Morariu Iuliu-Marius
Protosinghelul Maxim (Iuliu-Marius) Morariu (n. 1991, Salva) este doctor în teologie al Faculății de Teologie Ortodoxă din cadrul Universității Babeș-Bolyai (UBB) din Cluj-Napoca (Summa cum laude) și doctor în științe sociale al Universității Pontificale Angelicum din Roma (Summa cum laude). A absolvit Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă clujeană (ca şef de promoţie), un masterat în ,,Consiliere Pastorală şi Asistență Psihosocială”, în cadrul facultăţii menţionate, Facultatea de Istorie și Filosofie, nivel licență (2014), și masteratul în ,,Istoria Europei de Sud-est” (2016), Institutul Ecumenic de la Bossey (Universitatea din Geneva, 2018), și un masterat în științe sociale la mai-sus pomenita universitate pontificală (2020) și a studiat la Universitățile din Kosice, Graz și Belgrad.
A publicat, editat, coordonat sau tradus nu mai puțin de 34 de volume și peste 300 de studii și articole de specialitate în țară și străinătate. Este membru editorial a 8 reviste de specialitate (3 indexate Web of Science), membru fondator și redactor-șef al Revistei „Astra Salvensis”, recunoscută la nivel internațional (revista este indexată în Scopus, Doaj, EBSCO, CEEOL, Index Copernicus, Ulrichsweb şi Repec, având colaboratori din România, Republica Moldova, Statele Unite ale Americii, Grecia, Germania, Slovacia, Polonia, Franţa, Austria, Ucraina, Rusia, Germania şi Elveţia), secretar științific al Despărțământului „Vasile Moga” al ASTREI Sebeș și al Centrului de Studii „Ioan Lupaș” din cadrul Facultății de Teologie Ortodoxă din Cluj-Napoca, membru al Centrului de Studii Ecumenice (Cluj-Napoca), al Academiei Modelelor, Elitelor și Valorilor (Cluj-Napoca) și cercetător asociat al Universității din Pretoria (Africa de Sud). Ca om de radio realizează emisiuni și rubrici pentru Radio Renașterea (Cluj-Napoca), Radio Trinitas (București) și Radio Someș (Bistrița).
A publicat, editat, coordonat sau tradus nu mai puțin de 34 de volume și peste 300 de studii și articole de specialitate în țară și străinătate. Este membru editorial a 8 reviste de specialitate (3 indexate Web of Science), membru fondator și redactor-șef al Revistei „Astra Salvensis”, recunoscută la nivel internațional (revista este indexată în Scopus, Doaj, EBSCO, CEEOL, Index Copernicus, Ulrichsweb şi Repec, având colaboratori din România, Republica Moldova, Statele Unite ale Americii, Grecia, Germania, Slovacia, Polonia, Franţa, Austria, Ucraina, Rusia, Germania şi Elveţia), secretar științific al Despărțământului „Vasile Moga” al ASTREI Sebeș și al Centrului de Studii „Ioan Lupaș” din cadrul Facultății de Teologie Ortodoxă din Cluj-Napoca, membru al Centrului de Studii Ecumenice (Cluj-Napoca), al Academiei Modelelor, Elitelor și Valorilor (Cluj-Napoca) și cercetător asociat al Universității din Pretoria (Africa de Sud). Ca om de radio realizează emisiuni și rubrici pentru Radio Renașterea (Cluj-Napoca), Radio Trinitas (București) și Radio Someș (Bistrița).
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Papers by Morariu Iuliu-Marius
space, Marie Victorin (1885-1944) was not only a pioneer in the space of
botanic, where he discovered new plants and contributed to the foundation of the Faculty of Sciences from Montreal being its first titular on the botanic chair, but also a professor and a priest member of the „Les Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes” (brothers of the Christian Schools), one of the most important religious orders from Canada who also wrote a rich list of theological studies and essays and had a rich correspondence. In the same time, he left ten notebooks containing his diaries between 1903 and 1920, where there can be found not only a chronology of the events that were contemporary to him, but also interesting notes of spiritual autobiographies. Starting from them and from their content we will try to emphasize the way how he sees the spiritual realities `and to bring into attention the aforementioned work indicating its actuality and presenting the author in the context of the society where he lived. At the same time, we will try to show how his works can be used in order to create bridges among spiritualties in the ecumenical context.
