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RIPOLL, G., Human Anatomical Dissection. The Fourth-Century A.D. Scene in the Via Latina Catacomb / Via Dino Compagni Hypogeum (Rome), in M. JURKOVIĆ, E. SCIROCCO, A. TIMBERT, D. DI BONITO & J. BEHAIM (eds.), Repenser l’Histoire de l’art... more
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      Late AntiquityCatacombs of RomeEarly Christian Art and Iconography
Gli strumenti musicali nelle immagini della Grecia antica. Percorso di didattica museale musicale 1 ANGELA BELLIA Gli strumenti musicali nelle immagini della Grecia antica. Percorso di didattica museale musicale
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Engraved gems as very personal objects can reveal information about the people who wore them, about their status, profession, and religion. They can even hint at the origin of their owner, which is sometimes the case with gems depicting... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman Provincial ArchaeologyEngraved gems
Are two scenes of the creation of man found on the Dogmatic Sarcophagus, Rome, and the Trinity-Spouses Sarcophagus, Arles, France, the first anthropomorphic images of the Trinity in the history of Christian art? This article argues that... more
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      PatristicsHistory of ArtIconologyPatristics and Late Antiquity
The City Basilica of Patara, which dates back to the second half of the 5th century AD, offers valuable evidence regarding the interior design of buildings of this type and the liturgical traffic-flow within them. Excavations conducted at... more
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      ArchaeologyEarly Christian ArchitecturePataraLiturgy and Architecture
A Figured Bedrock Sarcophagus in the Rural of Germanikopolis (Rough Cilicia/Isauria) Due to the modern city of Ermenek being founded on the ancient city Germanikopolis, located within the borders of Rough Cilicia / Isauria in the ancient... more
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      Kabartmalı Roma LahitleriIsauriaDağlık KilikiaGermanikopolis
Pasquale Iacobone, per l'attenzione e il concreto sostegno rivolti alle ricerche in corso sulla catacomba di S. Ippolito. Lo studio si inserisce nel quadro del progetto di Dottorato di Flavio Pallocca "La catacomba di S. Ippolito sulla... more
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      Catacombs of RomeEarly Christian ArchaeologyEarly Christian Archaeology and Art
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      Virgin MaryEarly Christian Archaeology and Art
Jennifer Awes Freeman presents a compelling case for the reinterpretation of the image of the Good Shepherd in early Christian images and texts. Many art historians, including Theodore Klauser, Henry Chadwick, R. Grigg, and Robin Jensen,... more
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      Art HistoryEarly ChristianityEarly Christian ArtLate Roman and Early Christian Art
Nella sua ricchissima produzione scientifica, Fede Berti ha curato – tra le altre cose – lo studio della raccolta archeologica conservata presso la casa museo di Remo Brindisi a Comacchio: una collezione composta da una cinquantina di... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyPortraitsEmperor DomitianComacchio
Η αύξηση της γυναικείας παρουσίας σε πανεπιστημιακές θέσεις (καθηγητικές, εργαστηριακές, ερευνητικές) συντελείται διεθνώς με τρόπο αργό κατά τον 20ο αιώνα. Η υπο-εκπροσώπηση και οι όροι συμμετοχής των γυναικών στα πανεπιστήμια απασχολούν... more
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Lo studio propone di riconoscere in un determinato modello iconografico della Natività di Cristo, quello 'all'orientale', alcune sistemazioni della grotta della Natività di periodo costantiniano.
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      Early Christian ArchitectureEarly Christian Archaeology and ArtEarly Christian Art and IconographyByzantine Minor Arts
Gold glass bottoms generally found in Roman catacombs, are some of late antiquity’s most enigmatic objects. Originally conceived as vessels, once they were broken, their bases were reemployed to be embedded in the mortar sealing of the... more
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      Funerary PracticesLate Roman GlassRoman ArtEarly Christian Martyrs
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Christian Archaeology and ArtEarly Medieval RomeLiber Pontificalis
Din judeţul Sălaj, în ultima vreme, au fost semnalate şi publicate o serie de studii referitoare la arta rupestră1. Unele din monumentele prezentate în acestea sunt sanctuare în natură pentru diferite divinităţi, unde au loc iniţieri,... more
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      Early ChristianityAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)PrehistoryPrehistoric Rock Art
Art in the 3rd and 4th centuries underwent transformations and adapted certain representations which were typical of ancient iconography to the new needs and tasks of Christian art. Among the abundant examples of this process, many... more
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    • Art
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    • Art
The project “Conservation of mural decoration, architectural sculptures and flooring of the Basilica of Panagia Acheiropoietos in Thessaloniki”, included the conservation of all the wall mosaics, the layers of mosaic and opussectile... more
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      Church monumentsGraeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall PaintingsByzantine MosaicsMosaic Restoration and Conservation
On a number of pilgrimage objects from Late Antiquity, St Thecla, a highly revered saint, also known as Thecla the Protomartyr, is shown accompanied by St Menas, whose tomb in Egypt was the pilgrimage centre associated with healing... more
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      Cult of SaintsEarly Christian ArtPilgrimage and travel to the Holy LandLate Roman and Early Christian Art
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      PatristicsLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityLate Antiquity
What mysteries and more importantly what insights emanate from the catacombs of Rome, where the bones of saints and sinners rest in silent repose? Not wanting to cremate their dead due to their belief in a bodily resurrection, the early... more
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      Biblical ArchaeologyThe Use of the Old Testament in the New
Art in the 3rd and 4th centuries underwent transformations and adapted certain representations which were typical of ancient iconography to the new needs and tasks of Christian art. Among the abundant examples of this process, many... more
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      Early ChristianityEarly Christian Archaeology and ArtOil lampsKunsthandel
This dissertation expands the analysis of Damasus' acts to synthesize elements of space and architectural theory, sensory theory, and anthropological issues to fully explore the impact of his works related to martyr sites on the minds and... more
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      Roman EmpireEarly Christianity, Late Antiquity
In the journal Bullettino di archeologia della storia dalmata (Vol. 22) from 1899 a small article entitled “Spomenik, kojemu euharistično značenje još nije utvrgjeno” (pages 25–26) was published, and signed by the journal editorial board.... more
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      Roman HistoryEarly ChristianityGlypticsRoman Provincial Archaeology
Ukazano je na stanje istraženosti i očuvanosti sedam do sada poznatih starokršćanskih lokaliteta na području današnje Općine Mostar. Pozornost je dana kasnoantičkim reljefima koji su ugrađeni kao spoliji u zidanu konstrukciju izvora Vrelo... more
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    • Early Christian Archaeology and Art
Le immagini di proprietà dello Stato italiano provenienti dal territorio regionale sono state pubblicate su concessione del MiBAC -Dipartimento per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici -Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryEarly ChristianityLate AntiquityLate Antique Art and Archaeology
Dominic Moreau, Carolyn S. Snively, Alessandra Guiglia, Isabella Baldini, Ljubomir Milanović, Ivana Popović, Nicolas Beaudry and Orsolya Heinrich-Tamáska (eds), Archaeology of a World of Changes: Late Roman and Early Byzantine... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyByzantine Studies
Старинар/Starinar, 69, 2019, p. 355-359.
