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This article discusses the acquisition of a physical impairment/disability through voluntary body modification, or transability. From the perspectives of critical genealogy and feminist intersectional analysis, the article considers the... more
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      Social MovementsFeminist TheoryDisability StudiesCritical Disability Studies
Disability Beyond Fabrication. Representation, Embodiment, and the Strategies of "Staring Back" The article analyzes the ways of producing cultural representations of disability in theatre, film, literature and society. It draws attention... more
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      Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesThe Disabled BodyBody in Performance
This study examines the representations of the disabled body by unpicking the messages transferred through the artistic illustrations of disability found in 250 postage stamps. The theoretical framework employed derives from cultural,... more
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      Disability StudiesThe Disabled BodyDisabilityPostage Stamps
This volume rests upon two premises: 1) That collective creation is pivotal to the evolution of the modern theatre; and 2) That women have been central to the emergence and development of collective creation. Though written to be read... more
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      Social WorkWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryContemporary British Theatre
Ce séminaire se concentre sur la corporéité qui se définit, dans les dictionnaires en philosophie, comme «le caractère de ce qui est corporel», bref ce qui est relatif au corps matériel. Partant du postulat butlérien selon lequel... more
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      Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesFat StudiesHIV/AIDS
Il seguente saggio intende ripercorrere i significati assunti dalla vulnerabilità ancorata al corpo del performer dagli anni '70 ad oggi. L'analisi si restringe al campo delle arti più propriamente performative, (Teatro,... more
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      Theatre StudiesDance StudiesThe Disabled BodyTheatre
הסטיגמה, כשלילה של שונות, כוללת מנגנונים של דחייה, מחיקה סימבולית ואי הכרה. בעל הסטיגמה, אשר מוגדר על ידי החברה כמי שאינו יכול להתקבל לתוכה, מובנה כזהות פגומה המייצרת בו תחושת חרפה. במסגרת החרפה, בעל הסטיגמה הופך סובייקט מפוצל שאינו יכול... more
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      Cultural StudiesPerformance StudiesCritical Disability StudiesIsrael Studies
5378 Sayılı ÖZÜRLÜLER KANUNU'na göre; Özürlü: "Doğuştan veya sonradan herhangi bir nedenle bedensel, zihinsel, ruhsal, duyusal ve sosyal yeteneklerini çeşitli derecelerde kaybetmesi nedeniyle toplumsal yaşama uyum sağlama ve günlük... more
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      Social WorkThe Disabled Body
Fashion and prosthetics may appear at first glance to be unlikely bedfellows. Yet a tiny number of pioneering fashion scholars (Vainshtein 2012, Hall and Orzada 2013) have begun to extend the concept of adornment beyond recognized forms... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesCyborg TheoryArt Theory
To what extent can Disabled Theory and History make sense of Eunuchs and create new perspectives of their 15th-18th century Ottoman roles?
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      Ottoman HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMiddle East Studies
Semakin meningkatnya jumlah anak-anak tuna laras membuat para ahli semakin menggali tentang hal tersebut. Anak-anak dan remaja yang mengalami gangguan emosi dan perilaku adalah tipe individu yang sulit dalam berteman. Masalah terbesar... more
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    • The Disabled Body
This thesis is a preliminary study that aims to understand the roles and functions of dwarfs and mutes at the Ottoman court with the symbolic and practical dimensions.
