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This article discusses the acquisition of a physical impairment/disability through voluntary body modification, or transability. From the perspectives of critical genealogy and feminist intersectional analysis, the article considers the... more
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      Social MovementsFeminist TheoryDisability StudiesCritical Disability Studies
The title of this book might have been Story of a Deaf woman and the society she lives in, that is, the woman would have been qualified as Deaf, and the society would have not been qualified. One can attribute an adjective, that is, a... more
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      Disabled people movementDisability
Claude Pinard est Directeur exécutif de la Fondation Mirella et Lino Saputo, une fondation familiale privée basée à Montréal. La Fondation se consacre à un meilleur exercice social et économique des personnes handicapées des personnes... more
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      Disabled people movementPhilanthropyElderly PeoplePersonnes âgées
Muzea to miejsca wyjątkowe. To nie tylko skarbnice artefaktów i dzieł sztuki, ale również miejsce edukacji i wypoczynku. Jako jednostki publiczne powinny umożliwiać wszystkim korzystanie ze swojej pełnej oferty. Dotyczy to również osób... more
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      ArchitectureDisabled people movementMuseums and Exhibition DesignMuseology
There is no place where, disabled people's rights are not violated. The discrimination, oppression, violence and abuse faced by disabled people don’t respect boundaries, wealth or poverty. As a result of our experience, and articulation... more
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      Community DevelopmentReligion and Disabled PeopleDisabled people movementOrganizational Development
В данной работе описываются возможности применения фолксономического подхода в создании социально-ориентированных геоинформационных систем, предназначенных для получения информации об объектах социальной инфраструктуры. В исследовании... more
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      Disabled people movementAnalisisGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Accessibility is something that most people take for granted. While conducting our day-to-day activities and conveniently using buildings and its facilities, one hardly realizes that for people with disabilities it is very difficult, and... more
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      ArchitectureErgonomicsDisabled people movementDesign for Disabled
La consecución de métodos adecuados que permiten el desarrollo de los individuos en sociedad es una de las metas de la humanidad, por ello teniendo como base referencial argumentos de tipo teórico y legales el autor de este trabajo de... more
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      BlindnessDisabled people movementSocial NormsEcuador
Chapter in the book 'Madness, Distress and the Politics of Disablement' edited by Spandler, Anderson & Sapey, 2015, Policy Press, pp.231-243 This chapter traces the origins and evolution of the neurodiversity movement, which consists of... more
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      Disability StudiesAutism Spectrum DisordersSociology of Mental Health & IllnessDisabled people movement
Paper presented at the Association for Social and Political Philosophy's annual conference (theme: 'Rebellion, Resistance, Revolution') on 29th June 2016
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      Disability StudiesResistance (Social)Disabled people movementDisability
Los ajustes razonables son mecanismos para conseguir la igualdad fáctica de las personas con discapacidad. Sin duda, representan una herramienta importante; por ello es necesario que se tengan en cuenta ciertos criterios para una... more
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      Human RightsDisabled people movementDerechos Humanos
in Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, vol. 4 issue 2: Waged work has been a central issue for the Disabled People’s Movement since its inception. For example, the influential... more
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      Sociology of WorkDisability StudiesAnarchismDisabled people movement
Ο ΔΣΕ, με πολλά μέλη του να έχουν διακριθεί στο Εθνικό Απελευθερωτικό Μέτωπο (ΕΑΜ) και το αντίστοιχο στρατιωτικό του σκέλος τον Ελληνικό Λαϊκό Απελευθερωτικό Στρατό (ΕΛΑΣ), τη μεγαλύτερη αντιστασιακή οργάνωση επί κατοχής, εξακολουθούσε να... more
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      Greek HistoryCivil WarDisabled people movementRefugee Resettlement
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      Disability StudiesDisabled people movementUniversal Design and InclusionAccessibility and universal design (Architecture)
Some authors in disability studies have identified limits of both the medical and social models of disability. They have developped an alternative model, which I call the ‘composite model of disability’, to theorise societies’ ableist... more
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      Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesTransgender StudiesMental Health
JOURNAL OF WORLD TRANSPORT POLICY & PRACTICE This is a rather unusual and special issue of this journal. It is dedicated to the memory of Louise Darracott Britton who died in Amory, Mississippi (USA) in October, 2000. Louise was the... more
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      Sustainable TransportationSustainable DevelopmentDisabled people movementEquity
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into diversity management practices in the Baltic states and present experience of HRM practitioners' in initiating the integration of people with disability into the workforce at... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityDisabled people movementDiversity & InclusionHRM