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      ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Medieval Archaeology
Resumen: Las placas cerámicas decoradas de época tardoantigua constituyen una peculiar manifestación artística dentro del mundo hispano, concretamente del mediodía peninsular. Tradicionalmente se han emparentado con las norteafricanas,... more
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      Early Christian Archaeology and ArtLate Antiquity and Early Medieval ArchaeologyArchaeology Visigothic Spain Art Late Antiquity
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureEgyptian ArchaeologyEarly Christianity
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureEgyptian ArchaeologyEarly Christianity
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyEgyptian Archaeology
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureEgyptian Art and ArchaeologyEgyptian Archaeology
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    • Architecture
BOR 2013 (season 2) БОР 2013 (сезон 2) ----- Authors: Alexander Minchev, Vassil Tenekedjiev Автори: Александър Минчев, Васил Тенекеджиев ----- The paper is in Bulgarian Съобщението е на български ----- Presented at the Annual... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityByzantine StudiesEarly Christian Archaeology
In present-day Croatia, at the site of Gardun near Trilj in central Dalmatia, situated some 30 kilometres north of Salona, a Roman legionary fortress of Tilurium was built. Among the small finds, the site of Tilurium is rich in gem finds.... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman ArmyRoman Provincial ArchaeologyEngraved gems
This dissertation is an exploratory study on the interaction of architecture and Christian archaeology around the turn of the 20th century. As one of the roots of architectural historiography, Christian archaeology – the largely... more
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      ArchitectureModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)History of Roman CatholicismChurch History
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      MusicologyCultural Musicology
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    • Early Christian Archaeology and Art
A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress Slipcase illustration: Ivory panel (416 × 143 mm) with an archangel (probably Michael); right panel of a diptych (left panel lost). In his right hand the figure... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine monasticismEarly Christian Archaeology and ArtLate Antique and Byzantine Archaeology
The art of the catacombs was born in Rome between the second and third centuries and is manifested especially in the pictorial decorations of the cubicula and other hypogeal environments. The extremely simplified artistic typology echoes... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesEarly ChristianityEarly Christian ArtLate Antique and Byzantine Art
Early Christian art, which evolves in late antique figurative culture, proposes extensive and cyclical representations, but especially abbreviated expressions, to the point of involving symbols. In addition to the essential signs of the... more
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      Late AntiquityLate Antique Art and ArchaeologyEarly Christian ArtJewish Catacombs of Rome
In copertina: collo di anfora Keay 34B dagli scavi nella catacomba di S. Gennaro a Napoli. A pagina 1: ampolla in argilla dal centro di pellegrinaggio di Abu Mena (Egitto).
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      IconographyLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityLate Antique Art and Archaeology
The author published an Early Christian marble reliquary shaped as a cross with a frectangular bed cut on the rear side for incerting of a small reliquary in. The unusual reliquary was found by chance at an ancient site in Northeastern... more
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    • Early Christian Archaeology and Art
ARTIBUS IN& ~~ f~· 1•8•0•1 Mohr Siebeck VI Vorwort ellen Entwicklungen und Ergebnisse der Jesusforschung und ordnet diese zu gleich in ein geschichtshermeneutisch reflektiertes Paradigma der Beschäftigung mit der Person Jesu ein. Es ist... more
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      Early Christian Archaeology and ArtEarly Christian IconographyEarly Christian ArcheologyEarly Christian Art and Iconography
1 A mio modo di vedere, resta fondamentale FAZZO 1977, a cui possiamo aggiungere BRECKENRIDGE 1978 e, più di recente, KITZINGER 1992. 2 FIOCCHI NICOLAI 2003. 3 FIOCCHI NICOLAI, GUYON 2006. 4 PENNA 2001. 5 GUIDOBALDI 2014. 6 Cfr. supra... more
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      IconographyLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityLate Antique Art and Archaeology
In: STUDIA PATRISTICA 73: pp. 145-168. (2014.)
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      Ancient Greek and Roman ArtArchaeology of Roman PannoniaEarly Christian Archaeology and ArtRoman Archaeology
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      Early ChristianityLate AntiquityLate Antique Art and ArchaeologyEarly Christian Art