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Paris, Honoré Champion, coll. "Nouvelle Bibliothèque du Moyen Âge", 2014
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      NarratologyReader ResponseGenre TheoryMaterial philology
Eighteenth-century Britain saw the emergence of a new poetic genre, the “work” poem which took various forms of labor as its subject and was often written by laborers themselves. Several of these working class poets found their lives... more
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      Critical TheoryBritish LiteratureScottish LiteratureEnglish Literature
One of the most important tropes for the fantastic is the ghost, a quasi-universal figure that juxtaposes concepts of the real and the unreal, and a very important component of fantastic narrative. Chin Wan (陳雲) notes the way different... more
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      AnimationGenre studiesFantasy (Film Studies)Gothic Fiction and the horror film
The article discusses the production of live television formats, as they have developed in Europe during the past decade. The analytical examples are taken from entertainment as well as factual television, and from public service as well... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTelevision StudiesNarrative
The article discusses the production of live television formats, as they have developedin Europe the last decade. The analytical examples are taken from entertainment aswell as factual television, and from public service as well as... more
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesNarrativeGenre Theory
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      Composition StudiesPsychologyComposition and RhetoricEnglish for Academic Purposes
In the present paper, a genre-based conceptual framework for interpreting and designing content for learning objects is proposed. Learning objects are considered here as multimodal macrogenres. These macrogenres are constituted of content... more
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      Genre TheoryLearning Objects (Education)Social SemioticsCurriculum and Pedagogy
Author using nineteenth century science fiction as an example tries to convince that the genre studies after cultural turn could be very effective for Literary History. Firstly he analyzes two traditional branches of genre theory: the... more
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      Science FictionGenre Theory
Soutenu par le Labex ICCA, ce séminaire entend contribuer à fédérer, dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire, un ensemble de travaux se proposant d’étudier les films ou les cinémas dits « de genre », tout en réfléchissant aux différents... more
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      Film StudiesGenre studiesGenreHorror Film
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      The NovelNarrativeMaritime HistoryEmbodiment
Genre foisonnant au XVIIe siècle, l’entretien conserve sa vitalité au XVIIIe siècle et aux siècles suivants, marqués par le journalisme moderne et de nouvelles formes de communication, radio, télévision, internet. Pourquoi un tel succès... more
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      PhilosophyMediaGenre TheoryHistoire des idées et de la pensée
В статье, на примере пьес сборника "Восемь"(составитель Кс. Степанычева) , рассмотрены типы конфликтных ситуаций и  жанровых форм новой русскоязычной драматургии.  Опубликована в журнале "Современная драматургия". - 2014. - № 3.
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      Genre studiesGenreConflictRussian Theatre
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      Comparative LiteratureGenre studiesMedieval StudiesRomance philology
For the past eight years, Australian school students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 have engaged in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) writing test, with a one-in-two chance they will be tasked with producing a... more
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      Systemic Functional LinguisticsGenre TheoryNAPLAN
Workshop, or peer-review, is part of writing in many genres. We cannot escape it. It should be beneficial for us as writers, but more often than not, it isn’t. In this article, the author describes how as writers, we fluctuate between the... more
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      Composition and RhetoricGenre studiesPedagogyWriting Studies
This article aims to explore the ways in which mental illness is used in contemporary cinema, highlighting the differences of representation of the mentally ill in accordance to genre. Furthermore, this article will examine not only the... more
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      Genre TheoryImplications of Social Networking Usage in AcademiaMental Illness
This experiment investigates what happens to user performance and disorientation when visual conventions of a genre are violated. It also looks at what happens to the user performance and disorientation over time. Twenty-eight... more
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      UsabilityUser Experience (UX)Genre TheoryVisual Conventions
KOKEŠ, Radomír D. (2016): Hadí oči na pomezí výstřednosti. Analytické poznámky k poetice Briana De Palmy. Film a doba, 62, č. 1, s. 036-039.
