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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern Science and PhilosophyEarly Modern ScienceEarly Modernity
Through a focus on the everyday object, this one-day symposium explores both the experience of visual culture in everyday life and the phenomenon of the everyday in visual culture. Drawing on theories of the everyday from such fields as... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyVisual CulturePainting
Η έννοια του ναρκισσισμού στην αφήγηση αφορά σε όρο που εισήγαγε η L. Hutcheon για κείμενα της πρώιμης νεοτερικότητας (early modernity), στα οποία εντοπίζονται στοιχεία που ανανεώνουν την αφηγηματική παράδοση και τα πρότυπά της, τόσο στο... more
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      EnlightenmentAdamance CorayEarly ModernityEmmanouil Roidis
In his 1968 article, SJ Tambiah, building upon the work of Malinowski, focused on the special efficacy of words in ritual context. Using a ritual of exorcism from Ceylon as his example, Tambiah identified and elaborated on particular... more
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      Golden Dawn TraditionWestern Esotericism (History)Western EsotericismEarly Modernity
intensification of maritime trade in the Indian Ocean from the eleventh century onwards and the hectic commercial transactions that happened in Koualm Mali (Quilon), Shingly (Cranganore), Pantalayani Kollam, 1 were followed by gradual... more
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      Political EconomyEarly ModernityMaritime trade
Albeit Alexander Mavrocordatos’ work is dated in the Pre-Enlightenment Era (†1709) of the Modern Greek World, when the influence of the prose genres fixed during the Byzantine Period was generally still dominant within the 17th century... more
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      History and MemoryOttoman BalkansJudaism17th century Europe
Η σχέση του Νικολάου Μαυροκορδάτου, Ηγεμόνα της Μολδοβλαχίας, με τον Μιχαήλ Σκένδο Vanderbech, γιατρό και λόγιο, υπήρξε σύντομη αλλά θυελλώδης. Ο τελευταίος, γεννημένος στην Ιταλία, σπούδασε γιατρός στην Πάδοβα και από εκεί δούλεψε στην... more
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      LibelEarly ModernityNicolas MavrocordatosΜαυροκορδάτος Νικόλαος
Τελικό Πρόγραμμα Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου 22-24 Αυγούστου, Ομήρειο Πνευματικό Κέντρο Δήμου Χίου: Από τη Χίο στην Πόλη και τη Μολδοβλαχία. Η αρχή μιας δυναστείας: Αλέξανδρος Μαυροκορδάτος ο εξ Απορρήτων (1641-1709) και Νικόλαος, Ηγεμόνας... more
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      EnlightenmentEarly ModernityMavrokordatos NikolaosAlexandros Mavrokordatos
Πρακτικά του 8ου Συνεδρίου Μεταπτυχιακών Φοιτητών και Υποψηφίων Διδακτόρων του Τμήματος Φιλολογίας του Ε.Κ.Π.Α., Τόμος Α΄: Βυζαντινή Φιλολογία, Νεοελληνική Φιλολογία, εκδ. Ε.Κ.Π.Α., Αθήνα 2017,σσ. 123-140 (ηλεκτρονικό βιβλίο)
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      MetafictionKoraisEarly ModernityEmmanouil Roidis
Relying on previously unknown or little-used archival documentation stored in the state archives of Venice, Trieste, Vienna, and Rome, as well as the memoirs and correspondence of Giacomo Casanova, this essay critically reconstructs a... more
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      Armenian StudiesGlobal HistoryArmenian HistoryConfessionalization
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      HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ReligionMagic
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      Early Modern HistoryEnlightenmentKoraisRobespierre
symphonique (I). Un essai empathique. -Ramond, Charles : Comique et casuistique dans Le dernier acte (A Frolic of His Own) de William Gaddis pour une constitution judiciaire de la réalité. -Ploumistaki, Kalliopi : Revenants nyctomorphes... more
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      EnlightenmentEpistolary literatureAdamance CorayEpistolary research
Öz: Bilim tarihinde modern bilimin ortaya çıkışı kadar yayılması da eş değer önemdedir. Bilim tarihinde “Bilim devrimi” yaklaşımı astronomiyi nirengi noktası yapmakta ve modernliği bu merkezden kavramlaştırmaktadır. Astronomide ortaya... more
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      Paracelsus (Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus von Hohenheim)History of Ottoman ScienceMedicineScientific Revolution
The paper presents and publishes the cluster of the early unknown Biblical texts translated from Hebrew sources into Old Ruthenian, which was found by the author in the Miscellany No. 436 in the Collection of Ivan Zabelin, the second... more