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      Cultural HistoryOttoman HistoryDisability StudiesThe Disabled Body
Some authors in disability studies have identified limits of both the medical and social models of disability. They have developped an alternative model, which I call the ‘composite model of disability’, to theorise societies’ ableist... more
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      Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesTransgender StudiesMental Health
Candi Prambanan, yang telah diakui oleh UNESCO pada tahun 1991, merupakan icon heritage di Yogyakarta. Hal tersebut terlihat dari tingginya jumlah kunjungan wisatawan di Candi Prambanan. Diantara para wisatawan tersebut terdapat wisatawan... more
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      Tourism StudiesDisability StudiesTourism Planning and PolicyThe Disabled Body
Disability studies, like all other fields dedicated to studying an oppression, addresses a simple problem that manifests as a complex social phenomenon. Disability studies at its purest is an emancipatory endeavour; its objective is to... more
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      Disability StudiesEmbodimentThe Disabled BodyMaurice Merleau-Ponty
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      Disability policy (Social Policy)Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesHealth Policy (Social Policy)
Legal capacity of persons with mental disabilities was a contentious issue during the process of drafting the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Arab Group, consisting of Muslim-majority countries, in the United... more
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      Islamic LawDisability StudiesMental HealthKalam (Islamic Theology)
Nowadays, language is very important for our life, especially English. It is an International language which is used for communication. The important skill which has to be had by many people is speaking. Here, the role of speaking skill... more
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      Inclusive education (Learning And Teaching)The Disabled BodyAutism and LanguageTeaching Writing
The study investigated the societal perception towards the people with disability in Ojo Local Government Area of Lagos State. Descriptive research design was employed in carrying out the study. The simple random sampling techniques was... more
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      EducationThe Disabled BodyLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationDisability
Longtemps restée sous silence, la question de la sexualité des personnes handicapées – dont celles souffrant de troubles mentaux – est désormais ouvertement évoquée en France. Ce texte participe à la réflexion collective en cours en... more
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      EmotionPhilosophyEthicsDisability Studies
The medical model as a trouble approach in disability literature characterizes disabled status to be “amenable to treatment, capable of improvement or illness”. The main viewpoint of the model is to assess people with disabilities who are... more
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      Disability policy (Social Policy)Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesHealth Policy (Social Policy)
4.Ulusal Engelleştirilenler Sempozyumu - Evrensel Tasarımda Yenilikçi Yaklaşımlar Sanal gerçeklik ve sanal mekân kavramları üzerinde durularak, engellileştirilen bireylerin hayatında sanal gerçeklik teknolojisinin yerini sorgulamayı... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)The Disabled BodySpaceVirtual Space
Haneke's Amour: Towards a Cinematic Phenomenology of the Misfi t Abstract: This essay examines Michael Haneke's film Amour through a conceptual migration: it shifts the accent from disability, lack of autonomy, and absence of... more
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      The Disabled BodyCinemaMichael HanekeCinema Studies
Multiple osteochondromas is an inherited autosomal dominant condition of enchondral bone growth. The paper undertakes the first synthesis study of the 16 known cases of the condition that have been identified in the international... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceThe Disabled Body
Call for contributions.
Deadline: July, 31 (2015).
Event: April, 28-30 (2016), Strasbourg.
Contact: corps[dot]modifies[@]misha[dot]fr
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      Plastic SurgeryAnthropology of the BodyThe BodyThe Disabled Body
Purpose – This paper seeks to introduce an embodied approach to disability into the field of diversity management research. Design/methodology/approach – The paper critically examines previous diversity management research and it draws on... more
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      Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesDiversityCritical Management Studies
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      Deaf CultureDeaf studiesDisability StudiesCritical Disability Studies
This article combines the line of work that links disability and liminality with feminist dis/ability studies to analyse how the ‘disabled body-subject’ is produced and subjectified during hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation. This... more
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      Gender StudiesCritical Disability StudiesSexualityThe Disabled Body
In this essay I ask what educational justice might require for children with autism in educational settings where “inclusion” entails not only meaningful access, but also where the educational setting is able to facilitate a sense of... more
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      AutismDisability StudiesEducation and Youth ExclusionAutism Spectrum Disorders
This essay examines the cultural politics of migrant caravans through video testimonies produced by Honduras’s Association of Returned Migrants with Disabilities (AMIREDIS). While the stated aim of the 2015 association-sponsored Caravan... more
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      Central American StudiesThe Disabled BodyFinance and CapitalismHonduras
ÖZET Bu araştırma, bedensel engelli olan ve olmayan ergen bireylerin depresyon düzeylerini, sosyal görünüş kaygılarını ve vücut algılarını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmanın örnekleminde kırk beşi engelli, kırk beşi engelli olmayan... more
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      PsychologyDepressionThe Disabled Body
English (le résumé en français suit) Among existing forms of body modification, transabled practices, defined as the need of a non-disabled person to transform his/her body to acquire a physical impairment/disability (blindness,... more
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      Social MovementsSex and GenderFeminist TheoryDisability Studies
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      Gender and SexualityThe Disabled Body
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      Disability policy (Social Policy)Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesHealth Policy (Social Policy)
The contribution presents three depictions portraying deformed human bodies in the 16th and early 17th century. Using the examples of the works by Dominic Custos, Dirck de Quade Van Ravesteyn and Heinrich Weirich we will try to verify the... more
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      PerceptionPortraitsThe Disabled BodySocial History of Medicine
I will speak to you today in fragments, in a pilgrimage through moments and histories. My own experiences as a queer, disabled Iranian American woman exists, after all, in this place of fragmentation.