Open AccessArticle
Politics and Religion in Communist Romania—Case Studies: André Scrima and Valeriu Anania
by Iuliu-Marius Morariu
Academy of Romanin Scientists, New York Branch, New York, NY 11377, USA
Religions 2024, 15(11), 1367;
Submission received: 2 August 2024 / Revised: 3 November 2024 / Accepted: 7 November 2024 / Published: 11 November 2024
Downloadkeyboard_arrow_down Versions Notes
(1) Background: The present research aims to emphasize the interest of the Securitate in theological matters with the help of information provided by the Romanian Securitate Archives. To this end, we will focus on two important personalities of the Romanian theological space, namely André Scrima (1925–2000), who left Romania in 1956 and refused to go back, and Valeriu Bartolomeu Anania, who was imprisoned for political reasons and later sent to the USA between 1966 and 1977. Both were writers and theological and cultural personalities (Scrima was well known internationally, while Anania had made a name for himself within the borders of the country). Therefore, the question this research will try to answer is the following: What was the interest of the Romanian Securitate in terms of religious aspects and particularly in the Orthodox Church? (2) Results: This analysis of the documents from the Romanian Securitate Archives proves that, although such an interest existed, it was rather superficial and was mostly related to the potential relations between politics and theology. (3) Methods: This analysis is qualitative and consists of a case study based on the interpretation of primary sources. (4) Conclusions: The conclusion of this research is that the Romanian Securitate was interested in the personalities and the work of André Scrima and Valeriu Bartolomeu Anania and their relationships with various people. However, the theological aspect was only of secondary interest to the Romanian Securitate.
Professor of Theology at Saint Louis University,
and Kevin Vander Schel’s, researcher
at the Center on Modern Christian
Thought, Political Theology, and Theological
Hermeneutics, Oxford University
Press published in 2023 the first volume of
the Oxford History of Modern German Theology,
a book that comes to fill a gap in the
contemporary historiographical research
and to offer a synthesis dedicated to an important
contemporary topic.
the centuries one of the authoritative voices
of Christianity. His works, his ideas, his
example of life, all together contributed to
his nomination among the Saints of the
Universal Church. In the same time, due
to the relevance of the topics approached,
he was, from time in time, re-printed and
his ideas constituted the topic of interesting
theological research or debates.
screened. His works are, until nowadays192 translated and reviewed, while the author benefits of different monograph. Conscious of this fact, I have tried there to emphasize different aspects related with the
social, theological, philological, or philosophical message of his work. I anthologized there some of the studies, articles and book reviews published during the time in different journals from Romania and
abroad. I tried in this way to contribute to his discover in the Romanian space and at the same time, to bring into attention aspects that were not yet discussed by the contemporary scholarship or in the
other books dedicated to him that I published.
Therefore, I presented there the way how the elements of Romanian spirituality can be found there, the way how he used the autobiography as a part of a therapeutic world, his critics on capitalism, his correspondence with his father and the way it is reflected in the Securitate Archives, or the messages of some of his books. I tried therefore to invite the reader to realize an incursion in his life, work, and activity and to discover the multiple value and the actuality of the message that he tried to transmit thorough his writings.