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsBibleChristian HebraismEarly Modernity
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      Philosophical ScepticismRenaissance HumanismEarly Modernity
In the second half of the sixteenth century, Queen Elizabeth I of England (1558-1603) became a staunch supporter of the freedom of the seas, vigorously questioning Iberian closed sea (mare clausum) policies over the “Indian” oceans. At... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryLaw of the SeaHistory of International LawNorway
Through a recovery of the first or "missing" folio of the second volume of the Theologia Indorum and comparative examination of the first folios of various versions of the Theologia Indorum (in K'iche' and Kaqchikel) and the Popol Wuj (in... more
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      TheologyMayan StudiesDominicansGuatemala
yüzyıl şehrengizlerinde (gazel gibi bir şiir türü) İstanbul nasıl tahayyül edilerek temsil edilmiş? 19. yüzyıl modern kent tahayyüllerini bu temsillerle karşılaştırdığımızda şaşıracağımız kadar benzer olduklarını keşfeden Deniz Çalış... more
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      Early Modern HistoryPoetryPodcastingUrban Culture
Introductory paragraph: This chapter is placed at the end of this volume but it is not intended as a formal conclusion which responds directly to the other chapters. Instead, in common with the other contributions to the book, the... more
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      Global HistoryEarly Modernity
1 GREGOIRE DE TOURS, À la gloire des martyrs, ch. 74-75 (édité par B. KRUSCH, Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Scriptorum Rerum Merovingicarum, t. I, pars 2, Hanovre, 1885 [réimprimé en 1969], p. 87-89). 2 L'histoire de cette querelle a... more
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      HagiographyVoltaireEarly ModernitySt. Maurice of Agaune Was weiß der „Otto-Normal-Adelige“ vom Greifen? Wie hängen die kunstvoll gearbeiteten Trinkhörner – auch Greifenklauen genannt – in den Wunderkammern und Domsammlungen mit den... more
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      German LiteratureEarly Modern LiteratureMaterial CultureCabinets of Curiosities
Σας καλούμε στην τρίτη διάλεξη που θα πραγματοποιήσει η Μαρία Χουλιάρα (υποψήφια διδάκτωρ του Τμήματος Ελληνικής Φιλολογίας και μέλος του Εργαστηρίου) με θέμα: «Τα Επιστολάρια του Αλέξανδρου Μαυροκορδάτου και του Ευγένιου Βούλγαρη –... more
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      Early EnlinghtenmentEarly ModernityΕυγένιος ΒούλγαριςΑλέξανδρος Μαυροκορδάτος ο εξ Απορρήτων
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      Maritime HistoryLegal HistoryHistory of International RelationsEuropean Legal History
The genre of the plague treatise, still little studied, testifies to the cultural transformations that swept western Eurasia after the Black Death apocalypse of the mid-fourteenth century, with recurrent outbreaks for centuries... more
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      EmpiricismHistory of MedicineHistory of PlagueOccultism
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      HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modernity
Many early modern poets and playwrights were also members of the legal societies the Inns of Court, and these authors shaped the development of key genres of the English Renaissance, especially lyric poetry, dramatic tragedy, satire, and... more
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      Genre studiesLegal HistoryLaw and LiteratureGenre Theory
Every periodization is a conventional determination of a time-frame. Our time-frame here expands from Middle Age to Early Modernity and despite the fact that a historian would see this as chaotic, for philosophy it is an open challenge.... more
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      MetaphysicsPolitical PhilosophyEthicsFree Will
Σας καλούμε στην πρώτη διάλεξη που θα πραγματοποιήσει ο καθ. Tudor Dinu (Πανεπιστήμιο Βουκουρεστίου) με θέμα: «Πολιτική και διοίκηση στις Παραδουνάβιες Ηγεμονίες. Ο Δημήτριος Καντεμίρης αντιμέτωπος με το Νικόλαο Μαυροκορδάτο στις αρχές... more
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      Early Modern Greek EnlightenmentEarly ModernityΜαυροκορδάτος ΝικόλαοςΠρώιμη Νεοτερικότητα
στον τόμο: Μαυρέλος Ν. - Συμεωνίδου Π. (επιμ.), Ταυτότητες, Γλώσσα & Λογοτεχνία: Πρακτικά του Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου για τα 20 χρόνια λειτουργίας του Τμήματος Ελληνικής Φιλολογίας του Δ.Π.Θ., Τόμος Β΄, Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης –... more
