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      Orthodox TheologyOrthodox ChristianityEastern OrthodoxyOrtodoxia
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    • Panorthodox Council of Crete 2016
The topic of prayer with other Christian denominations or religious entities has been approached by Orthodox theologians from several perspec- tives: missionary, ecumenical, pastoral or canonical point of view, from con- servative or more... more
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      PrayerEcumenical dialoguesOrthodox Church HistoryCanon Law of the Orthodox Christian Church
Prezentarea relației dintre Teologia canonică și Dreptul bisericesc din punct de vedere creștin ortodox.
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      Canon LawOrthodox TheologyDiritto CanonicoDroit Canonique
The mystery of woman and her purpose is a topic much discussed by world religions. However, it seems that women cannot find fulfillment in the marginal role that they are informed is recommended to them. But what is the role that the... more
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      ReligionWomanWomen and ReligionSacredness
Статията представлява анализ и оценка на провелия се през 2016 г. църковен събор на остров Крит. В нея са разгледани и опровергани различни твърдения на противните на неговото провеждане.
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      Church HistoryChristian ApologeticsАпологетикацърковна история
După învățătura Sfintei Biserici, Tainele și slujbele săvârșite în afara Bisericii Ortodoxe nu sunt Taine cu adevărat, nu sunt slujbe adevărate, deci nu sunt valide, sunt false. Învățătura aceasta are un puternic și nezdruncinat temei,... more
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Învățătura Bisericii Ortodoxe, definește Botezul ca fiind "taina instituită de Mântuitorul, în care, prin întreita afundare în apă, în numele Sfintei Treimi, cel ce se botează se curățeste de păcatul strămoșesc și de toate păcatele făcute... more
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Fr Sorin Şelaru (Bucharest, Romania) takes up an expression often used by HB Patriarch Daniel of Romania in his writings which deepens the ecclesial vocation of theology as “the science of salvation and everlasting life.” For this... more
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Începând cu anul 30 d. H. în fruntea Bisericii Ierusalimului s-a aflat Iacov, "fratele Domnului". Hegesip, evreu convertit la creştinism, care a trăit în generaţia imediat următoare apostolilor, renumit datorită călătoriilor întreprinse... more
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Starting from the investigation of the documents issued by the Bishops who participated in the Holy Pan-Orthodox Council held in June 2016 in Crete, the author speaks in this research about the way in which ecumenism is understood from... more
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      SociologyTheologyPolitical TheologyCouncil of Crete
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      Political ScienceCatholic Social TeachingRussian OrthodoxyCouncil of Crete
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      Systematic TheologyMedicine
În anul 1920, Patriarhia Ecumenică de Constantinopol trimitea o scrisoare frăţească "către Bisericile lui Hristos de pretutindeni" 1 , în care îndemna toate confesiunile creştine să creeze o "Ligă a Bisericii", urmând exemplul "Ligii... more
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      TheologyInterreligious Dialogue
Starting from the investigation of the documents issued by the Bishops who participated in the Holy Pan-Orthodox Council held in June 2016 in Crete, the author speaks in this research about the way in which ecumenism is understood from... more
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      TheologyPolitical TheologyCouncil of Crete
An important moment in the history of the Orthodox Church is despite the withdrawal of local churches like the Bulgarian, Russian, Georgian and Alexandrian ones and the fear of Serbian Church to take part in it, the Pan-Orthodox Council... more
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      Catholic Social TeachingRussian OrthodoxyCouncil of CretePanorthodox Council of Crete 2016
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      Ecumenical TheologyPanorthodox Council of Crete 2016
Although the encyclical of Pope Francis Fratelli tutti does not speak directly about ecumenism, the category of fraternity developed in it can and should apply in the ecumenical movement, especially in the grassroots contacts of... more
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The Ecumenical legacy of the Council of Crete convened in 2016 is extremely important because of the consistent discussions on this topic during the grounding of the Council, but mostly subsequent to that, when the process of reception of... more
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      Orthodox TheologyEcumenical and Interfaith DialogueEcumenismCouncil of Crete
Romanian translation of my article Published in/Publicat în Biserica Ortodoxă și Provocările Viitorului, ed. Mihai Himcinschi and/și Răzvan... more
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      Orthodox TheologyScience and Religion
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      Ecumenical TheologyOrthodox Churches
An important moment in the history of the Orthodox Church is despite the withdrawal of local churches like the Bulgarian, Russian, Georgian and Alexandrian ones and the fear of Serbian Church to take part in it, the Pan-Orthodox Council... more
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      Catholic Social TeachingRussian OrthodoxyCouncil of CretePanorthodox Council of Crete 2016