of the past, the Romanian Orthodox youth did get involved in the
ecumenical movement. They studied abroad in order to learn the ecumenical realities. They tried to apply what they had learned there and
when time allowed, they helped movements such as Taizé, the World
Council of Churches, and the Focolare Movement to bring people
together and to help them have a better knowledge of the other, of
their common values and of the need to see and use them in a responsible way. Recent documents such as Laudato Si 21 or the documents of
the Pan-Orthodox Council of Crete 22 from 2016 have reinforced their
efforts and have established directions. However, there are many more
things that can be done. In order to convince the sceptics, a huge and
sustained activity is necessary, and its main tool must be young people. For this reason, as a young clergyman of my church, I cannot see
the future of the ecumenical movement without the involvement of
young people. They must be the ones who will prove that a society of
love and respect for the other and for his or her values is possible. At
the same time, young people represent the future. Without them, it is
at least debatable whether there can be a future for ecumenism,
for sure an important moment in the history of the dialogue between the two
states. In the same time constituted the topic of complex debates, parliamentary
discussions and polemics especially between the Orthodox and the Catholics
from this country. The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church released a
point of view that was against its ratification, its representatives like the
Patriarch Miron Cristea, the Metropolitan from Sibiu Nicolae Bălan, but also
theologians like Dumitru Stăniloae, Ioan Lupaș, or Grigorie T. Marcu protested
against it and layman like Lazăr Iacob or Onisifor Ghibu tried to offer a
historical and law perspective on the topic, underlining the fact that there were
some aspects that should be considered as unconstitutional and it should be find
a way to bring also the Romanian Orthodox Church on a position of equality
with the Roman and Greek-Catholic ones. In the present research we will try to
bring into attention the way how the Concordat was perceived by the Orthodox,
the way how they have understood it, their critics and the requests that they had
in regard with its content. We will both use there the texts of the aforementioned
authors, the ones of later Orthodox scholars like Bartolomeu Valeriu Anania, but
also recent historiography dedicated to the topic. From the methodological point
of view, the work will be rather a review of literature and the analytic-deductive
method will be the one mostly used.
Romanian exile from France, Virgil Gheorghiu (1916-1992) has offered a
complex perspective on the understanding the social realities. The critics
offered by him both to the Communism and the National-Socialism are
followed by the ones to the Capitalist society, that he also sees as being
perfectible. We have tried there to emphasized the way how he understands the Capitalist society in works like The American Eye and to speak about the way how his ideas can be prophetical. Aspects like: the trash society, the machine people, the substitution of the religion with a secular ethics are presented there in an attempt to summarize his complex vision of such a relevant topic.
space, Marie Victorin (1885-1944) was not only a pioneer in the space of
botanic, where he discovered new plants and contributed to the foundation of the Faculty of Sciences from Montreal being its first titular on the botanic chair, but also a professor and a priest member of the „Les Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes” (brothers of the Christian Schools), one of the most important religious orders from Canada who also wrote a rich list of theological studies and essays and had a rich correspondence. In the same time, he left ten notebooks containing his diaries between 1903 and 1920, where there can be found not only a chronology of the events that were contemporary to him, but also interesting notes of spiritual autobiographies. Starting from them and from their content we will try to emphasize the way how he sees the spiritual realities `and to bring into attention the aforementioned work indicating its actuality and presenting the author in the context of the society where he lived. At the same time, we will try to show how his works can be used in order to create bridges among spiritualties in the ecumenical context.
Open AccessArticle
Politics and Religion in Communist Romania—Case Studies: André Scrima and Valeriu Anania
by Iuliu-Marius Morariu
Academy of Romanin Scientists, New York Branch, New York, NY 11377, USA
Religions 2024, 15(11), 1367;
Submission received: 2 August 2024 / Revised: 3 November 2024 / Accepted: 7 November 2024 / Published: 11 November 2024
Downloadkeyboard_arrow_down Versions Notes
(1) Background: The present research aims to emphasize the interest of the Securitate in theological matters with the help of information provided by the Romanian Securitate Archives. To this end, we will focus on two important personalities of the Romanian theological space, namely André Scrima (1925–2000), who left Romania in 1956 and refused to go back, and Valeriu Bartolomeu Anania, who was imprisoned for political reasons and later sent to the USA between 1966 and 1977. Both were writers and theological and cultural personalities (Scrima was well known internationally, while Anania had made a name for himself within the borders of the country). Therefore, the question this research will try to answer is the following: What was the interest of the Romanian Securitate in terms of religious aspects and particularly in the Orthodox Church? (2) Results: This analysis of the documents from the Romanian Securitate Archives proves that, although such an interest existed, it was rather superficial and was mostly related to the potential relations between politics and theology. (3) Methods: This analysis is qualitative and consists of a case study based on the interpretation of primary sources. (4) Conclusions: The conclusion of this research is that the Romanian Securitate was interested in the personalities and the work of André Scrima and Valeriu Bartolomeu Anania and their relationships with various people. However, the theological aspect was only of secondary interest to the Romanian Securitate.