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      DiasporasQueer TheoryIranian StudiesThe Disabled Body
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      Social PolicyDisability StudiesThe Disabled BodyDisabled Persons History
Desde una perspectiva cualitativa, esta investigación buscó describir las experiencias que adolescentes con discapacidad tenían acerca de su historia escolar y el proceso de inclusión educativa. Participaron 9 adolescentes con... more
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      The Disabled BodyLacanian psychoanalysis
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      Classical ArchaeologyGender StudiesVisual StudiesVisual Anthropology
espanolEl 1 de marzo de 2017, el anterior Primer Ministro irlandes Enda Kenny anuncio el reconocimiento oficial de la herencia, cultura e identidad unicas de los nomadas irlandeses por parte del Estado. Este hecho suscito mi interes por... more
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      SociologyIrish StudiesGender StudiesThe Disabled Body
Öz Bir grup çevrimiçi engelli bireyin sosyal medyayı örselenen/madun kimlikleri için tel-afi alanına dönüştürmelerinin kültürel bağlamını araştıran bu çalışmada, Facebook'ta örgütlenen 'Dostluk Arkadaşlık sohbet İzdivaç evlilik ve engelli... more
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      New MediaIdentity (Culture)VirtualizationIdeology
Fronti interni. Esperienze di guerra lontano dalla Guerra 1914-1918 (Inner fronts. Experiences of war far away from the war 1914-1918) is a collection of essays selected by a scientific committee of young Italian historians working in the... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryRehabilitationHistory of TourismThe Disabled Body
Décrypter la différence : lecture archéologique et historique de la place des personnes handicapées dans les communautés du passé» DELATTRE V. et SALLEM R. (dir) -CQFD/2009
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      Biological AnthropologyDisability StudiesPaleopathologyThe Disabled Body
An interview with performance artist Aaron Williamson - on performance art, live culture, disability, liveness, documentation, re-staging, silence, slapstick, duration, 'mock-authenticity', and being in public - for a monograph on the... more
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      Deaf CultureDeaf studiesDisability StudiesCritical Pedagogy
Although almost completely ignored, Aquinas’s account of persons with severe intellectual disabilities is key to his understanding of human persons and their salvation. Aquinas extensively addresses questions of human impairment, and for... more
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      TheologyDisability StudiesHistorical TheologyCritical Disability Studies
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      PainAutoethnographyThe BodyThe Disabled Body
Neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies suggest distinct body representations involved in coding one's and others' body. Other influential theories, however, instead posit a unique model behind coding multisensory information about... more
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      The Disabled BodyBody ImageBody in Performance
In spite of regulations aimed at ensuring that all people can enter and move through spaces, the need to create physical solutions that do not separate or segregate disabled populations has been overlooked. Further, the response of... more
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      ArchitectureSpace SyntaxHuman RightsAccessibility
OPEN ACCESS Special Issue of Social Inclusion:

Academic Editors: Shaun Grech (The Critical Institute, Malta) and Karen Soldatic (Western Sydney University, Australia)
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      Disability policy (Social Policy)Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesProfound intellectual and multiple disabilities