Jewish Catacombs of Rome
Recent papers in Jewish Catacombs of Rome
Tra i tanti scavi eseguiti da padre Fasola nelle catacombe di Roma, quelli effettuati nelle catacombe ebraiche di Villa Torlonia sono senz'altro fra i più interessanti e importanti 2 . Prima di parlare di questi lavori e di analizzare... more
Early Christian art, which evolves in late antique figurative culture, proposes extensive and cyclical representations, but especially abbreviated expressions, to the point of involving symbols. In addition to the essential signs of the... more
The article focuses on the author's research on the chronographical background of the Zodiac Mosaic Calendar in Synagogue at Hammath-Tiberias. He researched to find the origin of mosaic decoration, the twelve zodiac sign, the four... more Ogni autore è direttamente responsabile dei diritti relativi alle immagini pubblicate in relazione al suo contributo.
This advance copy of an article in press discusses the archaeological evidence of an ancient Roman necropolis below the Villa Torlonia in Rome. The Jewish catacombs should not be seen as “isolated” from this greater context, and both... more
Session One (Sunday): Communities and Contexts Marginal or Monumental? “Kokhim” in the Catacombs of Rome Is there a distinctly “Jewish” type of funerary architecture employed in the catacombs of Rome? This contribution examines... more
Using data collected in the early Christian catacombs of St. Callixtus on the Appian Way and comparing these with data from the Jewish catacombs of Villa Torlonia on the Via Nomentana, this article discusses what sort of labor the... more
Dating catacombs precisely is an issue that has not been resolved satisfactorily until now. In this article we propose an entirely new way of tackling this issue, namely through radiocarbon dating. In addition to presenting the final... more
Paper delivered at the Annual Joint Meeting of the Boston and Providence Patristics Groups at Harvard Divinity School on October 20th, 2011.
Please join us on Thursday, May 24, 2018 to celebrate Boston women who have enhanced our experience of ancient Greek, Jewish, and Roman Art. The event will take place on Boston's historic Beacon Hill at Grogan & Company Auctioneers, 20... more
Articolo pubblicato su:
Nuovi dati sulla demografia della comunità giudaica di Roma Preambolo Ricordo benissimo il mio primo incontro con Cesare Colafemmina, a Bari, circa venti anni or sono. Camminando per le strade del vecchio quartiere ebraico, mi colpì il... more
A popular article on the Jewish catacombs of Vigna Randanini in Rome.
Chicago Tribune article of September 15, 1987 (Jay Pridmore).
Pilot (newspaper of the Archdiocese of Boston) article of August 28, 1987.
A selection of pages from a draft paper presented at the Urban Religion Spring School in Rome, 12-16 March 2018, organised by the Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt and UrbNet Aarhus. I offer some hypotheseis and new approaches to a renewed... more
New York Times article of September 13, 1987 (Matthew L. Wald).
Published while the International Catacomb Society was still known as the "International Committee for the Preservation of Catacombs in Italy" (ICCI).
Archaeology and Text: Toward Establishing a Meaningful Dialogue between Written Sources and Material Finds. National Library in Jerusalem and Ariel University, May 10-11 2015 Title: “Traditions of the Rock: Discerning and Defining... more
Seminars at the Universita' di Napoli "L'Orientale" on material evidence of Jews in Southern Italy during the Ancient and Medieval periods.
Figure 1. Restoration work carried out between the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries (that of 2001 numbered 1–11) in the Vigna Randanini catacombs. Adaptation of the 1984 PCAS plan.(F. Balzani, Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia... more
From John Harvard's Journal, Harvard Magazine, September-October, 1987, p. 91
Vaults of Memory offers twentieth-century viewers a record of the catacombs of Rome. Glimpses of the Jewish catacombs of Villa Torlonia and Vigna Randanini, as well as of Christian and pagan cemeteries, document the present condition of... more
10 April 2018 For immediate release (SSGP 2018-2019) 2018-2019 Shohet Scholars Awards The officers and directors of the International Catacomb Society are pleased to announce the Shohet Scholars of 2018-2019: Michael Flexsenhar (Rhodes... more
Pilot article of January 11, 1980.
The International Catacomb Society desires to support scholars of demonstrated promise and ability who are judged capable of producing significant, original research within the sphere of the Mediterranean world from the late Hellenistic... more
Thursday, December 3, 2015, 10-12 noon, Room 2241, Nyack College, 2 Washington Street, New York, NY NYACK Graduate Program in Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins Colloquia Series on Reading the New Testament as Second Temple Jewish... more