Professor of Theology at Saint Louis University,
and Kevin Vander Schel’s, researcher
at the Center on Modern Christian
Thought, Political Theology, and Theological
Hermeneutics, Oxford University
Press published in 2023 the first volume of
the Oxford History of Modern German Theology,
a book that comes to fill a gap in the
contemporary historiographical research
and to offer a synthesis dedicated to an important
contemporary topic.
the centuries one of the authoritative voices
of Christianity. His works, his ideas, his
example of life, all together contributed to
his nomination among the Saints of the
Universal Church. In the same time, due
to the relevance of the topics approached,
he was, from time in time, re-printed and
his ideas constituted the topic of interesting
theological research or debates.
screened. His works are, until nowadays192 translated and reviewed, while the author benefits of different monograph. Conscious of this fact, I have tried there to emphasize different aspects related with the
social, theological, philological, or philosophical message of his work. I anthologized there some of the studies, articles and book reviews published during the time in different journals from Romania and
abroad. I tried in this way to contribute to his discover in the Romanian space and at the same time, to bring into attention aspects that were not yet discussed by the contemporary scholarship or in the
other books dedicated to him that I published.
Therefore, I presented there the way how the elements of Romanian spirituality can be found there, the way how he used the autobiography as a part of a therapeutic world, his critics on capitalism, his correspondence with his father and the way it is reflected in the Securitate Archives, or the messages of some of his books. I tried therefore to invite the reader to realize an incursion in his life, work, and activity and to discover the multiple value and the actuality of the message that he tried to transmit thorough his writings.
of the past, the Romanian Orthodox youth did get involved in the
ecumenical movement. They studied abroad in order to learn the ecumenical realities. They tried to apply what they had learned there and
when time allowed, they helped movements such as Taizé, the World
Council of Churches, and the Focolare Movement to bring people
together and to help them have a better knowledge of the other, of
their common values and of the need to see and use them in a responsible way. Recent documents such as Laudato Si 21 or the documents of
the Pan-Orthodox Council of Crete 22 from 2016 have reinforced their
efforts and have established directions. However, there are many more
things that can be done. In order to convince the sceptics, a huge and
sustained activity is necessary, and its main tool must be young people. For this reason, as a young clergyman of my church, I cannot see
the future of the ecumenical movement without the involvement of
young people. They must be the ones who will prove that a society of
love and respect for the other and for his or her values is possible. At
the same time, young people represent the future. Without them, it is
at least debatable whether there can be a future for ecumenism,
for sure an important moment in the history of the dialogue between the two
states. In the same time constituted the topic of complex debates, parliamentary
discussions and polemics especially between the Orthodox and the Catholics
from this country. The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church released a
point of view that was against its ratification, its representatives like the
Patriarch Miron Cristea, the Metropolitan from Sibiu Nicolae Bălan, but also
theologians like Dumitru Stăniloae, Ioan Lupaș, or Grigorie T. Marcu protested
against it and layman like Lazăr Iacob or Onisifor Ghibu tried to offer a
historical and law perspective on the topic, underlining the fact that there were
some aspects that should be considered as unconstitutional and it should be find
a way to bring also the Romanian Orthodox Church on a position of equality
with the Roman and Greek-Catholic ones. In the present research we will try to
bring into attention the way how the Concordat was perceived by the Orthodox,
the way how they have understood it, their critics and the requests that they had
in regard with its content. We will both use there the texts of the aforementioned
authors, the ones of later Orthodox scholars like Bartolomeu Valeriu Anania, but
also recent historiography dedicated to the topic. From the methodological point
of view, the work will be rather a review of literature and the analytic-deductive
method will be the one mostly used.
Romanian exile from France, Virgil Gheorghiu (1916-1992) has offered a
complex perspective on the understanding the social realities. The critics
offered by him both to the Communism and the National-Socialism are
followed by the ones to the Capitalist society, that he also sees as being
perfectible. We have tried there to emphasized the way how he understands the Capitalist society in works like The American Eye and to speak about the way how his ideas can be prophetical. Aspects like: the trash society, the machine people, the substitution of the religion with a secular ethics are presented there in an attempt to summarize his complex vision of such a relevant topic.
During his presentations, he also describes the situation of the Romanians from here, and his descriptions are important pieces, which show their real situation and can be used in the researches of Historical Anthropology. This paper is the first biographical writing dedicated to him and it brings forward the image and the activity of doctor Daniello, correspondent member of Romanian Academy.