Cognitive Philology
Recent papers in Cognitive Philology
Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія: Філологія. Випуск 27. УДК 821.161.2-3.09 (049.3). "Б.Лепкий" Кордонець О. «Зломані крила» Богдана Лепкого як зразок модерної повісті; 13 стор.; кількість бібліографічних... more
Aslında ontoloji ve metafizik için geçerli olan, AF’nin diğer alan- ları için de geçerlidir. AF’nin yakın tarihinde popüler olacak kadar alevlenen, lisansüstü öğrencilerin önemli bir bölümünü cezbetmesine rağmen hiçbir net çözüm... more
Un'impostazione essenzialmente razionalistica delle storie letterarie ha fatto sì che le confessioni estatiche e, più in generale, la poesia che canta l'unione con la divinità fossero relegate in una nicchia di reazione ai limiti... more
У статті йдеться про антропосистему роману Ю. Муш- кетика «На брата брат», яка представлена двома великими групами: реа- ліонімами (імена реальних історичних персоналій) та авторськими іменами (використовуються для іменування вигаданих... more
В статье рассматриваются проблемы формирования вторичной терминосистемы юридической медиации. Вторичные терминосистемы – относительно новое явление языка науки, характеризующееся формированием особых подсистем терминов, обладающих особыми... more
Speech error data collected by the author dnd from published literature are examined in relation to the issue of what implications tiley have for a theory o,f phonology. It is argued that separate (though related) theories are not... more
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This essay will examine the characterisation of the principal characters and events in 'Le Chevalier et la Charrette', a contemporary graphic novel adaption of the Méléagant episode based on Chrétien de Troyes's Le Chevalier de la... more
This paper summarizes the findings and contributions made by scholars on precedent phenomena in the field of modern linguistics. The aims in this paper are twofold: first, to present a brief theoretical overview of precedent phenomena;... more
Poetry elicits emotions, and emotion is a fundamental component of human ontogeny. Although neuroaesthetics is a rapidly developing field of research, few studies focus on poetry, and none address its different modalities of fruition... more
There is no disputing the role that background music plays in memory recall. Music has the power to activate the brain and trigger deeply ingrained memories. For dementia patients, background music is a common therapy because of this.... more
The task of the present essay is to outline the neural processes entailed in the making and consumption of stories in three spheres: 1) in the foundation of subjectivity, 2) in the interaction between subject and object, and 3) in the... more
Tobacco constitutes a global emergency with totally preventable millions of deaths per year and smoking-related illnesses. Public service announcements (PSAs) are the main tool against smoking and by now their efficacy is still assessed... more
RIASSUNTO Lo studio intende fornire il quadro di riferimento della geografia della queste di Artu in uno dei romanzi piu diffusi nell’Europa tardo medievale, Olivieri di Castiglia. Il raffronto dei dati geografici del romanzo nella sua... more
Con il presente intervento si intende illustrare i risultati ottenuti attraverso una prima e sistematica analisi degli acrostici nella Commedia dantesca. La ricerca è stata resa possibile grazie all’ausilio di uno strumento informatico... more
This work is a pilot study that used neurometric indexes during the listening of selected pieces of Dante's "Divina Commedia" in 20 participants. Half of them had a literary formation (Humanist; university students of literature) while... more
Актуальність статті зумовлена потребою переосмислення категорії «реалізму» загалом та у творчості Нечуя-Левицького зокрема. Мета дослідження-аналіз реалізму у тлумаченні Нечуя-Левицького. Поєднання реалістичних та національно-народних... more
Мета. Виявлення шляхом емпіричного дослідження вербальних ознак неправдивості або правдивості письмового тексту на матеріалі рідної (української) та першої іноземної (англійської) мов. Методи. Учасниками емпіричного психолінгвістичного... more
Аннотация: в статье рассматривается судебный перевод в России, еще не получивший надлежащего признания в стране. Анализируются взгляды российских учёных, а также исследуется зарождение и развитие судебного перевода в других странах. Спрос... more
The paper presents an overview of the freelance practice in the Ukrainian translation industry through the lens of the role of Associate Translation Fellow at “Association4U” EU-funded technical aid project (Phase I) aimed at supporting... more
This paper concerns the Charrette Project, a multimedia electronic archive of a medieval manuscript tradition. In this paper, we argue that the computer's strengths in manipulating complex and varied resources should be an important... more
This work is a pilot study that used neurometric indexes during the listening of selected pieces of Dante's "Divina Commedia" in 20 participants. Half of them had a literary formation (Humanist; university students of literature) while... more
