Papers by Elżbieta Bednarz
Studia z Teorii Wychowania, 2013
Studia z Teorii Wychowania, 2020
Studia z Teorii Wychowania, 2015
Rocznik Teologiczny, 2013
The article explores ideas of religious pedagogy with special attention to religious socializatio... more The article explores ideas of religious pedagogy with special attention to religious socialization in various communities, especially in the meeting with the Other. It is suggested that religious education should not only shape coherent identity but should also include ecumenical, interreligious, intercultural, social and civic dimensions. After short description of ideas, purposes and tasks of contemporary religious pedagogy the article concentrates on the idea of inclusion in the meeting with the Other. Religious socialization is an essential component in the development of inclusive religious education. Different ecumenical, interreligious, intercultural, social and civic tasks are profitable for contemporary religious pedagogy. The article emphasizes that social inclusion with religious characteristics shouldn’t be only a matter of concern in school education or generally religious education but should be pursued also by other organizations, including the Church. The Church as ...
Studia z Teorii Wychowania, 2020
Studia Theologica Pentecostalia, Sep 19, 2013
The article deals with the problem of prophecy in the Old Testament and the Qur’an. The author de... more The article deals with the problem of prophecy in the Old Testament and the Qur’an. The author describes main prophets in the OT that found their counterparts in the Qur’an and points out the similarities and differences.
Publikacja wydana w ramach projektu realizowanego przez Krakowską Akademie im. Andrzeja Frycza Mo... more Publikacja wydana w ramach projektu realizowanego przez Krakowską Akademie im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego pt. Nauczyciel 5.0 nowoczesny program ksztalcenia nauczycieli na jednolitych studiach magisterskich w dziedzinie pedagogiki przedszkolnej i wczesnoszkolnej w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwoj 2014–2020, wspolfinansowanego ze środkow Europejskiego Funduszu Spolecznego, instytucja pośrednicząca: Narodowe Centrum Badan i Rozwoju, nr umowy: POWR.03.01.00-00-KN42/18-00.
Studia z Teorii Wychowania, 2020
From the perspective of modern pedagogy, the appreciation of each person and, consequently, the i... more From the perspective of modern pedagogy, the appreciation of each person and, consequently, the inclusion with him, should constitute a principality not so much of theory as of teaching practice. Entity-oriented concepts direct attention among others on the issue of implementation of the idea of inclusive education. The theories of inclusive education demand bold pedagogical concretization. Inclusion is not just a slogan idea of education, but a series of activities, ranging from social attitudes towards people with disabilities, through the construction of an individualized teaching process to specialist student support. The article presents the ideas of inclusions in education, in confrontation with the reality of modern school. The overarching goal became to popularize knowledge about the model of education of a student with disabilities in a public school, with the implementation of the idea already at the planning stage, and then responsible specialist assistance and the implem...
Papers by Elżbieta Bednarz