Unele aspecte teologico-canonice referitoare la obligativitatea pregătirii sacramentului căsătoriei în CCEO, în Buzalic A., Luncan C. D., Popescu M. I. (editori), Identitate națională și spirit european, Presa Universitară Clujeana, 2018,... more
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      Sacramental TheologyTeologiaDrept canonic
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      OrtodoxiaDOCTOR ÎN TEOLOGIE ORTODOXĂTeologie SistematicaTeologie Pastorala
This study aims to highlight the necessity of a new Romanian translation of the canons of the Ortho- dox Church through the critical, positive and negative, analysis of the previous translations. In this approach, we have attempted to see... more
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      Canon LawByzantine Canon LawCanon Law of the Orthodox Christian ChurchCanonical collections
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      современное православиеPan-Orthodox CouncilCouncil of CreteВсеправославный Собор
Per la Codificazione canonica orientale, un'importante particolarità la presentano i canoni del primo millennio. Questi canoni ispirati dalla vita della Chiesa s'ispiravano dai vari testi stabiliti nei sinodi particolari o ecumenici, o da... more
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      IstorieDrept canonic
Starting from the investigation of the documents issued by the Bishops who participated in the Holy Pan-Orthodox Council held in June 2016 in Crete, the author speaks in this research about the way in which ecumenism is understood from... more
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      TheologyPolitical TheologyCouncil of Crete
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    • Canon Law of the Orthodox Christian Church
ISBN: 978-973-595-549-6
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      Orthodox TheologyPatristic TheologyEastern Orthodox Christian CanonsCanons of Church
În cuvântul său de adresare, rostit în data de 22.01.2016 la Sinaxa Întâistătătorilor Bisericilor Ortodoxe, care a avut loc între 21 şi 28 ianuarie la Chambésy, lângă Geneva, Prefericirea sa, Patriarhul Daniel, sublinia „că sinodalitatea... more
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      SynodalityCanon Law of the Orthodox Christian ChurchHoly and Great Synod of the Orthodox ChurchCouncil of Crete
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      History of Church CouncilsOrthodox Christianity
1. Prolegomene. Definiţia dreptului canonic. Domeniul dreptului canonic şi particularităţile sale. 2. Izvoarele dreptului canonic. Canoanele apostolice, canoanele sinoadelor ecumenice, cutuma, nomocanoane, legislaţiile papale, conciliare,... more
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An upsurge in Orthodox anti-ecumenical criticism in 2016 has raised the question of the current state of ecumenism. Examining this topic , the author describes a new form of ecumenical activity associated with the emergence of... more
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      ConservatismRussian Orthodox ChurchEcumenismConservative Christianity
In this research, the author presents the composition of the Romanian Delegations to the most important Pan-Orthodox assemblies, starting from the one that took place in Constantinople in 1923 and until the Pan-Orthodox Synod of Crete.... more
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      TheologyRussian Orthodox ChurchCouncil of Crete
A paper delivered to the clergy gathering of the Eastern American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia on March 21, 2017.
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      Orthodox TheologyRussian Orthodox ChurchEcclesiologyRussian Orthodoxy
Abstract: The twentieth century represented for Catholic and Orthodox Canon law a theological revival, not only because of the publication of many books and studies that address different canonical issues, but primarily because in this... more
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      Canon Law of the Orthodox Christian ChurchCanonical Tradition of the Church
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchEcumenical TheologyRussian OrthodoxyEcumenical Patriarchate
The Holy Synod of the Georgian Orthodox Church has challenged several documents of the Pan-Orthodox Council that will meet in Crete in June 2016. What are the implications of this move for the Council? The article considers three scenarios.
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      Ecumenical TheologyRussian OrthodoxyEcumenical and Interfaith DialogueEcumenism
Canonistul Nicodim Milaş, în comentariul său la canonul 58 apostolic, menţionează că datoria de a învăţa trebuie să premeargă pe cea de sfinţire şi de conducere (Matei 28, 18; Marcu 16, 15), căci credinţa nu există înainte şi fără... more
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Prima mărturie cu privire la slujirea diaconițelor o întâlnim în Epistola către Romani a Sfântului Apostol Pavel, unde se vorbește de Febe, care era ”diaconiță a Bisericii din Chenhrea” și care ”a ajutat pe mulți” (Romani 16: 1-2). În... more
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    • Dumnezeu
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Canonistul Nicodim Milaş, în comentariul său la canonul 58 apostolic, menţionează că datoria de a învăţa trebuie să premeargă pe cea de sfinţire şi de conducere (Matei 28, 18; Marcu 16, 15), căci credinţa nu există înainte şi fără... more
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    • Teologie
Pericolul de conformismului este destul de mare și pândește îndeosebi religia, dar și însăși existența popoarelor. Istoricul Tucidide afirmă că atunci când un popor își uită sau își neagă istoria, mai devreme sau mai târziu acel popor va... more
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    • Ortodoxia