Counterfactual History
Recent papers in Counterfactual History
World War 1 is an archetypal case of multilevel failures in the realm of international relations. The individual level of analysis rested upon the familial connections between the descendants of the House of Habsburg, who ended up... more
The article discusses two Polish alternate history novels: Orzeł bielszy niż gołębica (An Eagle Whiter than a Dove) by Konrad T. Lewandowski and Gambit Wielopolskiego (Wielopolski's Gambit) by Adam Przechrzta in the context of the... more
This article explores representations of real and fictionalized history in Fallout 4 to illuminate how the gameworld makes provocative use of mid-century American aesthetics, culture, and topics in its presentation of a compelling and... more
Counterfactual history involves asking 'what if' developments had occurred differently and comparing that with what actually happened. Though common in works of popular history and science fiction, counterfactual history remains... more
A brief research on what would have happened if the 22nd of November in Dallas Kennedy survived the assassination. A panoramic on Cold War, the Vietnam War and the civil rights movement.
Tien alternatieve, maar plausibele scenario’s over hoe de geschiedenis van België anders had kunnen lopen Een team van academische historici is op zoek gegaan naar de historische wortels van enkele van de meest prangende kwesties waar... more
Modern economics tantalizes historians, promising them a set of simple verbal and mathematical formulas to explain and even retrospectively predict historical actions and choices. Colin P. Elliott challenges economic historians to rethink... more
Компьютерное моделирование исторических процессов и явлений – одна из наиболее дискуссионных тем в обширном проблемном поле методологии истории. В XXI веке моделирование занимает более прочное место в арсенале методов и технологий... more
This essay evaluates the utility of examining antipopes — in this case, Anacletus II — through the lens of contrafactual history, inasmuch as these figures present an aspect of Church history in which we can see quite clearly the pitfalls... more
In this Philological Conversation, Carlo Ginzburg reflects on the place of philology in his work and explores the connections between philology, microhistory, and casuistry. We talk about the people who inspired his early thinking,... more
«I 'se...' non fanno la storia, ma possono essere di aiuto. A raccontare, a delineare le 'svolte', a soppesare il ruolo degli eventi. Ma anche a realizzare, come suggeriva Nietzsche, che nella storia 'la domanda: "Che cosa sarebbe... more
This paper critically reviews the current status of the concept of distance in human geography in order to argue that recent experimentally-driven work in construal-level theory offers ample opportunities for recasting distance as a key... more
This paper presents a comparative analysis of six dicta testium from the Tuscia from 1177 to 1237, highlighting fascinating elements of political language and discourse. For instance, the study of a particular theme (violent conflict) and... more
Nicht-realistische Erzählformen sind in der Gegenwart überaus populär, haben aber nicht selten den Verdacht des politischen Eskapismus auf sich gezogen. Michael Navratils Studie, die eine grundlegende fiktionstheoretische Modellierung der... more
Chapter VI (115) Livy’s Digression on Alexander (115) Alexander the Lucky? (118) The Sole Alexander versus the Multitude of Rome (120) Eastern Inferiority? (122) The Old Alexander as Darius III and Rome as a Young Alexander... more
Fra passati e futuri plausibili, giochi di simulazione e nuove visioni didattiche. Si può rinnovare l'insegnamento della storia? Una modesta proposta.
Sideways in Time is an Alternate History Conference to be held at the University of Liverpool - in association with Lancaster University. This interdisciplinary conferences will bring together scholarship in science fiction, fantasy,... more
With its strange blend of philosophical argument and intimate revelation, William Godwin’s Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft has long occupied a notorious place in literary history. Less attention, however, has been paid to the more... more
Counterfactual thought experiments in history have become increasingly popular in the last two decades, and a new and controversial branch of history has originated from their use: counterfactual history, also known as virtual history.... more
At the turn of the 21st century, a new genre in German popular literature is in the process of developing into increasing complexity. It is the so-called ‚Dichter-und-Denker-Mantel-und-Degen' novel (something like a 'swashbuckler' novel... more
In Baltasar and Blimunda, by José Saramago, intelligence, creativity and fantasy are present in two ways: 1) in the creation of the novel, visible in the way of telling, in style, in the wide range of knowledge presented, in the plot, in... more
The article discusses two Polish alternate history novels: Orzeł bielszy niż gołębica (An Eagle Whiter than a Dove) by Konrad T. Lewandowski and Gambit Wielopolskiego (Wielopolski’s Gambit) by Adam Przechrzta in the context of the... more
Del libro de Eduardo Dargent y José Ragas (eds.), "Contra-Historia del Perú. Ensayos de Historia Políticia Peruana" (Lima: MITIN, 20112)
This is a counterfactual (What if?) discussion of one possible outcome during the fateful days of the Philippine People Power Revolution of February 1986. The article argues in favor of a reverse counterfactual: Corazon Aquino still heads... more
Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel’s Legacy trilogy is a historical fantasy set against the backdrop of a Renaissance-like world. However, in Carey’s world, Christianity never conquered Roman paganism, and so the spread of Christianity was... more
Nell'ambito di un concorso letterario per istituti superiori, un gruppo di ragazze di un liceo delle scienze umane si cimenta, sotto la direzione del loro prof. di filosofia e storia, nella redazione di una miscellanea di contributi... more
Mehrsprachigkeit und das Alternate History-Genre haben etwas gemeinsam: Beide Phänomene basieren wesentlich auf der Bildung von Alternativen, im Falle der Mehrsprachigkeit den Alternativen zwischen verschiedenen Sprachen und... more
During the 1970s, military planners east and west of the "Iron Curtain" continued to prepare for a potential "hot" conflict between the two opposing military alliances, the Warsaw Treaty Organization and the North Atlantic Treaty... more
This paper will aim to illustrate the post-medieval reception of medieval heresies and the birth and development of an “heretical mithology” from the end of XIX century to present day. After a brief historiographical introduction, it will... more
The advent of the 21 st century has brought with it a more complex and contradictory society. The progressive integration of consumer society, mass media, technological innovations in the field of communications, internet and social media... more
Counterfactualism is a useful thought experiment for historians because it offers grounds to challenge an unfortunate contemporary historical mindset of assumed, deterministic certainty. This article suggests that the methodological value... more
This paper has a twofold purpose. First, it aims at highlighting one difference (albeit in degree and not in kind) in how counterfactuals work in general history, on the one hand, and in history of the natural sciences, on the other hand.... more
A theory of causation suitable for historiography must accommodate the many types of causal claims historians make. In this paper, I examine the advantages of applying D. K. Lewis's counterfactual theory of causation to the philosophy of... more
Within the broad category of literary works known as “speculative fiction” there exists a subgenre of works that inherently directs the category’s omnipresent “what if?” question backwards in terms of history instead of engaging in the... more