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Ronald Dworkin and Duncan Kennedy represent arguably two opposing poles in legal theory. This paper offers a novel frame for reading their respective legal theories which reconceptualizes the traditional way in which they were opposed,... more
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      JurisprudenceCritical Legal TheoryLegal TheoryPhilosophy Of Law
Uji Lanjut Setelah Anova (metode Duncan)
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      Duncan KennedyMontgomery
The book compares philosophy of law (Dworkin, Hart, Finnis, and 165 others) with advertising of condoms Durex, Pepsi, Coke, IKEA, etc.
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      Constitutional LawInternational LawHuman RightsNatural Law
"Philosophie du droit en tant que publicité des arguments juridiques" compare la philosopie du droit avec la publicité de Coca Cola, de Durex, d'IKEA
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      Natural LawCritical Legal TheoryLegal TheoryPhilosophy Of Law
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      Intellectual HistoryPolitical EconomyMarxismInternational Law
La Prueba del Rango múltiple Duncan es otra prueba para determinar la diferencia entre pares de medias después que se ha rechazado la hipótesis nula en el análisis de varianza.
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      AlgebraDuncan KennedyDuncan Grant
This book develops the law of political economy as a new field of scholarly enquiry. Bringing together an exceptional group of scholars, it provides a novel conceptual framework for studying the role of law and legal instruments in... more
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      International Relations TheorySociology of LawPrivate International LawCritical Legal Theory
Theme and Purpose: The centrality of law for the study of political economy was widely recognized at the time of the emergence of the political economy discipline in the 18th century as well as throughout the 19th century. From the outset... more
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      Corporations (Law)Law And Economics (Economics)Political EconomyEnvironmental Law
This paper is a contribution to a special issue honoring Duncan Kennedy. Taking the title ("Sexual Abuse, Sexy Dressing and the Eroticization of Domination") of Duncan Kennedy’s 1992 essay in the New England Law Review (which then evolved... more
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      Feminist TheoryCritical Legal TheoryLaw and PoliticsCritical Legal Studies
Abstract: The Critical Legal Studies criticizes modern liberal law and particularly opposes its liberal legalism. Liberal Legalism concerns with mystification of liberal ideology by defending the law – morality or law – politics... more
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      JurisprudenceLiberalismCritical Legal TheoryIdeology
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      Critical Legal StudiesDuncan Kennedy
Los métodos docentes estaban viciados de un estrecho dogmatismo, contribuyendo a mantener a la universidad apartada de la ciencia y de las disciplinas modernas. Las lecciones, encerradas en la repetición interminable de viejos textos,... more
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      Derecho del trabajoDuncan KennedyDerecho y Cine
In a 2006 article, Duncan Kennedy identifies politics as the central dilemma of contemporary legal thought, but affirms that law is non-reducible to politics, which could be read as a partial retraction from the known coda “law is... more
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      Critical TheoryLawJurisprudencePolitical Theory
In his manifesto, Duncan Kennedy aptly identified hierarchies within legal scholarship and the legal profession, but his conclusion--hierarchies in law are wrong and must be resisted--is misplaced. Kennedy’s Legal Education and the... more
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      LawEducationLegal EducationLegal Profession
Over the past decades, the idea that national sovereignty and the authority of the state have been increasingly challenged or even substantially eroded has been a dominant one. Economic globalization advancing a neo-liberal dis-embedding... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyInternational RelationsLegitimacy and Authority
Over the past decades, the perception has become dominate according to which national sovereignty and the authority of the state has been increasingly challenged or even substantially eroded. Economic globalization advancing a structural... more
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      Political SociologyLawCivil LawPolitical Economy
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      Critical Legal TheoryCritical Legal StudiesDuncan Kennedy
The United States is in a time of “unlaw” that is both a point in circular time, the time of eternal return, and a point never before reached. This “unlaw” infuses both the practical, applied, and experiential world of politics.... more
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      Émmanuel LévinasJacques DerridaRobert FrostRobert Cover
A central assumption in much contemporary scholarship is that a central shift has taken place over the course of the last four decades: a shift from a world largely centered on public authority to a world that is increasingly dominated by... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPolitical EconomyLegitimacy and Authority
'At a time when the performative demands of the neo-liberal university threaten to marginalize liberal and post-liberal traditions of critical enquiry, it is important to be reminded that a quality legal education can be both richly... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationLegal EducationLearning and Teaching
La finalidad de esta investigación es identificar la intencionalidad formativa que subyace en sus procesos formativos de los docentes de derecho en Colombia. Para ello, se analizó la producción escrita que sobre el ejercicio formativo han... more
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      Martha NussbaumDerecho constitucionalUniversidadDuncan Kennedy
This essay was an early draft of one part of a study of the continuing relevance of the classical republican tradition to Anglo-American constitutional jurisprudence. The book itself appeared as: Andrew Fraser, The Spirit of the Laws:... more
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      FederalismConstitutional TheoryCritical Legal StudiesDuncan Kennedy
In the late 1970s, the Critical Legal Studies movement spearheaded a radical attack on legal formalism. Radical lawyers were urged by prominent legal academics at Harvard Law School and other prominent universities to enhance society's... more
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      PopulismProfessional EthicsLegal positivismCritical Legal Studies
What comes after neoliberalism? This is in many ways the question of our time. Or maybe neoliberalism doesn’t really exist at all? And if it does, what is the relevance for lawyers, legal scholarship and legal practice?
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      Political EconomyEuropean LawSociology of LawCritical Legal Theory
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      Human Rights LawCritical Legal TheoryLegal PhilosophyMax Weber (Philosophy)
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      European StudiesEuropean UnionDuncan KennedyNeoformalism
a Comida fiCa na Cozinha: tudo que eu preCisava saBer soBre a interpretação de um estatuto eu aprendi quando tinha 9 anos .
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      Constitutional LawDireito ConstitucionalDuncan Kennedy
El presente artículo argumenta que la Corte Suprema de Justicia incursionó en el campo político e incrementó su autonomía y poder simbólico por la vía de la judicialización de la clase política institucionalizada, vinculada con grupos... more
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      Judicial PoliticsPierre BourdieuJudicial Decision-MakingDERECHO PENAL
Présentation sur les théories socio-juridique de Duncan Kennedy et de ses thèses sur la reproduction des hiérarchies sociales à travers la formation juridique; présentation d'ouverture pour une séance de cercle de lecture sur l'ouvrage de... more
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      Socio-legal studiesCritical Legal StudiesDuncan Kennedy