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Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI) is a dynamic portfolio man- agement strategy that is currently of popular interest in both industry and aca- demic research. The CPPI methodology is designed to guarantee, to the buyer, a... more
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      Statistical PropertiesTransaction CostDiscrete Time SystemsNormal Distribution
... Biographical notes: Leo MacDonald is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, Finance and Quantitative Analysis in the Coles College of Business ... Prior to his appointment in 2006, he was a Faculty at the Ivey School... more
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      Revenue ManagementRetailingRetail SalesStochastic Demand
This paper examines the difference in the net present values (NPV's) of North sea oil projects obtained using discounted cashflow methods based on the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and a Modern Asset Pricing (MAP) method... more
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Empirically, co-skewness of asset returns seems to explain a substantial part of the cross-sectional variation of mean return not explained by beta. This finding is typically interpreted in terms of a risk averse representative investor... more
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      Applied MathematicsAsset PricingRisk AversionFirst-Order Logic
In spite of popularity and theoretical simplicity of the one-factor Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) used in the valuation of financial assets, researchers are more concerned with the important extension proposed by , that is, the... more
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      EconomicsPanel DataCapital Asset Pricing ModelPanel Data Analysis
This paper studies the impact of ambiguity and ambiguity aversion on equilibrium asset prices and portfolio holdings in competitive financial markets. It argues that attitudes toward ambiguity are heterogeneous across the population, just... more
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      Ambiguity AversionEconomic TheoryApplied EconomicsRisk Aversion
A number of studies have separately identified mean reversion and momentum. This paper considers these effects jointly: potential for mean reversion and momentum is combined into one index, interpretable as an expected return. Combination... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceDeveloping CountryInvestment Strategies
Credit market imperfections have been blamed for the depth and persistence of the Great Depression in the USA. Could similar mechanisms have played a role in ending the East Asian miracle? After a brief account of the nature of the recent... more
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      East AsiaGreat DepressionFinancial MarketsFinancial Crisis
In this note, we prove that in asset price models with lognormal stochastic volatility, when the correlation coecien t between the Brownian motion driving the volatility and the one driving the actualized asset price is positive, this... more
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      Stochastic VolatilityBrownian MotionAsset PricesAsset pricing model
Using a large international equity market database that has not been previously used for such a purpose, this paper documents that value (i.e., high book-to-market ) stocks outperform growth (i.e., low book-to-market ) stocks, on average,... more
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      Portfolio ManagementInvestment StrategiesAsset Prices
We introduce banks, modeled as in Diamond and Rajan (JoF 2000 or JPE 2001), into a standard DSGE model and use this framework to study the role of banks in the transmission of shocks, the effects of monetary policy when banks are exposed... more
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      Monetary PolicyDSGE ModelBank RunAsset Prices
This Article, a sequel to earlier articles by the author on financial regulation and global finance, retrieves and updates J. M. Keynes’s original International Clearing Union plan for what ultimately became the International Monetary... more
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      International LawInternational TradeLaw and EconomicsInternational Finance
This article attempts to assess to what extent the central bank or the government should respond to developments that can cause financial instability, such as housing or asset bubbles, overextended budgetary policies or excessive public... more
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      EconomicsFiscal policyGlobal Financial CrisisMoral Hazard
The article analyses the Swedish banking crisis in the early 1990s. Newly deregulated credit markets after 1985 stimulated a competitive process between financial institutions where expansion was given priority. Combined with an expansive... more
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      Real EstateEconomicsTax reformApplied Economics
, and seminar participants at the University of Toronto and the Wharton Brown Bag seminar for helpful comments. We also thank Huarong Tang and Sehyun Yoo for excellent research assistance. Xia gratefully acknowledges the NASDAQ fellowship... more
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      Market SegmentationEmerging MarketNegative AffectPositive Affect
This paper studies an application of a Darwinian theory of portfolio selection to stocks listed in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). We analyze numerically the long-run outcome of the competition of fix-mix portfolio rules in a... more
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      EconomicsTime SeriesBehavioral FinanceEvolutionary Computation in Finance
A simple trading model is presented in which Bayes' rule is used to aggregate traders' forecasts about risky assets' future returns. In this financial market, Bayes' rule operates like an omnipotent market-maker performing functions that... more
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      Mathematical SciencesMinimum varianceFinancial MarketBayes' rule
We turn our attention to the role of money for determining nominal magnitudes. Using US data, we find that the aggregate “nominal output plus and stock market capitalisation” is closely related to the money stock, lending support to one... more
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      Monetary EconomicsHeterodox EconomicsStock MarketStructuralism
... This is the message of a paper prepared for the Jackson Hole conference (August 1999) by ... for the relationship between (broad) money and in£ation over short-and medium-term horizons. ... It becomes clear that, when predicting... more
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      Time SeriesHouse PricesExchange rateYield Spread
Financing Constraints and Corporate Investment EMPIRICAL models of business investment rely generally on the assumption of a "representative firm" that responds to prices set in centralized securities markets. Indeed, if all firms have... more
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      MacroeconomicsFinancial MarketsInternational FinanceApplied Economics
The present study adds to the sparse published Australian literature on the size effect, the book to market (BM) effect and the ability of the Fama French three factor model to account for these effects and to improve on the asset pricing... more
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      Asset PricingCapital Asset Pricing ModelCapmFive Factor Model
COMMON PERSISTENCE IN CONDITIONAL VARIANCES' BY TIM BOLLERSLEV AND ROBERT F. ENGLE Since the introduction of the autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (ARCH) model in Engle (1982), numerous applications of this modeling strategy have... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsAsset PricingRisk Aversion
After the collapse of the asset price bubble, Japanese banks are said to refinance firms, even in cases where there is little prospect of firms repaying the loans extended. This phenomenon is known as " forbearance lending." We... more
