Recent papers in Clickbait
O Verne é uma criação laboratorial do jornal espanhol El País que teve início em 2014. Ele surgiu com a proposta de explorar a rede mundial de computadores e divulgar "as histórias mais incríveis da internet”. Para isso utiliza-se de uma... more
With the arrival of the Internet the already-existing mass media have undergone a complete revolution. Among the most affected subtypes one could easily distinguish the press, which had to find its own place within the new medium. The... more
El artículo aborda el clickbait, una estrategia del periodismo viral que busca provocar que los usuarios accedan al vínculo de una página mediante una selección noticiosa y estrategias de redacción que funcionan como cebo. La... more
In recent years, universities have been embroiled in debates about the appropriate ways to incorporate social justice concerns into teaching and research. From attempts to place hoax articles in academic journals in order to demonstrate... more
Este artículo propone un análisis de los titulares clickbait publicados desde las cuentas oficiales de los medios y que se reflejan en el Feed de noticias de sus seguidores en Facebook. A través de un análisis descriptivo con base en una... more
İçinde bulunduğumuz dijital çağın olanaklarıyla yeniden şekillenen habercilik anlayışıyla beraber, habere/bilgiye erişmek isteyen medya tüketicisinin dijital kaynakları kullanım/tüketim alışkanlıklarında değişim meydana gelmiştir. Web... more
Internet, Web 2.0 and algorithmic culture have a profound impact on the information world, determining new business models, confusing journalist and reader roles, making algorithms tools for managing, circulating and accessing at the... more
Digital transformations entail continually reviewing the various Communication models and processes. The influence of the media themselves as agenda setters for an ever more active audience and social networks that select and make certain... more
There is a general agreement that the so-called digital revolution had a dramatic impact on many aspects of human life including the shape of contemporary media. Exceptionally, we have witnessed not only the process of remodeling the... more
Günümüzde, etkileşim odaklı şekillenen yeni medya ekosistemi yeni gazetecilik pratikleri ve tanımlamalarının önünü açmıştır. İletişim çalışmalarına farklı bir açılım sunan Marshall McLuhan’ın “araç mesajdır” perspektifinden hareketle,... more
Resumo: Os bairros sociais perpetuam-se numa imagem pré-estabelecida que os conota com problemas relacionados com a violência, a insalubridade social e com a delinquência. Esta construção parte, por norma, do exterior do bairro,... more
With the arrival of the Internet the already-existing mass media have undergone a complete revolution. Among the most affected subtypes one could easily distinguish the press, which had to find its own place within the new medium. The... more
With the peristaltic gurglings of this gastēr-investigative procedural – a soooo welcomed addition to the ballooning corpus of slot-versatile bad eggs The Confraternity of Neoflagellants (CoN) – [users] and #influencers everywhere will be... more
Diante da perspectiva de que o Brasil é o país que mais consome notícias online nas mídias sociais, este artigo observa o uso da estratégia denominada caça-cliques na formatação dos títulos de matérias veiculadas naquelas plataformas.... more
The rapid transformation in journalism practice has resulted from the digitization of the communication space, particularly with the advent of the internet. Nigerian media, like media in other parts of the world, is going through a... more
Introduction. This article addresses clickbait as a strategy of viral journalism that seeks to lure users into clicking on a link to a page through tactics such as sensationalist stories and eye-catching headlines that work as bait. This... more
Clickbait and Aggression in Journalism
Esta tesina buscó describir los titulares clickbait del portal de noticias Infobae. Se entiende que dicha práctica tiene como objetivo generar el click del lector a partir de la curiosidad basada en el suspenso y la emotividad. Es por eso... more
Depuis quelques années, et surtout depuis l’essor des médias sociaux, les fausses nouvelles sont devenues un problème de société, se répandant parfois plus et plus vite que les vraies informations. La grande propagation des fausses... more
Treści publikowane w serwisach internetowych są zdigitaizowane, a tym samym policzalne i bez problemu poddają się monitorowaniu. Dzięki temu łatwo je ekonomicznie optymalizować, innymi słowy – efektywnie utowarowiać. Zarazem w dobie... more
Essay for Vandalog about the search for Banksy's identity.