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We analyze the global imbalances and the required adjustments for rebalancing in current accounts and real exchange rates. We set up a two-country two-sector model for the US-China with two asymmetries. First, we assume that the size of... more
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      EconometricsCurrent accountsApplied EconomicsPolicy modeling
This paper advances an alternative explanation of the large external imbalance between the United States and China, and its linkages to the current global financial crisis. We show that US current account deficits dated back long before... more
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      International EconomicsNatural ResourcesInternational TradeInternational Macroeconomics
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      Competitiveness (Economics)European UnionCurrent accounts
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      Research MethodologyDocumentationCurrent accountsInternship
This paper investigates the asymmetric effects of real exchange rate movements on the current account balance in Turkey, from 2002:01 to 2019:09, using by non linear autoregressive distributive lag (NARDL) model proposed by Shin et. al.... more
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      TurkeyCurrent accountsNARDL Cointegration
One of the most important economic targets especially for the developing countries is to minimize the deficits in the Balance of Payments and Current Account Balance. Countries try to cover the Current Account deficit generally by the... more
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      Tourism economicsTurkeyCurrent accountsTourism
Strong domestic demand, low levels of private savings, high share of energy imports in total imports, import dependence of exports make current account deficit a structural problem for Turkey. Norm current account balance adds a new... more
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      Current accountsCurrent Account Sustainability
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      Real EstateInformation TechnologyDevelopment EconomicsIntellectual Property
This paper seeks to evaluate quantitatively how interbank and corporate crossborder flows shape business cycles in a monetary union. Using Bayesian techniques, we estimate a two-country DSGE model that distinguishes between Eurozone core... more
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      International EconomicsMonetary EconomicsMacroeconomicsDSGE Modeling
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      International EconomicsPolitical EconomyGlobalizationNatural Resources
Indian Rupee depreciated gradually against the US Dollar ever since the reforms initiated in 1991. However the rupee faced a record fall of about24% from May 2013 to August 2013. So why it is that Indian rupee has fallen so fast against... more
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      FinanceEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsMacroeconomics
In the literature, beside the view stating that financial development which gained momentum in recent years has an impact on current deficit, the increase occurring in current deficit provide contribution to the financial development by... more
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      Financial developmentCurrent accountsPanel Causality Analysis
The current account imbalances that are at the heart of the European sovereign debt crisis are often attributed to differences in price competitiveness. However, recent research suggests that domestic demand booms related to the financial... more
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      International MacroeconomicsCompetitiveness (Economics)Current accountsEurozone
Bu çalışma gelişmekte olan ülkelerde cari işlemler dengesi ile ekonomik büyüme arasındaki uzun dönem nedensellik ilişkisini incelemektedir. Bu çerçevede çalışmada gelişmekte olan 10 ülkenin 1981-2010 dönemi verilerinden hareketle cari... more
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      Economic GrowthCurrent accountsPanel Data CointegrationPanel Causality Analysis
In the study, the relationship between credit volume and current account deficit was tested with the ARDL bounds test method after the unit root with Lee-Strazich break for the 1998:1Q-2020:4Q period. According to the results, there is a... more
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    • Current accounts
This study investigates the relationship between current account deficit and oil prices in Turkey over the period from 1976 to 2016 by utilizing the Zivot-Andrews Unit Root Test, Gregory-Hansen Cointegration Test, Toda-Yamamoto Causality... more
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      Time series EconometricsCurrent accountsCausalityTime series analysis
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      MacroeconomicsPolitical ScienceEconomic policyPublic sector
Özet: Cari işlemler açığı, finansman imkânları vs. gibi ölçütlerden bağımsız olarak başlı başına önemli bir kırılganlık göstergesidir. Türkiye’de cari açık, hem finansman kalitesinin pek çok kritere göre düşük olması, hem de dış ticaret... more
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      Turkish EconomyModern TurkeyTurkish EconomicsCurrent accounts
This study investigates the current account deficit (CAD) of Turkey from the perspective of its capital account. We discuss how global liquidity conditions and monetary policies in Turkey have contributed to higher deficits through real... more
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      Current accountsExchange RatesFinancial Stability & Fragility
Kaynak transferi fonksiyonunu icra eden katılım bankalarının fon toplama araçları katılma hesapları ve özel cari hesaplardır. Katılma hesaplarına kar veya zarardan paylaşım oranına göre tahakkuk gerçekleştiren katılım bankaları için özel... more
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      Islamic EconomicsPerformance StudiesCurrent accountsIslamic Banking
Exploring the determinants and dynamics of the current account balance is one of the priorities of academic literature and policy circles. Although the effects of structural variables are deeply analyzed, a lesser attention has been paid... more
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      Current accountsApplied EconomicsPanel DataPublic health systems and services research
In the past three decades, the Islamic banking industry has gained a cumulative growth momentum given the growing demand for Shari‘ah compliant financial services. Islamic banking has now achieved greater recognition as a viable... more
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      Islamic EconomicsCurrent accountsIslamic BankingIslamic Banking And Finance
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      International EconomicsPolitical EconomyGlobalizationNatural Resources
This paper attempts to examine the relationship between current accountbalance and Nominal Exchange rate (J-Curve phenomenon ) for India .Current Accountbalance is the great interest because it is the part of Balance of Payment ( trade... more
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      International EconomicsTime series EconometricsCurrent accountsJ-Curve effect