La concepcion oral de la lirica medieval nos permite plantear nuevas hipotesis mediante la comparacion entre repertorios liricos contemporaneos con distintas lenguas y con diferentes sistemas metricos y ritmicos. La musica es el elemento... more
This work is a pilot study that used neurometric indexes during the listening of selected pieces of Dante's "Divina Commedia" in 20 participants. Half of them had a literary formation (Humanist; university students of literature) while... more
Neuroaesthetics, the science studying the biological underpinnings of aesthetic experience, recently extended its area of investigation to literary art; this was the humus where neurocognitive poetics blossomed. Divina Commedia represents... more
En este trabajo se intentará demostrar la importancia del episodio de la carreta en el proceso de constitución y fijación del ciclo artúrico en Francia y en España. Con ese propósito serán considerados Le chevalier de la Charrette de... more
The paper suggests an explanatory algorithm of ideology mind work by means of mathematical modeling of mental configurations processes. The correlation between the universal knowledge domain, conceptual and ideological pictures of the... more
American obsolete and historical items reflect constant cultural and language changes along with their interaction. Etymologically, many of them go back to Dutch, Indian languages, British dialectisms and archaisms. Semantically, the... more
This work is a pilot study that used neurometric indexes during the listening of selected pieces of Dante's "Divina Commedia" in 20 participants. Half of them had a literary formation (Humanist; university students of literature) while... more
This work is a pilot study that used neurometric indexes during the listening of selected pieces of Dante's "Divina Commedia" in 20 participants. Half of them had a literary formation (Humanist; university students of literature) while... more
This paper concerns the Charrette Project, a multimedia electronic archive of a medieval manuscript tradition. In this paper, we argue that the computer's strengths in manipulating complex and varied resources should be an important... more
Scenari futuri per gli studia humanitatis: digital humanities, linguistica computazionale, filologia cognitiva 22/06/2021 18:00, via Docety È necessario prenotare il proprio posto in aula con... more
ForensiX HUB Italia nasce dalla sinergia di professionisti di differenti rami delle scienze forensi che, credendo nell'interdisciplinarietà e nel lavoro di squadra, hanno deciso di unirsi e offrire un servizio a 360°. Affidandosi a noi,... more
Il meglio che possiamo augurarci è di scoprire dietro il muro che abbiamo appena abbattuto altre muraglie più lontane di cui ignoriamo la consistenza e che richiederanno alla nostra intelligenza d'inventare nuovi congegni che dobbiamo... more
Il meglio che possiamo augurarci è di scoprire dietro il muro che abbiamo appena abbattuto altre muraglie più lontane di cui ignoriamo la consistenza e che richiederanno alla nostra intelligenza d'inventare nuovi congegni che dobbiamo... more
A peculiar aspect of manuscript variation in the textual tradition of Chrétien’s romances concerns the description of affective states which define the emotional responses of characters to natural or social circumstances in which they are... more
Based on a definition of allegory, which combines personification (subject) and metaphor (action), the paper discusses some key-episodes of Chrétien de Troyes’ Chevalier de la Charrette and Chevalier au Lion so as to show when the... more
Artemis' Own Story: Men say, for it is mostly men who have the opportunity to say, that one's destiny is written in the stars. However, it is both my belief and my experience that women who not only do not fear the night, but also take... more
La miscellanea vuole celebrare l'emeritato e il settantesimo compleanno di Francesco Zambon, già professore ordinario di Filologia romanza e docente di Letteratura italiana contemporanea presso l'Università di Trento. Hanno partecipato... more
Kaunt ly enfes ad tel age Ke seet entendre a laungage, Primes en fraunceis le devez dire Coment soun cors deit descrire [Walter di Bibbesworth, Tretiz, Nell'insegnamento delle lingue straniere, negli ultimi cinquant'anni si sono andati... more
The study was aimed to analyze theoretical material on the issues of idiomatic expressions and their translation, as well as to define and assess the importance of the translation of idiomatic expressions, which students can encounter in... more
The article presents the priming as a lingual gear being implicit and modality specified by its nature. Linguistic priming depends on the linguistic features of the input stimulus and occurs predominantly on the pre-semantic level within... more
СЮТА Б. О. [email protected] доктор мистецтвознавства, професор, професор кафедри теорії музики Національна музична академія України ім. П. І. Чайковського м. Київ, Україна ФЕНОМЕН ГРИ В СУЧАСНІЙ МУЗИЧНІЙ ТВОРЧОСТІ У монографії «Ігри і люди»... more
- by Bogdan Siuta