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      Early ModernityNicolas MavrocordatosΜαυροκορδάτος Νικόλαος
“Constructing Rights and Empires in the Early Americas: The Parallel Reception Histories of Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora and Cotton Mather,” Human Rights in the Americas. Edited by María Herrera-Sobek, Francisco Lomelí, and Luz Angélica... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryHistory of ReligionCentral America and Mexico
Σας καλούμε στην δεύτερη διάλεξη που θα πραγματοποιήσει η Θεοδώρα Γρηγοριάδου (μεταδιδάκτωρ του Τμήματος Ελληνικής Φιλολογίας και μέλος του εργαστηρίου μας, μέλος της ερευνητικής ομάδας Dialogyca BDDH, eProMyR (IUMP) του Universidad... more
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      Early Modern Greek EnlightenmentBaltasar GraciánEarly ModernityEl Criticón
Diane Barbier-Mueller, Inventaire de la bibliothèque poétique d’auteurs français du XVIe siècle de Jean Paul Barbier-Mueller (1549–1630). Geneva: Droz, 2017. The Sixteenth Century Journal 50.3 (2019) 903–04.
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      French LiteratureEarly Modern HistoryEthnographyBibliography
The author focuses on masculinity patterns crystallized during the so-called "military revolution". First, the main statements of military historians about the military revolution in early modern Europe are summed up. Over the course of... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryHabitusMasculinities
2015 Why Jocasta?
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      PosthumanismModernitySophoclesReception History
Summary: The relation between N. Mavrocordatos, Voevod (Prince) of Wallachia, and M. Schendos Vanderbech, doctor of Greek origin who worked for the Austrian army, is short but very tense. The latter, holding the former as responsible... more
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      Modern Greek EnlightenmentEarly Modern Greek EnlightenmentEarly ModernityLiterature, Literary Theory, Medical Humanities
The radical Paracelsian discourses of the late 16th and early 17th century evolved toward a kind of the speculative religion of nature which was a part of the wider spectrum of ideological tensions, attempts at renewing the Reformation... more
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      Early Modern HistoryParacelsus (Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus von Hohenheim)Early Modern Science and PhilosophyEarly Modern Science
Kenneth Sheppard, Anti-Atheism in Early Modern England 1580–1720: The Atheist Answered and His Error Confuted. Leiden: Brill, 2015. The Sixteenth Century Journal 48.1 (2017) 192–93.
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      Christianity17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyAtheismEarly Modern History
Numerous Ming Chinese took refuge in Chosŏn Korea during the early seventeenth century. Despite the supposed sinocentrism of Chosŏ’s elites, refugees from China were treated as belonging to the category of submitting-foreigner... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEarly Modern HistoryIdeology
Christoph Strohm, Theologenbriefwechsel im Südwesten des Reichs in der Frühen Neuzeit (1550–1620). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2017. The Sixteenth Century Journal 49.1 (2018) 298–300.
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      German StudiesLibrary ScienceTheologyEarly Modern History
Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26 October 2017, The Sixteenth Century Journal 48.4 (2017) 1041–42.
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      RomanticismEarly Modern HistoryLocal HistoryReformation History
This paper explores the issue of ‘early modern/ity’ from the temporal vantage point of an ‘irregular’ fifteenth century by focusing on the history of languages and literary cultures in north India.
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      Early Modern HistoryEarly Modernity
Στη μονογραφία προσεγγίζεται το κείμενο που έμεινε γνωστό ως “Ανώνυμος του 1789”, αλλά ο πραγματικός του τίτλος είναι Αληθής Ιστορία. Παρόλες τις ως τώρα προσπάθειες των ερευνητών να εντοπιστεί το ιστορικό πρόσωπο που κρύβεται πίσω από... more
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      EnlightenmentModern Greek EnlightenmentEarly ModernityΝεοελληνικός Διαφωτισμός
This study examines the work of the Dominican Friar Domingo de Vico, specifically his theology of or for the “Indians,” the Theologia Indorum, written originally in K’iche’ Maya in 1553-1554. While scholarship in recent decades has... more
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      ChristianityEthnohistoryHistory of ChristianityAnthropology of Christianity