Globally, disabled people are disproportionately excluded from the workforce. For the general population, it is recognised that having a job is closely linked to better health, wellbeing, self-esteem and to social inclusion. Disabled... more
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      Development StudiesEmployabilityDeaf studiesDisability Studies
Özet Bireylerin yaşamlarında gereksinim duydukları en önemli konuların başında yeme–içme faaliyetleri gelmektedir. Günlük yaşam içerisinde bireylerin evlerinin dışında ortaya çıkan yeme–içme ihtiyacını karşılayan yiyecek içecek... more
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      Disabled people movementDisabled PeopleEskişehirGörme Engelliler Ve Turizm
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      AutismDisability StudiesIdentity politicsDisabled people movement
This thesis investigates the employment of personal assistants (PAs) by disabled individuals in the UK. Personal assistance is considered to be one of the most essential services necessary for disabled people to achieve ‘independent... more
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      Disability StudiesSocial CareDisabled people movementAutonomy
This paper gives an overview of Italian legal instruments that aim to ensure the integration and participation of disabled persons in the labour market and ultimately in society as a whole. The analysis moves from an examination of... more
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      Employment LawDisability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesDisability policy
Neoliberal reforms lead to deep changes in healthcare systems around the world, on account of their emphasis on free market rather than the right to health. People with disabilities can be particularly disadvantaged by such reforms, due... more
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      Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesHealth DisparitiesDisabled people movement
I filed and served the above document today on landlord's attorney, one Jeff S. Bennett, Esq. who served the subject Motion to Dismiss (MTD) on me yesterday afternoon by email. The more he lags, the faster I get. In it you will find a... more
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      PrivacyHousingEquality and DiversityDisabled people movement
This paper aims to determine the nature of and compliance with UK policy and legislation pertaining to people with disabilities, particularly with regard to access provisions for wheelchair users. It explores two aspects of wheelchair... more
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      Disability StudiesAccessibilityPublic TransportDisabled people movement
 Οι ανάπηροι πολέμου 1912-1922: ιδιωτική φιλανθρωπία ή κράτος πρόνοιας; (α΄ μέρος), περ.Τα Ιστορικά, τ. 61, Δεκέμβριος, 2014 το άρθρο αυτό παρουσιάζει την εμφάνιση και την πρώτη αντιμετώπιση από το κράτος και την κοινωνία του ζητήματος... more
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      Disabled people movementWar Disabled
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      PsychologyEducational PsychologyDisabled people movementΨΥΧΟΛΟΓΙΑ
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      Disability StudiesMobility/MobilitiesSustainable DevelopmentDisabled people movement
This paper explores the traits of the leadership dexterity of special students. Leadership in special students is not an expected phenomenon. Cases of special students studying at the University of Tampere, Finland are reported on here.... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryEducationSociology of Education
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      Social MovementsDisabled people movementModern Greek HistoryFirst World War
OZET Bu çaltşmanm amacı; fiziksel aktivite imkant bulan mental retarde çocuklarla, fiziksel aktivite imkant bulamayan mental retarde çocuklarm bazı moton'k özelliklerini karşılaştınp, fiziksel aktiviteye kattfan mental retarde çocuklann... more
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      Electrical EngineeringGender StudiesWomen's StudiesE-learning
The writings republished here will be of special interest for those taking courses in Disability Studies, Disability History Studies and those with an enquiring mind interested in the philosophy of ideas. The articles and drawings... more
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      History of IdeasNonprofit StudiesDisability StudiesHuman Rights
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      Disability StudiesMobility/MobilitiesSustainable DevelopmentOccupational Health & Safety
The monograph presents, from the disabled consumer's perspective, a description and critique of independent living and attendant care services in Sweden. First, a brief description of Swedish welfare policy as it applies to the population... more
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      Disability policy (Social Policy)Human RightsDisability policyDisabled people movement
Leta 2019 je z določenimi spremembami in popravki Zakona o spremembah in dopolnitvah Zakona o osebni asistenci začel veljati nov Zakon o osebni asistenci. Po njem posameznikovo potrebo po osebni asistenci ocenjuje strokovna komisija.... more
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      Empathy (Psychology)Disabled people movementDisabilityIndependent Living
W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę przewozów pasażerskich na terenie miasta Elbląga, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem problemów osób niepełnosprawnych i ograniczonych ruchowo. Przeprowadzoną analizę oparto o statystyczne zestawienie... more
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      Public TransportDisabled people movementCommunication NetworksTramways
Rare research documents covering issues on India, disability sport UK and South Africa, disability equality issues and the health issue of 'Science for People'.