Using the IMF CGER methodology, we make an assessment of the current account and price competitiveness of the Central Eastern European Countries (CEEC) that joined the EU between 2004 and 2014. We present results for the “Macroeconomic... more
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      Eastern European StudiesInternational MacroeconomicsCurrent accountsCentral and Eastern Europe
Financial capability has recently emerged as a strategic policy objective that complements the financial inclusion and financial consumer protection agendas. Deeper and more inclusive financial markets require better informed and more... more
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      BusinessAccessibilityEconomic GrowthConsumer Behavior
La restricción externa es un tema clave de la macroeconomía argentina en tanto el proceso de desarrollo se ve recurrentemente limitado por el faltante de divisas que detiene la expansión del producto. Si bien varios factores explican la... more
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      Development EconomicsManufacturingArgentinaCurrent accounts
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      MarketingAccessibilityAccountingConsumer Rights
This paper investigates the hypothesis of twin deficits in Morocco. According to this theoretical concept, the budget deficit is the main cause of the current account deficit. The Empirical results obtained from the impulse responses... more
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      Fiscal policyCurrent accountsFiscal DeficitTwins Deficits
"One of the most important economic targets especially for the developing countries is to minimize the deficits in the Balance of Payments and Current Account Balance. Countries try to cover the Current Account deficit generally by the... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism economicsTurkeyCurrent accounts
and numerous other Government ministries and agencies. We also thank representatives from the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers, the American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce, the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), and analysts... more
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      Development EconomicsCapital MarketsDeveloping CountriesCurrent accounts
Current account balance has played a role to enhance economic growth in Bangladesh. The major concentration of this study is to analyze the current account components of the balance of payment (BOP). This paper deals with quarterly base... more
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      Economic GrowthCurrent accountsGrowth Mixture Models GMMGMM
Malta’s current account position has shifted dramatically in recent years, from one of the largest relative deficits in the euro area to one of the highest surpluses. Malta’s external accounts have improved since 2009 by about four times... more
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      Current accountsSavingsInvestmentMalta
Since the late 1990s there have been substantial changes in the current account balances of a number of economies, most notably a marked widening in the current account deficit of the United States and increased net lending by many... more
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      Current accountsCapital FlowsPanel DataUnited States
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      Economic HistoryGlobalizationNatural ResourcesProperty Rights
Why have emerging market economies (EMEs) been stockpiling international reserves? We find that motives have varied over time-vulnerability to current account shocks was relatively important in the 1980s but, as EMEs have become more... more
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      Risk ManagementCurrent accountsEmerging MarketsFinancial Crisis
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyInternational TradeCurrent accounts
This paper advances an alternative explanation of the large external imbalance between the United States and China, and its linkages to the current global financial crisis. We show that US current account deficits dated back long before... more
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      DepressionAccountingCurrent accountsCredit Risk
This paper analyses the emergence of current account imbalances as a result of the coexistence of trade flows and financial flows. The literature has tended to view these factors in isolation: Many post-Kaleckian models, as well as... more
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      International EconomicsCurrent accountsCompetitivenessAsset Prices
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      Development EconomicsInternational EconomicsEconomic GrowthFinancial Systems
This paper advances an alternative explanation of the large external imbalance between the United States and China, and its linkages to the current global financial crisis. We show that US current account deficits dated back long before... more
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      International EconomicsNatural ResourcesInternational TradeInternational Macroeconomics
The increase in the interaction between the countries in the globalization process brought along searches for new paradigms in terms of socioeconomics and politics. One of the steps taken in this process is Developing Eight (D-8) Economic... more
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      Economic GrowthCurrent accountsCurrent Account Deficit
The recent global financial crisis has led to greater imbalance in both the external and the internal ac- count deficits of several countries including India. In this paper, the relationship between India’s government budget deficit and... more
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    • Current accounts
Öz İkiz açıklar hipotezi, Türkiye gibi gelişmekte olan ülkelerde oldukça önemli bir konu olma özelliğindedir. Bütçe açıklarının cari açık ile birlikte hareket etmesi olarak tanımlanan ikiz açıklar hipotezi bu çalışmada Türkiye ekonomisi... more
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      Turkish EconomyCurrent accountsQuantitative EasingBudget Deficit
This research work is focused on the damage caused to the economic growth by misappropriation in trade invoices. Pakistan's trade activities with the US and China are discussed. China is the major trading partner of Pakistan so the trade... more
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      FinanceEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsEconometrics
İstikrarlı bir ekonomik büyüme için temel şartlardan bir tanesi cari işlemler dengesinin sürdürülebilir düzeyde olmasıdır. Türkiye ekonomisinde 2003 yılından itibaren yüksek büyüme oranlarının hedeflenmesi ile beraber cari açık hızlı bir... more
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      TurkeyCurrent accounts
Sustainability of the current account deficits in Turkey was evaluated according to the macroeconomic fundamentals together with discussing the composition of current account deficit and the way of financing to have insights about the... more
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      Time series EconometricsCurrent accountsModern EconomyBalance of Payments
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe... more
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      Capital MarketsCurrent accountsCapital FlowsFinancial System
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      Current accountsStock Markets