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      Landscape ArchaeologyBurial Practices (Archaeology)Archaeology of death and burialBurial Customs
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      Chinese Buddhism (Buddhist Studies)LongevityRitual HealingChinese Buddhist art
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      HellenisticCultOil lampsMaresha
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      ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ancient IsraelMediterranean archaeologyAncient Israel
Επισκόπηση της ερήµωσης και αναβίωσης οικισµών στην Κάλυµνο από τη σκοπιά της ιστορικής γεωγραφίας …………………………………………. ΧΑΡΟΥΛΑ ΦΑΝΤΑΟΥΤΣΑΚΗ: Αρχαιολογικό οδοιπορικό στην Αστυπάλαια ………………………………………………......... ΑΝ∆ΡΕΑΣ Γ. ΒΛΑΧΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ: Βαθύ... more
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      Late Roman ArchaeologyArchaeology of DodecaneseLate Roman and Early Byzantine PotteryRhodes
The demand of fuel has increased nowadays. The hydrocarbons are the most common source of fuel used by humans. Hydrocarbons such as fossil fuels are from the remains of ancient plants and animals and have been formed through the exposure... more
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      ChemistryBiologyAlternative EnergyBiofuels
Λυχνάριά της υςτερης άρχάιότητάς άπό τη ρόδό.
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityLate Roman ArchaeologyLate Roman Pottery
The oil lamps,
the subject of our study, were found starting from the second layer. They were found increasingly in the
third, fourth, and fifth layers. Within the scope of the study, we will examine 3 whole and 19 broken oil
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      Roman PotteryLate Roman ArchaeologyLate Roman PotteryAncient Greek and Roman Theatre
The chapter, based mainly on field research conducted by the author in Iraq, Turkey, and Georgia, is devoted to the Yezidi cult of the Seven Angels and their leader, called the Peacock Angel. Following an introduction to the Yezidi... more
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      Yezidi and Yaresan StudiesAngelologyPlato and PlatonismYezidism
81 oil lamps originating from Troesmis are known nowadays. The oldest batch, currently preserved at the National Archaeology Museum in Paris and consisting in 21 items, resulted from the 1865’s French archaeological mission in Romania.... more
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      ArchaeologyLychnologyLower Danube ArchaeologyTroesmis
E. Galili, D. Syon, G. Finkielsztejn, Varda Sussman and G.D. Stiebel, Late Ptolemaic Assemblages of Metal Artifacts and Bronze Coins Recovered off the Coast of ‘Atlit, Israel, 'Atiqot 87, 2016, pp. 1-35
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      Hellenistic HistoryMetallurgyMetal Finds (Archaeology)Hellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of Israel
'Between Satricum and Antium' presents a study carried out by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology of the territories of two ancient settlements, both situated in the coastal landscape of ancient Latium on the Thyrrhenian seaboard, ca.... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyGeophysicsLandscape Archaeology
Archaeological research conducted in the years 2012-2013 to the church St. Nicholas (known as the White Church) in downtown Bucharest, were occasioned by the restoration of the monument. They have resulted in the identification of a... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistoryAnthropology
The artefacts uncovered in the roman baths at Micia, numerous and well assorted, consist in pottery, metal artefacts, stone and glass artefacts. Among pottery finds, the lamps are of a particular interest from the artistic as well as from... more
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      Roman Baths (Archaeology)Roman LampsRoman bathsArqueología romana / Roman archeology
Dans l' Antiquité, les cultes isiaque 1 ont connu un développement progressif dans le monde méditerranéen, attirant des adeptes sans cesse plus nombreux, notamment entre le II e siècle avant J.-C. et le III e siècle de notre ère. Ils sont... more
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      Isis CultLightHarpocratesSarapis
Experimental research on the production and use of late medieval/ early modern age mining lamps from the Schwaz-Brixlegg mining district (Tyrol/Austria). Even though silver mining in Schwaz-Brixlegg began later than its equivalents across... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyAncient Mining and Metallurgy
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      Nubian CeramicsAncient LampsChristian NubiaOil lamps
Fuentes arqueológicas e históricas Projekt finansowany ze środków NCN "HARMONIA 7" [UMO 2015/18/M/HS3/00248] kierowany przez Iwonę Modrzewską-Pianetti z Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego "Kontakty handlowe regionu Murcji... more
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      Spanish HistoryMediterranean and North AfricaArchaeology of Mediterranean TradeArqueología romana / Roman archeology
Ceramic lamps were produced at the Hellenistic and Roman-period village of Shiḥin. After an overview of archaeological evidence for lamp manufacturing in the village and elsewhere, we show that Shiḥin produced the well-known wheel-made... more
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      Jewish Art HistoryGalilee in early roman timeOil lampsRoman Archaeology
Thèse universitaire soutenue le 28 septembre 2016 à l'Université de Franche-Comté (Besançon, Doubs). Sujet : Les lampes en terre cuite du Centre-Est de la Gaule (Ier s. av. J.-C. - IVe s. apr. J.-C.). Production, diffusion et... more
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      ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Death and Burial (Archaeology)
Ephesian terracotta oil lamps are a group of Hellenistic lamps used during the last two centuries BC and probably also in the 1st century AD. This very interesting mould-made type has very characteristic form, clay and ornamentation.... more
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      Cypriot ArchaeologyHellenistic PotteryOil lamps
Étude typo-chronologique d'un lot homogène de lampes en terre cuite provenant de la fouille de la favissa FS2008.