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      Disability policy (Social Policy)Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesMental Health
Symbol of justice is a blindfolded lady. Blind to all diversity, it provides impartial law and equal treatment for all citizens. Their rationality, cooperativeness, autonomy and independence confirm their legal equality. However, what... more
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      Political PhilosophyDisabled people movement
Self-esteem is an organised collection of beliefs, feelings of one-self which makes the individual aware of continuing identity as a person, it is the central scheme in one’s personality. It refers to an individual’s sense of his or her... more
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    • Disabled people movement
results, frequency (f) and percentage (%) values are used and also direct quotations are given. The findings were discussed in the light of the related literature.
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    • Disabled people movement
OPEN ACCESS Special Issue of Social Inclusion:

Academic Editors: Shaun Grech (The Critical Institute, Malta) and Karen Soldatic (Western Sydney University, Australia)
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      Disability policy (Social Policy)Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesProfound intellectual and multiple disabilities
This article aims to shed light on the Caravana de la integración en sillas de ruedas (wheelchair integration caravan), a group of around 20 physically disabled people, who travelled more than one thousand kilometres in wheelchairs from... more
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      Social MovementsDisability HistoryDisabled people movementHistory of Disability
International Law has been presented to us as an undermined branch of knowledge, in which ironically some of the most relevant topics regarding economics, humanitarian and socio-political relations are addressed in different Legal... more
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      Human Computer InteractionHumanitiesIntellectual PropertyDigital Humanities
Trata-se de estudo desenvolvido a partir de um caso concreto e que discute um problema muito comum no campo do acesso à Justiça, agravado em relação à pessoa deficiente: o órgão jurisdicional competente para uma ação ser distante do... more
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      Disabled people movementDireito Processual CivilDireito Processual PenalDireito Constitucional
Community care policy has, simultaneously, attempted to reduce institutional care, contain costs, and emphasise individual and family responsibility for personal welfare. As a result, disabled people often have no choice about relying on... more
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      Social CareDisabled people movementCarers
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      Disability StudiesMobility/MobilitiesSustainable DevelopmentOccupational Health & Safety
This paper introduces a monitoring and navigation system to help people with disabilities (MND WSN). The proposed system is based on wireless sensor networks. In the MND WSN system, each disabled person uses a handheld smart phone device.... more
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    • Disabled people movement
— Eye tracking as an interface to operate a computer is under research for a while and new systems are still being developed nowadays that provide some encouragement to those bound to illnesses that incapacitates them to use any other... more
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      Human Computer InteractionComputer VisionDisabled people movementMachine Vision
Recommendations for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the High-Level Panel emphasise powerful and aspiring themes, including leaving no one behind. However, in a developing country like Nepal, nearly 95 percent of the people... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentDisabled people movementUN Convention of the rights of people with disabilitiesInclusive development