Early Modern Science and Philosophy
Recent papers in Early Modern Science and Philosophy
This paper is on Descartes' account of modality and, in particular, his account of the necessity of the laws of nature. He famously argues that the necessity of the "eternal truths" of logic and mathematics depends on God's will. Here I... more
RESUMO. A iconografia dos frontispícios dos tratados anatômicos de Mondino, Vesalius e Realdo Colombo, aqui sucintamente apresentada, permite acompanhar um aspecto central da revolução científica dos séculos XVI e XVII: o processo ao... more
Course Description: A continuation of the Classical Mind, the Modern Mind is an introduction to modern philosophy focusing on texts from selected early modern and modern thinkers. The class builds upon the history, thought concepts, and... more
Francesco Malaguti, L'epoca d'oro della scienza araba e la rivoluzione scientifica mancata, in "Rassegna di Teologia" LX 2019, n. 4, pp. 585-606.
Modern philosophy of physics debates whether motion is absolute or relative. The debate began in the 1600s, so it deserves a close look here. Primarily, it was a controversy in metaphysics, but it had epistemic aspects too. I begin with... more
In this monograph, Steffen Ducheyne provides a historically detailed and systematically rich explication of Newton’s methodology. Throughout the pages of this book, it will be shown that Newton developed a complex natural-philosophical... more
From antiquity to our present day, scientists specifically cosmologists and physicists, are still on their relentless pursuit to understand the nature and structure of universe with all it’s components. We all know of or at leat have... more
This dissertation concerns two controversial aspects of Descartes’ philosophy. The first is the meaning of the distinction between the material and objective senses of the word “idea.” The second is an alleged tension between the Fifth... more
Intuition can be seen as the primordial and pre-verbal faculty by means of which the mind gains immediate epistemic access to the phenomena. The concept of structural intuition is premised on the basic principle that an infallible... more
The image of the mythological shape-changing sea-god Proteus was used in several contexts relating to natural philosophy in early modern Britain. These uses derived from different ancient sources, including Homer, Plato, and Diodorus... more
La prima traduzione italiana integrale del trattato Astrologia Cristiana di William Lilly, comparso a Londra nel 1647 e subito diventato opera di riferimento fondamentale per la storia e la pratica dell’astrologia oraria. In questo... more
This chapter explores the prospects and consequences of various ways to forge Newton ian connections to Hume's philosophy. Two points of view are offered from which these connections are visible and evaluable: first, Hume's experimental... more
Early modern scholars and statesmen were acutely aware of the need for improved standards of measurement, albeit for differing reasons. The variety of man-made units across territories and histories was, by the seventeenth century,... more
This article is devoted to the treatise Esperienze intorno alla generazione degl’insetti (‘Experiments on the generation of insects’) published in 1668 by Francesco Redi. The latter is today celebrated as the first scientist to have... more
Anton Wilhelm Amo, an 18th Century African slave who lived, studied and taught philosophy in Germany, formulated a considerable critique of Descartes’ mind/body distinction. The history of philosophy has neglected to a fault Amo and his... more
Written in 1714, the “Monadology” is widely regarded as a classic statement of much of Leibniz’s mature philosophical system. In just 90 numbered paragraphs, Leibniz outlines – and argues for – the core features of his system, starting... more
Il primo volume del celeberrimo Christian Astrology di William Lilly, l’astrologo inglese ricordato per la spettacolare previsione del grande incendio di Londra del 1666, è qui presentato per la prima volta in versione integrale in lingua... more
This essay begins by arguing that discussions of interdisciplinarity between literature and science have been overly preoccupied by problems of counting: the issue is not that there are or are not Two Cultures, but that we start from... more
Robert Hooke fue uno de los miembros más activos durante los primeros años de la Royal Society. Sus trabajos experimentales e inventos mecánicos lo colocan como una de las figuras principales en la filosofía natural de la segunda mitad... more