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      Real EstateProfitabilityAsset Prices
This paper assesses how market fundamentals affect asset return volatility by drawing on evidence from the U.S. natural gas futures market. One of the novel features of this paper is the use of the deviation of temperatures from normal... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringEnergy EconomicsApplied EconomicsNatural Gas
The paper provides a survey of the work that has been done in financial econometrics in the past decade. It proceeds by first establishing a set of stylized facts that are characteristics of financial series and then by detailing the... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceAsset PricingEconometric Theory
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      Financial EconomicsAsset PricingMarket MicrostructureRate of return
We propose a framework for studying optimal market making policies in a limit order book (LOB). The bid-ask spread of the LOB is modelled by a Markov chain with finite values, multiple of the tick size, and subordinated by the Poisson... more
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      EconomicsComputational FinanceMarket MicrostructureMathematical Finance
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      BusinessMacroeconomic VariablesSTOCK EXCHANGEPearson Correlation
This paper will discuss the current research in building models of conditional variances using the Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic (ARCH) and Generalized ARCH (GARCH) formulations. The discussion will be motivated by a simple... more
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      EconomicsEconometricsAsset PricingRisk Aversion
The beta value, an indicator of systematic risk, is used to estimate the costs of equity and the evaluation of a stock's reasonable price. It is useful to airlines because their capital assets and operations are relatively sensitive to... more
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      Urban And Regional PlanningCapital StructureStock MarketCapital Asset Pricing Model
This paper deals with the foundations of the stochastic mathematical finance, and it has three main purposes: 1. We present a self-contained construction of the vector stochastic integral HX with respect to a d-dimensional semimartingale... more
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      Mathematical FinanceContinuous Time SystemsAsset Prices
We propose a general class of analytically tractable models for the dynamics of an asset price leading to smiles or skews in the implied volatility structure. The considered asset can be an exchange rate, a stock index, or even a forward... more
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      EconomicsMathematical FinanceQuantitative FinanceCapital Asset Pricing Model
This paper provides a review of the main features of asset pricing models. The review includes single-factor and multifactor models, extended forms of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) with higher order co-moments, and asset pricing... more
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      Asset PricingHigher Order ThinkingManagerial FinanceCapital Asset Pricing Model
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      Crisis ManagementEconomic TheoryFinancial CrisisMoral Hazard
A new method for pricing lookback options (a.k.a. hindsight options) is presented, which simplifies the derivation of analytical formulas for this class of exotics in the Black-Scholes framework. Underlying the method is the observation... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical FinanceNet Present ValueOption pricing
We explore whether a Financial Transactions Tax (FTT) is likely to correct the market failures that have contributed to the financial crisis, to what extent FTT succeeds in raising revenues, and how the FTT compares to alternative taxes... more
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      Economic GrowthFinancial CrisisFinancial SectorSystemic Risk
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      FinanceOption ValuationCross SectionOption pricing
We consider a simple pure exchange economy with two assets, one riskless, yielding a constant return on investment, and one risky, paying a stochastic dividend. Trading takes place in discrete time and in each trading period the price of... more
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      Capital Asset Pricing ModelFixed Point TheoryHeterogeneous AgentsExpected Utility
A considerable part of the vast development in Mathematical Finance over the last two decades was determined by the application of stochastic methods. These were therefore chosen as the focus of the 2003 School on "Stochastic Methods in... more
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      Markov-chain modelGeneral Equilibrium TheoryIncomplete InformationAsymmetric Information
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and... more
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      MathematicsMathematical StatisticsStochastic ProcessCalculus
Asset pricing models predict relations between assets' expected rates of return and their risks or behavioral attributes. However, almost all tests of these models use realized return as a proxy for expected return. This paper extracts... more
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    • Asset Prices
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      European StudiesEconomic GrowthSocial ProtectionUrban Studies
A model for a financial asset is constructed with two types of agents, who differ in terms of their beliefs. The proportion of the two types changes over time according to stochastic processes which model the interaction between the... more
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      Stochastic ProcessEconomic TheoryApplied EconomicsLong Memory
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      European StudiesEconomic GrowthSocial ProtectionUrban Studies
Using Hong Kong equity data, this study examines the pricing effects of beta, firm size, and book-to-market equity, conditional on market situations, that is, whether the market is up or down. Evidence supports the hypothesis that, if the... more
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      Applied EconomicsStock MarketFirm SizeCapital Market
This paper derives an after tax vc'rslon of the Capital Asset Pricing Model. The model accounts for a progressive tax scheme and for wealth and mcome related constramts on borrowmg. The equdibrmm relatIonshIp inchcates that before-tax... more
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      Financial EconomicsEmpirical evidenceAsset Prices
This paper expresses the price of a spread option as the sum of the prices of two compound options. One compound option is to exchange vanilla call options on the two underlying assets and the other is to exchange the corresponding put... more
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      Model CalibrationOption pricinggeometric Brownian motionAsset Prices
We review the theories on how liquidity affects the required returns of capital assets and the empirical studies that test these theories. The theory predicts that both the level of liquidity and liquidity risk are priced, and empirical... more
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      Economic DevelopmentHedge FundsEvent StudiesMonetary Policy
Although stock prices fluctuate, the variations are relatively small and are frequently assumed to be normal distributed on a large time scale. But sometimes these fluctuations can become determinant, especially when unforeseen large... more
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      EconomicsQuantitative FinanceExtreme Value TheoryMathematical Sciences
deviations calculated by the second and third formulas provide accurate estimates 1 of the true implied standard deviations.
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      Standard DeviationTaylor ExpansionPacificNet Present Value