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      Film StudiesNarrativeFilm AnalysisPoetics
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      Genre TheoryCentre-Periphery Relations
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      Genre TheoryLiterary HistoryLiterary Genres
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      NarratologyHoraceGenre TheoryLyric poetry
Phd-avhandling / PhD thesis Nyhetene i nettavisene har andre sjangertrekk enn papiravisnyhetene. Det skyldes blant annet at de er tilpasset en annen teknologi, andre produksjonsmønstre, andre lesemåter, andre lesergrupper og andre... more
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      JournalismGenre studiesDigital JournalismContent Analysis
Grime is a Black British music genre originating from London in the early 2000s. Linked to inner-city street/road culture, it is a subaltern subculture that initially experienced criminalisation, racialisation and marginalisation through... more
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      SociologySociology of ReligionMusicologyPopular Music
The concept of genre should not be limited to literary genres, but should be expanded to include all types of texts, including those traditionally considered to be nonliterary. Essentially, many things about writing work the way they do... more
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      Gender StudiesComposition and RhetoricAcademic WritingGenre Theory
Dr. Natalia Igl | Abstract zum Beitrag "Die Sichtbarkeit der Narration" Erscheint in: Susanne Knaeble / Katharina Mertens-Fleury (Hg.): Bildhaftigkeit [2016] Natalia Igl: Die Sichtbarkeit der Narration. Semiotische Strategien bildhaften... more
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      SemioticsNarrativeVisual SemioticsNarratology
En hommage aux femmes déguisées en hommes pour accéder à la parole sur la place publique, sur les lieux où les « halqa» sont l’unique apanage des hommes En hommage, aussi, aux hommes déguisés en femmes pour remplacer les femmes... more
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      Genre studiesOrality-Literacy StudiesOrality-Literacy-Electracy StudiesStorytelling
This paper describes the KRYS I corpus, consisting of documents classified into 70 genre classes. It has been constructed as part of an effort to automate document genre classification as distinct from topic detection. Previously there... more
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      Digital LibrariesDigital HumanitiesArchitectureDigital Media
Longtemps considéré comme un symbole d’intégration et de réussite sociale, le baptême estudiantin est aujourd’hui décrié à bien des égards et relégué au plan de l’archaïsme, du désuet, de l’illusoire. La presse en fait d’ailleurs des... more
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      Gender StudiesBaptismGenre TheoryUniversity
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      Teaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageCritical PedagogyLearning and Teaching
This dissertation examines the effect of intertextuality on interpretive deci­sions about the genre and literary unity of the Revelation of John. In chapter one, the use of the concept of intertextuality in literary theory is examined.... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesIntertextualityGenre Theory
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      Genre studiesAutobiographyItalian LiteratureGenre Theory
This volume examines how different generations of women work within the genericity of audio-visual storytelling not necessarily to ‘undo’ or ‘subvert’ popular formats, but also to draw on their generative force. Recent examples of... more
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Analysis
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      SemioticsPopular Music StudiesSociology of MusicGenre Theory
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      LiteracyGenre studiesLiterary TheoryGenre Theory
A speculative examination of some manifestations of contemporary Horror through the lens of the Zombie; this article considers the relationship between Zombie Apocalypses, Zombies as agents (or not), and wider aspects of genre and theory... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
Telling the story of the American frontier and the rise of a nation, the Western has usually been associated with what is called ‘Americanness.’ Of the richest genre of Hollywood both in number of the films produced, and the timespan... more
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      Genre studiesTransnationalismGenreFilm Genre
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      Old English LiteratureOld Norse LiteratureGenre TheoryBeowulf
This paper analyzes a parody of the tango "A media luz" that was performed by Rodolfo García, a Mexican American comedian who worked in his family's tent show, the Carpa García, in the early 1940s. I argue that by juxtaposing the generic... more
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      Cultural HistoryChicano StudiesGenre TheoryParody
The year 2017 was a genuine breakthrough year for horror cinema, with multiple massive box office successes and surprising dominance on both critics lists and award shows. I’d like to look at the three successes that defined the genre in... more
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      Media StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryTelevision Studies
Article is devoted features of origin and formation of the theory of speech genres as special direction of modern linguistics. Problems of base units of the theory of speech genres are considered, and also the basic vectors of the future... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsBakhtinLinguisticsGenre Theory
Introduction / Richard J. Gray II and Betty Kaklamanidou -- Globalization. Exceptional Recognition: The U.S. Global Dilemma in The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, and Avatar / Anthony Peter Spanakos -- "You Took My Advice About... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesArtGlobalization
Focusing on the 1920s publications of the Mozambican intellectual C. Kamba Simango (1890–1966), this article explores the transformations of a single story across the pages of amateur ethnomusicology (Natalie Curtis’s Songs and Tales from... more
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      African StudiesWorld LiteraturesEthnographyPostcolonial Studies
Artykuł poświęcony analizie zarówno poszczególnych tekstów dostępnych na stronach internetowych pisarzy polskich, jak i samych stron jako tekstów. Na kształt stron internetowych wpływ mają przede wszystkim narzędzia i formy komunikacji... more
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      New MediaLiterary TheoryGenre Theory
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      The NovelRenaissance StudiesPoeticsTheory of the Novel
Une crise de la masculinité, dit-on, sévit dans nos sociétés trop féminisées. Les hommes souffriraient parce que les femmes et les féministes prennent trop de place. Parmi les symptômes de cette crise, on évoque les difficultés scolaires... more
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      Genre studiesGenre'Angry Young Men' MovementGenre Theory
This theoretical paper considers genre as the epistemological foundation for fiction retrieval systems, in particular the relationship between the individual work and generic systems. It explores the characteristics of literary genres,... more
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      Knowledge organizationGenre Theory
"A suggestive Mix of Divinity and Bestiality". Friedrich Schlegel's Concept of the (Un-)Human. The mix of "divinity" and "bestiality" as the embodiment of mankind conceived as "infinitely opposed" in Friedrich Schlegel's (1772-1829)... more
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      AnthropologyGenre TheoryHuman-Nonhuman AssemblagesUgliness
Trans rights advocacy is a social justice movement that is transforming language practices relating to gender. Research has highlighted the fact that language which constructs gender as binary harms trans people, and some trans studies... more
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      English for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic PurposesTransgender StudiesAcademic Writing
Mother earth tied to the train tracks: The scriptive implications of melodrama in climate change discourse abSTracT This article examines the way climate change narratives have mobilized melodramatic frameworks, by examining An... more
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      Cultural StudiesAmerican StudiesGender StudiesMedia Studies