Le début de l’essai II, 12 est bien connu, qui affirme à la fois que « c’est à la vérité une très-utile et grande partie que la science » sans qu’il faille pour autant en faire une valeur absolue, et que la « maison » de Montaigne « a... more
The focus of this encyclopedia entry is on the visual imagery found first in Western alchemical manuscripts and later in print publications from the introduction of alchemy into Europe in the twelfth century until the heyday of emblematic... more
In 1629, a strange treatise was published in Paris: the Curiositez inouyes ("unheard-of curiosities"), a survey of the astrology of the ancient Hebrews and the talismanic art of the Persians. Its author, the Orientalist Jacques Gaffarel... more
Introduction At present our historical studies of Renaissance color philosophy and science resembles the pieces of a mosaic, only some of which have been assembled to form a larger picture. The task is difficult: the sixteenth century saw... more
Ideas about soul and body – about thinking or remembering, mind and life, brain and self – remain both diverse and controversial in our neurocentric age. The history of these ideas is significant both in its own right and to aid our... more
Second round of seminars in the early modern studies of plants (and before)
Organized with the CREMT @Ca' Foscari University of Venice, HPS at IU Bloomington, and with the support of SISS - Società Italiana di Storia della Scienza
Organized with the CREMT @Ca' Foscari University of Venice, HPS at IU Bloomington, and with the support of SISS - Società Italiana di Storia della Scienza
Reply to Devin Stauffer's "Remarks on Timothy W. Burns’s *Leo Strauss on Democracy, Technology, and Liberal Education,*" remarks which appear in *Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy* 48.3, 347-350. I elaborate on the finding... more
Panpsychism, the view that phenomenal perception is a fundamental property of the universe, is one of the oldest theories in philosophy of mind. While it may seem counter-intuitive at first glance, panpsychism deftly avoids many of the... more
Paper for a conference on Medicine and Philosophy - Séminaire cartésienne - Centro Studi Cartesiano (Università del Salento) - 31 March 2022
El 29 y 30 de mayo de 2007, en el Aula Magna de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM, se realizaron las Jornadas Cartesianas. Los materiales ahí presentados fueron el origen del presente número del Anuario del Colegio de... more
© Za Srbiju, za izbor i prevod, JP Službeni glasnik, 2012 * Jezuati (Jesuati)-red je osnovao Sv. Đovani Kolombini (Giovanni Colombini) oko 1366. Ime su dobili zbog glasnog zazivanja hristovog imena na početku i na kraju svake propovedi.... more
It seems to be crystal clear that Spinoza cannot be regarded an atomist given the fact that the Dutch philosopher seems to deny, in his early as well as in his later work, the existence of atoms and vacuum. This paper argues, however,... more
Nella celebre raccolta di saggi Esercizi spirituali e filosofia antica (1981), Pierre Hadot suggerisce, quasi sin dal titolo, che l’aspetto originario della filosofia – un metodo attraverso cui l’uomo si esercita a raggiungere una nuova... more
« Cet empire que notre âme a sur les esprits animaux, d'où vient-il ? Comment s'y prend-elle pour les faire couler dans toutes les parties du corps ? ». À cette question que lui pose Henry More dans une lettre du 5 mars 1649, Descartes ne... more
Nevertheless, no easy connection between Descartes and Santorio emerges even in Regius’ work. Subsequently, more than just finding evidences of Santorio in Descartes or Regius, I try to investigate how much their medical theories could... more
Resumo O objetivo artigo é discutir as influências de Aristóteles e Galileu na crise de paradigma oriunda da revolução copernicana, ou seja, discutir a mudança da ciência aristotélica, predominante nas universidades europeias, para uma... more
Throughout his life, Leibniz showed serious interest in the construction of clocks and actively contributed to their technical improvement. He described the mechanical and especially the pendulum clock as a paradigmatic kind of machine,... more
From experimental philosophers in England to workshop managers in Korea, practitioners across the seventeenth-century world developed new ways of investigating nature while studying saltpeter (potassium nitrate), the chief ingredient of... more