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The aim of this article is an attempt to incorporate the works by Marek Krystian Emanuel Baczewski — a modern writer and poet — into the framework of a lesson, and to present an idea for an interpretation one of his short stories. The... more
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      EducationLiteratureDidacticsAnimal Studies
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      Local GovernmentNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)NGOs funding and managementEducation Funding
The author attempts to interpret Andrzej Stasiuk’s short story Miejsce, which was included in the new core curriculum of Polish language teaching in secondary schools. the aim of the article is to demonstrate that the theme of the place... more
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      EducationLiteratureSpace and PlaceHuman Memory
The constantly changing curricula often neglect the cultural context and solid cultural upbringing. Perhaps the multiplicity of educational ‘turns’ and the late postmodern diagnosis of culture lead to a narrowing of the worldview horizon?... more
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      PostmodernizmKulturaEdukacjaEdukacja Kulturalna
The aim of the article is to show whether and to what extent literary fiction in Quo Vadis by Henryk Sienkiewicz contains historical truth. The analysis of historical sources will allow, among others, learning about the historical context... more
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      EducationLiteraturaLiterary fictionPolish Language
The author attempts to interpret the best known work of Józef Ignacy Kraszewski, which, although created outside the chronological boundaries of romanticism, grew out of the ideas and needs of that epoch. the aim of the article is to... more
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      EducationRomanticismLiteratureThe Historical Novel
What is the subject of the work is the interpretation of the fifth essay from the book Camera Lucida by roland Barthes juxtaposed with the phenomenon of taking pictures of yourself and making them public on the Internet. The author makes... more
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      PortraitsEducationSocial NetworksPhotography
In their article, the authors refer to the works for children by Joanna Kulmowa. They analyze dozens of her poems with ornithological themes. They focus on the ways the author verbalizes and creates various components of the bird world... more
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The author of the article presents an interpretation of the poem Drobne ogłoszenia by Wisława Szymborska, taking into consideration the time when the work was created (the end of Stalinism in Poland). In particular, she looks for... more
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      EducationPolish LiteraturePoezjaEdukacja
The article presents an example of semantic integration of two cultural texts created in the period of Młoda Polska — a lyric composition entitled Krzak dzikiej róży w Ciemnych Smreczynach (A bush of wild rose in dark spruces) by Jan... more
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The article deals with the correspondence of arts in the poems by Wacław Oszajca. The reading of two texts: the two from the painting by Delacroix and La Cene — Salvador Dali allows determining how the poet utilizes the painting material,... more
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      EducationPoetryPaintingPolish Literature
The article presents the fixed image of the homeland conveyed by handbooks of Georgian language and Georgian literature. Issues underscored by the author are the manner of understanding their homeland by the Georgian nationals (particular... more
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      EducationIdentity (Culture)National IdentityPatriotism
In the article, the Kabbalistic interpretation by Władysław Panas (contained in his treatise Księga blasku ‘The Book of Radiance’) of the titular short story from Bruno Schulz’s Sklepy cynamonowe (“The Cinnamon Shops”) was adapted by the... more
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      EducationPolish LiteratureJewish PhilosophyBruno Schulz
28. tom „Z Teorii i Praktyki Dydaktycznej Języka Polskiego” adresowany jest do polonistów, studentów polonistyki, dydaktyków języka ojczystego i literatury oraz do pedagogów. Zamieszczano w nim 8 artykułów z zakresu edukacji literackiej i... more
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      EducationPolish LiteratureLiteraturaPolish Language
This article is an attempt to compare Polish and Georgian language of courtesy illus- trated with the example of greetings. The mentioned formulas are an excellent material for this type of analysis due to the commonness of their usage.... more
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      EducationGeorgian CulturePolish LanguageEtiquette
The text concerns the art of recitation and the culture of a spoken word. Starting from the records of the core curriculum, the author draws attention to the skills in voice presentation that should be acquired by a student at the level... more
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      EducationPolish LanguageEdukacjaEdukacja Kulturalna
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      Local GovernmentNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)NGOs funding and managementEducation Funding
Publikacja wydana w ramach projektu realizowanego przez Krakowską Akademie im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego pt. Nauczyciel 5.0 nowoczesny program ksztalcenia nauczycieli na jednolitych studiach magisterskich w dziedzinie pedagogiki... more
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      MusicCreativityArt TherapyInclusion
The article deals with the issue of the justification of the integration of literature and music in Polish language classes both in art and non-profiled schools. The author has made an attempt to compare the way of presenting a similar... more
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      MusicEducationLiteraturePolish Literature
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesEdukacja KulturalnaPedagogika Specjalna
