Environmental Impact Assesment
Recent papers in Environmental Impact Assesment
A study was carried out on a complaint in a municipality for possible air pollution, odour, and industrial effluents. A cross-sectional study resulted with noise levels assessed in the factory (n=12; 8 in-situ and 4 ex-situ). 66.67%... more
solid waste management is now a challenge to schools and school authorities, it is therefore necessary to develop new methods and ideas as environmentalist so as to solve most of these challenges.
Dr.Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer has chosen to teach the course entitled " Environmental Impact Assessment" Dr. Vijayan Gurumurthy Iyer and Course code : 15CE4165 for the IV B.Tech Civil Engg. of Koneru Lakshmaiah Deemed University ,... more
Document portant sur l'étude d'impact environnemental, un sujet que j'ai abordé en se basant sur une perspective critique. Vous y trouverez une application de l'EIE sur un pont VIPP (Futur pont de Bouregreg), puis une analyse des aspects... more
In mining operations carried out below the water table, mine area could potentially affect the surrounding. With further deepening of the mine and quarry, the drawdown can impact on water supply wells and base flow. The variation in... more
The present study was undertaken to assess the quality of water by using physico chemical parameters of Wyra reservoir of Khammam district, Telangana, India. Monthly changes in physico-chemical parameters were analyzed for a period of one... more
ABSTRACT: Sied National Park is one of seven National Parks established in Saudi Arabia. The study evalu-ates the species diversity of the vegetation inside the park compared to the vegetation outside the park. The vegetation data set was... more
Keberadaan dan manfaat Danau Rawa Pening telah dirasakan penduduk sekitar sebagai sumber mata pencaharian. Namun, seiring dengan perkembangan industri dan perkotaan, telah memberikan dampak nyata pada Danau Rawa Pening, yaitu problem... more
There is paucity of data on the awareness of Environmental Impact Assessment across communities where environmental assessments have been completed for different ranges of projects. This has raised concerns for stakeholders and policy... more
Diversos autores han observado un tránsito de menor a mayor complejidad en las políticas de evaluación ambiental, pasando desde un enfoque originariamente sectorial hacia una perspectiva sistémica y estratégica. Sin embargo, como en todo... more
There has been much public debate recently regarding expansion of the golf course at Lipica in response to the environmental impact report and assessment of the acceptability of the effects of carrying out the plan. Although the... more
Compliance with Section 106 of the U.S. National Historic Preservation Act is often and understandably seen as an unduly complicated, expensive, and unproductive part of environmental impact assessment. Past efforts to "streamline" review... more
Στο πλαίσιο της βιωσιμότητας, η Ευρώπη θεσμοθέτησε την εκ των προτέρων Εκτίμηση των Περιβαλλοντικών Επιπτώσεων από την υλοποίηση έργων και δραστηριοτήτων καθώς και την εκ των προτέρων Στρατηγική Εκτίμηση των Επιπτώσεων από σχέδια ή... more
Concepts of justice are implicit to impact assessment (IA) procedures and policies. A closer examination of the academic literature on environmental justice reveals plural meanings and practices. We present data from a scoping review of... more