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      ArchaeologyArcheologiaAncient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Gallo-roman archaeology
From 1994 to 1996 the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA) at Texas A&M University and Haifa University's Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies (RIMS, previously the Centre for Maritime Studies, or CMS) joined forces to locate... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyMediterranean StudiesLate Antiquity
Oil lamps were the main source of illumination in Antiquity. Sources of fuel for lamps included oils from a wide variety of nuts (walnuts, almonds) and seeds (sesame, olive, castor, flax). Also widely used were animals fats (butter, fish... more
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      ArchaeologyByzantine ArchaeologyAntiquityRoman Lamps
From the 1st century BCE to the 3rd century CE, when Crete and Cyrenaica formed one province, special attention should be paid to the acculturation process as evidenced by the coexisting elements of Roman culture alongside traditional... more
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      Archaeology of CyrenaicaRoman AmphitheaterRoman LampsGladiators
This study focuses on the analyses of a specific type of archaeological material, namely the lamps, discovered in the Roman fort at Micia. The analysis was made on a set of 111 pieces that had been discovered during the archaeological... more
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      Roman LampsAncient LampsOil lampsClay Oil Lamps
The city of Rhodes was an important harbour in the Hellenistic period, and although its political role in the Roman period was significantly diminished, it never ceased to be a key hub for trade. The catastrophic earthquake of AD 515... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityEarly Medieval Archaeology
The ceramic materials found in Ariano Ferrarese (Mesola, Ferrara) are making significant data on the settlement and commercial dynamics in the Po delta area for a wide time horizon that extends from the late Republican to the high middle... more
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      ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)ArcheologiaAmphorae (Archaeology)
Van Lake Basin contains the richest artifacts in Anatolia in terms of Turkish period tombstones. Tombstones located in centers such as Ahlat, Erciş and Gevaş exhibit different characteristics than tombstones in other regions of Anatolia.... more
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      Art HistorySymbolismIslamic ArtHistory of Art
The article aims to present unpublished information about the archaeological site at Jiyeh (ancient Porphyreon). The source material consists of R. Saidah’s archival photographs and plans. R. Saidah was the head of excavations conducted... more
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      Levantine ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquitySyro-Palestinian archaeology
Preface - Acknowledgements - Abbreviations - Notes on the illustrations - Introduction: 1. A short history about the origin of the collection, 2. The bibliography about lamps from Chersonesos, 3. About the SHM's lamps original location in... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Roman PotteryLate Roman PotteryLate Roman and Early Byzantine Pottery
The Jewish relation to representational art is determined mostly by the Second Commandment , which states: " You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth... more
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      IconographyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesIdentity (Culture)Late Antiquity
How to use Roman oil lamps (German language).
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      Roman Small FindsOil lampsCeramic Oil Lamps
The earliest evidence of glass blowing in the Adriatic area is represented by oil lamps depicting a glass furnace. The best preserved lamp was found lately in Slovenia in a Roman grave in Spodnje Škofije near Koper. Roman glass production... more
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      Roman GlassRoman Glass, Glass TechnologyRoman craftsOil lamps
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      ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)Roman Lamps
Te Liber et si laeta aderit Venus senesque nodum slovere Gratiae vivaeque producent lucernae, dum rediens fugat astra Phoebus. (Horace, Ode 3.21) Λύχνοι – lucernae – λυχνάρια: αντικείμενα καθημερινής χρήσης για τις ανάγκες φωτισμού... more
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      IconographyPottery (Archaeology)Material Culture StudiesMediterranean Studies
The chapter contains the publication of ancient lamps from the excavation of the Central district of Olbia (ЮЗА) that were provided in the 1970-ies. Lamps are dated from the last quarter of the VI c. BC - I c. AD, and are of different... more
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      ArchaeologyBlack Sea regionBlack Sea Region ArchaeologyOlbia Pontike
Immer wieder ist vom "Luftloch" bei Öllampen zu lesen, welches eigentlich unnötig sein sollte ...
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      Roman Small FindsOil lampsCeramic Oil LampsTerracotta Oil Lamps
Étude réalisée sur un lot de lampes en terre cuite provenant de la fouille conduite à l'intérieur de la capitale de cité des Séquanes, intervention qui a permis de découvrir un quartier d'habitations daté entre les Ier et IVe siècles de... more
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      ArchaeologyArcheologiaAncient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Gallo-roman archaeology
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesEgyptByzantine ArchitectureByzantine Archaeology
Oil lamps from the “Holy Land” of Israel, Syria, and Palestine have been the subject of much collection and debate. Many of these objects whether they possess religious symbols or not, have been labeled as “Jewish” without much thought as... more
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      Greco-Roman Art and Early Christian TheologyEarly Christian ArtChristian IconographyJewish Art History
Parion; one of important cities of ancient Troas Region, has been scientificly excavated with works carried out since 2005. Parion's Southern Necropolis was firstly excavated in 2004 with the rescue excavations Canakkale Archaeology... more
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      Archaic PoetryPottery (Archaeology)ArkeolojiArchaic Period
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyIslamic ArchaeologyDecapolis Archaeology
Discovery of two lamps at the Roman fort of Apsaros (Gonio, Georgia) offers further insights concerning adaptation of the pelta motif on Roman lamps. Inquiry into the nature of the ornaments on the base – previously unknown in Colchis –... more
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      Roman PotteryRoman EmpireAncient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Ancient Anatolia
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      Cyprus StudiesRoman PotteryPaphosOil lamps
This work presents a small group of ceramic oil-lamps in the depot of the Graeco-Hellenistic Collection of the Archaeological Museum in Split. This group consists of fourteen oil-lamps which are a part of the so-called old inventory, of... more
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      ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Hellenistic PotteryRoman Lamps
Lighting was an indispensable element for daily life throughout the history. Concomitantly, different solutions were sought for lighting requirement. After the man found the fire, he created different tools to control and carry it. At... more
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      ArkeolojiByzantine lighting devicesOil lampsLighting device