The article describes the semester classes conducted at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Silesia based on reportage texts on the hardship of refugees. It consists essentially of three parts, which answer the questions: why... more
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      EducationLiteraturePolish LiteratureHospitality
The article aims at showing how the author’s intention may be utilized for the purpose of interpretation in high school. The guiding thought of the present deliberation is the reflection by Umberto Eco stating that the empirical author... more
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      EducationPolish LiteraturePolish StudiesLiteratura
The study presents, with the methodology of the linguistic image of the world, a fan- tastic bird, the hero of the story entitled Dzień dobry, Eugeniuszu (Good morning, Eugeniusz) by Agnieszka Osiecka. This creature consists of the... more
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      EducationPoetryPolish LiteraturePoezja
In the article the author analyzes and interprets fragments of the first two chapters of the novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. She shows how to create the initial char- acterization of the book’s heroine, Katniss Everdeen, basing... more
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      EducationPolish LiteratureLiteraturaEdukacja Kulturalna
Publikacja stanowi podsumowanie działań artystycznych realizowanych podczas projektu „Teatralne Działania Bez Barier” prowadzonego w 2014 r. przez Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Osobom Niepełnosprawnym i Potrzebującym Wsparcia "Jestem" w Toruniu.... more
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      Edukacja KulturalnaAnimacja Społeczno KulturalnaCulture AnimationPedagogika Teatru
The letters from under the mulberry and The letters from my Rome by Gustaw Morcinek constitute a kind of record of the writer’s life experiences. They are characterized by a specific genre duality — they are both a document and a literary... more
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      EducationValues EducationValuesPolish Literature
Dorota Łażewska WSGE im. Alcide De Gasperi, Polska szkoła pedagogiki godności  w kontekście ontycznej jakości człowieka, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
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      PedagogyEdukacja KulturalnaUniwersytet JagiellońskiPedagogika Rodziny
The article presents the ways of conceptualisation, i.e. the mental representations of the holidays celebrated in Poland by ten-year-old children. Christmas and Easter are Catholic holidays, well-established in culture, tradition and... more
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      EducationChildrenChristmasPolish Language
The article presents somatic phraseologies with the blood component excerpted from six school phraseological dictionaries. What has been described and evaluated are both the selection of phraseological material, the place of these items... more
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      EducationBloodPolish LanguageEdukacja
The article constitutes a discussion of the issue of Polish young-adult literature. It presents an outline of the evolution of this type of texts and indicates their most important char- acteristics, while confronting different ways of... more
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      EducationPolish LiteraturePopular LiteratureYoung Adult Literature
The aim of the publication The Remembrance of Limanowszczyzna. The Lesson of the Dialogue between Interwar Literature and Contemporary Polish Language Anthropology is to attract special attention to the significant role of Polish regional... more
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Publikacja jest podsumowaniem działań edukacyjnych prowadzonych przez MOCAK w latach 2011–2012. Przedstawia współczesny sposób myślenia o edukacji oraz roli, jaką dział edukacji powinien odgrywać we współczesnej instytucji kultury.... more
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      EdukacjaEdukacja Kulturalna
The author attempts to interpret Andrzej Stasiuk’s short story Miejsce, which was included in the new core curriculum of Polish language teaching in secondary schools. The aim of the article is to demonstrate that the theme of the place... more
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      PhilosophyEducationLiteratureHuman Memory
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      EducationLiteratureDidacticsAnimal Studies
Obraz Bożego Narodzenia i Wielkanocy w języku dziesięcioletnich dzieci
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      EducationChildrenChristmasPolish Language
The aim of the review article is to present and discuss the work by H. Wiśniewska 'Around Polish education at school. Theory and practice', edited by M. Karwatowska and L. Tymiakin. The presentation of the composition of the volume and... more
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      EducationLanguage EducationPolish LanguageEdukacja
Najskuteczniejszą drogą wykorzystania mediów społecznościowych jest ich użycie w wymiarze lokalnym, nakierowane na konkretne grupy odbiorców. Tworzenie, integracja i rozbudowa społeczności skupionych wokół wspólnych inicjatyw, projektów i... more
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      Arts and Heritage MarketingSocial Media MarketingArts MarketingArts And Cultural Education
Gdańsk, październik 2016 r.
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      Edukacja KulturalnaSocjologia Kulturytożsamość regionalna
Niniejsza publikacja stanowi efekt pracy badawczej nad kondycją edukacji kulturowej w województwie podlaskim. Badanie zostałozrealizowane w 2016 r., w ramach projektu Podlaski Pomost Kultury (2016-2018), będącego regionalnym... more
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      Cultural SociologyEducation and Cultural HeritageEdukacja KulturalnaPodlasie
Celem tekstu jest określenie znaczenia edukacji kulturalnej dla rozwoju tzw. sektora kreatywnego (creative industries). Przemysły kreatywne odgrywają na świecie i w Polsce coraz większą rolę w gospodarce i społeczeństwie. Wymagają jednak... more
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      Cultural CompetencyCreative IndustriesCultural EducationPrzemysły Kreatywne