESTING AND MAINTENANCE ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION Electrical Wiring Installation and Inspection Procedure ELECTROPLATING Fault Analysis in Electrical Networks FUNDAMENTAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Fundamentals in Hydraulic Fracturing Design and Treatment GAS TURBINE OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Generator Excitation Systems: Design, Commissioning, Operation, Maintenance, Performance Analysis, Testing, Tuning, Repair & Troubleshooting GENERATOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Global Supply Chain HARMONICS & POWER QUALITY Heavy Equipment Maintenance HIGH VOLTAGE HIGH VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION High Voltage Distribution Training High Voltage Electrical Equipment Operation, Maintenance And Repair High Voltage Electrical Equipment Testing High Voltage Operational Safety Training High Voltage Switching Safety, Operations and Maintenance HVAC FOR PLC CONTROLLER HVAC System And PLC Control INDUSTRIAL WASTE WATER TREATMENT MANAGEMENT INSTRUMENT AND PROCESS CONTROL Instrumentation and Controls Fundamentals for Facilities Engineers INSTRUMENTATION, CONTROL AND SAFETY SYSTEM Instrumentation, Controls and Electrical Systems for Facilities Engineers INTERMEDIATE ELECTRICAL MOTOR DIAGNOSE KOORDINASI SISTEM PROTEKSI SISTEM TENAGA LISTRIK LabVIEW ( Programming and Interfacing)                                Legal Aspect of POWER PLANT INDUSTRY LV/MV/HV Circuit Breakers (Switchgear): Inspection, Maintenance, Design, Repair & Troubleshooting Machinery Condition Monitoring For Predective And Preventive Maintenance MACHINERY DIAGNOSTIC MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR SUPERVISOR Maintenance Planning and Scheduling MANAJEMEN PEMBANGKIT DAN DISTRIBUSI LISTRIK PLTU Mechanical Engineering Essentials Training Mekatronika Modern Electrical Power Systems Modern Power System Protective Relaying Natural Gas Measurement–Electronic Flow Measurement Non Destructive Test OPERATION MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF ROTATING MACHINERY OVERHEAD CRANE ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE Overhead Line Maintenance Partial Discharge Training PELATIHAN PERSYARATAN UMUM INSTALASI LISTRIK 2000 (PUIL 2000) Pemeliharaan Transformator PLC and SCADA Technologies Potable Water Treatment /Clean Water Processing and Treatment for Industrial Application Power Compensation and Control Power Generation Gas Turbines: Design, Operation and Maintenance Strategies Power Load Flow POWER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Power System Analysis and Calculations In Electrical Networks Using Etap Power Station Power System Coordination Power System Protection: Installation And Electric Power Systems Control & Stability Power Systems Fault Analysis and Protection Power Transformer Pre-commissioning Tests                                 PRESSURE VESSELS : CALCULATION, CODES, PRODUCTION, OPERATION, CONTROLS AND SAFETY PREVENTIVE PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Process Reactor Operation Troubleshooting Start-Up and Shutdown Process, Electrical And Instrumentation Drawings & Documentation Production Downhole and Surface Facilities Equipments PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC) Proses Overhaul Turbine Protection Of Industrial Power System Pumps, Compressors and Turbines (Selection, Operation and Maintenance) Reactive Power Management and Power Factor Correction RELIABILITY CENTERED MAINTENANCE (RCM) Rewinding Kumparan Motor Listrik Robicon Drives Electric Rotating Equipments : Operation, Maintenance, Troubleshooting And Analysis ROTOR BALANCING & SHAFT ALIGNMENT Safety Instrumented Systems (sis) & Emergency Shutdown Systems (esd) In Process Industry SANDY WELL, SAND MONITORING AND CONTROL SCADA : Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System SCADA applications in Natural Gas Measurement SCADA Systems Training Sertifikasi Teknisi K3 Listrik Sistem Kelistrikan dan Kontrol Smart Grid Training Start-up, Commissioning and Testing of Electrical System SYSTEM ELECTRICAL MANAGEMENT TAMCO High Voltage Switchgears TEKNIK ANALISIS KROMATOGRAFI CAIR KINERJA ULTRA (UPLC) Teori Dasar Listrik Transformer Operational Principles, Selection & Troubleshooting Transformer Testing and Maintenance Transformers Operation and Maintenance Transmission Lines Design and Installation         Troubleshooting & Maintenance of Electrical Equipment: Fault Finding Techniques on an Electrical Power System Troubleshooting Turbin Air Training Tuning Control Loops, Feedback And Advanced Controllers Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) System UPS Systems and Battery Chargers: Maintenance & Troubleshooting UPS Systems Operations and Maintenance VIBRATION ANALYSIS VIBRATION MONITORING & MACHINERY TROUBLESHOOTING